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"I've found him, mortals." Zenith chuckles to the five standing in front of him.

"Speak for yourself." Kagami remarks.

"Today we will end the Eternal's reign of terror and take his power for ourselves. Then we can reshape everything exactly how we want it" Zenith rallies and each nod in agreement. Each makes their way to the circular metal platform. Soon after another group enters the chamber, Samantha Arachnid, Alex Killer, Karl Inquisitor, Jack, Jessica and Dave silk, Desmond Vampiris and Mike Sanchez. All except Mike stand onto the platform while he heads to the control panel. "Are you ready Zenith?" Mike asks his hand on a lever. Zenith nods simply in reply. "If we never meet again. Thank you." Mike says as he pulls the lever enveloping the platform in a green light. "Matter transfer in,
One." Everyone on the platform disappeared in a flash of white light leaving Mike on his own.

-Zenith's POV-

Here we are, where it all began. The ash covered earth crumbles with every step, fires that have been forever burning continue to blaze as they did when they started. "Zenith. I'm glad you could join us." Ahead I can see him...the Eternal. His smoke shrouded form and white eyes splitting through. He's surrounded by five others, I recognise each of them. A clever tactic indeed.

"Yang?" Pyro cries taking a step forward but quickly retracting at her lack of acknowledgment.

The others have similar reactions to their loved ones, corruption is easily spread through mortals. Their eyes burn white what they were is lost, but their loved ones haven't forgotten. Maybe this was a bad decision. "What is it Zenith? Regretting your choice of champions?" His head tilts to the right, he's mocking me that much is evident through his monotone voice. "I don't suppose yes is going to get me out of here alive." I joke knowing full well that one of us will die.

"No, it won't make a difference. But lose the extras Zenith they're not required for this contest." At this I smirk.

"Last time you did this you summon your creatures of the mist. My entourage is here to make sure that doesn't happen again." I've lost this game before I will not lose again.

"How does it feel to be home" He chuckles. "I still remember the devastation that drove me to this. The Gods ended our people so I ended them and stole their power."

"I remember it like it was yesterday." The others seem shocked but they're just here for show. The real battle is for me and him. "Then let's do this." He hisses and both our sides sprint towards each other.

-The Hero-

Lena. I wonder how difficult it was to turn her, probably her hatred of Zenith. Don't worry Lena once this is all over I'll bring you back. She sprints with a new speed that she never had before, a dark trail of smoke is left behind as she runs. Using the mechanical arm Zenith gave me I punch her in the face the arm's speed being able to keep up with her. Continuously I block her attacks and hit back not allowing myself to be harmed. I can feel something draining my willpower, perhaps it's the environment in which we fight.

She backs away for a moment and pulls out a gun, she unloads the clip into my chest, puncturing my vital organs. "Fuck" I growl aiming my arm at her, a beam fires from my palm hitting her in the chest, her body turns to dust and blows away in the wind. Silently I fall to the ground, blood pooling below me.

-The Seed-

Mikasa. What's driven you to this? Aiming my rifle I fire round after round at her her lithe form dodges every shot, her blades swinging around too fast to see. I'd heard about these weapons and I'm just grateful that there's nothing for her to grapple onto. Something about this place is draining me, I can't place my finger on it. I see The Hero topple over onto the ground. Can we win this? Mikasa makes a dash at me and I kick off the ground headbutting her in the stomach, winded she falls to the floor. Despite what Zenith said I'm unsure how much truth lies in his words. Stamping on Mikasa's face I knock her out, nose twisted at an awkward angle dribbling blood. A few metres away I can see Pyro igniting his own problems.


The hero is down possibly dead and the Seed is victorious. I don't know how long I can hold off Yang's attacks for. I block another punch from her and kick her away releasing a stream of fire. She leaps into the air and punches the ground clearing the area of flame. Yang punches me in the knee breaking my leg, last time I beat her was because my brothers wore her down. I don't know if I can do it this time. Using my remaining leg I kick hers out from under her, mounting her stomach I bear my Flamesaw down on her, she uses her gauntlets to block the chain. Then her hand slips and I cut straight through her arm embedding the chainsaw inside her, blood flies everywhere coating me in a thick crimson layer. Yang gurgles for a few seconds before dying with a sigh. When this is all over I'll bring you back and fix all that's been done. Don't worry. Brushing my hand over her face I close her eyes, shedding a single tear for her. From here I can see the Manticore with his own problems.

-The Manticore-

Already I feel weak, as if something is pulling me down absorbing a part of me but I shake it off. Dodging another attack from Rias I swing my gauntlet's stinger at her missing by less than an inch. She hits me in the chest with another ball of flame, knocking me the the ground. In my attempts to scramble back up she hits my leg shattering all my bone and tearing muscle. Looking up at her I plead "Rias. Why? Akeno wouldn't want this. I can bring her back if you stop!" She tilts her head, maybe I've reasoned with her-


The red head kicks the Manticore's corpse to the ground his blood oozing onto the ash, I guess you can't reason with them then. I dodge an attack from Akame, I can't let myself be hit by her blade, it will kill me instantly with no escape. Not even my healing can save me, at least I don't think it can. I clash blades with her my superior strength is obvious, I push her backwards through the dust. Now that we've clashed blades my sword is an instantaneous killing machine with no escape, I use Mirror Maze disappearing through Akame's blade and appearing on the other side I kick her in the chest sending her flying back but not without a small scratch at my cheek. "Fuck" I growl, I have to make this last one count. Sprinting towards Akame I embrace her then with my blade I shove it through her back and through my stomach Hall of Mirror. I always wondered what it's like and now I guess I'll find out. In the distance I can see Zenith facing off against the Eternal, if he wins he can bring everyone back to life, so we can work together to "save everyo-"


Zenith told me to take out any stragglers from the Eternal's side and that's what I'll do. That Rias girl is still alive, so much blood spilled, makes me hungry. I smirk pulling the Kagami blade out of its previous owner's stomach, the blood quickly dripping off the blade. While I'm nearby I pick up the girl's blade, should be incredibly useful too. Heading towards Rias I think through my course of action, she can use magic and is a Devil. After Zenith killed that chimera girl I have both Vampire blades which would work but maybe too overkill. Unsheathing the saw blade Freknir I run my hand along its serrated edge cutting my flesh and spilling blood onto its bone surface. Now that it's been fed the sentient sword glows red, a dash at Rias as she tries to take out Pyro slicing her clean in half, her eyes quickly die. Her life extinguished as I might do to a candle. I look onwards to Zenith still battling against the Eternal, I don't know how long he can fend him off for.


It's almost charged, the life energy has almost been depleted I can see my hands become boney. I chose this, for the good of the dimensional collective right? That's what Zenith told me. He wouldn't lie to me. A fit of coughing strikes me and blood splashes onto the soot. "It's now or never." I push the panel on the device unleashing a wave of energy turning the world red, "we did it." I cough my body frail. Samantha smiles at me before I collapse onto the ground her smile fades into a fearful plead. But it doesn't matter, Zenith now has what he needs.


The cloud of smoke is swept away revealing the body of my younger brother. "What did you do?" He growls taking a swing at me. Grabbing his arm I snap it like a twig and kick him backwards. "I've temporarily destroyed the ethereal realm. Where Gods get their power from. It's over brother." I knee him in the chin sending him down into the dirt. "Please. Spare me! I only did this for you. For her!" He pleads, his weakness disgusts me. "No. Eternity. You did this for yourself." Using my mandibles I crush his head, his lifeless corpse drops to the ground and I stamp on his chest collapsing it. Again and again I tear his body apart leaving nothing to come back, both his brains destroyed. "It's over." I smirk. The red haze disappears and the smoke returns enveloping me in its grasp. "I did it! I'm a God!" I shout towards the sky.

Author's Notes- The next chapter is the end. Zenith Out...

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