Joining The Miltary

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  Zakai stood next to Bertholdt and Reiner, Annie on her other side in the large line up they put the new trainees in.

  "IM KEITH SHADIS AND I WILL BE WHAT MAKES LIFE A LIVING HELL FOR THE NEXT THREE YEARS!" the instructor shouted. Zakai took up an expressionless face. Soon Shadis came to her row, "WHO ARE YOU MAGGOT!" he shouted at Zakai.

  Zakai glared up at him, "Zakai Eriko." she stated firmly after seeing him deal with the blonde he called mophat.

  "AND WHERE ARE YOU FROM MAGGOT!?" he yelled. Zakai blinked, "Shiganshina sir." Zakai answered.

  Shadis soon shouted, "AND WHY ARE YOU JOINING THE MILTARY!"

  "Well sir. I wish to be able to kick the asses of loud douchebags like you sir." she answered. "Mophat" stared at you in horror. Most did. Shadis shouted, "DROP AND GIVE ME 20 MAGGOT"

  Bertholdt looked at Zakai in fear, knowing how she could be at times. Surprisingly Zakai just did the twenty right then and there. After the lineup she and the potatoe girl were ordered to run laps until the sun came down.

  Which Reiner gladly watched, laughing his ass off as even the potatoe girl beat her.

  She growled once she was done, storming over to Reiner, her brows furrowed and hands balled up in fists. "What. The. Actual. Fuck." Zakai growled out. Reiner just continued laughing.

  A smirk appeared on her lips as she called out, "Oh Berty~!" Reiner's face fell. "You wouldnt." he murmured.

  "Oh but I would." Zakai cooed. Reiner made her eat her words. Quite literally as she ended up on the ground, doing her best to avoid letting a speck of dirt in her mouth.

  Reiner had walked off after that. The blonde boy from before helped her up. "Are you ok?" he asked. Zakai dusted off her pants.

  "Yeah." the brunette answered. The boy had a pair of blue eyes like Annie.

  "Mophat right?" Zakai inquired, noticing him laugh slightly at the name.

  "Armin." he corrected, "And your the girl who dared insult Shadis."

  Zakai snorted, "Actually Im Zakai." soon Annie called her. "Welp, cya later Armin!" with that Zakai walked off, joining her blonde friend in the dorms.

  The next day they were sparring. She had a brunette boy battling against her. She recoginized him as the boy from the boats a year ago. 'I know who helped destroy your world.. Your life. I apologize in advance...' she thought as he charged at her with the wooden knife.

  Zakai quickly stepped to the side, sticking her foot out and tripping him. He groaned in pain, Zakai then pulled the knife from his hand. She looked away, seeing Reiner and Bertholdt sparring.

  "Hey." the brunette called, causing Zakai to snap her attention to the much taller brunette. "Im Eren. You got useful tactics ya know." he spoke out, his teal eyes focusing on her.

  "Yeah. From Shiganshina?" Zakai muttered.

  "Yeah." Eren's expression turned to one that was serious, "I never saw you there though."

  Zakai stiffened, "W-what..?" she mumbled. Eren patted her shoulder, "Hah Im kidding!" he spoke.

  Zakai nodded, quickly flipping him over, which he groaned in pain again. "It'd be best if you didnt get on my bad side Eren." with that she walked away, joining Annie. 

  The two shared the cabin like dorms which housed about eight girls. Mikasa Ackermen, Christa Lenz, Ymir, Sasha Blouse, Annie Leonheart, Hannah Diament, Mina Carolina and herself.

  Annie soon brought her out of her rambling thoughts, "Zai, what made you outright attack Jeager like that?"

  Zakai turned her deep hazel gaze from the dirt ground to Annie's piercing icy blue eyes.

  "He said he didnt remember me in Shiganshina." Zakai blatantly answered, not a strand of the usual shame, regret and guilt in her deep hazel depths. Annie nodded, seemingly understanding.

  'Im supposed to trust Annie with my deepest, darkest secret... But how do I inform her that I remember eating... Devouring... Snacking on... Those people for no reason except to search for the rare titan shifter...?' Zakai's thoughts rambled on again like they most often did. A haze of guilt and distance in those deep hazel depths.

  Annie simply walked away at this point, no longer caring once her question went unheard or ignored. Annie wasnt sure which it was this time.

Not sure what else to put. Enjoy I guess.

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