Black box.

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18th January 2019 ;

Music pumped everyone up. The crowd roared and her body was thrust to the side rather roughly. The sound of annoyance she emitted was barely audible over such deafening blaring songs.

Shoving her way through the sweaty bodies, her hand moved up to her neck scratching the itch away. Aurora seriously hated this wig. Not only was it a scandalous pink, it also made her look like lice were regulars in her hair. She grimaced, nearing the stage.

"Gus, I don't see anyone." She shouted in her earpiece. The band wasn't even here and people were already going crazy. She could've been one of them if under different circumstances. For once, she was glad she wasn't.

Nothing like some peace and quiet, her head throbbed.

He shouted back encouragingly, "keep looking, you'll catch something soon."

Half an hour passed before a bright flash of pink caught her attention which was ironic since everyone was sporting such dreadful color. It was like someone puked pink all over. She internally gagged. It was blinding.

But, this was a brighter pink, the kind you notice because it just looked expensive, no matter how ugly it was. This was the case here. The girl looked too familiar. Aurora squinted.

By the time the girl's identity registered in her mind, her eyes were as wide as sausages. "It's Violet." At Gus' puzzled huh, she added hissing. "It's Violet Pamilton."

He inhaled sharply, "that whore?" Aurora nodded though he couldn't see her. "Fuck, man." Gus laughed. "This couldn't get any better." She could hear him better since the music was toned down for the band was getting ready on the stage. "What're you going to do?"

Pondering for a couple of seconds, she sighed. "Carry on with the plan anyway."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, her identity doesn't matter. In fact, it's in our favor right now-"

He cut her off the grin evident in his voice, "after all, she's a living black box."

Humming, Aurora disconnected the call but not before reminding him to get Jesse to tweak the security footage.

An hour later of stalking Violet, her bodyguards were beyond bored. Two hours after, the crowd was thinning out. That bitch is too damn annoying, Aurora grunted. The girl sure could hold her liquor and dance for three hours straight.

A while later Violet headed to the bathroom. Finally, Aurora followed suit glad the bodyguards didn't move from their spots. Her father should seriously upgrade his employees. Unless he, himself, just wanted her gone, smirking at her own conclusion she pushed the door and walked in.

Making sure no one else was in, she locked it after her. "Hurry up, bitch." Violet squeaked in the stall then giggled. Last time she checked, Aurora was sure the b-word wasn't a term of endearment unless Violet was into that kind of kink.

"Hi there, babe!" She slurred out stumbling to the sink. Kindly enough, Aurora let her wash her hands before pinning her to the wall.

"Tell me about your boyfriend." Violet looked sour at the abrupt actions and demands. Flicking her forehead, Aurora leaned in closer. "Your current boyfriend." At that, the frown deepened. Incredulously, she threw her hands up in disbelief then slapped her across the face. Violet sobered up a bit after that. "Tell me about Mark."

Cupping her red cheek, Violet glared at her. "That's none of your-" another slap. She hissed. "What the actual fuck?" A threatening finger was pointed at Aurora. "Don't you know who I am? Who my father is? I'm going to ruin you."

Aurora smirked pulling her gun out. At that, the girl faltered. "Or...Or, you know, we can talk this out. Like two civil adults. Peacefully." She stuttered, the slur still present.


"Yes, Mark. Uh," she looked around. "Um, what about him?"

"Anything you got about him?" Aurora's patience was evaporating. "Stop shaking."

"Hard to do when you're pointing that thing at me." The gun was lowered and Aurora raised her eyebrows a silent 'happy now?' passing between them. Violet sighed. "He and I are on and off. Been like that for a couple of years or so. He likes young chicks. Apparently his wife is stiff in bed," she blabbered on, "I don't know much about him to be honest. We only meet up like once a week or two. Mind blowing sex, I tell you-"

"Focus." Aurora gritted out, forcing the bile down. The woman was about to burst from her recollections alone.

"Yeah, sorry. As I was saying. No one knows he and I know each other even, so whoever told you must be good at their job." She giggled, waving her arms around. Aurora's head throbbed harder. "He's very secretive, though. And loaded, as fuck." Aurora scoffed rolling her eyes. "But, not from his actual work. He's in that mafia, drugs, trafficking kind of shit."

Her eyes perked up, her interest peaked. "How do you know?"

"Heard him talk on the phone after we had sex last year. I was too sore to move or sleep but I'm sure as the fucking we did, that I heard right." Groaning out loud, Aurora grimaced.

"Does he have any family?"

"Nope. At least, not that I know of. Secretive, remember?" Violet dared look disappointed in her for not following up. "I've heard snippets before. But, that phone call confirmed everything. I forgot what it was about exactly, though. But, I'm really sure. He's really rich, you know." She giggled then sighed dreamily. "He even got me a car and a house before. We fucked in both of them."

"Enough." It was getting harder to tame the nagging urge to throw up. "Anything else?"

Her eyes finally looked focused. "He has certainly killed people. I've seen a gun in his possession before. And, his guards...his guards are terrifying. They're not the kind of people you really want to mess with. Not even sneeze near them. Or breathe, even. I've heard him once talk about disposing of someone and dismissed it as their vocabulary at work." She swallowed loudly. "Two days later, the guy was found his own house."

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