Chapter 24

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      Marrissa walked into the workshop/armory. She was wearing a black outfit. Black tee with black pants. Jonathan looked up when she walked in. It was mission day. She had a bag by her side.

"Whats with the bag?" Asked Clare, tossing her a leather jacket. Marrissa put it down and caught the jacket.

"Its new clothes. All gray. We are to get new clothes tomorrow in white." She said. Clare wrinkled her nose. Jonathan looked at the bag in disgust and Mark rolled his eyes. Marrissa shrugged on the jacket. Then she armed herself wirh knives and guns. Jonathan had his everpresent sword across his back.

Mark appeared to have no weapons, but Marrissa knew better. Clare lined her jacket with knives. Jonathan went through the plan one last time.

"OK. Marrissa and Me are going to ride together, Mark with Clare. We are taking the motorcycles. If we run into anything, fight like hell. You know what to do from there I expect?" He looked at them. They nodded. They climbed onto the bikes and sped off into the night.

They stopped in an alleyway, hidden from sight by the passing civilians. They were all heading home, others heading to night shifts. Jonathan had been scouting the workers of the Peace center, the exact times they arrived, and he chose which ones they would switch with. He nudged Marrissa and pointed to the one meant for her. It was a blonde about Marissa's height and size. As she passed the alleyway, Jonathan reached out and put a chloroform rag to her mouth. He scanned her top to bottom with the watch, then put it on Marissa's wrist. At the press of a button her appearance was changed to match the woman's. Switching clothes, she was now dressed in the woman's clothes to. Lab coat and scrubs of the hospital uniform.

"Carla Mason." She read from the name tag. She looked up. "I thought she worked at the Peace center though?"

"She does. She has a night shift at the hospital, but she is a secretary during the day. Wife of a head PM." Explained Jonathan.

Nodding Marrissa turned to Mark. "See you inside."

Jonathon stopped her before she stepped away. She saw worry in his eyes, but also a bit of pride. And...... Love. She saw a war raging beneath his features as he fought the urge to drag her back to the base. He pulled her away from a talking Clare and Mark.

He hugged her quickly. "Marrissa, stay safe, don't draw attention. Just do it and get out. " he whispered hugging her.

"I will, don't worry." She whispered. Then she disappeared into the crowds, heading towards the Peace center.
After hiding the body behind a dumpster, Mark looked for his target. It was a man about his size and height, lab coat on. He was also blonde, blue eyes. He repeated the same process as was done with the woman, then he read the name tag. "Steven Cross. Head of Chip Technization. Improves chips, creates the new design. He should know all about how to shut it down." Jonathan explained. Mark nodded. Jonathan had really done his research.
Then he also disappeared into the crowd.

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