Here it is!!!!

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Ok so here is the sneak peak of Eutopia Freeworld, second installment of this series, Eutpoia Chronicles. I plan to come up with a third and final book, the name of which is still unkown to me. Anyway, lets do this!

Marrissa pushed the button on the computer, ending the chip program along with Mark.

All the things that led up to this flashed before her in an instant. Meeting Jonathan Black, his cousin Clare Coleman, and Mark Botana his best friend. Meeting Marks uncle, General Botana, training, spying for the Resistance, crushing both boys, planning, her first mission, and now this. THE mission. To destroy the chips that the Peacemakers, leaders of this world, had made to stop crime through a program called Safety 54. But the chips was causing people to lose their freedom, their individuality. And that's what the Resistance fought for. Individuality and Freedom. So they were destroying the chips.

Marrissa pressed the life changing button. Everything went dark, the whole city stopping in its tracks, dead silence.

Then the siren began. It was ear piercing, and Red lights flashed. Marrissa covered her ears and fell to her knees. Then a sharp pain shot down her back, originating from the chip at the base of her neck. She gave a blood curdling scream and passed out.

Mark watched as people collapsed around him, screaming as they clutched at their necks. Mark had his ears covered, shielding against the sirens and screams. Then he remembered Marrissa. He had to get that chip out of her neck. Grabbing a first aid kit, he ran towards the top floor, to the elevator. To her

Yes, its stops there. I actually got this up later than I thought I would.

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