Chapter 2

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It had been around a month since Evans death. People where sad, and I now a murder record. Luckily I wasent sent to Juvenile or Jail because Mother got me pulled out. However that left Father to clear up the case was by accident, and had to shut down the pizzeria. I felt bad. So so bad for what I've done.

Mother kept me and Elizabeth off school. But unlucky for me, I have to go in today today as my end of school assesments are next week. But I know I won't be able to take them, heck I may even have to go to school with handcuffs!

After Evan's death, I changed. Alot. I broke of contact with my friends and my Girlfriend Ciara broke up with me. Lucky that because she now wants me dead. And if she and I where still dating, she would till have the Key to my House. But now I have only 2 - 1 friends. Vanessa and slightly Noah. 

But Van comes over now and again. It's nice, to see someone cares for me. Of course there's Noah, the boy of my dreams. But he's out of my reach now I'm a murderer.

Van is so sweet and her rainbow hair suits her. I think I'm falling for her but then Noah. Sweet Red head Noah. I can't decide. But I think if I had to go someone, It would be Vanessa. She's just ,Amazing! And stayed my friend and defended me in Court. She's the best, Unlike the other Bitch of friends I had when Evan died.

I still was in my bed, under the Duvet, keeping warm and safe from the horrors they call school. Which to me will feel more like a Prison than ever!

I heard a soft knocking on the door and it opened to Reveal Mother.

"Mike, Hunny. Are you awake?" Her voice was soft, unlike father's rough spiteful voice.

I hummed in response and she came over and sat on the foot of my bed. She sighed, I didint budge.

"Michael, you need to get up and go to school. I've told your teachers you are going in and you will have special measures in place that I have agreed. And no, you won't be going in in Handcuffs, even though they really wanted you to." She stroked my hair. I groaned and turned over. She noticed my puffy eyes and wet cheeks and hugged me.

"Um. Elizabeth knows how bad you feel and she had been Keeping Fredbear, and she wanted to give it to you, too feel safe at school and comforted as it helped her." She broke away from the hug, her vibrant ginger hair flowing gently down her chest. She held a large bear

I took it from her and I hugged it. I hugged it tight and let my tears fall onto it. It's true, it did help.

"This isint your way to get out of school. Liz is already in the car, I've left toast on the table just how you like it. Get dressed and meet us in the car in five Minuates, ok?" She asked. I nodded in reply. She kissed my on the forehead and left.

I held the bear tightly and eventually got up. I left the bloody foxy mask back at Freddy's so that was no use. I instead put on some navy shorts, a plain tee, a black hoodie and some red shoes. I didn't bother with a backpack and I grabbed Fredbear. I knew I was going to get stares, so it didn't really matter. I did grab a pencil and my sketchbook. I had been drawing sketches of my Dreams lately and just really whatever came to my mind.

I entered the kitchen and saw the toast. I smiled and quickly ate it and went out to the car.

"Mike, Good morning. I will drop you off. Lizzy isint going in till tomorrow so we can stay for a bit. We have a talk with your headteacher at 9 and it's 8:23 currently so we have a bit of time. I was thinking we could stop in at the shops and you could get anything you want. Do you want that?" She said as I entered the car.

"Ya, Kay." Was all I said in reply.

Elizabeth was Fast asleep in her child seat. To be fair, she was only 5. My mother pulled out of our driveway and we drove to the shops. Lizzy was still asleep so Mother stayed with her. She gave me £50 and let me go in by myself.

( This is set in England since I'm English and it's just easier )

I entered and pulled my hood up. I turned the strings and went over to the Confectionery Aisle. I scanned up and down and found some Watermelon Gum. I got 5 packs. I grabbed some more different new flavours of Gum and some lollypops. I grabbed a Nugat for Mother and a chocolate lolly for Liz.

I was about to leave the Aisle, when I heard a whistle.

"Woo! Look at what we have here!" The voice was recognisable as Alex. The Chica mask wearer.

I tried to lay low and egnore them, not wanting to make a scene.

"Hey murder! Come back here!" Siera the bonnie mask said running after me. I had put my stuff on a empty conveyer and told the Employee to hurry as the masked people where terrorising me.

Like every employee in existence, he egnored me.

He went as slow as ever and when my Ex friends caught up to me, he finally finished. I gave him my £50 note and he gave me change. I grabbed the bag full of sweets and booked it out the door.

I ran out into the Parking lot, trying to remember where the obvious purple car was parked. When I spotted it, I tried Heading there. But Simon ( Freddy mask ) was much quicker than me and hit me to the ground.

My bag went flying and I was laying on the ground. They circled abouve me like crows. They where about to feed on their prey when a rainbow haired girl jumped in the way, blocking them from me.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" She shouted.

It was like my Knight in shining armour.

Then a red haired tall boy joined her.

I was having major me panick right now. Pull yourself together Michael!

I saw the two Knights battle the bullies and scare them off. Then, they turned to me.

"Mike! Are you okay? I saw they where giving you a hard time." The girl said. She held a hand to help me up.

The boy collected my Shopping and gave it to me.

"U-um thanks. Vanessa, Noah." I smiled.

The twins smiled back. They where so similar and different. Both had a fighting spirit, and colorful hair. Noah's being red and Van's being rainbow. Noah having blue eyes like the ocean, you could get lost in. And van having green eyes, like a calm grassy field you could also get lost in.

I swear I was red as a tomato.

"Anyways. Nice to see ya Mike! See ya in school!" Van said, blowing me a kiss.

"See you around, Darling~" Noah said kissing my hand.

It took everything in me not to faint. Those twins where going to kill me.

I trotted back to the car, still red as ever.

"Mike, love, who where they?" Mother asked.

"Oh? Um, they are my only friends. Vanessa and Noah." I responded. Even though I wasn't Close with Noah, I felt in that moment I had known him for lifetimes.

"Mhm. Well, we must be on our way! Now, I must ask you. Do you think you can spend the day? Or do you want to stay at home for another day and go in with Lizzy tommorow?" She asked.

"I'll try to in. Worst case, you get a call that I need to go home. Right? And I can pull strings to get Van and Noah to be my 'bodyguards' for any bullies if you will." I joked. Mother smiled.

"Right. Let's go" she drove off to my School.

The journey was painstakingly long and quiet. Liz had woken up when we arrived there. We went inside. I pulled my hoodie up again and chewed on some Gum. We gotta all sorts of stares as we walked through the hallway to Mrs Bramwell's room.

Mrs bramwell was a nice Headteacher. Unlike the students and other teachers.

"Ah, Ms Afton. I am so sorry for your loss. Are you doing alright?" She asked, letting us in.

"Yes, Thank you. Now, as you know, Michael is starting again today and him and I have agreed on some Precautions to protect him from the Obvious student bully." She replied sitting down with Lizzy on her lap. I slouched into the slippery leather chairs.

"Yes. What would those be perhaps?" She asked, smiling. Her red lipstick made me sick.

"Maybe let him stay in a room by himself? And if not, let two people stay with him for the day." Mother asked.

"Of course. And those two students would be?" She got a piece of paper and pen ready.

"Vanessa and Noah Harlow." She said. My eyes widened and my face burnt a bit. I tensed up.

"Alright. I will get that set. If you excuse me for a second I will ahve to go find the Twins. Please wait here." She got up and left. My cheeks burnt.

She returned shortly with the Twins. I looked down and away.

"It is all sorted. Michael can come to me and we will call you if anything happens okay?" She ended.

Mother got up. I got up with her.

"Have a good day Michael. Tell Me Bramwell to call me if anything happens, okay? Have a good day" She squeezed my and and left.

I was escorted out by Mrs and left in the corridor with my two Knights in shining armour.

"Heya Mikey! We get to stay with ya the entire day! So cool! Are you okay mike? Your red..." Vanessa asked. She and pulled my hood down.

"Don't worry Van, He's blushing because of our Sexiness that he can't decide who to date" Noah said, reading my mind. I became more red but took deep breaths to Calm myself.

"For starters, I'm fine. Secondly. Please don't let anyone hurt me." I said without thinking. Now I sounded like the needy princess in despair. I groaned and felt two hands on each of my shoulders. Each twin and a hand on me.

"Don't worry my little princess"

"We shall be your saviour Knights!"

I swear those two are soemthing else...

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