Character Profile

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Ohayo minna san! Name's Forgottenpast22! This is my first time writing a fanfic, so if I make any mistakes, that's why. Anyway, this story actually was from an idea of mine from when I was around...7? 8? Yeah, around that time. I always wondered, what if, somebody was thrown from one world to another and had to live for eternity in that new world. Since then, I've had dreams about it, and now I am finally tired of the dreams and decided make my dream into a reality. Or into a story, or.....You know what, never mind. Anyhow, on with the story! Please no flames. Constructive critisim is welcome, but please do not be too harsh on this amatuer writer. Thank you for reading this, Ja ne!

This is the profile for Haruki in the beginning of the story. Some will change (obviously age) and some will not. Not everything here is permanent. I will gladly take advise and tips from the comments section and adjust the profile accordingly. Please note that I will not take all, I will just take the ones that fit into my plot. Also know that I will not move beyond the Character Profile until I think it is perfect. My reason being that the information in the profile is essential for the plot to move foward (for obvious reasons).

General Info

Name: Haruki Kimura

Age When Haruki Dies: 14-15

Age in Pre-Shippuden: 11 (actual age around 300 years old)

Age in Shippuden: 14 (actual age around 305 years old)

Birthdate: September 22

Gender: Neutral (because he switches sexes in the EN world, so don't flame me for some girl-like stuff, plus he'll be a girl for most of this story)

Appears about 200 years after the era of the Rikudo Sennin. (Please tell me if I got this wrong, and if I did, then comment or PM me the correct name)

EN = Elemental Nations

Personality: Quiet, doesn't know how to interact/communicate with others, not used to speaking, prefering to communicate with his summonings with a sign language he and his summonings created, empathetic and somewhat sensitive, but is blunt and serious when he speaks. Haruki is often mistaken as stoic and arrogant.

He is very secretive and hides his emotions with an emotionless mask. When Haruki encounters something he doesn't understand, his mask will slip, and is innocently confused and intrigued. Was abused in his past life, so is cautious with adults and authority figures. Used to pain, will not flinch to most injuries. Because of this past he is very observant, and has knowledge of body language. Haruki also can put up flawless masks for infiltration, but cannot do it if he is trying to be himself.

Has multiple person disorder, other personality is female, protective over main personality, sadistic, and will do anything to let no harm (emotional, mental, etc.) come to her 'other'. Akane, the 'other' was born to protect Haruki's sanity from his abusive childhood. Haruki himself is a pacifist, but will kill. Haruki finds out later that he has the luck of the gods, in anything to do with chance, only matched by Naruto.

Bad Trait(s): Unfriendly, paranoid, overly secretive, untrusting, excessively selfless

Good Trait(s): Can keep a secret, courageous, hardworking, kind, generous

Like(s): Sweets, weapons, his summonings, the sky, the ocean, befriending animals, kids, art

Dislike(s): Adults, authority figures, arrogant people, prejudice, rich/snobby people, people in general, loud noises, and fangirls

Hobby(ies): Sparring/fighting, cooking, drawing, dancing, stargazing/cloud watching, gardening, and playing instruments

Fear(s): -Aphenphosmphobia - The fear of intimacy. Fear of being touched and love.

- Anthropophobia - The fear of people. Being afraid of people in all situations.

- Autophobia - The fear of abandonment and being abandoned by someone. (Ignore This One)

- Nosocomephobia - The fear of hospitals

- Chiraptophobia- Fear of being touched

(The fears are from both Haruki's past life and EN life)

Strength(s): Ninjutsu, helping children, playing musical instruments,

Weakeness(es): Has a hard time responding to orders, people in general, touching people

Personal Quote(s): Waking up from a nightmare is easy. How about those who wake up to their nightmares? / If you want peace, then prepare for war.

History: In the 'Real' world, Haruka grew up in an orphanage, who had shady dealings with slave and drug dealing. Haruka and the orphans were abused by the staff, and when Haruka turned nine, he and the others set fire to the orphanage with the staff. After telling the police about the situation, they all became wards of the state, and was allowed to live by themselves (with the exception for the very young kids). Haruki got an apartment and an allowance from government taxes.

Haruki Kimura made a name for himself within the artist world under the pseudonym Haku at the age of ten. Three days after Haruki turned 15, when he went shopping, the mall he was in was held hostage. He died at the mall hiding a group of children from the criminals and taking a shower of bullets for a 6 year old.

Drifting in limbo, Haruki meet Kami, how sent him to the Elemental Nations, and was also the one to put the curse of immortality on Haruki. Waking up in a 5 year old's body and in the show he loved to watch, Haruki traveled the EN, finding out he was in the era when the clans were still scattered. When Haruki turned 15 (again) he stopped aging. He lived in Whirlpool Country for a time, learning fuuinjutsu. Haruki spent most of his life in solitude until he found his first summoning scroll.

Since then, Haruki avoided human life altogether, until he heard of the Kyuubi Attack and the death of the Yondaime. So he prepared for his entrance to the cannon plot. Twelve years past, and Haruki (now 11) goes to Wave Country to save Team 7's asses.

(Some information will not be posted up on this profile, instead showing up in the plot bit by bit. Reasons being, it will be spoiled, and ruin the suspense otherwise)

Looks and Appearances

Body Type/Looks: Lithe, built with speed over strength in mind, petite, slightly curvy.

Height: 150.2 cm

Weight: 100 lbs.

Hairstyle(s): Changes it on a whim, original is white straight hair, shoulder length, bangs hang just above his eyes, two long bangs goes to her stomach

Eye Color: Blue (also changes daily)

Accessories: black wristbands on both wrists, fingerless black gloves, red legwarmers that starts from just above the knees, like Lee's only without the stripes.

Scent: Autumn Rain and Peach Blossoms (sometimes incense)

Scars or Tattoos: Right shoulder - a flowering Nightshade, Scar that circles his left leg

Jewelery and/or Piercings: stud earrings in both ears, simple crystal necklace, silver armlet on left shoulder engraved with a treble clef

Favorites/Least Favorites

Food(s): Sweets, fresh fruit/Soba, wasabi

Drink(s): Tea, fruit juice

Season(s): Winter and Autumn/Spring and Summer

Time of Day: Night/Afternoon

Weather: Bright, but no sun, covered with clouds/Sunny day with no clouds

Flower(s): Wisteria, Iris

Animal(s): All, but especially foxes, wolfs, tigers, and swallows

Ninja Information

Current Village: --------

Chunnin Promotion: -----

Jonin Promition: -----

Sensei: Nami Uzumaki, Haruki's main teacher before passing on and the only one other than his summons to know that he's from another world.

Nindo: Fight, so others may not. Shed blood, so others will not. I bow before no one, I fight for everyone.

Team Mates: ?????

Chakra Elements (strongest to weakest): Wind, Water, Earth, Fire, Lightning

Weapon(s): Kunai, Shuriken, Fan, Sai, Scythe, and multiple other weapons


Original Jutsu's: Secret

Jutsu/Techniques: uses elemental and genjutsu

Kekkai Genkai: Secret (first to have, and only)

Summoning: Swallow, fox, wolf, and spiders

Ninja Stats

Strength In Jutsu

1 - 5: Horrible

6 - 8: Below Average

9 - 10: Average

11 - 13: Above Average

14 - 16: Talented

17 - 18: Gifted [Sennin Level]

(Please note that this is what Haruka's level is in Pre-Shippuden, and in case you've forgotten, Haruka has lived for about 300 years, so his levels are going to be high, while some near the bottom because he has, I repeat, while he had300 years to train and perfect most of his skills, things that require partners or social skills will be low)

Haruki is very agile and flexible. His strength isn't really good, but has great endurance.

Ninjutsu: 18

Genjutsu: 18

Taijutsu: 15

Kekkei Genkai: 16

Kinjutsu: 15

Fuuinjutsu: 18

Strength In Missions (self-assigned or otherwise, or when attacked)

Intelligence: 14

Wisdom: 16

Strength (measure of body muscles): 9 (when not augmenting it with chakra)

Agility: 18

Dexterity: 18

Stamina (Chakra amount): 18

Constitution (how well one takes a hit): 17

Charisma: 3

Comeliness (attractiveness): 16

Chakra Control: 18

Cooperation (how well one works with others): 17 (with his summonings) others: 0


Haruki likes music of all kind

He prefers to sleep outdoors whenever possible

Haruki hates being near/in crowds

Kimura, like most shinobi, hate hospitals

That's all I have! Please give me your opinions and suggestions in the comments below. If you have suggestions/ideas for me about the plot, please private message me on my profile. Arigatou!

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