5: Identity

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Rows of lights that were implanted on the ceiling suddenly lit up altogether, and a single click of the camera shutter echoed throughout the room.

By the time the members refocused their vision, all gazes landed on one person.

With one hand encircling his stomach and the other gripped to the camera, Jung Hoseok was rolling on the floor while laughing hysterically.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Hobi-hyung?! What are you doing here?" Namjoon was the first one to snap out of the state of shock.

"You should look at the state you are all in right now," Hoseok laughed, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye.

The five members looked around, at Hobi, then at each other.

Namjoon was holding up a chair in defence, as if he would smack whoever that tried to come close to him. The paper that he was told to fold up were all scattered over the floor, mostly to shreds.

The 95 liners were glued together, holding on to each other for dear life. Taehyung somehow managed to get hold of his scarf in all the ruckus and tied it around the two of them so they won't be separated.

"Wait. Where's Jungkook?" Hoseok asked.

The members looked around, realizing that the maknae was nowhere to be seen.


From the corner of the room, the window slowly slid open, revealing Jungkook holding onto the walls, dangling in mid air. Namjoon choked on air.

This was the second floor.

"J-Jungkookie! What are you doing?!"

"In hiding. I was petrified," Jungkook nonchalantly pushed up with his arms and flipped himself back into his room.

He rested his hands on his hips, as if that was something to be proud of.

"Same," Jimin shuddered, "I was so scared."

The maknae scrunched his nose, suddenly feeling competitive.

"Well I was more scared!" He exclaimed.

"No, I was!" Taehyung chimed in, joining the pointless argument.

With that, the three of them raced off to the side of the room, back into their old, energetic selves.

Hobi and Namjoon exchanged weird glances at each other, then shrugged.

"Well that was fun!" Hobi let out a heartily chuckle, "I heard your plan for my party after the call with Yoongi, so I wanted to scare you guys instead."

"Definitely a memorable pre-party. I don't think I'll ever forget it," the leader sighed, "How did you know about the plan?"

"The phone call. Yoongi never ended the call afterwards so I heard all your panicking."

"Ah." Namjoon sweat dropped and Hoseok beamed brightly.

Just as they were about to leave, the two stopped in their tracks. Eyes widening, they turned towards each other in unison.

"Where's Yoongi-hyung?"

And Min Yoongi, well, he was by the corner of a wall, crouched and his face buried in his hands.

The two sweat dropped at such a sight.

In contrast to his usual nonchalant self, Yoongi was probably barely alive. He had no aura of existence. If left there, people could actually mistake him as a decoration.

On the stage, he is unstoppable. However when it came to ghosts and supernatural...

Smiling, Namjoon shook his head.

Suga? Tongue technology?

More like Lil Meow Meow.

"Is Suga-hyung asleep?" V suddenly popped up out of nowhere. He cautiously approached the rapper, Jimin following him.

The two boys grabbed a stick nearby and slowly poked him on the head. No reactions. They flipped him over and poked him again. Nothing.

Pulling out a handkerchief, Jungkook sniffed a few times.

"I think hyung's dead."

Hoseok stifled a bit, attempting to suppress his urge to laugh.

Then it happened. Suga raised his head, revealing a single tear rolled down his face.

With that Hoseok lost it.

CRYING?!" the rapper was almost wheezing, "HYUNG, YOU GOOD?"

"I cried," traumatized, Suga stood up and smacked Hoseok on the back of the head, "I actually cried. That was fucking scary!"

"Now you know how I feel as someone who gets scared easily. It's okay hyung, I've been there," Hoseok nodded meaningfully as he went over and gave him a hug. Confused at the sudden personality change, Suga hugged back, not exactly knowing why.

The four remaining members stared as two full grown men remained in the position for a whole minute.

"The hyungs are being weird again," Jungkook mumbled to himself.

After the two finally released from the embrace, Hoseok's eyes lit up as he saw the balloon. It was in the shape of a flower, with pink petals surrounding the middle circle.

"Oh!" He exclaimed, reaching for the string, "It's a Hobi balloon. Thanks guys!"

"Yeah, that was suppose to have HOBI on it," Namjoon explained, "But because of all this, we couldn't—wait, what?"

His mind replayed what the rapper had just said.

The members all looked at the balloon.

What only had the first three letters now was complete, the four big letters "HOBI" rested on the balloon.

Jungkook rested a hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

"Bless your soul. If you didn't fix it in time, we would have been screwed."

The singer cocked his head to the side, obviously not comprehending. "I didn't do it. Wasn't it Namjoon hyung?"

The leader shook his head.

"I didn't do anything."

The eerie vibe rose within the room once again. The members looked at each other, slightly creeped out.

"Y-yah, stop joking around, it's not funny." Yoongi subconsciously moved closer to the group.

"I really didn't do it!" RM held his hands up in defence, "Jimin, was it you?"

As soon as he said that, the group's Mochi rose to a fighting stance, pretending to swing his fists. Jimin stared at him with a dead expression, feeling personally offended by the fact that his height was made fun of at a time like this.

"Bold of you to assume I can reach."

The leader laughed awkwardly.

"Ah, sorry. I didn't mean to."

Jungkook only laughed as he sipped on his banana milk. A pout automatically formed as Taehyung fell deep in thought.

"If it was none of us... Then who?"

As the group was getting more and more bewildered, the door swung open behind them.

Everyone turned around only to see no other than Seokjin, breathing heavily. When he saw Hoseok standing there, the eldest threw his hands up in exasperation, his pink hoodie drawstrings flying with them.

"Oh, Jin-hyung! Did you change clothes before coming here?" Hoseok said, pointing out his pink hoodie, "what happened to the blue one at the convenience store?"

Jin looked at him strangely.

"I never changed, I wore this for the whole day. You were here all along?!" he exclaimed, wiping the sweat off his forehead, "I looked all around the company for you, but you weren't there!"

"You were literally shopping with me twenty minutes ago," the rapper was confused.

"...Me?" Jin looked at him, dumbfounded. He looked around him, jabbing a thumb to himself, "What are you talking about?"

Everyone looked at each other.

The room was silent.

"Wait..." Hoseok said, goosebumps slowly going up his back. His pupils shifted from left to right, trying to find a logical explanation to this, but failed. He looked up and gulped.

"Then who was the one that took me shopping?"

Suga's loud stomps broke the silence. Everyone watched as he made his way to the door, ready to leave.

"Hyung?" Jimin called him from behind, "Where are you going?"

"The church," The rapper slowly turned around, putting his palms together into a praying position. He bowed down before closing the door for real.

"This place needs holy water."


lmao this is what happens when lori decides to write chapters @ 3am in the morning


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