✨️Leaving the Past Behind✨️

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As Aurora, Hoseok, and the invisible Scutum rushed Jimin back to his apartment, Scutum's voice echoed in Aurora's mind. "We must act quickly. Jimin's powers have been unleashed, and he is vulnerable. We need to ensure his safety and begin his training as the Light Guardian."

Hoseok gently laid Jimin down on his bed, his brow furrowed with concern. "What happened back there? Why did he collapse?" Aurora placed a reassuring hand on Hoseok's arm. "His powers overwhelmed him, but it's a normal reaction when they first manifest. We need to help him understand and control them."

Scutum's voice resonated in Aurora's mind once more. "Aurora, you and Hoseok must explain everything to Jimin. He needs to comprehend the gravity of his role as the Light Guardian and the significance of our quest."

Aurora nodded and turned her attention to the unconscious Jimin. "Jimin, can you hear me? We're here to help you, but you need to wake up and listen carefully." Jimin's eyes fluttered open, and he gazed at them with a mix of confusion and fear.

"What's happening? Where am I?" he asked, his voice trembling. Hoseok moved closer, his expression earnest. "Jimin, you're in your apartment. We brought you here after you passed out at the hospital."

Jimin's brow furrowed as he tried to piece together what had happened. "The light... my hands, they were glowing. And that voice, the one I heard in the hospital. What is going on?"

Aurora took a deep breath and began to explain. "Jimin, you are the Light Guardian, one of the Eternal Guardians chosen to protect the balance of the elements. Your powers have been awakened, and you have a crucial role to play in the fight against the forces of Malakai."

Jimin stared at her, his eyes wide with disbelief. "Guardians? Forces of Malakai? This sounds like something out of a fantasy novel. How can this be real?"

Hoseok placed a hand on Jimin's shoulder, his voice calm and reassuring. "We know it's a lot to take in, Jimin, but it's the truth. You have been given a great responsibility, and we're here to help you understand and harness your powers."

Scutum's voice echoed in Aurora's mind. "Jimin, you must listen carefully. The fate of Aethoria, our world, depends on you and the other Guardians. The Eternal Gems, which hold the power to end Malakai."

Jimin's eyes darted between Aurora and Hoseok, his expression a mixture of disbelief and curiosity. "Aethoria? Eternal Gems? I don't understand any of this. How can I be a Guardian? I'm just a doctor, not some... superhero."

Aurora moved closer, her voice gentle but firm. "Jimin, you were chosen for a reason. Your ability to manipulate light is a powerful gift that can be used to protect the balance of the elements. We're here to guide you, to help you embrace your true potential."

Jimin shook his head, his fingers running through his hair in frustration. "But what about my life here? My job, my family, my friends? I can't just abandon everything and become some... Guardian."

Hoseok's expression softened, and he glanced at Aurora and Scutum. "We understand your hesitation, Jimin. This is a lot to ask of you, but the fate of Aethoria and the Eternal Gems is at stake. You have a responsibility to fulfill."

Scutum's voice resonated in Aurora's mind. "Jimin, we cannot force you to accept this role, but the consequences of refusing will be dire. Malakai will continue to grow in power, and the life cycle will be in peril. As the Light Guardian, you are the only one who can wield the power to protect them."

Jimin's gaze wavered, and he looked down at his hands, the faint glow still visible. "I... I don't know what to do. This is all so overwhelming. How can I just leave everything behind and become a Guardian?"

Aurora moved closer, her eyes filled with empathy. "Jimin, we understand your reluctance, but the fate of Aethoria and human cycle is also in your hands. If you choose not to embrace your role, the consequences could be catastrophic."

Hoseok nodded in agreement. "Jimin, we won't force you to come with us, but we're asking you to consider the importance of your role. The world you know may be at risk if Malakai prevails."

Jimin's eyes darted between Aurora and Hoseok, his expression conflicted. Scutum's voice echoed in Aurora's mind. "Jimin, you must make a decision. Time is of the essence, and Malakai grows stronger with each passing moment."

Jimin took a deep breath, his fingers trembling slightly. "Alright, I'll... I'll do it. I'll come with you and become the Light Guardian." He looked up, his eyes filled with determination. "But what about my life here? My family, my job?"

Aurora placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Jimin, we understand how difficult this must be for you. But for your own safety and the safety of those you care about, your memories of this life will be erased from everyone's mind."

Jimin's eyes widened, and he shook his head. "What? Erase my memories? But that means I'll never see my family again, never go back to my old life."

Hoseok's expression saddened, and he glanced at Aurora and Scutum. "Is there no other way? Jimin has a good life here, and it doesn't seem fair to take that away from him."

Scutum's voice echoed in Aurora's mind. "I'm afraid there is no other choice, Hoseok. Jimin's memories must be erased from everyone's mind to protect him and his loved ones. Malakai will not hesitate to use them against him, and we cannot risk that."

Aurora turned to Jimin, her eyes filled with empathy. "Jimin, I know this is hard, but it's the only way to ensure your safety and the safety of those you care about. The enemies we face, Malakai and his forces, will not hesitate to use your loved ones against you."

Jimin's eyes glistened with unshed tears, and he looked down at the framed photograph on his nightstand, the image of his smiling parents. "But... but they're my family. I can't just leave them behind and everything."

Aurora spoke up, her voice gentle. "Jimin, you won't be completely cut off from your family. You'll still be able to see them and interact with them, but not as the Jimin they knew. Your memories from their mind will be altered, and you'll have a new identity."

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