06. Unanswered Questions

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Confusion seized occupancy over my mind on seeing two men, clad in uniforms, standing outside the hospital room. Trying hard to comprehend why the cops would be here, I deliberately walked towards them.

"Excuse me? How can I help you?" I asked. They turned around to look at me and exchanged glimpses for an instant before one of them spoke, "Are you by any chance, Miss Song Hana?" 

"Uh..yes," I nodded hesitantly.

"Alright, Miss Song, we are here to exchange some words with Mr. Park about the accident. I reckon his condition is much better than before, and we can't impede the investigation further," he elaborated instantly after he saw my nonplused expression.

"Further Investigation?" My eyebrows immediately quirked up, "what do you mean, officer?" 

A petrifying feeling suddenly enveloped me. My mind was continuously contemplating that something was definitely off— that it's a piece of bad news. 

"We need to confirm some details with Mr. Park first. We can't explain everything right now," the same officer said.

I nodded my head and opened the door slowly, gesturing for them to come inside. On seeing the two officers, Jimin's perplexed eyes met mine, seeking information about the situation. But all I did was to give him a slight nod in assurance. 

"Hello, Mr. Park. We hope you're getting better now. Is it okay with you to talk about the day of the incident?" The cop asked. 

Jimin seemed to be mulling over something as he glanced at me again before answering a simple yes.

"Okay, so I'll cut straight to the chase. The thing is, we highly doubt that it wasn't just a mere accident or a hit-and-run case," the officer stated with a stoic expression. My eyes widened at his statement, and I soon found myself paralyzed at my spot. My intuition wasn't wrong— it was bad news indeed.

"I figured that. The brakes of my car were failed." Jimin spoke in confirmation, which shocked me even more.

"What?" A gasp left my mouth almost immediately after hearing his words. "You knew that, and you still chose not to tell me?" I uttered in disbelief.

"How could I have possibly told you when you were in that state?" He let out.

"Someone did that intending to kill you? It wasn't just an accident..." I mumbled in an almost inaudible voice. The fear took over me, and I could feel my insides shaking dangerously up to the core. I could no longer control my hands; they were shaking in an odd trembling rhythm as the terror sucked the very breath away from my mouth.

"Oh god, Hana!"Jimin's deafening screech was the last thing I heard before everything in front of my eyes blacked out.


"Doctor! Oh, thank god you're here!" The nurse who just came running towards me spoke while trying to catch her breath.

"What is it, Miss Lee?" I heeded to her.

"I need you to come with me," she said, signaling me to follow her.

Moments later, I was standing inside Park Jimin's room, with the awkwardness entirely silencing the closed space. I could feel the brunette's cold gaze boring holes into my head as I looked down at the petite girl who was lying down on the couch. Her features looked pale as ever—as if all the blood had been drained out from her veins. 

"She had a panic attack, and then she passed out" his voice finally broke the thick silence, and I looked up at him.

"I need to check her blood pressure before giving her a shot of injection," I told him. Miss Lee, who stood beside me, immediately rolled up Hana's sleeve before handing me the sphygmomanometer to check her blood pressure. 

I tentatively held her cold hand before slipping up the cuff over her left arm. That's when I noticed some bruises and cut marks, which were now faded to the extent that one can only notice them looking from up close. She didn't have any of those before, just what she had been doing?

My mind was slowly becoming a hurricane of thousands of questions. I would be lying to myself if I said that my heart didn't ache even a tad bit after seeing her like this; she looked so fragile and vulnerable, and she would break the very moment someone laid a finger on her. I could feel my own hands tremble as I reached out to inject the shot into her veins.

Why are you like this, Hana?— I questioned in an inaudible voice inside my head as I glanced at her gloomy face once again.

"She will wake up in an hour or so," I informed the man who seemed to be observing my each and every action as I moved to discard the syringe.

"She will be fine, right?" 

"Huh, y-yeah..." 

"She doesn't deserve this," he mumbled, and I stared at him in confusion.

"What do you mean, Mr. Park?" I asked.

"Nothing," he shook his head as he laid back again, closing his eyes. 

"I think I should go back," I muttered under my breath before walking out. It was too much suffocating in there, and I needed to clear up my head.

I never knew that she used to have panic attacks and those marks on her hands. How did she even get them? Were these panic attacks the reason she had an appointment with Namjoon hyung this morning? 

I took out my phone to call him, but a voice from inside snapped at me immediately before I could even dial his number—why do you care about her? She left you. My hands halted mid-air as I wrestled with my inner thoughts, and at last, I resolved to shook off all the thoughts about her and tossed back my phone inside my pocket.

"Yes, right, I shouldn't care. That guy is there for her now, right? I'm no one to meddle with her business," I gritted my teeth, immediately striding towards my cabin.

"Argh! this is so frustrating," I growled, slamming the door of the cabin behind me. 

"What's so frustrating?" A voice resonated in my ears out of the blue, and my head jolted up, only to see Namjoon hyung sitting on the couch with brows knitted together.

"You startled me!" I complained.

"I was waiting for you. Now, why are you going all hysterics?" He questioned, and his gaze promptly followed my actions as I poured myself a glass of water.

"It's nothing," I mumbled, guzzling the whole glass of water right after.

"You can't lie to me," he stated, rolling his eyes at me.

"What I-"

"Oh, c'mon Tae, I've known you for four years now. I know this much about you by now. You don't behave like this unless it's about her," he stated monotonously.

I fidgeted with my fingers, contemplating to ask about her or not. I peeked at the man again, who was patiently waiting for me to say something. "The patient you were with today, what was she there for?" I finally managed to ask.

"Why do you even want to know-" he paused midway to stare at me with his mouth agape, "don't tell me she is the one who left you years ago..." 

"Yeah, it's her," I ascertained. 

"How? But she-"

"I met her again in this hospital only a few days ago, her boyfriend got into an accident, and I happened to be his surgeon," I started, and my heart clenched at a certain word of mine.

"What are you planning to do now?" he asked.

"I don't know, hyung. I've got a lot on my mind already," I muttered in a low voice, feeling a huge lump forming at the back of my throat. 

He stared at his hands for a few moments and then looked up at me with a stern face before he spoke, "Taehyung, I don't know if I should be saying this is or not, but she didn't seem like a person who would hurt someone's feelings like that."

"What do you mean hyung? She already moved on from me. She is with some other man. Why would she do that if she'd ever liked me truly?" I immediately retorted.

"I don't know. I believed what you said till now because I never met her. But after meeting her personally, I find it hard to believe that someone like her would ever do that. Moreover, how can you be certain that he is her boyfriend? He can be a close friend," he debated with rationality.

"They seemed too close to be just friends," I huffed.

"Maybe you're just being delusional," he sighed, shaking his head.

"Hyung but-"

"Taehyung, you didn't suffer alone," he stated unequivocally as he stood up.

"What are you talking about?" I blinked in perplexity.

"You should figure that out yourself. I can't disclose personal things about my patient." He patted my back before slipping through the door. 

I felt myself drowning into a state of oblivion as numerous thoughts flooded inside my head. 
And I sat rooted to my place, staring at the door intently through which he had walked out a few minutes ago. My head became a mess more than it had already been as I kept on ruminating over what Namjoon hyung said. 

Nevertheless, my questions remained unanswered, like always. 


Hey loves! What do you think about this chapter? Why do you think someone tried to kill Jimin?

Things can be confusing for you at this point but it will be more clear to you with the plot development. I hope you liked this chapter. And I will try to update more frequently as my exams are over now :)

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