_____'s death.

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???: Well, I guess this is it?

???: You sure about this?

???: Yup. I'm ready.

~~~With Voice, Darknight, Karyn, and Hate~~~

* The four were talking to eachother about Hate's hatred towards Dream. Darknight was getting pissed at Hate, almost to the point where he might break. But he kept his clam and didn't do it. *

* ...But something felt off. You could hear thumping, probably from the minions walking around. *

Voice: Who do you think is gonna live?~

Darknight: Uncle Dream better live...I hope he does survive!

Hate: Why are you rooting for him? He killed Star!

Voice: Can we just stop talking about this? Enough!

* You notice that one of the minions was coming towards you, hopefully with the survivor! *

Darknight: I heard something snap over there...hopefully it's Dream!

* The minion came closer, he was still holding his sword. *

Voice: ...So who survived?~

* There was no one by his side... *

Voice: Uhm, hello? Can you tell us who survi--

* STAB. *

Voice: ...

* His sword sliced through Hate's stomach. Blood came out the other end, and Hate started to couch up blood. *

Karyn: OH MY GOD!

* He then reached for her neck, and forced her to stare into his eyes. He waited for a few seconds, before twisting her neck and ripping her head straight form her neck. *

* Both her body and her head dropped to the ground; blood immediately started spewing out from her neck. *

* Hate was killed in front of you...she was dead. *

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