Drifting In Memories

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Finally, we have reached the OFFICIAL BEGINNING OF THE STORY! MWAHAHAHA! NO ONE CAN STOP ME NOW!..........Ahem. sorry about that? Anyhow! This as I've said before, this is the official beginning of the story. As in, when our dear Haruki finally hits the stage! I'm sorry for the long wait, but I granted I was juggling with writer's block, work, traditional family visits, and the whole shebang. Now I give you Haruki's POV. Comment if there's any mistakes, please.



Haruki Kimura, to put it bluntly, was no longer in the realm of the living. 

At least, that's what he figured after blacking out from blood loss  from several dozen bullet holes on his body, and coming to in a white space that goes for miles, where he's FUCKING FLOATING!

Instead of his bloodied clothes, Haruki wore now a pristine white shirt that's several sizes to large, the sleeves going just past his fingertips, and a pair of equally white pants. 

Resigned to just float along, after what seemed to be hours in this white space, Haruki's thoughts drifted to the reason why he died.


Haruki was heading to the supermarket to restock his fridge, walking at a leisurely pace. To anyone watching, they would be seeing a young teenage boy wearing a gray hoodie with a sleeveless black shirt, a pair of ripped jeans with multiple pockets and black combat boots carrying a black messenger bag. A harmless child who's greatest problem is his grades. 

But, as the saying goes, 'never judge a book by it's cover'. With the appearance of an innocent teen, Haruki is actually a skilled assassin. Surprised? With Haruki being an orphan, he needed cash, so he turned to assassination. It paid a lot, and no one suspects a ten year old(when he first started) as a killer. To keep people off his trail, Haruki became skilled in the art of disguise and impersonation. Of course, in the beginning, he had a few short calls, and he learned to never go unarmed. 

Underneath Haruki's hoodie, a pair of knives were strapped around his biceps on both shoulders. Various blades covered his arms, but left enough space for full mobility. In Haruki's many pockets, there were more blades, a few vials of paralyzing poison, and a gun. 

In his bag, there was more blades, his wallet containing multiple cards, two vials of poison, three bottles of ink, two filled with paint, a pair of scissors, a dozen pens, two dozen pencils, five pairs of earphones, a ruler, another gun, a sketchbook, a small bag of poison disguised as candy, and some other odds and bits.

Now, you may be wondering why there's so much stuff. Well, it never pays to be over prepared. The earphones? To tie someone up. The ink and paint? It works for distraction if you spray it in your opponents' faces. The sketchbook? A blunt instrument, and an excuse for the writing utensils. Ruler, pen, and pencils? Darts, basically, and close-range tools. The wallet had cards that could be used in replacement for blades[1], and Haruki is an accomplished hand-to-hand fighter if all else fails.

Haruki strolled through the automatic doors of the market, dragged a cart over to him and went straight to the fresh produce section. After getting what he needed, Haruki headed for the sweets aisle, his eyes gaining an evil glint at the sight of all the sweets. Just as he grabbed a box of pocky, a shot rang out. Screams filled the silence following the shot, but were abruptly cut off with the sounds of more gunshots.

"Hands up where we can see them! Nobody speaks, or else you're dead!" 

Great, why did I go out today? Now I have to deal with wanna-be criminals and clean up this mess for the authorities. Why do things never go my way?

End Flashback  

[1] - I did not look up the various ways to use ordinary items. These i thought of all by myself. I actually do bring a wallet full of sharp-edged cards and sketchbook with several pens and pencils. Hey, so I'm paranoid; the outside world is a dangerous place; who knows what will happen

Sorry for the hiatus, everyone. I personally hate hiatuses, both as a reader and a writer. It's very frustrating when I can't get the words down. Please forgive this terrible writer for making you all wait such a long time! I tried to hurry without ruining the quality. Is it good? Did you like it? Please comment! I have only four comments and four votes, the lack of comments is getting to me. PLEASE COMMENT! Even if it's just saying 'it's good', something similar. You have no idea how happy I get whenever I see a new comment. Suggestions, arguments, debates, anything! Just COMMENT OR VOTE!

I am currently writing three new stories, another Naruto OC Fanfic, a Hunter X Hunter OC, and a Code Breaker OC one. Their respective titles are: 

Dance Of The Wayward Butterfly - Naruto OC Fanfic

A Past Of Shattered Glass - Code Breaker OC Fanfic

An Endless Dream - Hunter X Hunter OC Fanfic

These are tentative titles, I'll be posting the final ones when I figure it out. Please read them when they come out

Vote if you love it, comment if you like it, exit the window if you hate it. 

See ya next time!

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