19. Volatile

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Do you ever look at someone and wonder: what in the ever-loving hell is wrong with this person of the human species?

Like, you seriously start contemplating whether they are getting enough sleep, if everything is good at home, and generally, if they are mentally stable.

Hell, I often wonder the same things about myself. Because I swear, every so often, I'll randomly get an attitude for the smallest things to only find myself bawling a second after because I've accidentally stepped on an ant.

So between the tears and despair, I'll sit for several minutes, assessing my mental stability.

Today, I find myself flabbergasted at the shit Tom is showing me. The guy has completely gone off the deep end and there's no chance of me, or anyone for that matter, rescuing him.

"What the fuck did I just watch, bruh?" I keep staring at the large screen on the wall directly in front of us, glad it is now blank.

Tom, the crazy motherfucker, sprawls further on the huge green bean bag chair, his entire demeanor smug and proud. "This, Mar, is the fucking future."

I look around the News & Blog Lounge, my eyes connecting with Ryan's then Martin's. Even though Martin edited the video I just watched, he looks embarrassed by it.

Ryan, on the other hand, gives me a look that probably mirrors my own.

"This is basically prostitution, Tom. What the fuck? Principal Walsh will have our heads if this video was ever to go out," Ryan explains slowly from her position standing next to the school-provided iMacs.

I'm glad that I'm not the only one thinking that the project Tom is proposing is not only stupid as fuck, but will also not go over well with our school's admin.

"It's not prostitution, Ry." Tom rolls his eyes at the girl as if she's the one who's lost her mind. "It's basically like any other regular dating app. But for Hilltop and Castlehill students. Those of legal age, of course."

"That promotional video you showed us was..." I can't even think of a way to describe what we just watched.

Martin, who's been quiet since he queued up the video on the screen, supplies, "Pornographic." He sighs and removes his glasses, shaking his head at what Tom forced him to put together.

I nod and look back at Tom. "Yes, exactly."

"Oh, please. It was just some random girls being seductive on a damn bed and guys without shirts. Bug fucking deal."

"Guys without shirts in a shower, biting their lips and massaging their abs," Ryan corrects, leaning on a table and crossing her arms. "That voiceover was creepy as hell, too. We don't need porn to promote a dating app."

She's the only writer that remained after our weekly meeting came to an end fifteen minutes ago. This being the second Tuesday after the beginning of the new school year, we mostly welcomed everyone back and discussed some plans for the year.

Everyone quickly left after the hour was up, but Ryan stayed back to help clean up some food boxes and put chairs back in order. Apart from her excellent writing skills, Ryan is a total sweetheart.

Sighing deeply, I pin Tom with a glare. "Please tell me you don't actually plan on posting that shit on The Scoop, Tom. Please tell me you haven't gone completely crazy."

"Well," he begins, sitting up straighter. "I don't plan on posting it."

Ryan and I both exhale in unison, thankful that Tom hasn't totally lost his mind.

"Because it posted automatically five minutes ago," he finishes sheepishly, glancing at the laptop in front of him. "And by the comments it's getting, people are already excited about it!"

"What?!" My voice is dripping with disbelief. "You're joking, right?"

He smirks and shakes his head, about to say more stupid shit, but I'm up from the swivel chair before he can even open his mouth. This is it. I'm going to finally hurt him after four years of resisting the urge to do so.

I grab the sharpest pencil I can find from the cupholder that sits on my desk, and angrily stalk toward him. The motherfucker has the audacity to look amused at my anger.

He swiftly gets up and starts backing away from me, an innocent smile on his lips. "C'mon, Mar. You're not one for violence."

"Are you sure about that?" I keep following him and incline my head in question. "Because I'm feeling quite violent right now. How many times have I told you to talk with me before you do anything as huge as this?"

He moves behind the couch at the far left corner of the room, successfully stopping my advances with the different pieces of furniture scattered around this area of the room.

Usually, the N&B Lounge is a safe and happy space for me, but thanks to this fucker, I'm feeling extra frustration and anger today.

See? This is why I don't do well working with others. Call me a diva, but I've yet to work with someone who didn't bring out the violent side of me.

Usually, Tom isn't a pain in the ass and is actually very reliable, plus we supervise different sections of N&B, so I don't hate working with him.

But right now? Well, right now, I want to use this very sharp pencil to hurt him. Okay, maybe I won't actually puncture him, but I want to stand close enough to him so that he'll feel fear at the threat of it piercing him.

"You kinda deserve it, Tom," Ryan states, not even trying to stop me from doing something reckless. "Admin will not be happy once they find out and the students will be annoying as fuck once we have to tell that Scoop'd Up isn't happening."

"Just let me explain." Tom's eyes never leave the pencil clenched in my right hand. "Scoop'd Up is an awesome idea, okay? And you don't have to worry-"

"I've heard enough! Let me poke you with this then maybe I'll listen to the shit you have to say." I move around the coach and run after him as he circles it.

"I'm innocent!" he yells out, chuckling a bit and pissing me off even more.

"Stop being a coward, Tomas M. Greenfield!"

"For the hundredth time, my middle name is Mason!"

"I don't give a fuck!" Tired of going around in circles without reaching my target, I quickly pull my feet out of my loafers and jump on the couch in my socks.

Before Tom can register what's going on, I grab him from his uniform blazer and hold the material tightly around my left fist.

But before I can say anything, the door to the lounge room opens and Tom's head snaps to look at who just came in. I do the same, but don't dare let go of him.

I'm surprised to see Jacob standing at the threshold of the door, taking in the scene in front of him. He's out of his uniform, wearing a plain grey T-Shirt and basketball shorts instead. Yum.

His chocolate locks are still wet from the post-practice shower, and the butterflies in my stomach go crazy at the mere sight of him. Double yum.

His eyes take me in like they always do, and I tremble internally at the way he looks at me. He looks at me like I'm the answer to all his problems.

"Amara?" His eyes zero into my fist that's wielding the sharp writing utensil and the other that's yanking on Tom's jacket.

I shake Tom a bit, my eyes pleading with Jacob. "Can you please hurt him for me, Jacob?" I ask him, sounding like an indignant child.

He drops his gym bag before advancing toward me, eyeing Tom. "What did he do?" His voice is lethal, and I smirk as I watch Tom's eyes grow wide.

"Nah, man. I didn't do anything to her," the fucker rushes out, finally looking scared.

Jacob ignores Tom's words, his eyes still on me when he's standing at the foot of the couch. "Did he touch you, KitKat?"

I purposely don't say anything for a moment, contemplating whether I should lie and let Jacob hurt Tom in my honor, or be honest and let the boy go.

Ultimately, I go with the truth, though. Begrudgingly so. "No, he didn't. He just insists on being a dumbass!" I whine and shake Tom again for good measure as he tries to escape.

Jacob's eyes soften at my temper tantrum. "You're gonna have to let him go, beautiful."

I glare at him. "Nah-uh. He can suffer a little bit more."

Tom actually starts chuckling at my attitude. "Damn, Mar. You're crazier than I thought! I've always suspected that you're a bit cuckoo, but damn!"

I shake him around a bit more. "Hey! I'm not cuckoo!"

"Yeah, Greenfield. Don't call my girl crazy. She's perfect." Jacob actually levels Tomas with a warning glare.

I smile at him, grateful for the support even though I definitely am acting a teensy bit crazy. "Thank you."

His gaze warms up once again as he regards me. "Let him go and come here, baby."

With a huff, I finally let Tom go and jump off the couch. Jacob slides the pencil out of my hand before holding me closer to him, kissing my temple softly.

"All good?" he murmurs in question, my head's against his chest and his chin resting on the crown of my head.

I nod without replying verbally, too busy enjoying the feeling of his hard body against my softer one. We hugged this morning when he came downstairs for breakfast, and I realize that I'd been counting down the time until we could hug again.

No, we're not dating. We're friends. Friends that do things together. What do they call those, again? Friends with benefits, right? Not that we have discussed any of this, so I'm probably getting ahead of myself.

I suddenly remember that my hair's in a sleeked back puff, so I move away from the hug and use my hand to clean the bit of gel from my hair that's on his chin.

Yes, I reapply gel throughout the day. My hair is no joke, people. It will never, and believe me when I say never, stay sleeked down the entire school day. No, sir.

Jacob catches my hand on his chin with his own and kisses it, his eyes hooded as they take my face in. "You look so fucking beautiful, KitKat. A sight for sore eyes."

I look down shyly, trying not to smile widely like a lunatic. "I really am a sight for sore eyes, aren't I?" I joke, trying to ease the tension I feel.

He smirks and tilts my face up with a finger on my chin. "Damn fucking right you are." Then he kisses my nose and I'm sure is about to kiss my lips, but Ryan's voice brings me back to the present.

"Y'all are too cute!" She claps her hands excitedly and grins when I look at her in mortification. "My ship has finally sailed! I've been rooting for you two since freshman year!"

I try to move away from Jacob's hold to no avail, instead, he wraps an arm around my waist and holds me close to him.

"Behave," he whispers in my ear, biting the flesh for good measure.

"Congratulations are in order, Withers!" Tom walks around the couch and does the bro handshake thing with Jacob, who smiles proudly.

I push Tom away. "Um, what the fuck would the congrats be for? We are not together."

Jacob growls next to me and Tom gives me an unconvinced look. "She's mine," the caveman of a man holding me tightly to him tells the entire room.

I elbow him, giving him a look that tells him to shut it. "I'm not." I address the whole room, smiling at Martin and Ryan who stare at me as if they think I'm delusional. "And, I would appreciate it if no one here would complicate my life by talking about this." I point between Jacob and me.

Martin nods slowly but stops abruptly when Jacob gives him a dirty look.

I slap his thigh. "Don't go all devil on him, Jacob." Then I lower my voice and hiss, "Please don't do this right now. They can't know."

I'm pretty sure Tom hears me, but he whistles and walks away from where we stand, giving us some privacy.

Jacob stares at me for a second, then suddenly, I feel his demeanor change and his eyes grow cold. "Fine. I'm going home then." He lets me go, then swiftly walks out of the room, taking away all the warmth I felt when he was in the space.

I wretch my hands together nervously, staring at the door Jacob just walked out of, feeling sorry for myself for whatever reason.

The room is dead silent for a second, the three of them probably unsure about what to say at Jacob's obvious anger and sudden departure.

"Hey, by the way," Tom's voice is somber as he breaks the silence. "I talked to Walsh about this new project and showed her the video-she liked it."

"What?" Ryan asks him incredulously.

"Yeah, she did. She thinks the idea is innovative and indicative of Hilltop championing love and life-long partnership. As long as the app is strictly catered to eighteen plus, we can release the beta as soon as we have it."

I'm still watching the door, my mind far from the news Tom is revealing.

Jacob left angry and frustrated. And beneath all of that, I felt his hurt. I'm not sure, but I think there's more to that. Did something happen at practice?

Daniel has been acting extra weird since yesterday but I haven't really questioned it, that is, until now. What did Daniel do? Does he suspect something is going on? Fuck, does he somehow know that Jacob and I have kissed and done other things?

"That's...unexpected," Ryan comments after Tom's revelation. "I still don't know how to feel about the Scoop'd Up teaser you showed us, but at least admin won't be up our asses. So that's good, right Mar?"

I feel everyone's eyes are on me so I nod robotically. "Yeah, that's great." Snapping out of my trance, I glance around the room for my backpack and move to snatch it up from behind my desk. "I gotta go, y'all. Text me that teaser video and the beta details, Tom."

"Already on it," he responds, moving to sit behind his desk and talking about the plans for the beta app with Martin.

"You okay, girl?" Ryan asks me in private, clutching my arm as I stuff my notebook and pencil case inside my bag.

I zip up my bag and nod, forcing smile on my lips. "Yes, I'm fine."

Ryan seems to be debating something and I put on my bag and stare at her frowning face.

"Just say it, Ry. Whatever it is you wanna tell me. Lay it on me, girl."

"He's obsessed with you, Mar," she blurts out, then pats my shoulder at my stricken face. "You might not see it or you might not wanna see it, I know y'alls parents have beef or whatever, but he sees no one but you."

I look away from her eyes and bite my lips in nervousness. Her words rattle me to my core, the butterflies going off at an alarming pitch, and my heart beating way too quickly.

"Why are you telling me this?" I adjust the strap of my backpack, still avoiding her eyes.

"Because girl, I can see you trying to stop the inevitable." She nudges me gently then smiles brightly at my widened eyes. "And honestly, I feel for the guy. He's been pining after you for so long. Help him out a bit."

She squeezes my arm in silent support then moves closer to Martin and Tom to talk more about the app that, apparently, we'll be launching sometime before the new year.

I don't even attempt to think about the logistics of this particular project, because right now, I can only focus on one thing.

Jacob. I need to go to him.

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