Rules/Character Choosing!

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The rules I'm about to show you may seem pretty similar to the year before ( In fact, they are the same. I just copied and pasted them ). That's because the rules are pretty much the same, with a few exceptions. 

So, anyway, here are the rules for the game:


1. Alliances are not allowed ( You may not team up with anyone, the closest you will ever get to this is when there are team challenges. Other than that, no alliances. If any alliance is seen, you will be given a warning, three warnings and you will be killed in some fashion. )

2. Please do not get too dramatic over getting voted in, and/or dying ( I know you can't help your rage, neither can I. But please, it'll make it much easier if you comply. If you want to vent, please do it in Inbox's to me, and not in comments. Aggravation over the entire course of the game will get you kicked, however. )

3. If you die, you are allowed to still watch what happens. ( You are allowed to stay and watch what happens. )

4. Magic is not allowed ( It ruins the fun for everyone, and I want to make sure that everyone has a great time doing this! )

5. Resurrection is not allowed ( Deaths are permanent. If your character comes back alive unless I do it, then your character will instantly die. No appealing. )

6. Please do not give a perfect character to me ( Everyone has some flaws, so if you basically say your character is perfect, I will lower your stats ( Meaning making them reasonable ) to not comply with your details. It's unfair for someone to be put in a challenge with a perfect person. )   ( I'LL EXPLAIN THIS AFTER THE RULES ARE STATED )

7. HAVE FUN AND BE WILD! ( I know for some this may seem unfair, but i'm doing this for the purpose of the roleplay! If I were to allow Magic, everyone would have left and escaped the night then and there! So please, just try and have fun! )

8. Try not to sacrifice yourself and/or not do a challenge on purpose. Unless it's told you are allowed to ( It kinda ruins the game for everyone )

9. Do not make a fake idol ( You'll see what I mean when we actually get into the RP. If I see you making one, then I will give you a warning. Two warnings and your character is killed and you will not participate in the game. )


Alright, now is the time where you give me your characters. In the comment section below, I need you to place the character you will be going as. ( Ex: @StarTsundereNeko going in as Star )

For the veterans, who have done this before, if your character ended up dying in Season 1 you'll need to give me a different character. One that is NOT the one that you originally played as. If you did survive, though, I would still like it if you chose a different character.

I will evaluate your core strengths and weaknesses, and make a list of all the traits of your character. However, if you give me a perfect character then I will deduct points from each of your traits.

Every person deserves a fair chance.

NOW! Go ahead and place your characters below! I will try to get to you as fast as I can!

( This step is mandatory, as is reading the rules )

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