9: Soulmates

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It didn't take very long for Taehyung to realize something was wrong.

As the two hid behind an alleyway between two building, they somehow to successfully evade the watchful eyes of the fan who charged straight passed the road gap. Sighing with relief, the pink headed boy spun around expecting to see his soulmate, but only to find himself looking up at an incredibly tall person with long hair.

"Hul," was all the singer was able to say.

He examined the unfamiliar face in front of him, and watched as it grimace awkwardly.

"W-what?" The person said uncomfortably.

There was a three second pause between the two.

"Damn Jimin, you changed so much in the past thirty minutes, weren't for the hair, I wouldn't have recognized you!" Taehyung exclaimed. Yoojung simply stood on the spot, completely bewildered by the situation.


"I didn't expect you to take the whole 'relaxing' situation that seriously, you really went all out!" he continued on, oblivious to the dumbfounded expression on the girl's face. He bent down to her shoes and poked it with his fingers.

"Damn, how many insoles did you put on?"


Taehyung blinked at the source of the familiar voice, and turned only to see another person standing behind him, barely catching his breath.

"Ah, it's Jimin," Yoojung said behind him.

"Jimin?!" the singer exclaimed, then snapped his head to the person standing behind him, "...Then who are you?"

Jimin and Yoojung sighed.


"I absolutely can not believe you," with a hand running through his hair, Park Jimin was leaning in his chair utter exasperation, "How does someone mix two completely, and I do mean COMPLETELY different people up, just because they both have blonde hair?"

"You looked alike!" Taehyung exclaimed.

"We're not even the same gender!" Jimin shot back.

"Well my defense is-"

"Invalid," the blonde singer cut him off before the poor boy could even give an excuse.

He shook his head in dismay before spinning around to talk to the confused girl that stood between the two of them, "Sorry for getting you involved in all of this. it was this idiot's fault for losing his mask and attracting all our fans along the way."

Yoojung's eyes sparkled at the boy's kindness. She wasn't expecting a member of one of the most popular groups to be so humble, and not to mention, his voice was so soothing to the point where it made her heart do a flip just by listening to him talk.

No wonder they're so popular.

"I hope you're not too startled," Taehyung added, narrowing his eyes at the other boy, "Although none of this would happen if Jimin didn't run off."

"Oh, so it's my fault now?"

"Is it not?"

"By the way," Yoojung stepped in, halting their quarrel before it escalated, "Are you two really from BTS?"

They nodded in unison.

"Hul," This time, it was Yoojung's turn to jaw drop.

She was still recovering to from the shock of meeting real celebrities in person, not to mention, in an amusement park out of all places. Looking back, she could recall all the moments where her friends obsessed over getting a ticket to their concert, and how much they would compliment them everyday.

She wondered how they would react if she called and told them that BTS was in front of her, and she was having a full out conversation with the two of them at the very moment. At that, Yoojung laughed half heartedly.

She probably won't make it past sunset.

The two artists just stared in confusion at the girl in front of them as she had a whole pep-talk to herself. Eventually she snapped back to reality and cleared her throat.

"Aren't you guys like, super busy? I'm not that into the entertainment field, so I don't know much, but what are you doing here?"

"We're relaxing!" Taehyung exclaimed before giving her a wide grin, "Well, for the next few hours at least."

"At an amusement park?" she lifted an eyebrow, "That's a very unique way of relaxing."

Jimin and Taehyung shrugged simultaneously, and she was almost sketched out on how in sync the two were.

"You're like twins," she said, smiling, "Everyone in Bangtan seems really close to each other."

"Well-" Jimin started.

"We are!" Taehyung beamed, and the blonde singer was taken back on how quick his confirmation was, "Bangtan's like family. We come to each other for everything from the smallest chores to our most personal problems, knowing that we won't be judged and will be helped genuinely by others to the best of their abilities. That's how close we are."

Yoojung gushed internally at how genuine the idol was. She decided that she would definitely go home and learn all their names, then become an actual fan.

Jimin just stared at him, stunned.

It was like an epiphany.

Seeing Taehyung's attitude towards their friendship gave Jimin a strong feeling of reassurance. Suddenly, he felt like all the things that had been a source of his suffering and apprehensiveness were not that grave anymore.

He didn't need a reflection of himself when his members know who he really was.

That was what mattered.

"Bro.." Jimin said as they fist pumped each other.

They were each other's soulmates, after all.

Knowing the fact that this will never change almost made his eyes water up.

"We also shower together sometimes!" The pink haired boy exclaimed.

With that, his tears immediately went back in his eye sockets, which was followed by a rush of second hand embarrassment.

"That was too much information," Yoojung laughed nervously, trying to erase the image of that description from her mind before it advances into something that could not be unseen.

A sudden succession of shrill rings broke the silence. The three all jolted up in surprise as Yoojung dug her hands into her pocket and pulled out her phone.

"It's my mom!" she said happily to the idols before picking up the phone, "She said she'll track me down on her GPS and told me to wait right here."

"She'll... She'll what?" Jimin blinked twice.

"I'm direction blind, so this happens a lot," she explained with a laugh, "Being tall doesn't really come to play when you can barely distinguish east from west."

"But installing a GPS is a bit..." V ruffled his hair apprehensively. Yoojung just shook her head, reassuring him with a grin.

Oh, it's fine, I get lost easily, that's why," she waved him off casually. The singer sweat dropped.

"Is that so..."

"Anyway, it was nice talking to you guys!" Yoojung flipped her hair, the wind carrying it off her back, "I won't ask for a picture since it'll probably cause a commotion."

The two returned her smile kindly, "Thanks, we appreciate that."

"We'll have to get going now, the others are probably waiting," Taehyung waved at her one last time, "Hopefully we can see you at one of our concert, Yoojung!"

"Yeah, me too," She paused, then shrugged a smile.

"If I can get tickets, that is."


After the three parted, Jimin and Taehyung went into a cafe nearby that was sparse of customers.

"She was such a chill fan," Jimin laughed, earning a nod of agreement from the pink hair singer.

"And helpful too."

The two remained quiet for a few moments, the empty buzz of the ceiling lights being the only source of sound. Eventually, Taehyung was the one to break the silence.

"Today was a hectic day."


Another silence.

"Jimin," the idol said, getting his attention, "You know if there's anything wrong, you can always talk to us about it, right?"

Jimin smiled, "Yeah, thanks, soulmate."

Hearing the term made Taehyung melt into his seat. The blonde watched as his best friend giggled sheepishly, like a seven year old.

"Hey, you good?" he poked Taehyung with a smile, and he poked him back.

"We should call Namjoon and the others, or else they'll probably get really angry," he said, and Jimin nodded.

The two just both continued to stare into each other's eyes, both anticipating the other to be the one to take out their phone.

None of them did.

"Do you not have your phone?" Taehyung asked, and Jimin shook his head.

"I left it in the practice room since we left spontaneously."

V grimaced at the response, recalling the location of his own phone.

"I left mine with Namjoon."

"Well," They blinked three times before gulping.

That's when the two realized that they messed up.

With that, Jimin and Taehyung stayed stranded in the restaurant for another two hours before they were found and retrieved by the rest of their members.


Happy birthday to our dear Taehyung! I hope that happiness will be bestowed upon you forever 💜

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