39. Birthday Things

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She looks around emotionally, her eyes already glowing with tears. "Oh my gosh! Y'all!"

I smile when she looks up at me, encouraging her to walk further into the room and bask in the love from all her friends.

My heart warms up when she suddenly hugs me and whispers, "Thank you."

"Happy birthday, babe," I whisper back.

"C'mon lovebirds! We have a party to celebrate!!" Malik calls out, which causes laughter to break out in the house and Tasha to release from our embrace.

She turns to the people scattered across the house, and in a loud voice addresses everyone, "Thank you all, seriously. I've never had a huge party like this to celebrate my birthday but I'm excited! Now let's have fun!!"

On that note, people cheer loudly as the DJ starts the music. A dance floor is formed in the middle of the room, teenagers rush outside where various games are set up, and others quickly grab some snacks. We also set up a console game area, which with a glance I can see is already occupied.

Since everyone is not staring at us anymore, I wrap my arms around Tasha's hips, bring her closer to me. Her hands interlock around my neck and we sway off-beat to the rap song currently playing. Our gazes lock as we enter our own private world.

"If someone would have told me a year ago that Steven, the guy I tried my best to avoid, would be throwing me a party at his mansion, I would I laughed so hard. What even is my life?"

I chuckle at her words. "If someone would have told me that your strong dislike for me would finally turn into love, I would have believed that shit! I just knew you couldn't resist me. Not for long, at least."

She rolls her eyes at my confidence yet maintains a content smile. "In less than a year everything can change, huh? Look at me, actually enjoying a party. Also, who are all these people?" she whispers the last part.

I laugh out loud this time. "Baby, they go to school with us."

"I recognize the Black Student Union folks but outside of you and Nelson...who are all these Caucasians?!" she continues to whisper, not that anyone's listening to our conversation.

I try to hold in my laughter. "They go to school with us, you've had classes with many of them."

She looks at them again, squinting her eyes as though she truly doesn't recognize them. "Chile, and they say black people all look alike..." Although she's talking to herself, I can't help but overhear and laugh at her statement.

"Yooo, birthday girl! So we don't get no love?" Malik and Nelson pop out of nowhere, both smiling widely as Malik screams at Tasha.

She releases from our slow dance and hugs the two simultaneously. "I literally love you, guys. Y'all are like brothers I've never had, thank you for this and everything else."

"We love you too, girl. We are family now," Malik responds, really smiling like a proud older brother.

"We got you, Tasha. And, I'm happy that when I marry your sister, I'll be your for real brother," Nelson brags, which Malik shakes his head at.

Before they can start arguing, Kennedy shows up out of nowhere too. "Awww, y'all are cute or whatever. Now please take whatever argument is about to start between the two of you away from here and stop crowding the birthday girl!" Kennedy yells, making sure we can hear her over the music.

Malik plants a kiss on her forehead and obliges to her wishes while Nelson laughs and follows behind him. Tasha, surprised by Malik's kiss, raises her eyebrows in question, earning a cheeky smile from an elated Kennedy.

Instead of dwelling on it though, she instead screams, "Happy Birthday, bestie!"

The two join in a loving embrace, but their hug is cut short as a result of a change in song by the DJ.

"Now, this song is a special one for the celebrant and her friend. Tasha and Ken, this song request is from Steven," he states on the mic, exciting everyone on the dance floor.

A series of "Ayeeee's" are heard around the room as Work by Rihanna starts playing. Knowing this song is tied to one of Tasha and Kennedy's earliest memories with each other, before the party, I requested the DJ play it sometime when he saw both Tasha and Kennedy together.

Seeing the two girls laughing and dancing, I head to the kitchen to grab a drink. Since the night is still young, I simply choose the drink dispenser with Sprite to fill up my Solo cup to the brim.

Once with my drink, I head back to the dance floor but I stand on the side for a bit, sipping on my drink, which is definitely spiked, while watching my girl looking absolutely sexy without even trying. I can't stay away from too long though, so I move back to my position.

When I get close to them, Tasha smiles at me and grabs my cup, satisfying her thirst with a big gulp then giving the rest of it back to me. Before I can take another sip though, I'm forced to drop it on a table nearby because she starts dancing on me.

Yep, someone for sure added alcohol to that drink dispenser. This is why I wanted cans and probably why Malik insisted on dispensers. Thinking about it, I wouldn't be surprised if he was the culprit.

Not that I'm complaining or anything, but Tasha seems way more hyper than usual with her cute lightweight self. Excited that she's dancing with me though, I hold on to her hips and move with her as she moves her behind to the rhythm of the song.

Kennedy, not liking the idea of being the third wheel, goes to grab Malik and literally snatches him from a conversation he was having on the side of the dance floor.

"Follow my lead, Malik!" She smiles at him and begins moving on him, but he doesn't even skip a bit but begins moving with her.

I lower my head and place kisses on the back of Tasha's neck, purposely giving her goosebumps in an effort to retaliate for the effect her dancing is having on me.

"Since you wanna be like this, boy we could always take it upstairs," her head is twisted so she can speak close to my ear and only I can hear her.

I smirk and speak directly in her ear, "Nah, right here's fine. We both already know who's winning upstairs. I wanna give you a chance, baby. Here, I can't be as rough as I am in privacy without scaring folks. So do your thing, beautiful."

She squints her eyes at my words, a bit annoyed at how confided I am yet frustrated that I am right. "Whatever, man. Focus on following my lead, don't let me catch you slacking."

"I think last night was enough to prove I don't slack, don't you think? 'Cause I remember you were this close to begging me to stop... Or maybe I'm remembering incorrectly?"

"Shut up, Steven."

"Guess I'm remembering correctly."

She glares at me, trying to cover her smile. "No, I wasn't gonna ask you to stop. I just...needed to use the bathroom. Blame my bladder."

"Sure, honey. Your bladder. It wasn't that you were at your limit, huh?"

"Nope. Simply had to pee." And to shut me up once and for all, she presses her lips against mine into a soul renewing kiss.

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