Cue The Mystery Voice! . . . . Part 2?

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~Last Chapter~

Haruki strolled through the automatic doors of the market, dragged a cart over to him and went straight to the fresh produce section. After getting what he needed, Haruki headed for the sweets aisle, his eyes gaining an evil glint at the sight of all the sweets. Just as he grabbed a box of pocky, a shot rang out. Screams filled the silence following the shot, but were abruptly cut off with the sounds of more gunshots.

"Hands up where we can see them! Nobody speaks, or else you're dead!"

'Great, why did I go out today? Now I have to deal with wanna-be criminals and clean up this mess for the authorities. Why do things never go my way?'

~Flashback End~



Suddenly, Haruki was startled out of his reminiscing by a slight breeze, though he was confused. How did the wind get into this strange world? As Haruki tried to figure out the reason behind the wind's appearance, the breeze was slowly, but surely pushing Haruki; where, only the wind knows. 

So Haruki went with the flow, and floated down to a winding road that appeared to be made of a clear material. When he landed upon the road, a voice that seemed to surround Haruki suddenly spoke, catching the boy off guard.

"Welcome to my humble abode, young warrior. I trust you had no troubles coming here."

"Who are you? Where am I?" asked Haruki. The air in front of him rippled, like a heatwave, but instead of feeling heated air, Haruki was blasted by freezing winds, forcing him to close his eyes. When the winds subsided, the youth opened his eyes, and saw that a woman was standing in replacement of the winds. 

The woman wore a light blue dress that went to her feet, her sun-kissed skin contrasting the color of her dress nicely, a tattoo of an ornate butterfly showed on her right shoulder. The figure's eyes were the most interesting sight, though. 

Shaped similar to a feline's but had no slit pupil, the color shifted through the various colors of the sky; sunrise,morning, afternoon, evening, and sunset, and then the cycle repeated. The woman's face looked ageless; she seemed to be both young and old, the features blurring.

After studying the mysterious woman, Haruki repeated his questions. With a life like his, Haruki became quite adept at reading people, and this lady, from what he could tell doesn't have any malicious intent.

"I ask again. Why am I here? Who are you?" 

The woman looked serenely at the boy as the same disembodied voice spoke. Now that he knows who's voice it is, Haruki relaxed slightly.

"I am the one you call God, though I much prefer Kami. This place is where I watch over the worlds under my domain."

'Wait, she said worlds. Does that mean there are multiple universes then? My theory is correct then!'  Haruki thought. The woma-, no, Kami, smiled knowingly at him, as if knowing what the boy was thinking. 

"As to why you are here, I have a proposition for you."   

Haruki perked up at this, but inwardly gazed warily at the deity. He learned through experience if someone high up or with power gives a deal, it's either they don't want their hands dirty, or they can't do it themselves for a number of reasons. 

Both can have unknown factors; some neither side knew about, and others that the clients withhold on purpose from Haruki to save on up some of their cash.

The young assassin pasted on a look of interest on his face, while mentally thinking of all the outrageous requests the deity in front of him would present him with a vague implication of a reward after doing the task. 

'Probably having someone killed that's been slandering Kami-sama's name.' 

From experience, people high up the ladder never associate with his kind unless it's to remove an obstacle in their path. Haruki sighed inaudibly. Truthfully the boy never liked killing. Contrary to the public impression, assassins generally not blood-thirsty, nor are they usually insane. Though, the last one depends on your view of insanity. 

Certainly, most of them were normal people (as normal as an assassin could be) trying to make a living, but became broken and admitted into the mental wards soon after the first few assignments. In actuality, only a small percentage are in it for the joy of killing. The others simply did not know any other way of life and cannot tell right from wrong (sociopath), or are forced to take it up, and are unable to escape. Some were given no other option, and clung to the occupation because it was their only reason that they were still alive and breathing. 

Kami smiled sadly, knowing what the child was thinking. It was heart-breaking, for a child to be so jaded and weary of life. He should have been given a normal childhood, untainted by the harsh realities of the world until years later, when he was an adult in body. 

Instead, he was forced into a life filled with spilled blood and darkness; a road that the boy walked bravely, blindly stepping forward, even though he was frightened of the dark unknown, getting up whenever he fell. Even when he was drenched in blood and wounds, the blood-stained child still got up and went on. 

Kami admired and respect the young assassin's will. The will to live even when one's reasons to exist were ripped away from him, the boy still lived, and made new reasons to live. The life of an assassin truly did not suit him, young Haruki was more suited for protecting, or healing. Haruki was a gentle soul, sturdy, but after countless beatings, it became worn out, tired of living, tired of trying to find a reason to live everyday. 

So when the jaded boy reacted negatively to her answer, Kami just smiled sadly, understanding. She wished to help, but could not. She could only send the boy to a place where he might mend his soul. Kami does not have power over everything. Her role is to guide the souls of the worlds she watches over. Destiny may be cruel, but every action is for a reason; even if there doesn't seem to be one. 

"A certain world I watch over had barely escaped destruction, but never healed. My request is for you to help the people of this world and give them a better ending. This world is filled with fighting, but I hope you will help the Prophecy Child and make it a world of peace. Will you accept this task?" 


Haruki never expected this kind of request. It was mind-numbing to realize that he was chosen to help save the future of a world, even if it wasn't his birth one. '

Also', he thought, the hints of the kind of world it was sounded much like one he heard of. One that he was very familiar with. Then the boy registered how it was phrased. It almost sounded. . . .like a request? Never, in his lifetime, has Haruki ever gotten an assignment that was an option. 

Haruki accepted before his nerves caused him to refuse. If it was the world he was thinking of, then this could mean the survival of many characters that should not have died in his opinion. 

Kami smiled again, this time in happiness and relief. She was afraid of the possibility of him refusing the task. Of course she could force the boy to do it, but she didn't wish to, even if it meant wait many a millennium more to find another suitable soul.

"Thank you. I will send you on your way now, and many prayers for your success."

Conjuring a portal, Kami gestured for the boy to step through. Haruki didn't hesitate. He jumped right through, the portal collapsing upon itself once the boy went in. Kami looked where the portal once was, clasping her hands in a sign of prayer.

'May you have the luck of a thousand gods and be successful on your journey. You will need it soon enough."

After praying, the deity arranged for a package for Haruki at his destination to help him. He'll certainly need all the aid he can get.

After all, a wild card is useless unless one prepares for it's appearance.

Dun Dun Dun.......Annnnnd cut! Hello again! Did you like this? I'm trying to make the chapters longer without it becoming long-winded. Did you like it? Love it? Hate it? Comment your opinions in the section below. 

Last chapter's a/n told you about the making's of some new fanfics I'm writing. This is to update you on them. I will update on the status of my stories down here from now on. I have changed the title of An Eternal Dream (the Hunter X Hunter OC) to A Dance For The Eternal Skies. Currently this one is the closest for the race to get published on Wattpad. 


My OC is a girl named Kiyoko, also known as Kyo. She is twelve years old, has a sweet tooth and hates anything bitter. If you also have ideas for my dear Kiyoko's character profile to add to this little hint, please either PM me or comment below. 

Thank you for reading this


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