7: Resilience

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An empty thud echoed the practice room.

All the members turned to the source of the noise, only to see Jimin on the ground, gritting his teeth in pain.

"Jimin!" Namjoon was the first to rush to the injured member. He helped him to his feet and brushed aside his bangs that were covering his face.

"Are you alright?" Taehyung asked apprehensively, his concerned gaze not leaving the idol.

A few seconds passed, and Jimin stood up from the floor. He wiped the dust off his legs and reassured his members with a smile.

"I'm fine."

"Jimin-ah, don't be too harsh on yourself, you can always take a rest when you need to," Jin reminded, but he just shook his head with a smile.

"It's okay, I'm fine."

That was a lie.

Jimin was not fine, and the members all knew that.

With their approaching world tour, everyone was practicing intensively. Jimin especially, wanted to show the fans the performances to the best of his abilities.

Jungkook glanced over to the older member in apprehension.

Jimin was always like that. When any of the members felt the slightly discomfort, he would always be one of the first ones to notice. He would scold other members to not overwork themselves, but then proceed to do the exact same thing.

He paid too much attention to others, and too little attention to his own health.

Taehyung frowned.

Although they've been together for seven years, he wished that Jimin would sometimes open up more to him.

They were soul mates after all.


That night, Jimin had a dream.

He was trapped in the training room, engulfed in darkness. Then one by one, different versions of him rose into existence. He could see the Jimin in 2011, the Jimin on the day of BTS's debut, and the Jimin from yesterday, all standing side by side.

Suddenly, one fell.

And another followed.

Eventually, all the versions of him collapsed, leaving him the only one standing.

Shaken, he took a few steps back to steady himself, only to bump into the mirror behind him.

He turned around to the mirror, only to have chills sent down his spine.

He had no reflection.

There was no way to prove his existence.

Who was he?


"We're going on a trip!" Taehyung exclaimed, bursting into the practice room.

The members turned to him, confusion visible on their sweat filled faces.

Only two weeks were left until the commencement of their world tour. At this point, they've completely familiarized themselves with the formatting and the routine of the concert.

However, this was still no time to relax.

"A trip?" from the corner of the room, Jimin rose with a questionable tone, "With the concert just around the corner? Taehyung-ah, you know we don't have time for this."

"We've all been too tense for the past weeks," he said, "Don't you all think a small break would help?"

"No," Jimin said flatly, and Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows.

The members exchanged glances with each other. Even though they do have most of their performance figured out, there were still a lot of tweaks that needed to be made and fixed.

In order to show the best stage possible to ARMY, everything had to be perfect.

They weren't sure whether they can afford to lose even one day.

"Actually," a voice arose amongst the wave of uncertainty. A certain rapper raised his hands to get the rests' attention.

"I don't think this is a bad idea," Yoongi pointed out, "Although there are more to be done, we are ahead of the schedule. A short break would be nice to relax, and it'll probably even help with our work more efficiently when we come back."

He turned to see Taehyung staring at him with hearts in his eyes. Suga had to physically restrain him before the singer almost ended him with continuous hugs attacks.

"Yoongi-hyung's right," Namjoon agreed. "Being uptight all the time like this may even hinder our practice results. I think this is a nice change of pace every once in a while."

Jin and Hoseok nodded with a grin.

"Hyung, not you too!" Jimin grumbled as he melted to the floor. With his last hope, he looked over to the youngest of the group. He used his glimmering, watery puppy eyes to stare right into Jungkook's.

"Jungkook-ah, you'll stay and practice with me, right?"

The maknae rubbed the nape of his neck awkwardly and tilted his head a bit. He looked from the 5 members to Jimin, then went over to the singer.

He pulled him up and smiled.

Jimin was about to hug him, but his heart dropped when Jungkook switched over to side of the other members.

"Let's get it," he deadpanned, and Jimin had to suppress the urge to choke-slam him to the floor.

"Then it's decided!" Taehyung said gleefully, "Jimin, you'll have to come too! It's a group activity after all."

"This is a dictatorship," the singer crossed his arms. Mimicking his movement, Taehyung came over, then slapped his arm. This caused Jimin to wince in pain.

"See? Your body is super strained. Stop being stubborn and just come with us. It's about time for you to loosen up a bit."

He leaned and stared into Jimin's eyes, so long that it made him uncomfortable. He turned his face, only to find himself encircled by all the members, staring intensively at him. Eventually, the singer sighed and gave into the peer pressure.

"Fine, I'll go."

Everyone cheered.

At that moment, Jimin pushed over the crowd as a last attempt to escape. He zoomed through the members and reached for the door. But before he could make it three steps out the door, he felt himself levitate above ground.

Jungkook had easily gotten him by the waist, and flung him over his shoulder like a sack of beans.

"Way to go, Jungkook," Taehyung leaned back with a satisfied, mischievous grin.

"Yah, let me go!" The singer struggled by hitting the younger member on the back. He was returned with a spank to the butt.

"Off we go," the maknae chirped as he strided out the door, leaving the older members shaking their heads.

"He's enjoying this," Namjoon said.

"Yeah he is," Hoseok agreed.

They watched as their three younger members pushed and pulled by door, Taehyung and Jungkook dragging Jimin out the door by force.

"Ah these boys," Jin shook his head dramatically, then started to clap loudly.

"I've taught them well."


It was a chaotic mess in the car.

With their hit song, "Blood, Sweat, and Tears" blasting in the background, the members were screaming to the lyrics.

Sitting in the passenger seat in the front, Yoongi had stuck soundproof earbuds in his ears and fallen asleep the moment they got into the car.

Jin had the window open, and was blowing kisses to strangers in the cars beside them.

Namjoon and Hoseok was head banging to the song, with Hoseok almost snapping the steering wheel in half.

Surprising, Jungkook sat in peace, and munched on his packet of potato chips and banana milk in silence, savouring its flavour.

Amongst the chaos, Jimin and Taehyung sat next to each other, one muttering incoherent complaints and the other rambling on how fun it was going to be.

"It's going to be so exciting," Taehyung rubbed his palms against each other, "I can feel it!"

"Well, I can't," Jimin groaned in exasperation, "I still need to clean my dance, and review the concert performances. Right now, I should be in the practice room."

"You can do that after all this. Right now, you need to relax," the singer said.

Jimin pouted as he slide further down his seat.

"Come to think of it," Jin poked his head between the two boys, who looked up at him in unison.

"Where are we even going?"

"Just follow the GPS," Taehyung replied thoughtfully, his expression unreadable.

Hoseok gave him a weird look, but continued to drive.

"This better be as relaxing as you're making it to be," Park Jimin muttered stubbornly.

The feeling of anticipation within Kim Taehyung only bubbled up even more when he saw the tip of a metal railing emerging in the distance.

They were almost there.

It was only a matter of time when they reach Everland, home to some of the highest and fastest roller coasters in Korea.

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