Chapter 3: Rise of G/Fruit Against Symphony

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The clashing of blades and metals is heard behind the transitioning battle from the Noise's battle to the cold emotionless sword against another new Kamen Rider. One said to the cold sword.

???: It's not power that solves your turmoil and your haunted past, Tsubasa Kazanari! It's about acceptance and being appreciative of her sacrifice.



A/n: Okay now, let's hold the excitement for now and contain it as we must rewind last night after Hibiki is offered a recruitment to the Section 2 team and Y/n's offer of giving her a little blood to investigate it himself.

After the charade, Hibiki returns to the dorm room, exhausted as she lays flat on the wooden floor.

Hibiki: I'm home...

Miku: Oh, Hibiki! Jeez, it's so late! Where have you been?

Hibiki: Sorry...

Miku: The news was saying that Noise appeared around here again.

Hibiki: Mm, but it's fine now.

Meanwhile, the Tsubasa album is currently in the headlines of the news, a music company named Metro Music, plans her music to be marketed overseas. They also took notice of what happened two years ago which was known to the public as an "accident" thanks to Section 2's team being secretive. This caused her to be a solo singer, or at least that's what everyone thought of including the girls in the school.

As they're about to sleep for the next day for school, Hibiki is told about advice coming from Y/n, considering he's a Rider about the organization and its operations supposed to be a secret.

Y/n: Hibiki, can you do me a bit favor? Don't tell anyone what happened tonight, okay?

Hibiki: Hey, Miku...

Miku: Hm?

Hibiki: Um, no, it's nothing.

Miku: It... It's not just "nothing" to me. I was apprehensive because you came home so late.

Hibiki: I.. I'm sorry. But thank you. You're the only one who worries about me.

Hibiki suddenly rolled over to her, embraced her and snuggled to her as she drifted to sleep, not Miku knowing of her slow sleep.

Hibiki: You're so warm...

Miku: What's wrong, Hibiki.

Hibiki: Kohinata Miku is my sunflower. It's warmest when I'm near you and that's the place I always return to. It's always been that way and always will be...

Miku: U-Um, Hibiki... I...

Hibiki: *snores*

Miku then looked at Hibiki, snoring quietly and she smiled.

Miku: Goodnight... Hibiki.

Inside Tsubasa's room, she was lost in thought as the waters from her shower only slid down her naked body as she remembered the time when she was with Kanade. Side by side fighting against the Noise, and happy together.

Kanade: As long as the two of us are together, there's nothing to be afraid of.

But it all changed after the Begins Noise incident. She tries to grip hard on the slippery wall as she is feeling angry at the news of Hibiki having Kanade's fragments inside her body.

Tsubasa: That gear belongs to Kanade...!

Then she remembered something that plagues her mind and only makes her angrier.


During one of the missions a year ago, she encounters multiple Noise armies and she eradicates the first group out of 5 groups. When she intercepts the 2nd group she is immediately barraged by multiple attacks and her gear's sync is running out of time.

Then when the sync was in time out, she was hit by a strike on the torso and her face. Then a following attack is about to hit Tsubasa, she is immediately shoved away by someone and slashed the attacks and the Noise who was responsible for the attack.

When she looked to the person who saved her from her cold reckless attack against the Noise, another Kamen Rider whose armor is based on a Banana and holds a Banana Spear with a much longer handle. But its visor is different and it wears a Sengoku Driver on its waist. Then it spoke to her and the voice was synthesized but she could tell it was someone familiar.

Gaim: Go to others, this group is mine!

As Tsubasa was about to say something, Gaim immediately went toward them as she just frustratedly groaned and just went to the rest to lash her anger out. After she finishes, all she can hear is the announcer's voice.


After she heard it, she saw giant Bananas poking, stabbing, and killing each Noise. She hurried there and only saw Gaim holding the Banana Spear tightly as it looked towards where Tsubasa was she tried to get closer to her and ask her something.

Tsubasa: Wait! Is it you?!

Gaim: My name is Gaim! Kamen Rider Gaim!

As it said its name a strong wind blew past them and Tsubasa covered her face when she uncovered it, Gaim vanished making her prancing around to try and find her but it was futile as she was urgently called back to base, returning in her frustration.

Flashback end

Tsubasa: Gaim...! Eternal...!

Next Day

Hibiki was busy looking at her homework when one of her friends called out to her.

???: Bikky! Wanna go to Flower?

Hibiki: Flower?

???: It's an okonomiyaki place near the station. They say it's delicious.

Hibiki: Oh, hehe. I have to do something else with Sir Y/n...

???: Sir Y/n needed you again?! *sigh* Your life is like an anime, you know that? All right then, we'll ask you sometime again.

Hibiki was then all alone in the room waiting for him. As she heard a knock on the classroom door, she saw Y/n waiting for her.

Y/n: Alright, let's go check out your medical results, Hibiki.

Hibiki: Eh? *grips tightly to the handles of the high-speed elevator* WHY?!

Ryoko: All right, here are the results of your medical examination yesterday. There are some signs that the shock of the first transformation affected you, but there are no notable abnormalities.

Hibiki: Nothing... notable?

Ryoko: Oh, right. I guess this isn't what you came for.

Hibiki: Please explain that power to me!

Genjuro, Aoi, and Ogawa stared at Tsubasa who revealed her crystal pendant that represents the Symphogear user.

Genjuro: Tsubasa is the bearer of the first relic, Ame no Habakiri.

Hibiki: Relic?

Y/n: They're powerful artifacts that are based on the legends and myths told by the ancients all around the world before the technology came in. Ame no Habakiri is one of the swords of the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi lineup used by the Shinto God Susanoo in Japanese mythology.

Genjuro: Though some relics are already old and rusty, there may be some that still have fragments of the original like the Ame no Habakiri, but others are legendary types that no one could even find 6ft under.

Ryoko: All that can amplify and free the sliver of power left in the fragments are waves of a specific amplitude.

Y/n: Simple words, songs. They're activated based on the song chant of each relic and its theme symbolization to the user.

Hibiki: Song? Oh, right! I remember the song I sang filled my entire mind!

Y/n: Yep. You break it down into raw energy and reconstruct it into the armor that is capable of killing any Noise affiliated with it, Symmphogear.

But then Tsubasa intervenes.

Tsubasa: But the relics don't just activate as soon as someone hums a tune!

This made a look on everyone as Y/n only just sighed in disbelief, knowing why she did that.

Y/n: You just had to intervene because of your own free will, couldn't you?

Y/n clears his throat to bring back the staff's attention, ignoring Tsubasa's cold demeanor.

Y/n: Ignoring the ice queen sword's jealousy, Hibiki what we call on those who can activate relics and become Symphogears are called "Attuned." Tsubasa, Kanade and you are examples of it. Though Kanade was the former.

Hibiki: Was?

This made everyone hesitant to tell what happened not even Tsubasa as Hbiiki asked still about how she got it.

Hibiki: I... I still don't get how I got it.

Genjuro then switched the slides to show her an x-ray of her body.

Genjuro: Do you know what that is?

Hibiki: Y-yes! I got that wound two years ago. I was there at the stadium!

Ryoko: Doctors said there were multiple fragments so close to your heart it was impossible to remove them without hitting any vital parts. According to our research when we found them, they were the fragments of the third relic, Gungnir, which Kanade held before.

Tsubasa was traumatized by the scenario of how Hibiki got it as she still remembers from that day, not even knowing someone was watching them, and immediately left. Y/n simply just said what happened on that day, casually.

Y/n: Well, remember the article in the news about what happened two years ago? The Begins Noise incident is where Kanade met her end as a Symphogear and a star. Do you get it now?

Hibiki just now understands what it is and feels bad. So she stands up and asks him.

Hibiki: Um, sir. Do I have to keep this to myself?

Y/n: Unfortunately, yes. But remember what I said last night, you cannot tell anyone about it. If some people find out about that kind of power, there will be consequences like risking the life of everyone close to you. Just like how my powers can have consequences and would lead to the destruction of my only home left.

Hibiki: T-Their lives?

Genjuro: We're trying to protect lives out there who still have a tomorrow, not secrets that cannot buy the deceased life of others. Can you keep them safe?

Y/n: As the masked spider once said, "With great power comes great responsibility." I'm sorry if we bluntly say this to you but humanity has no chance of beating the Noise except for us. Two valkyries who use the power of songs and me a legend who carries the power of memories of my predecessors.

Hibiki's eyes widened from these facts that she thought it was all rainbows and sunshine. But then she thinks back to the Begins Noise, and then the Noise's assaults everywhere.

Genjuro: Hibiki Tachibana. Will you use the power of your Symphogear in the great war against the Noise?

Hibiki: I... I can help people with this power, right?

They all nodded and Y/n nodded but he reminded her about the risk. But she agreed nonetheless and she left. Ryoko follows up to get to the command room, leaving the two boys alone. As Genjuro asks him.

Genjuro: Hey, Y/n. I need your words, is it true?

Y/n: Exactly, but what I don't get is how a relic has the power to transcend and have a form equal to the level of becoming the new Kamen Rider.

Genjuro: And judging from your way of ignorance of Tsubasa's words would mean that she will do it, right?

Y/n: Yep. We talked about this Genjuro before and... I'm sorry. But it had to be done.

Genjuro just breathes in regret and guilt as he knows what he means. But then the surroundings darken as this would mean one thing, the Noise is detected.

All of them entered the command room as Sakuya tracks down the Noise.

Sakuya: Noise appearance confirmed!

Genjuro: Tell the first branch to leave this to us.

Aoi: Location triangulated. I'm putting it on screen. 200 units from the school!

Genjuro: They're so close.

Tsubasa: I'll stop them.

Tsubasa immediately leaves and Hibiki leaves too and follows her but Genjuro stops her for a moment.

Genjuro: Wait, don't be reckless! You're not yet ready!

Hibiki: I can use my power to help people, right?! Only the power of Symphogear and a Kamen Rider can fight the Noise, right?! So, I'm going!

Y/n wants to stop her as Genjuro too but he just sighs and contacts someone.

Y/n: You're up! Keep an eye on them and interfere if any of them tries funny!

Sakuya: She knows the danger and yet still wants to help. She's a kind girl at heart, isn't she?

Y/n: Sakuya, there's a vast difference between the four of us. Tsubasa was trained when she was a little girl before, Hibiki was just an innocent girl before she found out about the burdens and immediately went without knowing what would happen out there.

They stare at the screen where Tsubasa starts fighting the Noise who merge themselves and become a giant worm who launches its boomerangs towards her but she destroys them with her calf blades.

Y/n: Then she had been hellbent on killing the Noise because of what happened to her family, then further motivates herself and knows to control herself, and finally me who have been abandoned and have the blood of a dead parent who committed violence just to keep me safe from them until my time has come to know of it and ready to be molded as who am I today with some help.

Genjuro: All in all, Hibiki volunteering to get to the frontlines just to help someone is... twisted.

Ryoko: Wouldn't that make her just like us?

Y/n: A twisted person must be first defeated to see the light of the reality we live in today. Hibiki might be naive like I was before, but she might be defeated by just the words of a veteran who is passionate about protecting the lives of others and fighting enemies not because they saw themselves as only a weapon.

But then Hibiki arrives with a drop kick to the Noise before calling out Tsubasa to finish it off.

Hibiki: Tsubasa!

Tsubasa clicked her tongue and only jumped as she launched her Blue Flash to kill it in awe of the innocent. When she drops down she is greeted by Hibiki.

Hibiki: Tsubasa! Sorry! I know I'm probably slowing you down right now, but I'll do my best! So... please let me fight with you!

Tsubasa: You're right...

She faces her as she is happily seeing someone agree with her, even though she doesn't know the true meaning of what she has said.

Tsubasa: You and I... *points the sword* should fight!

Everyone even in the control room is shocked except Y/n who was looking at the screen and determined that his client would arrive there to settle things with Tsubasa's funk.

Genjuro: What the hell is she doing?!

Ryoko: Oh, the fire of youth!

Aoi: What should we do, Commander?

Genjuro: Need to check it out and make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. Y/n, you better tell her to hurry up!

Y/n: She's already there. You can drive over there to watch until it's over if you would like.

Genjuro: That's what I was about to do anyway.

Genjuro then goes to the elevator gets to the parking lot and gets the car. Ryoko meanwhile is watching the mess unfolding.

Ryoko: He fits right in. In other words, she caught my interest. Oh well, can't help but watch here, I guess.

But unknown to everyone even Y/n, his vein glowed blue for a second before it was gone in a flash hinting at something in his blood calling to someone.

Hibiki: You misunderstood me! I'd like to fight alongside-

Tsubasa: I know full well.

Hibiki: So what are you doing?

Tsubasa: I just want to fight you to death.

Hibiki: *eye widens* D-Death?!

Tsubasa: I cannot accept you. Join forces with you? Fight alongside you? Hell will freeze over before Kazanari Tsubasa can accept that. Prep that armed gear of yours. It embodies your will to fight on the battlefield.

Meanwhile, in the fields, someone is running toward where the two girls are and is revealed to be holding a Sengoku Driver.

Tsubasa: If you wish to claim Gungnir, the mighty spear that can pierce anything, as your Symphogear, you should come to terms with whatever that may entail.

Hibiki: W-What do you mean, "come to terms"? I don't even know what "armed gear" you're talking about. How can I come to terms with something I don't know anything about?

Tsubasa: Then you have no determination. You treat this like a funny little game. How dare you try to take Kanade's place!! *dashes to Hibiki*

As Hibiki is about to be stabbed down by Tsubasa's sword, something is thrown towards Tsubasa's weapon, recoiling them both back from the impact it made Tsubasa looks at what was the weapon.

Tsubasa: That's...!

Hibiki; What is-?! Huh?

They saw it was the Banana Spear and someone stood in front of Hibiki. Tsubasa knew who it was as she glared and angrily questioned the person before her.

Tsubasa: Now you sided with her and Eternal, Gaim?!

Gaim: It's not about whose sides we belong for us Riders. Especially with your lame reasons, it was just an excuse that led to becoming a strong warrior who has a weakness in her heart.

This triggered Tsubasa to launch another attack on Hibiki but Gaim was in front of her blocking it. Gaim looked back at Hibiki and shouted at her.

Gaim: Back away from this, I'll teach a lesson she'll never forget!

Tsubasa: Damn you...!

Inside HQ, they were surprised the client that Y/n contacted was Gaim. The labeled fruit warrior of the news and the sidekick of Eternal for Section 2.

Aoi: It's Gaim.

Sakuya: The secondary Rider that Tsubasa faced before a year ago.

Genjuro: It's her.

Everyone looks at Genjuro as they are confused about who is the identity of the Kamen Rider Gaim. They then continued watching after Genjuro didn't say anything for the next 5 seconds.

Back in the fight, Gaim blocked her sword slashes as Tsubasa attempted a diagonal strike that she managed to parry and kick her to the side. Tsubasa glared and got even angrier as she was taunted by Gaim who was motioning it's raised middle finger only to come towards her.

Tsubasa: It's because of you Kamen Riders! *sword stab*

Gaim parried it easily with its spear sliding the blade beside her and Tsubasa continued lashing all of her lame excuses about Kanade towards the person she was fighting, blaming, and hurting right now.

Tsubasa: Kanade cannot sing anymore and left me! 

Reverse Rakshasa

Gaim blocks all of her attacks so easily and Tsubasa continues lashing out like a little crybaby who's inside of a teenage girl who's about to become an early adolescent.

Tsubasa: I hate you! I hate you, you cannot replace Kanade!

Hibiki was hurt by this statement; her idol now blamed her for the "death" of her partner.

Tsubasa: That's why I'll become a sword, I'll cut down all of Noise because that's what I was meant to do when I wield this power!

Gaim had had enough and snapped at her with a kick that hit her between the legs as she was kicked over Gaim's head.

Gaim: You think... Do you think you can just blame a little girl like Hibiki because of your partner's inability to fight and replace her after her disappearance to train again?!

Giam suddenly parries all of her Thousand Tears attacks making her surprised and even more when she was knocked down by a banana energy erupted from the ground.

Gaim: Kanade never wielded Gungnir because she's a spear herself! Kanade wielded that to protect those who still have a brighter tomorrow beyond all of this, and she sings to become the people's inspiration when she has no one left to inspire from her family anymore!

Gaim: While you, you become a sword just to not only cut down the Noise but also cut down your relationships with everyone, including Kanade's name herself!

Tsubasa: SHUT UP!!!

Tsubasa then attempted for a Blue Flash but it swung the spear like it was nothing against Tsubasa's attack and it's still in pristine condition.

Tsubasa: You know nothing about Kanade or me!! You Riders are just inflicting pain by using your powers for so-called saving lives!

Gaim: It's not power that solves your turmoil and your haunted past, Tsubasa Kazanari! It's about acceptance and being appreciative of her sacrifice.

Gaim then released her Banana Lockseed and showed a Lockseed that had a Rider's face on it.


*play Justifaiz Accel Mix*

Then a zipper opened above Gaim and it was the Faiz armor.

Gaim: Also, Tsubasa. *voice synthesizer off* I'm hurt by what you said about what I did!

Lock on

Gaim: Henshin.

Gaim sliced the Lockseed with the little knife as the image of the Faiz Driver appeared on the lock and the other is the Faizphone as the armor she now dons splits with the lens of Faiz serving as her shoulder plate the inner armor part of Faiz's chest plate is now connected and the center of Faiz now serves as a strap on her back.

(A/n: The form is on its original but the Axel form is debuting soon.)

Soiya! Faiz Arms! Mr. Justifaiz!

Tsubasa notices that Gaim now wields the Faiz Edge in its hand while she still cannot believe what she heard from Gaim. The voice is now revealed to be Kanade's as she just grips her head and her hair strands are falling in utter disbelief.


Heaven's Wrath

Tsubasa then enlarges her sword 5x times the original size as she now does her move when it comes to slaying giant Noise but at this point, she could care less about the attack it will hit. Hibiki was frightened by this as she could only hear the alive Kanade now Gaim mutter.

Gaim: I'm sorry, Tsubasa. But this is the only way to get you out of your complete dark funk.

She sliced the Lockseed again three times as it announced her finisher as the energy flowed on her Faiz Edge.

FAIZ Au Lait

Kanade: Orya!!

Kanade jumped as she sliced through the Heaven's Wrath blade with her charged Faiz Edge in Tsubasa's shock. Finally, Rider Kicking her back to the ground. This causes the road to be made a crater spewing water from the ground and Genjuro arrives in time to see it.

Genjuro: Look at this mess now...

*end song*

Kanade then transforms back into her normal clothing with a cape covering her civilian clothing. Tsubasa was also transformed back into her school uniform after the kick she dealt and Hibiki was disengaged after the fight.

Kanade: Look at you now... You're crying-

Tsubasa: I'm not crying! I never shed tears, I'm a warrior and thus I'm nothing but a–


Kanade: Then why?! Why did you become like this after what happened all those years ago?! Is it because of those stupid reasons you said?!

Tsubasa could feel the hot drops of someone's tears as she looked at Kanade's face, blushing yet her eyes were dripping to her face.

Tsubasa: Because... I'm a sword–

Kanade: *slaps harder* Don't give me that crap! It's because you suppress your emotions! Every emotion you suppress is eating you and making you become like this! If you keep doing that, you will be defeated by others who have nothing to lose!

Tsubasa began seeing memories of Gaim and other Riders that had so many turmoils bigger than hers as she just couldn't handle the information she had received in her head.

Tsubasa: I just... wanted to see you smile... Even if I have one wing...

Kanade: I'm not smiling because you're not letting it all out. *hugs* Just let it go already and release it. I can take it, besides I have been scolded by Y/n anyway because of what I did. It's  okay to be crybaby a bit but just remember you're becoming a big girl like me soon.

Tsubasa's eyes widened when she felt the warm hug of the person she missed the most and the one who had woken her back into the light. She saw the stare of Gaim's partners and teammates in Gaim's world nodding at her to let it all out and welcoming back Kanade into her hands.

Tsubasa: *tearing up* I'm sorry... *hic* Kanade... *tears up completely* Kanade, I... *cries completely* I'm so sorry!

Genjuro just watches alongside Hibiki whom he patted when she tries to talk to them. Y/n just smiled and thought to himself.

Y/n: There's the Tsubasa Kazanari I know of from Kanade...

Hibiki: 'Tsubasa has sadness inside her... Kanade has turmoil of hers too... So what is Y/n's burden?'

Y/n was now in his room ready to get a good night's sleep after the snapping back Tsubasa back to reality, when he remembered something happened to him a few hours ago before he enters school to do his teacher works that bothered him until now.

Y/n: 'Ok, now that's over, there's also the matter of that...'

Y/n remembers a few days ago when he encountered a person when he was normally buying food for tomorrow.

Y/n: Sorry about that.

???: Hey, watch where you're going, idiot!

The person leaves and then he hears a clattering when he sees two USB as he then receives a memory. A girl was enslaved when was young and until now she was enslaved by someone that made his blood boil and angry out of betrayal. But then what sets him off to his boiling point is the enslaver's goons, who have a Gaia Driver Rex on it. 

The second memory of the USB is a person who was in a hospital strapped as the girl is crying trying to encourage his father to fight the sickness but in the end the adult gave the USB to her as she just cried in the bed of her deceased guardian. 

Y/n: 'Who are you, girl? Who is that person enslaving you? And why is there a Scream Dopant in this world?!'

He looked at the Gaia Memories he was holding it was a T3-style Gaia Memories and he pressed it to reveal the name of the Gaia Memories.



To be Continued

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