A World Only She Saw

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[Zakai's POV]

  The normal thoughts had been plaguing my thoughts, this time in my mind, in my dreams. I had been crying my heart out to Bertholdt... right? I felt a warm presence next to me, I rolled over, opening my eyes. My gaze was meet with a bare chest, my face flushed as I realized exactly whose well-toned chest I was looking at. I sprang up, looking around in a rush. From the dressers, floor, walls and bed placement.. It looked nothing like the Girls' Barracks. 

  The familiar blonde walked into the room, snickering. "You look a bit.. panicked.. everything alright Zai?" he questioned, feigning his innocence and concern. His voice came out rather sweet too. 

  "Fuck. Off." I growled out.

  I threw the blankets off of me, climbing over the sleeping brunette and leaping off the bed before slapping Reiner and storming off. I sighed, soon arriving at the Training Area. Sighing, memories of last night flooding into my mind. I shook my head, narrowing my hazel eyes. I can't think about that now! It's in the past! It was only pity after all.. No way even someone like him could ever... My thoughts trailed off as I focused on Annie talking with the blonde boy known as Armin. At least she can be happy... I commented in my mind. The bald instructor walked by, nodding at me in acknowledgement. 

  I walked forward, towards the forest surrounding the fenced camp. I let out a sigh, swiftly climbing the chain link fence and leaping down. I explored deeper into the leaf green and dense forest, sighing in wonderment as the fresh air and calming green hues calmed me from my emotional panic and even depression. Soon I stumbled upon a bright blue lake, staring into the way the water gently lapped at the sandy shore and how across the lake a deer cautiously drank yet kept it's gaze primarily on me.

  I walked to the shore, sitting and watching the brown and white deer intently. It soon drank it's fill and walked away. I sighed, looking into the water, seeing my reflection. Why does it seem I'm here for a different reason than everyone else? Even Annie, Reiner and Bertholdt... I'm just here to save myself from the loneliness that would pursue me if they left Paradis... I thought bitterly. 

  The breeze soon picked up, blowing my hair and brown jacket towards camp, my hazel gaze landed on the flash of a gray pelt. A wolf...? Here...? I questioned in my mind. Soon it emerged from the forest's overgrowth, piercing yellow eyes staring into my hazel ones rather bravely. It was obviously exiled from it's pack or even a low rank or possibly a 'loner'. I smiled sadly, Just like me... 

  It cautiously stepped forward, dipping it's head to lap up just fresh lake water. This must be a popular place to get water in the forest. Far enough from the camp yet close enough where it's not a dark area. I stood, causing the canine to sharply look up, fear evident in it's yellow depths. I simply turned away and walked towards the camp. I quickly hopped the fence and looked around the Training Grounds. Eren was now training with Mikasa. Armin and Annie were still conversing. Ymir, Christa and Sasha were hanging out. Hannah and Franz were conversing. Mina, Thomas and Connie were making a beeline for the happy couple, no doubt to tease them. Jean, a freckled brunette, Reiner and Bertholdt were conversing, probably to play some sort of game. 

  I sighed, opting to join Annie and Armin. The two blondes turned to me as I approached. 

"Hey Zai!" Armin called out with a friendly smile. 

"Yo moptop." I responded. Annie simply cocked an eyebrow in confusion.

"Moptop?" she questioned.

"Yeah. It's what Instructor Baldy called him on day one." I confirmed as I reached them, "So what are you two talking 'bout?" 

  Armin nervously rubbed his neck, looking away. 

"Nothing much Zakai. I'm just helping him when it comes to hand-to-hand combat." Annie dismissed my thoughts.

"How goes it then?" I asked.

"He's hopeless." she answered bluntly.

"A-annie!" he exclaimed, his face flushing red with embarrassment. 

"What? It's the truth." Annie stated. 

 I simply chuckled, walking away after bidding the two blondes goodbye. I went over to the four boys. Soft brown eyes lit up as did Bertholdt's olive ones. Reiner put his arm around me.

"'Sup Zai." he greeted. 

"Greetings Reindeer." I responded.

"'Reindeer'?" Jean questioned in confusion. 

"Her n-nickname f-for R-reiner..." Bertholdt stuttered out the explanation. 

"Yup!" I confirmed.

"Hi Zakai..." the brunette muttered shyly.

"Who are you?" I inquired, an eyebrow cocked.

"He's Marco Bodt, our resident nice guy." Jean answered for the shy brunette who nervously rubbed his neck. 

"How do you know my name, 'Marco'?" I asked, gaze anything on cold and settled on nothing but him.

"O-oh... Uh Jean told me..." he smiled kindly, we both shifted our gazes to said boy. 

  Jean had light brown short hair and hazel eyes with orange and yellow tones in them. 

"What?" He inquired. 

  Marco chuckled softly, a light pink blush appearing on his freckled face. I shook my head dismissively. Reiner grinned, pushing me into Marco. I gasped as Bertholdt maneuvered to catch me instead of Marco. My face meeting his chest, I looked up, face flushing in embarrassment as the tall boy looked down at me with a kind smile. I heard Marco sigh sadly, as Jean pulled him and Reiner away.

  I stood, clearing my throat. Bertholdt muttered, "Are you ok?" 

"It was just a pu-" 

"N-not that..." he interrupted, looking away, a light pink blush spread on his cheeks. 

"Then what...? Berty tell me..." I murmurred, looking down. He hates me... I know he does... He can't love me after all. I'm too fucked up. I thought bitterly. 

  The tall brunette nervously rubbed his neck. "Z-akai... I-i... Uh about last n-night... A-are you b-better...?" he asked.

"Yeah... I'll be fine." I answered.

"Good." he muttered, pulling me into a tight embrace. 

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