The Mansion

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* After performing the ritual, you all had blacked out. The darkness surrounding you, however, started to fade away and you could see again!*

* But now, you were surrounded by what looked to be a jungle. Large fan-like leaves just barely touched the ground, and the giant trees near you barely scraped the sky. Frogs croaked near the river flowing adjacent to you, and birds cawed from above the canopy. *

* As you looked around, you could confirm that this was the "Forbidden Jungle" that The Puppetmaster was talking about. And it also looked like he had anticipated you, since everyone was now standing on a path that lead further into the jungle. *

* Everyone came to the rational decision to follow it to wherever it wanted to take you. As you walked further and further, you noticed more and more wildlife presenting itself to you. More frogs, more birds, more rivers and plants. Until finally, you came across it. *

* Standing in a large clearing was a mansion, accompanied by tiki torches, varying wildlife and brush, a luxurious fountain in the shape of a tiger, and a grand staircase leading up to the house. It was all so perfect; this had to be the place you'd be staying at for the night. *

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