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The whole damn room was spinning. Katherine had locked herself in the town hall private bathroom as she gripped the sink counter. She could hear the press,phsycially hitting at the locked bathroom door and demanding answers. Muffled screams of the vultures of truth.
She opened her purse and pulled out a pill bottle and poured two pills into an open palm. She dry swallowed them and put the pill bottle back into the purse after tightening it. Terrence was gone. She watched him flee the stage once the police came full sprint into the conference room.

Was he caught? Did he fight back? Was he dead? Was it true...? Was he The YoungVille Horror?
Not Terrence. He couldn't have been and he wouldn't have been,it's just plain stupid.

Katherine took a deep sigh and realized she was crying when she fully looked into the mirror. She wiped her face with her left wrist then looks back to the door. The Kids were probably being picked apart win questions about their father.

The Press were quiet now...what had happened? A single knock on the bathroom door. "Ma'am? We need you to exit the bathroom. We have some questions. This is the YVPD!"

YoungVille Police Department.

Katherine lifted her purse strap over shoulder and walked over to the door and unlocked it slowly and opened the door.

She was met with a blue uniform and shiny gold badge. "Let's go." The man said firmly.


Katherine sat in the interrogation room and looked around. She had never been inside one of these rooms before but she had seen them on TV. They were so cold looking. And it was cold in here.

The door opened to a man wearing a three piece suit,an African American. Tall,Built,and cold looking. He had plastic framed glasses and a Rolex as he pulled out a second chair from the table Katherine sat at,he slowly sat down and looks at her. In his left hand he held a yellow folder with a few papers. He put it on the table and opened it slowly. "Hello Mrs. Holliday. I am Detective Hugo. Let's begin shall we?"

Katherine nods,feeling a bead of sweat roll down her forehead,but she was far too nervous to even move to wipe it away.

Hugo spoke carefully,reading from the first exposed paper inside the open yellow folder. "You are married to Mr. Holliday and have three kids?" He looks up at her,awaiting her confirmation.

"Four actually. My youngest daughter was having a play date with a friend during the conference..." She said with carefulness not to trip over any word.

Hugo nods and pulls a pen from his pocket and corrects three to four. "Alright...were you aware before the conference that Terrence would confess to being The YoungVille Horror?"

Katherine exhaled slowly. Was she? Had the hints been laying before here and she was to absorbed in work and such to see it?
"Not that I was aware of,no."

Hugo nods and writes down on a side margin 'Unaware.'

He looks back up to her and sets his pen on the table. "Alright...let me put it to you this way...your husband,Mr. Holliday. Has confessed to the murder of 18,the rape of 7,two counts of arson,and the kidnapping of 10. You're telling me he managed to hide all that from you? Bullshit. Tell me the truth."

Katherine went wide eyed. "I beg yo...yo...your pardon?" Fuck. The stutter was coming back. Whenever she got nervous it came back sometimes and right now she was a nervous wreck.

Hugo leans forward. "Look...the YVPD has been very envious to catch this guy and throw him behind bars. Make YoungVille safe again. Your husband has just presented that opportunity to make YoungVille safe again! Just...tell me the truth."

Katherine shakes her head "Det...Det...Detective! I...I...I am!"

Hugo stands up and slowly walks to the side of her. "I'm truly sorry...but YoungVille needs this case shut." He then grabs her shoulders "One last time..before I get angry. Were you aware he was going to confess?!"

Katherine swallowed hard and closed her eyes. 'Forgive me Christ...'
"Ye...Yes...yes. I was."

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