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The RiverClan leader flicked her tail irritably. "Poolmist, keep your voice down."

Poolmist sent a glare in her leader's direction as she padded along. The two were in a marshland, making their way slowly but surely to WindClan's camp, to meet with Swiftstar and Whiteberry. With Rainstar's limp and Poolmist's old bones, their walking speeds matched almost perfectly.

"Nobody's going to hear us," Poolmist grumbled. "All the cats are at camp or on the attack patrol."

"You never know," Rainstar answered darkly.

Perhaps they should've taken some guards with them. But, with the attack patrol and guarding camp, there weren't many warriors to spare. Plus, being alone gave Poolmist a chance to give Rainstar a piece of her mind without Splashfoot's interference.

"I've been a medicine cat since you were born," Poolmist meowed lowly. "I helped my mentor to deliver you, in fact. I think I've gathered enough experience and trust over the years to ask that you tell me the Great Secret."

Rainstar faltered. "I can't."

Poolmist lashed her tail. "And why is that? Leaders have advisors for a reason, you know. Both Splashfoot and I, plus Cherrylight and Whiteberry, deserve to know. It isn't fair for you and Swiftstar to keep something as big as this to yourselves."

"You'll just need to trust me," Rainstar replied. "Trust that I won't destroy the Clan. I wouldn't do that, you know I wouldn't."

"Do I?" Poolmist challenged. "We are in a war, after all. I don't think it's fair of you and Swiftstar to ask Whiteberry and I to pretend we know the prophecy, whereas Ivorystar and Tigerstar tell the prophecy to their medicine cats!"

"Clearfrost only knows the prophecy because she was the one to receive it," Rainstar snapped, "and I don't believe for a second Ivorystar told Tigerstar the real prophecy. Probably some fake version."

"Like you did with Swiftstar?" Poolmist asked coldly. Seeing Rainstar's reaction, she knew she was correct; the RiverClan leader had kept the prophecy solely to herself. "You and Ivorystar really are similar."

Rainstar twitched her pelt angrily. "Fine. You want to know the prophecy, here it is: The Great War is upon us, all four Clans involved. The future of the Clans belong to the war, doom or prosperity."

Poolmist paused, before letting out a cold laugh. "Nice try, but that's a horrible fake prophecy. Is that what you told Swiftstar? I can't believe he bought it."

Rainstar growled. "I don't know what you want from me, Poolmist."

"I want the real prophecy," Poolmist meowed firmly. "You know, I think Clearfrost's figured Whiteberry and I out. She's always had a sharp mind, good at reading cats. I feel quite certain she knows that we have no idea what the Great Secret is."

Rainstar shook her head, and her medicine cat hissed in frustration.

"I stand by what I said before. You and Ivorystar really are two streams that run into the same lake. For how badly you guys want to keep the prophecy a secret, it's really a surprise to me how you found out at all. You said Clearfrost received the prophecy, right? Why would ShadowClan ever tell you what the Great Secret is, unless-" Poolmist broke off, eyes wide. "No way."

Rainstar nodded dryly. "So you've figured it out."

Poolmist narrowed her eyes. "I just don't understand. How-?"

"We have a right to the prophecy, Poolmist," Rainstar meowed flatly. "Ivorystar has no right to keep it from us, even though she wanted to. Though, at the end, it was Clearfrost who told me."

"Well now, I think it's your turn to tell me." Poolmist stopped, Rainstar falling in suit, the two staring at each other. "Tell Splashfoot and I. We can help you."

Rainstar twitched her ears. "Splashfoot doesn't have a problem trusting me. He's never bothered me about this before, unlike you."

"That's because I'm not head over paws in love with you and believe that you could do no wrong," Poolmist responded. "I can see all the done damage around me. So tell me the prophecy."

Neither cat moved. It was so quiet, Poolmist could hear every ripple of water, every splash of fish, every crunch of reed.


The gray medicine cat narrowed her eyes. Crunch of reeds? They shouldn't be in an area where there's much land prey, and even if there was, the prey would never venture so close to cats.

There was someone else here.

Rainstar noticed this too, pelt pricked, on high alert.

Poolmist glanced forward. WindClan's border was right there, she could see the dip of the gorge. Maybe they could get there in time, to safety. If they pretended they didn't notice that they were being followed.

Though she doubted crossing into WindClan's land would offer much protection. Due to their alliance, RiverClan and WindClan cats often went into each other's territories, whether it was to plan, send information, or form attack patrols. Border patrols were rare. But, it was their best shot.

Poolmist started to move toward their ally's territory, but before she'd even taken a step, a yowl split the air. A ginger-and-white tom jumped from the nearby reeds, landing squarely on Rainstar's back.

The RiverClan leader fell down with a shriek.

Poolmist rushed forward to help, but it truly was no use. She was too old, with no combat skills, and was no match for the ginger-and-white tom. Especially not when his friend showed up, a brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes.

The brown she-cat took no time before turning onto Poolmist, ignoring her words that she was a medicine cat, that she couldn't fight, swiping out her paw and landing a blow so hard Poolmist was sent sideways, crashing onto the ground. She yowled in pain, with no come to recover before the brown tabby was on her once more, pinning her down.

The ginger-and-white tom had done the same with Rainstar. The RiverClan leader had put up a good fight, but in the end, her bad leg had let her down. Despite this, her blue eyes were fired, spitting angrily at their attackers.

The brown she-cat turned to her companion. "Deimos," she meowed, her voice rough. "Is this them?"


The ginger-and-white tom - Deimos - sniffed Rainstar, before his lips curled into a snarl. "No, Circe. They're RiverClan."

Poolmist's eyes narrowed. They were rogues, their names and scent showed that. How'd they have so much information on the Clans? Were they spying?

"Yes, we are! And I, as RiverClan's leader, demand that you let go of me immediately!" Rainstar spat. "Otherwise the consequences will be very great!"

Deimos didn't seem threatened. "You're RiverClan's leader, hmm? Then I'd like you to pass on a message." He leaned down close to her face, his eyes cruel. "Tell the Clans that the wind is coming." 

His message confused both Poolmist and Rainstar, but Deimos didn't seem bothered by their puzzled expression. He lifted a paw, grinning darkly.

"Hope this isn't your last life, leader."

And he struck. Poolmist yowled, in shock and fear that they would turn on her next (which they most certainly would), as Deimos brought his claws down onto Rainstar's neck. The RiverClan leader didn't even have time to attempt a dodge before she was gone.

As the rogues' sinister grins looked to Poolmist, the thundering paws of WindClan cats suddenly came. The medicine cat sighed in relief as a patrol bounded over. With a mighty leap, Heatherlight, the apparent leader of the patrol, knocked Circe off Poolmist as Paleflight and his apprentice, Breezepaw, took on Deimos.

"Circe!" Deimos barked. "Let's go."

The two turned to go as Heatherlight helped Poolmist to her paws. As she climbed up, Deimos paused, turning around to gaze at the scene. When he did so, Poolmist caught sight of his eyes. A startling, sharp green.

She couldn't help but ruffle her fur with unease. The shade of his eyes looked so familiar. Where had she seen it before?

"Get lost," Heatherlight growled, baring her teeth at Deimos.

"Remember," the red-and-white tom hissed, "the wind is coming."

Paleflight and Breezepaw jumped forward, chasing Deimos and Circe off. Heatherlight turned her attention to Poolmist. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine, thank StarClan you guys came when you did," Poolmist meowed, shaking out her pelt.

The pale brown she-cat faced Rainstar. "Was that...?" Was that her last life, was her unfinished question.

Poolmist shook her head. Sure enough, life soon flooded back into Rainstar's eyes.

"Good news, they're all gone!" Breezepaw reported excitedly as he and Paleflight returned, his black fur spiked with pride. 

"We should tell Swiftstar," Paleflight mewed, his voice anxious. "They could come back."

"Come, we'll escort you," Heatherlight offered to the RiverClan cats. 

As Poolmist and Rainstar fell in line with the WindClan cats, neither spoke, an air of worry between them. Because they both knew the same thing:

Rainstar was on her last life.


hey guys!! thank you so, so much for reading! you guys are the absolute best, and i adore reading any comments you leave behind! it's always the highlight of my day!!

i hope you liked this book, i certainly enjoyed writing it, haha. there was a period of time in my life where all i would do is work on this book! definitely got it finished quick then.

the second book, primrose, is now published!! it would mean the world to me if you took a look!

have an amazing day!!

~ lily

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