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20th December 2018 ;

I know more than you think.

The words resonated inside her mind.

Her arms limp by her sides, her neck craned back, her eyes stinging after the short crying session ended. She stared at the sky. So dark and mesmerizing. The stars looked like beautiful scars to her. What was it with us and meeting in gardens during parties?, She wondered half-heartedly. Heaving a sigh, she pushed herself up and dusted off her knee-length dress.

I know more than you think.

She glanced at his sprawled figure on the tiny bench. He was looking up as well. How could I break like that in front of him? Why..?, anger seeped back into her system. Aurora had zero tolerance for weakness.

Weakness meant defeat. And she'd lost enough.

I know more than you think.

Her eyes narrowed. Who did he think he was? After all this time...what could he possibly want? A whirlwind of emotions and questions swamped her. She didn't owe him anything. For all she knew, he was someone she met by chance on a very unfortunate night. She took a hesitant step back.

I know more thank you think.

Her movements ceased. Or was it a coincidence?, she blinked rapidly unsure of where her mind was taking her with all these assumptions. After all, Aurora hasn't spared their brief meeting that night another thought until the last time she'd seen him a year ago. Yet, even then, she didn't allow her mind the luxury to think about this mysterious guy.

Her lips parted then closed again uncertain of what to say. He was yet to speak.

I know more thank you think.

He was waiting for her to indulge further into her story. She barely held her scoff. Who did he think he was expecting her to trust him like that? She barely knew him. Aurora never told anyone anything. At least not the whole story.

So, what if he knew more than she thought he did? She could always torture the information out of him. Or, just kill him right there and then. Her plate was already full and she didn't need to get sidetracked or have something else to worry about.

Her hand moved slowly to the knife under her dress, tied to the side of her thigh. His lips turned upwards in a pained small smile. Grabbing the handle tightly, she charged and stood by him. One leg propped up next to him, one hand grabbing his collar and the other holding the knife dangerously close to his neck.

"So," his eyebrows rose, daring eyes sparkling, "this is the path you chose?" Somehow, his question had underlying meanings. It irked her. Her pupils turned to slits.

"What do you know?" She ignored what he'd said. She already knew that he was aware of what she's been doing. "I remember seeing you in a police car around three years ago. How much do you know?"

He laughed but stopped startled as she pressed the knife harder against his skin. He grimaced. He could fight back, and that's what he was going to do. Kicking her shin, Aidan seized the opportunity of her lack of balance to twist the knife out of her hand. But, he didn't expect her to slam her knee up to his shoulder.

Pushing her away, both of them scrambled to their feet glaring at each other. Bodies taut with tension, standing erect in fighting stances. "I know that your family was killed." Her posture faltered for a moment.

"Who are you?" she hissed.

Sighing, he moved toward her his hands up, and stopped mere centimeters away. "I'm not here to hurt you, I promise. Just come sit down and let's talk for a bit." Her mind drifted back to the last time they had a conversation and her defenses crumpled.

"Should you try anything funny..." she didn't finish her sentence, the threat ringing loud and clear.

He nodded then took a seat and patted the bench beside him. Huffing, she sat down too gesturing for him to start.

His gaze settled on her, studying the side of her face. "You don't look much different. But, I still prefer your old face."

"Aidan." A warning.

Inhaling deeply, he looked away, words flowing out of his mouth. "Your dad hired me."

Confusion settled deep within. What is he talking about?, her eyebrows furrowed her head turning to him. A distant look on his face, pained, angry and nostalgic.

"When you've been studying in Australia, I was there. In France, I was there. England. Spain. And finally, here, in America. I've always been there. For eight years, I've followed you everywhere." Her eyes widened in shock, absorbing the new information. Her breath hitched. "You could say I was a paid stalker." A reluctant breathy laugh hung in the air for a bit.

She stammered. "Dad? Why would he hire you, or anyone, to follow me?"

"I wasn't the only one. Sometimes, there were a couple of other people. But, he didn't want people to know about you. And, he trusted me. So, I've been your undercover guardian, private bodyguard, call it whatever you want, for as long as I can remember." Their eyes met. "The less people who knew about you, the better."

"Why? I'm missing something here, Aidan." Frustration and shock evident on her face.

He grimaced. "That's the tricky part: I have no idea, either." His lips thinned. "All I knew was that something, or someone, scared the shit out of your father. For God's sake, you've never been to America for years and when you did..." his voice faltered, unspoken words hanging in the air.

She cleared her throat. "What do you mean tricky?"

"Your father was an honorable man." Aurora nodded. "A rising businessman. A couple of friends. No enemies, yet. Totally normal, common knowledge, right?" he shifted toward her. "Wrong. Apparently, he'd always had a couple of enemies."

She blinked. "Tom?"

"He's a mere pawn, at times. But, yeah, he became one of your dad's hidden opponents."

Realization hit her like a gust of wind. "Sad, how much greed can change people."

Aidan nodded. "True, yeah. But, he wasn't always like that. Someone else is behind this."

"Who?" She frowned.

"You should know. You've most certainly seen him that night." At her perplexed expression, he added. "I've seen the actual text on Tom's phone." Her heart stopped. He gave her an apologetic look. "So, why don't you start by telling me what happened that night, Aurora?"

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