Chapter 18

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Narrator's POV

The singing rehearsal was finished after the eight girls had done a good job rehearsing the song. As Eva, Kristen and Sally walked out from the room, Eva said with a smile,

"Well, it was a fun rehearsal. Can't wait for us to practice the whole song on Tuesday!"

"And for next Friday's festival!" Sally eagerly added.

"I know! It's been a while since the last time I sang onstage. It reminded me as a child, we had a school play and I got nervous being on stage. Not to mention that my Jinnie cheered me up, by making me laugh. Well, he was pretending to eat a fake flower like a popsicle." Kristen told the two girls.

The three girls giggled after hearing that cute story, and Eva said, "Well, I have to say that...Jinnie...he's definitely the best friend you can ever have."

"Yeah. I still do miss him, but I know that one day I will find him." Kristen smiled.

"We know you will." Sally reassured, giving her a pat on the back.

Suddenly, they heard some pounding and shouts coming out from the gym next to them.

"What was that?" Sally asked in curiosity.

"I think the boys are playing basketball over there." Eva assumed.

"Come on, maybe we'll join them." She motioned Kristen and Sally to come along to the gym.

The three girls arrived into the gym and what they spotted was: the boys acting chaotic as if they're fighting over the ball to get into the net. Felix was sitting on Chris' shoulder, waving at either of his two teammates to pass him the ball.

The three girls stifled their snickers and shook their heads.

"Well, they're dorks. What else could we expect?" Eva smiled.

"True." Kristen and Sally agreed with her.

Meanwhile, Lee Know was dribbling the ball while Hyunjin was blocking him. Hyunjin tried to steal it but Lee Know turned away and passed to Jisung. Jisung then passed to Felix; Felix caught it and shot the ball into the net.

The ball went finally into the net and Lee Know's team cheered loudly. They were into their celebratory mode, meanwhile Changbin's team got a bit exhausted.

Jeongin and Seungmin covered their ears in advance, not wanting to hear that off-key victory Frozen 2 song again. Changbin was just dribbling casually the ball, trying to shoot into the net. Even though Lee Know's team won the game.

Hyunjin was sitting on the floor, chuckling at the other's team acting extra. Yet also...he felt a little jealous once again towards Lee Know. He was sure that Lee Know's basketball skills are so good. What he didn't notice until now was that Kristen was not in the gym. That made him feel a bit relieved.

Well, as they all thought that the girls were not in the gym.

Meanwhile, the three girls were hiding behind the bleachers, seeing the whole commotion going on throughout the narrow gaps of their seats.

"Seems like Lee Know's team had won the game." Sally said.

"For sure. Poor Hyunjin, he kinda looked exhausted. I'll make sure to take care of him after that." Kristen said while watching Hyunjin sitting on the floor.

"You're such a sweet friend, Kristen." Eva smiled.

Before Kristen could answer her, they suddenly hear the off-key victory song from Lee Know's team,


Well that was unexpected, yet not so melodic.

"What the heck?" Sally got puzzled yet giggled.

"Did they just overheard us rehearsing our song?" Kristen asked, about to chuckle.

"I think so. And I know who's that nut-eating, cheesecake loving boy being the loudest ass then anyone else." Eva jokingly snarked.


"Oh dear." Kristen giggled and covered her ears.

"iNtO tHe uNkNoOoOooOoOoOoOwN~"

This made the three girls cringe and snicker at the boys' off-key Into the Unknown victory song. And they covered their ears when they heard the screeching sound in their voices.

"That made my ears already bleeding." Kristen admitted.

"They sounded hilarious as if they're being overdramatic in a Broadway parody-like musical." Eva joked.

"They don't sound like Broadway to me." Sally said.

"You said that right." Eva agreed with her then chuckled.

An idea suddenly came into Eva's mind that made her snap her fingers and said, "I have an idea."

"What is it, Eva?" Kristen and Sally asked her.

Meanwhile Eva shares her idea with the other two girls, Lee Know's team couldn't stop laughing at their own off-key victory song.

But Changbin's team seemed a bit annoyed at the off-key Into the Unknown song. As the boys were getting drinks of water, the girls saw Hyunjin take off his white shirt. This left him in his sleeveless black shirt.

"And he oop--" Eva jokingly teased, covering her mouth.

Eva and Sally looked at Kristen, already blushing at the sight of Hyunjin leaving his sleeveless black shirt on.

" blushing already." Eva then chuckled.

Shoving Eva gently, Kristen scoffs and says, "Shut up, I have no idea what you're talking about!"

"Well, we saw Hyunjin taking his white shirt off, so we saw you blushing when it happened." Eva told.

"Or... you never saw him in full bloom?" She teasingly asked Kristen with a smirk on her face. She then flicked her eyebrow, oh gosh, the audacity!

"At least he wasn't shirtless under his white shirt, so you're safe enough." Sally jokes then giggled.

Eva winced that Sally went a bit too much far, meanwhile Kristen gawked in disbelief of what Sally just said.

"You're worse than Chaeyoung Eonni!" Kristen shouted in a whisper as she gently slapped Sally's shoulder.

"Hey, hey, hey! Shh, be quiet! We have to do my idea, remember?" Eva reminded them with a whisper. "Wait for the right timing."

Meanwhile, the boys were taking their own break from playing the game.

"By the way, I heard that the girls might be rehearsing the song for the festival. I bet they sang better than your lame ass victory song version." Seungmin told Lee Know, Jisung, Bang Chan and Felix.

"Oh please! I bet you want us to annoy you again, don't you? I know you are asking for it!" Jisung scoffed and bragged.

"Ah shit, here we go again." Changbin muttered as he covered his ears once again.

Hyunjin, trying not to laugh, covered his ears as well. Seungmin and Jeongin did the same thing as well. Yeah, no one wants to hear their annoying asses with their Into the Unknown victory song. Expecting some screeches and voice cracks.



"iNtO tHe uNkNoOoOooOoOoOoOwN~"

"iNtO tHe uNkNoOoO--"

"SHUT UP! SERIOUSLY!" Changbin shouted angrily, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

"Oh man, that was so funny, Minho! That was the best idea you brought for the game!" Jisung laughed and high fived him.

"Oh, we just want to be extra random, that's all." Minho told Jisung.

"I don't think we can hear Into the Unknown the same way again." Seungmin frowned.

Before anyone could talk, they heard a female voice singing...ON KEY.

"Into the UNKNOWN~"

The boys stood quiet after the female singing voice coming out of nowhere. They seemed to be startled at first, yet surprised.

"Y'all heard that, right?" Jisung asked them.

"Where did that come from?" Changbin asked in curiosity.

Then another female voice sang ON KEY again...

"Into the UNKNO~OWN~"

The boys were still puzzled about where those singing female voices came from. They stood quiet after hearing the second female singing voice.

And then...

"Into the UNKNO~O~O~OWN~" The third female voice sang ON KEY and the high note was ON KEY too!

The boys were shocked to hear that high note gotten from the third female singing voice. Right after then...pitch silence. Those three different voices definitely echoed the whole gym.

"Where did those voices come from?! I wanted to know!" Jisung demanded.

"Well finally, my ears are healing now!" Seungmin said happily.

"Mine too!" Jeongin agreed and laughed.

"I'm not hallucinating, am I?" Felix asked as he touched his own ears. "What time did I go to sleep?"

"Felix, it's real. You're not hallucinating. You're all ok." Chris told Felix.

"I got chills when I just realized something." Hyunjin admitted, embracing himself to warm his goosebumps down.

"What is it, Hyunjin?" Felix asked.

"Maybe...maybe there are angels here?" Hyunjin assumed. "Even if they're not seen sometimes, they could be heard!"

"Maybe you're hearing your angel, mate." Chris jokes as he's nudging Hyunjin's arm

"Oh shush your mouth, lemme try." Hyunjin scoffed as he walked into the center of the gym.

He looked around, preparing to call back either one of the three 'angels'. He took a deep breath and tried to sing on key,

"Into the UNKNOWN~"

He then waited for an answer.

Then the singing female voice (sounding like Kristen) responded to him,

"Into the UNKNOWN~"

Hyunjin gawked in shock, mesmerized the singing female voice. The rest of the boys were surprised that Hyunjin got a response.

"Shut up! Wait, lemme try too!" Felix exclaimed as he rushed towards Hyunjin, now next to him.

Felix looked around, still not knowing where the singing female voices came from.

"You got this, Felix." Hyunjin encouraged.

Felix nodded and deeply sighed. He inhaled deeply and tried to sing on key,

"Into the UNKNOWN~"

Felix anticipated a response from that voice. Suddenly, the second singing female voice (sounding like Eva) answered back as she sang,

"Into the UNKNOWN~"

Felix got the response! He was amazed that an 'angel' could answer back to him. He was also speechless and mesmerized by the voice.

"Felix, you did it!" Hyunjin cheered.

"This is unbelievable!" Felix exclaimed.

"Changbin! You should come and try it!" Hyunjin called and motioned him to come along.

Changbin stood up from his seat and walked towards Hyunjin and Felix. He seemed to be a bit nervous to call those voices out on key.

"I'm not sure if I'm gonna get this right." Changbin hesitated.

"It's okay Changbin, you'll get it." Felix reassured him.

"Yeah, just try your best." Hyunjin encouraged him.

Changbin sighed and nodded, "All right, here I go."

He deeply inhaled and sang on key with all his best,

"Into the UNKNOWN~"

Then he waited for the 'voice' to respond. And then...

"Into the UNKNOWN~" The third singing female voice (sounding like Sally) answered back.

"What?!" Changbin slightly jumped in shock yet in amazement.

The eight boys were amazed that those voices could respond back to Changbin, Hyunjin and Felix.

Jisung then walked towards the three boys in the middle and spoke, "Now lemme try, I want them to answer my call."

Felix and Hyunjin rolled their eyes in annoyance, while Changbin cocked his eyebrow.


Jisung sang now ON KEY this time, "Into the UNKNOWN~"

Plot twist? No answer for Jisung.

The seven boys suddenly snickered, breaking the silence given to Jisung. And they laughed at him.

"YAH, SERIOUSLY!" Jisung shouted angrily, making the rest of the boys crack up loud.

"Y'all could get an answer from them but not me?! Am I that unfair?!" Jisung complained firmly.

"Well, you deserve that by pranking my best friend Eva. Besides, you nearly started a fight with her." Changbin told him.

Jisung groaned, "Seriously, you bringing that shit up when she just pranked me twice."

"Hey, what's going on here?" They heard a familiar female British voice from the right, so they looked at the direction...

And that was Eva.

"Eva! You're not gonna believe this! There were angels singing here! Even though we didn't see them, we heard them!" Felix told her.

"Angels?" Eva asked in puzzlement.

"There were angels here for real with the most beautiful voices, which healed our bleeding ears from the off key singing going on earlier." Hyunjin said, being obvious about whom he's referring to.

"Hmm...if you are talking about angels, then you mean we sang like angels." Eva casually spoiled the hint, smirking.

"Well yeah, I--" Changbin paused for a moment, processing what Eva just said. "Hold up." He realized it now as he glanced at Eva.

Felix realized what Eva meant, so he asked her, "Eva...was that you when I called out?"

Eva chuckled and nodded, "Yes, that was me."

"So you're here...where's Tzuyu?" Changbin asked.

"And where's Kristen?" Hyunjin asked.

Eva let out a chuckle and pointed at the bleachers, "We were behind the bleachers."

Kristen and Tzuyu peek their heads out from behind the bleachers and simultaneously say, "Surprise boys!" They then chuckled once they saw the boys' faces.

"I CALLED IT!" Chris shouted as if he got exactly what he was thinking. "I knew it was your angel, Hyunjin!"

Hyunjin jokingly pouted and blushed; he walked towards Kristen, and hugged her in his arms. Meanwhile, Changbin hugged Tzuyu from the side.

Eva and Felix chuckled together after seeing the cuteness.

"So it was your idea?" Felix asked her.

"Yeah. Our singing rehearsal was finished so we just came here to see what you were doing. Y'all just sang the song off key, so we came here to show you how it's done by our voices." She explained and ended up chuckling.

Felix chuckled along and complimented her, "You three actually did. You sang beautifully, Eva."

"Shh." Eva shyly shushed him and slightly giggled.

Felix smiled and wrapped his arm around her shoulder; Eva then wrapped her arm around his waist.

"Can you wait for me so we can go to the dance practice?" He asked her.

She nodded, "Yeah, I'll be there in the front of the practice room."

"Well, somebody's jealous here!" They heard Hyunjin teasing at Jisung, who seemed...well...jealous.

"Yeah right." Jisung spoke in a sarcastic tone, rolling his eyes.

Jisung was jealous of those girls singing on-key better than him; even when the other three received a 'response' from the girls, he did not. Even if he tried it in on-key.

The rest of the boys, including the three girls, snickered at the squirrel boy. Some of the boys patted Jisung on the back, as he sat on his seat.

"Well, Kristen and I better get going now. See you!" Hyunjin told everybody, grabbing his shirt and leaving the gym with Kristen.

"Bye you two!" Felix and Eva waved at him.

Kristen's POV

After my rehearsal and messing around with the guys as they finished playing basketball, I left the school with Hyunjin to head to his place for the weekend. I had some clothes left at his place for that stay once his parents and mine made the decision after Eomma and Dad were called to head to Busan for a conference. On our way, we bought some ingredients at the last minute for Hyunjin's mother.

"What do you think of the present I made for your mother?" I asked, showing Hyunjin the painting I made from one of the photos Hyunjin took of me at the park, knowing how she found this picture beautiful and I told her I paint as a hobby.

"Eomma will love it very much." Hyunjin assures me. "She said she was looking for something to brighten the living room. This should do the job."

I looked back at it and said, "Well, it's the least I could do since she's letting me stay over. I hope I don't become a burden."

"Oh come on, there's no way my parents could see you as a burden." He adds on. "They love you and know how much you mean to me. If anything, you instantly became part of the family."

"I guess so, but it would also give me a chance to repay her kindness." I stated happily.

We arrived at his place, and immediately entered his residence. His father helps with getting the groceries put up while Hyunjin and I go to his room. Hyunjin lets me change my clothes in there while he takes a shower.

Once I changed into a red and white striped shirt and overalls with shorts on them, I grabbed the painting and went to the living room. I notice Hyunjin's mother came home from work not too long ago.

"Hello Kristen, it's great seeing you again." She tells me as she walks over to me.

"Hello ma'am, nice to see you again too." I smiled and bowed to her as a greeting.

"Oh, I have a present for you. It's a painting I did of myself in the park." I showed my painting then handed it to her.

She examines it, and says, "Oh Kristen, it's beautiful!"

"Thank you, I'm glad you love it!" I smiled.

"I'll hang this on the wall here." She then hung my painting on the wall. "This definitely brightens up here! Thank you, Kristen!"

"It's my pleasure. And thank you for letting me stay over tonight." I said in response.

"Oh dear, it's fine. We're happy to have you over. Hyunjin talked fondly of you and was making preparations for your stay as soon as he was informed. So all you have to do is relax and enjoy your weekend as you and Hyunjin practice." She then goes to feed Kkami.

"So Eomma loves the painting?" I heard Hyunjin ask, noticing he just got out of the shower since he's still drying his hair.

"She does. But you did a great job taking the picture I painted for her." I admit to him.

Before saying anything else, he looks up and notices my outfit I packed for my stay.

"You look so pretty in that outfit, Kristen." He shyly complimented me.

Of course I was blushing profusely after he said that. Just as I glanced up at him...he was blushing too.

"Thank you...Hyunjin." I thanked him with a shy smile.

"So where do you wanna practice at?" I asked him.

"Can we practice outside in my backyard?" He suggested.

"Sure, it looks like a beautiful day to be outside." I told him.

I brought my speaker, phone, and sneakers while Hyunjin grabbed his cellphone and sneakers. He opens the door for me like the gentleman he is.

I smiled and thanked him as I walked outside before him. I spotted a swing bench next to me so I sat on it, about to put my sneakers on.

Once they were on, and Hyunjin was putting his on, I set up the equipment for our music. For now, I turned on some music for us to stretch to. I went back to where Hyunjin was standing and together we started stretching.

Knowing there's going to be movements I'll do with a lot of flexibility, I went down and did the splits. I hope that this stretches my legs out well when I do the scorpion pirouette.

"Wow Kristen, you're so flexible!" Hyunjin compliments me.

"Am I?" I shyly asked then chuckled.

He nodded with a sweet smile on his face. It made me happy knowing he admires my talent and passion. Maybe Dad and Eomma's decision to let me stay here was a great one.

Felix's POV

Right after the basketball game with the boys, I was on my way to the dance practice room with Eva. Before that, we had to stop by her locker to grab her sketchbook and supplies.

But as she was about to open her locker, I heard someone talking on the phone.

"That fuck wit is gonna stay over with our prince."

I turned my head and about four meters away from me, it was Hailey. I didn't know who she referred to, but when I heard the word 'prince'...I realized who she referred to referred to now. And after hearing it, my blood began to boil.

Trying not to make her notice what I am up to this time, I carefully approached her from behind, listening to every shit she's saying.

"I guess it takes one fuck wit to know one, Kiwi." I angrily spat out, getting Hailey's attention.

"Excuse me Gae-nyun, but I'm going to have to call you back. Something is becoming extremely sus right about now." Hailey told Gae-nyun as she was looking at me, then hung up. "What's it to you, Aussie?!"

"Don't you fucking dare to pretend that I didn't hear everything what you just said." I answered her. "And I know you were badmouthing Kristen while talking about some new dumbass way to hurt or humiliate her."

"Oh really? Then whatcha gonna do about it? You didn't do anything to stand up for your little sissy before, now you think you're gonna stand up for your pen pal. You know what, Aussie? You're a fucking ridiculous asshole." She jeered me.

"Fucking cunt." I growled.

"What did you just say?!"

"I said you're a fucking cunt!" I bellowed. "My sister made me promise her I wouldn't start anything that would get me into trouble. As much as I wanted to come after you for what you said, I knew starting a fight, getting hurt, and getting in trouble isn't worth it just for my sister."

She let out a scoff, "So you can't fight me because your sister told you after what I've done to her a long time ago? Fucking coward, can't pull one's hair."

"May you repeat whatever the fuck you just said, bitch?" I provoked her with a smirk, feeling tempted to show her how it's done.

"You can't even fight my ass. Not even your little sissy bitch." She ridiculed me again.

That's fucking it. I'm getting ticked off right now.

"You better put that fucking idea into her head one more time, bitch. Ugly, crusty fucked ass WRETCH--" I seethed and yanked her hair with my both hands.

She let out a scream and at least expected, my hair was yanked back by her and I screamed. I don't know where the fuck we heading to, but I'm fucked up as hell.

As Hailey and I were in the middle of the fight, I sensed someone pushed Hailey away to the side with the body, but in such force I haven't seen it before.

The first thing I noticed was Eva, laying on the floor, wincing in pain. Oh no, she probably hurt her back after the push and fall. Then Chris was pulling me back as Jackson was pulling Hailey back away from me.

Yet, I can't handle myself seeing Eva being hurt on the floor. I pushed myself away from Chris and quickly approached her.

"Eva. Are you ok?" I slightly fretted, small tears brimming around my eyes.

I sensed that Hailey escaped from being pulled by Jackson and ran away from us. That cunt ass Kiwi is so gonna pay.

"Don't you think you're gonna escape, you--" I growled as I was about to hunt her down, but I felt a hand grabbing my arm, holding me back.

I turned to face down at Eva, who was holding me back. She breathed heavily, trying to hide the pain she had on her back. It really hurt my heart to see her like this.

"She had more than enough. Leave her alone. She ain't worth it now." She muttered.

I want to go back and beat the shit out of Hailey, but I can't just leave Eva like this. It hurts me to see her in pain, especially when she risked herself for me. She needs me now more than ever.

"I won't go after her, if that's what you want. Besides, I don't wanna leave you." I softly told her, and gave her a gentle hug. "How can I ever let you go?"

I felt her hands on my back and as I gently pulled away from the hug...her lips slowly grew into a sweet smile on her face.

"Eva...can you get up now?" I heard Chan asking her as I glanced up at him before back to her.

She carefully pushed herself up into a sitting position. I felt a bit relieved now since she can get up all by herself.

"It's my shoulder blades being hit on the floor when I fell back. That's why I couldn't get up immediately after that. Don't worry, the pain will go away soon." Eva softly reassured us.

I nodded and helped her to stand up.

"I'll take you to the dance practice room, ok?" I told her, letting her arm wrap around my shoulder.

"Ok. Thanks, Felix." She smiled and nodded.

I smiled back at her, then told Chris and Jackson, "We'll be back after our dance practice."

"All right, see you then. Take care of her, ok?" Jackson said.

I nodded and promised to look after her, after hurting her back by her fall.

"Let's go." I motioned her to come along and we headed together to the dance practice room.

Hyunjin's POV

Kristen and I were wrapping up our dance since Eomma and Appa are getting dinner prepared. I brought some of my parents' plum juice since it's hot outside. Of course Kkami followed along and jumped into Kristen's lap as she's sitting on the swing chair.

"It's nice seeing you, too, Kkami!" Kristen happily says as Kkami gives her kisses.

If only she knew how the sight of this makes her extremely cute, and how happy it makes her. I walked up to her and gave her a glass.

"Your drink, Miss." I told her.

Giggling at me, Kristen says, "Thank you, you're so sweet."

She takes a sip, her eyes gleaming, and says, "Wow, this plum juice is delicious!"

I also took a sip of my glass of plum juice, and said to her, "My parents made it themselves. I gave them a hand yesterday night especially for you."

"That's sweet of you. Just knowing you helped make this for me makes the juice even more refreshing!" Kristen compliments me, causing me to blush.

Hearing her kind words left me speechless. I cleared my throat and said, "I don't know how to thank you for those kind words."

Her cute giggles filled my ears before she said, "I should be thanking you for everything you and your parents have done for me so far. I mean really."

She walks over to me holding her glass, and says, "How about this, since your mother is making mandu soup tonight, I could make the dumplings from scratch. I often help Eomma with the dumplings when she makes mandu soup, and Dad and Oppa always look forward to it."

Picking up Kkami, I say, "That sounds like a plan. Let's rehearse our dance one more time and go on and make the dumplings before Eomma comes home with our second guest."

"Second guest?" Kristen asks, "Who else is coming?"

"Just one of my cousins, but she's only stopping by for dinner before heading to her friend's house." I explained. "Her parents are busy with their jobs, so she'll be here alone before she goes to the sleepover."

"Well I can't wait to meet her then. Let's hurry up and finish rehearsals before they get home so we can make the dumplings for your mother's soup." She says excitedly.

I smile before putting our glasses on the table before we get back to rehearsing the dance.

Narrator's POV

Eva and Felix were sitting on the floor together in the practice room, their backs against the wall. They haven't started practicing their dance duet yet, since Eva was giving herself time to heal her back.

Meanwhile, Felix was deeply reflecting himself and his own actions from earlier. He then glanced at Eva, hoping her back felt a bit better now.

"Are you okay now? You feel better?" He softly asked her.

Eva glanced at him and nodded, "Yeah. I'm feeling better now."

Felix smiled a bit but faded, still remembering what he had done moments earlier.

"I'm sorry." Felix mumbled.

Eva knew what he meant of, and didn't want to be upset with him.

Instead, she asked him softly, "What did I tell you?"

Felix deeply sighed, feeling remorseful now what he had done.

"I should've listened to what you told me once. But that fucking arsehole just pushed my buttons; I couldn't handle the urge to fight her. I can't stand that bitch any longer. Olivia didn't deserve all of that." He muttered.

Tears brimmed around his eyes; he felt a small knot tying in his throat but managed to fight his tears back. It hurts Eva to see him this way, all messed up after the fight. She knew Felix hated Hailey so much that he fought her back, but was never the right way.

He then sighed, "I swear, if she didn't had the fucking audicity to bully my younger sister...I would never be in this bullshit. I would never get into trouble unlike moments ago. I..."

He clenched his jaw and shut his eyes tight as if he tried not to end up tearing up. "I hate her with a burning passion; she deserves to get beaten."

Eva gently held his arm, "Felix, listen to me. Listen."

"I know you hated Hailey a lot because of your younger sister being bullied by her. Yet...fighting back might not be the way. If I weren't there with you in that moment, it would have ended up real worse. Be grateful that I saved you from getting into trouble." She told him.

He only nodded, just listening to her words. Yet...he seemed like he was about to tear up. Eva spotted it and it hurts her even more. She gulped, feeling a knot starting to tie in her throat. Small tears brimmed around her eyes.

"If your little sister would have been here...I wanted to tell her that she is loved by the people who care about her. I wanted to tell her that she's precious for the family." Her voice began to crack, yet managed to speak clearly.

"What that bastard did to her is because she's fucking jealous. Hailey doesn't have what your little sister has. She tried to take everything away from your little sister but couldn't. That's because of the support she has from the family and friends she leans into. Even though I don't know her personally, I care for her." She continued, then spotted Felix silently tearing up.

It hurts her even more that it made her nearly tear up.

"What you did to not what your little sister wanted. Olivia doesn't want revenge, unlike what you subconsciously think. It's not worth it anymore, Felix. Don't do it again for her sake. You made a promise to her, right? Keep it. Don't break it for something that seemed right but it isn't." She told him, despite her efforts of holding back tears.

"Your sister is loved. You too, are loved. I want you to know that." She told him; he just nodded as the tears kept streaming down on his face.

Eva felt like crying along with him, but also felt the urge to comfort him. She gently turned him around and hugged him. Now a weepy Felix responded to her hug. Right after she embraces him, tears finally streaked down on her face. She felt the pain from Felix had transmitted to her as well.

His pain is her pain.

When she heard Felix's soft sniffling and quiet sobs, she hugged him tightly and her tears kept streaming down on her face. Her hands rubbed gently on his back, easing him up little by little.

She felt awful for him, wished that none of this would happen if Hailey wasn't there. Yet there's a saying that goes, 'Good times are good memories, and bad times are good lessons.'

It was a lesson for Felix that he mustn't break the promise Olivia did to him again. No matter how angry he felt towards Hailey, he will not fight back for his younger sister's sake...but also for Eva's sake.

Oh how much he wanted to thank Eva for being on his side, especially this difficult moment. She wiped her own tears away with her hand.

She then pulled away from the hug, and helped him wiping his tears away.

"It's ok now. What has passed just passed. Forget what happened in the past and move on. Ok?" Eva reassured him.

Felix nodded and sighed, managing to speak after crying, "Thank you so much Eva. You don't know how much I needed you on my side at this moment."

Eva smiled at him, "It's all that I can do."

"Shall we practice our duet dance now?" She asked him.

Felix nodded and smiled, "Let's do it."

Two hours later...

The last batch of dumplings for the soup were being made by Kristen as Hyunjin was putting the other dumplings in the freezer. A knock was soon heard as she was filling the last few dumplings.

"I'll get it, Kristen." Hyunjin says, letting her carry on with preparing the food.

"Okay, thank you Hyunjin." Kristen thanked him.

He gets to the door and looks through the peephole to see his parents with his cousin. Smiling, he opens the door, hugging his parents and cousin.

"Did you finish practicing your dance for today?" His mother asks.

"Yes, Eomma. We were just preparing the food for dinner."

"That's nice." She smiled as they all walked into the living room.

Meanwhile Kristen was in the kitchen, she heard him calling her. She glanced at him with his cousin.

"Kristen, this is my cousin Yeji." Hyunjin introduces them. "And Yeji, this is my great friend from school, Kristen."

Yeji goes to hug Kristen, then look at her, saying, "So this is the pretty girl you've been telling me about!"

Hyunjin felt kinda embarrassed this time when Yeji said about Kristen.

"I guess word about me goes around in your family, Hyunjin." Kristen said and giggled playfully.

Hyunjin sheepishly chuckled and rubbed gently on his neck. 'This is gonna be embarrassing as I thought.' He thought to himself.

"Nothing bad, sweetheart. My son is very lucky and proud to have you in his life." Hyunjin's mother says, putting her arm around his shoulder and pinching his cheek, "He's just shy is all."

"Eomma!" He whined in embarrassment, trying to pull away from being pinched on the cheek.

"How about we start making dinner before we all get hungry?" Kristen suggests, hoping to change the subject and save Hyunjin from embarrassment.

"I agree with Kristen, the food won't cook itself!" Yeji added on.

Eomma and Kristen were making the soup, Hyunjin was helping his dad with the jjajangmyeon, and Yeji was setting up the table. After the two main dishes were done, Hyunjin's parents set up some bibimbap and pork ribs.

Once Kkami was fed, Hyunjin sat down next to Kristen at the table. Yeji then sat next to Kristen, waiting for Hyunjin's parents to serve them dinner.

"I know you came by to visit, but is there a particular reason you're visiting us today Yeji?" Hyunjin asks his cousin.

Clearing her throat, Yeji says, "Oh yes I do. I mainly came by to tell you and your parents. You might love to hear this, too, Kristen."

Hyunjin's parents come by the table to hear what Yeji has to say.

"What is it you want to tell us, dear?" Hyunjin's mom asked Yeji.

"My friends and I were auditioning to enter the school Hyunjin and Kristen attend. I prepared a solo dance, and the school is letting us do a special audition at the festival being held next week." Yeji explained.

"Really? That's awesome, cousin!" Hyunjin smiled in surprise.

"We'll be looking forward to your performance, Yeji! I'm sure you'll do great!" Kristen enthusiastically spoke.

"That's fantastic to hear, sweetheart! We have faith that you're going to do great." Said Hyunjin's father as he is serving drinks.

As they start to eat, Yeji notices how close Hyunjin and Kristen are towards one another. Even from just the looks on their faces, particularly their smiles they're showing.

They all began digging into the mandu soup, and Hyunjin's mother was particularly pleased with the food.

"Kristen dear, these dumplings are delicious! You didn't have to go through the trouble of making them." She happily says.

"Ma'am, I tried my best to make it as delicious as possible. I'm glad you love it by the way!" Kristen explained. "Honestly though, Hyunjin helped me with the dough for the dumplings. And I wanted to help with dinner however I could since you're letting me stay here tonight."

"Thank you so much, Kristen. We greatly appreciate your help." Hyunjin's dad thanked her.

"You're welcome." She smiled, before continuing to eat dinner.

Hyunjin then tapped gently on her shoulder to get attention from her. He then leaned to her ear and whispered, "Do you wanna watch a movie with me after dinner?"

"Sure Hyunjin." Kristen whispered back, smiling at Hyunjin as he smiled from ear to ear.

Yeji was able to hear enough of the conversation to know what they will be doing tonight. Dinner was finished, and Hyunjin was helping his parents wash dishes as Kristen was getting ready for bed. This gave Yeji a chance to talk to Kristen alone.

"Auntie. Uncle. I'm going to use the restroom real quick before you take me to Lia's house." Yeji informs them.

"Sure sweetie. We'll wait." Hyunjin's mom said.

Yeji walks upstairs and notices Kristen trying to figure out which pajamas to wear. This alone further confirms her thoughts about Kristen and Hyunjin.

Kristen's POV

I heard a gentle knock on the door from here, glanced up and it was Yeji. She then asked me, "Excuse me. Is it ok if I come in now?"

I nodded with a smile, "Yeah, of course! I'm just trying to decide which sleepwear I should put on."

While Yeji walked into the room, I glanced back down on my two pajamas to decide which one: the red fruity designed one or the black and white one.

I glimpsed at Yeji pointing at the red fruity designed one and she suggested, "I think this will fit better on you."

"Thank you so much Yeji," I thanked her, "but why are you suddenly helping me pick my pajamas for bed all of a sudden?"

"You mean for a movie night with my cousin, whom you happen to like? It's because I saw the looks you were giving each other, and wanna help." Yeji explains with a teasing smirk on her face.

'How does she know that?' Kristen thought with a confused look on her face.

"Oh, I know that you like each other and you two even kissed on your first date." Yeji told me, still smirking.

Yeji really surprised me; we just even met moments ago today!

"How did you know all of that?" I asked, still confused.

"He's my cousin for one, and also he asked for advice for your date. Knowing me, Hyunjin knew I wouldn't want him to skip out on the juicy details. Including a kiss." Yeji explains. "But I support you two, so I'm going to help you both take the next step in your relationship."

Without any expectation, a heat suddenly rushed into my cheeks. Crap. I'm blushing right now just thinking about the first kiss we had on our first date.

" you're gonna do that?" I asked her in curiosity.

Chuckling, Yeji wraps her arm around my shoulders and says, "Isn't it obvious? Helping you get ready!"

"Helping me get ready to wear my pajamas?" I assumed.

"You had two sets laid out looking at them. I of course wanted to help you look great for him. I also wanted to help you in case there happens to be another kiss!" Yeji explains.

"Yeji, I--" I nearly stuttered, unable to process what she just said.

Oh no, I'm blushing even more!

"I see how happy you make him. It's been a long time since I've seen him that happy since he met Tokki years back in Las Vegas. Knowing he makes you feel the same way just gives me more faith in you two." Yeji adds on

"Really? Well...sure. I appreciate your help. I guess you're aware I could relate, having gone through the same thing." I stated.

"Sure I am. And I'm here now to let you know I understand, and will help you both out anyway I can." She reassured me with confidence.

"Thank you." I smiled.

We continued talking as she was helping me prepare for the movie night. Judging by what she's saying, Yeji seems to have great insight on what might be best for me and Hyunjin. I'm really excited for tonight.

Chris' POV

I have to give Felix a lesson today since what happened after school. Yeah, I'm actually disappointed by what he did earlier today. As Felix and I arrived at our home, my uncle Hyeong-seok was busy preparing dinner in the kitchen.

"Hi uncle." I greeted him with a smile.

He glanced at us and smiled, "Hello boys. Chris I'm glad you're here because I need a helping hand here."

"Uh uncle, if you excuse me, I'm gonna take care of Felix. He's kinda out of sorts today, so I'll be back downstairs when I'm done." I told Hyeong-seok and glanced with a moody Felix. I then grabbed Felix by the arm to march him upstairs; I know he's confused why but I'm still upset by what happened earlier today.

"Alright, no need to worry. I'll wait." I heard my uncle while marching up the stairs with Felix.

"You think I wasn't gonna catch you fighting that Kiwi when I told you not to?!" I chastised Felix while we rounded the landing and came up to the hallway.

"How the hell am I not gonna fight back when she just offended my pen pal?!" Felix complained with an annoyed look on his face.

"Stop making excuses, you're the one acting up!" I scolded him.

Felix looked at me in disbelief. "Me?! Acting up?! After all this bullshit I've gone through?!"

Oh no, I ain't gonna let him cuss this time in case my aunt's downstairs. She does NOT accept anyone cursing here at home when she's around.

"Felix." I spoke sternly.

"I can't stand her anymore!" He expressed with an annoyed tone.

"I know you can't, but try to keep your emotions to yourself. Even if she pesters you, just ignore her." I calmly told him. "Now... you can go to the bedroom, I'll leave you alone for a while. Then, when you feel better, you can come downstairs."

I know Felix was in a bad mood today. He then turned to the door and opened it, about to walk into the bedroom. He then threw his backpack on the floor, seeming to be real mad.

"Every day I see that ugly Kiwi, she disgusts me!" Felix angered.

"Maybe if you should've ignored her in the first place, you wouldn't be in this mess." I firmly told him.

"She deserves to be a mess in front of everybody. I'm fucking fed up with that bitch; she wants to make me crack the shit up and she did it! She got me fucking sick in the head! This is bullshit!" Felix cursed.

My gosh Felix, you're getting me annoyed now.

"Lee Felix Yongbok, watch your mouth, you don't even know if my aunt's hearing us from downstairs or not!" I snapped, scolding him with my raised voice.

Then Felix ranted, "Chris, you don't understand, my little sis had gone through a lot! Being bullied by that Kiwi just because they liked the same boy in that time! Olivia doesn't deserve it at all! I've tried so hard handling myself from beating that Kiwi up until today, I failed. She messed with the wrong person, she messed with the wrong family. And I ain't gonna let that drongo get near to the people I care about."

I listened to every word. Every sentence Felix said. And it's true. But still...he can't fight her back. He would get into trouble anyway. And I don't want that. Not even Olivia.

"Yes, Felix. I know what Olivia has gone through. But you mustn't do that for Olivia, because she doesn't want that. She doesn't want revenge from you to Hailey. She doesn't want you to get into trouble as well." I contributed.

Then I continued, "Be thankful that Eva saved you from those consequences you were near to face. Didn't it speak into your conscience now? You don't wanna get into trouble in school because of revenge, right?"

Now Felix...seemed different now. Calm and quiet while listening to my words. But it ain't all. His tears brimmed around his dark brown eyes. He looked hurt. Very hurt. God, I feel very bad for him this time. Yet I know he won't make the same mistake again.

"No I wouldn't. I'm sorry." Felix whispered as if he was about to tear up.

I nodded and spoke to him, "Then don't do it again. You know this, Felix."

"I'm never forgiving her for all of this mess she made and never will. I hope karma hits real hard on her face so she won't be able to smile for the rest of her life!" Felix tearfully cursed, but didn't swear this time.

He then walked away from me, about to go to the bathroom and closed the door.

I still felt hurt of what's wrong with my little bro. I deeply sighed, turned and headed down the stairs to the kitchen to help my uncle out.

Few minutes later, Felix came back down. His face looks like he just dried it. I guess he decided to wash his face to calm himself down. He just so happens to have also turned the TV on. Maybe watching something will help keep his mind off of what happened today.

Then I heard my uncle whispering, "Is something wrong with Felix?"

"He had a rough day today." I whispered back. "It's best to let him be for now. He'll talk about it when he's ready to talk."

"You may be young, but you sure are smart and know how to handle a situation, my dear nephew." My uncle whispers to me with a smile on his face.

"Thanks, uncle." I whispered, smiling along.

I glanced at Felix now laying on a sofa, his concentration on the show he's watching.

Hyunjin's POV

The last of the dishes was being done and my parents were getting their keys so they could take Yeji to her friend Lia's house. Just as I closed the cupboard, Yeji walked up to me.

"Hyunjin. I helped you set up everything for your in home movie date. Well, except for snacks." She whispered to me.

"It's ok Yeji, I'll bring some snacks." I whispered, reassuring her that I'll take care of it. "And I see you found out about my date with her."

"Well, who do you think was the one who told me about your date? Hmm?" Yeji jokingly challenged me.

Crap. There goes the heat rushing into my cheeks.

"You ready Yeji?" Eomma asked her.

"Yes Auntie!" Yeji answers. But before she leaves, she whispers, "Don't leave out details of a possible kiss like you tried to last time," with a smirk on her face.

"Yeji, just go." I jokingly scolded her, trying to save myself from being teased more by my cousin.

Her smirk gets bigger before she finally leaves with my parents. Thank goodness I'm finally alone with Kristen. I heated up a big bag of popcorn as I was gathering the rest of the snacks and drinks. Once the popcorn was heated, I put all the snacks on a tray and walked towards my bedroom.

As I entered my bedroom, I placed the snacks and drinks on the top of my drawer.

"I got the snack and drinks ready, Kristen." I told her while gathering them once again.

I heard her say, "Nice!"

I turned and spotted Kristen sitting on the bed with her legs crossed. Wearing her cute red fruity designed pajama! My face was heating up so bad, I thought I was gonna get a fever.

"I'll go get changed, too." I said, knowing I hadn't yet changed my clothes and hoping to avoid embarrassment.

I looked for my white tee shirt and a pair of blue pajama pants with white ferret dot designed. Once I got them with me, I walked to the bathroom. And then, I closed the door, with my back against it.

I let out a heavy breath as if I can't hold it in for long because of seeing Kristen in her pajamas. I touched both of my cheeks with my hand and goodness, it's already heated! Not to mention that I can hear the heartbeat throughout my ears.

"My gosh." I whispered to myself. "I look like a fool blushing in front of her."

I mentally snapped the thoughts out from my head and spoke to myself, "Come on, Hyunjin. Man up. You got this."

And I started changing my casual clothes to put my pajamas on.

After putting my pajamas on, I placed my old clothes into the laundry basket before heading out. Then I entered the bedroom and closed the door behind me. There's Kristen still sitting on the bed with her cute pajamas on.

Going for the gut, I approached her then said with a smile, "I'm back."

She looked at me and complimented me, "You look so cute! Especially those pajama pants you have on!"

I hope I'm not gonna blush in front of her again. So I grinned, "Thanks Kristen. Yours look cute too!"

Honestly, she looks so beautiful wearing those pajamas.

She blushes and says with a smile, "You're so sweet Hyunjin. Oh yeah, I was looking through the movies and wanted to know if we could watch The Notebook first."

"I love that movie so much! I watched it once in middle school because we were reading that book too. Well, my teacher had to skip some 'parts' because it was not suitable for us." I spoke to her, and ended up chuckling.

"My Oppa covered my eyes when I watched it with him." She admits, also chuckling.

"Really? You watched it too?!" I chuckled in surprise and she nodded.

I don't know how to explain this but I just felt so happy to find out that she watched Notebook too. I guess...we're meant for each other.

"Let's watch it. This is our first time watching The Notebook together!" I said.

I played the movie as she brought the snacks over to my bed. Then she sits down right next to me, and cuddles into my side. Gosh, here goes the same heat blooming into my cheeks again. And my heart began to pound in a slight quick pace.

"I hope you don't mind. I just wanna be comfy, and you're very soft and cuddly." Kristen softly says.

" I?" I shyly asked, slightly rubbing my neck with my hand.

"Of course you are. This also reminds me of when Jinnie and I had sleepovers when I was little. He'd let me hug him when we watched movies or went to sleep." She added on.

"That's so sweet. I'm sure you will find Jinnie soon. If you want me to help you out, I'm here." I reassured her.

But inside of me, it kinda made me feel a bit jealous of that guy. Maybe she should be my girlfriend instead of his. Then again, I'm in the same boat as her. What she said about Jinnie actually reminds me of when I had sleepovers with Tokki. A lot of times she would wrap her arms around me in her sleep because she got nightmares.

God, I definitely miss Tokki so much. When will I ever see her again?

I am having a great time with Kristen however. Some of the scenes, including the ferris wheel part, got us both laughing out loud. However, it touched my heart when he tried to send her letters. Kristen started getting teary eyed, too, so I gave her some tissues to wipe her tears with.

"Thank you Hyunjin." She said, trying not to cry because of the movie.

I smiled and hugged her on the side, laying my head on her shoulder. This causes her to smile beautifully and lean into my hug.

After a few more minutes, the famous rain kiss scene starts playing. It made me smile because the first time I watched it, I immediately fell in love with that scene.

Allie asked her first love Noah why he didn't write to her. She told him she had been waiting for seven years but it was too late for him as she thought. Yet Noah told her otherwise; he wrote letters to her every year. It's not over. It's isn't over.

And there it is, Noah pulling Allie into a passionate kiss before she could say anything.

"Ugh, my heart." I dramatically acted as I placed my hand on my heart and fell back on the bed.

I heard Kristen giggling and told me, "I bet you love this scene a lot."

"Oh, I was obsessed with watching that part; I lost count of how many times I've repeated that scene." I told her and chuckled.

She then chuckled along.

Later, after watching the part where Allie chooses Noah, I notice Kristen has her eyes glued to her phone. I only got a small glimpse to know it's her older brother, Alexander. I just hope he doesn't chat with her for too long, though.

"Alexander needing something?" I asked.

"Oppa just asked me to babysit his daughter, my niece, for him," she explained, "He wants me to babysit her next week the day before the festival while he's running errands with our parents to get everything ready for the camping trip."

"Oh, that's nice!" I smiled.

The last scene of the movie comes up, but she's still talking to her brother. Maybe I could do something to make sure she's watching the movie with me. That's when I got an idea.

I leaned over slowly to sneak on Kristen and finally snatched the cellphone away from her.

"Hey! What are you doing?! Gimme that back!!" She exclaimed, reaching up to try and grab her cellphone.

"No! Not until you give me and the movie attention!" I said, trying not to laugh as I kept keeping her phone away from her.

I suddenly felt my hands being grabbed by Kristen's; her free hand grabbing her phone.

"Yah!" I tried to pull away but this is more like a tug of war; we ended up laughing together, despite play-fighting.

Then suddenly, not knowing my strength, I pulled too hard and she landed on top of me in a position.

Her legs were around my waist. My hands were placed around her waist. And our faces are in close proximity.

And there goes my heart rate getting back to be quick again. Yet when I felt her hands cupping on my face, my heart skipped a beat. I breathed in a quick pace yet quietly. I slowly closed my eyes, anticipating the soft, pillowy lips on mine.

Before I could apologize to her, I felt her gently place her lips onto mine. I immediately closed my eyes and felt my senses being held captive by just her touch. I felt like nothing's bothering me around now. My only focus was our lips on each other.

She glided her lips against mine and little by little, we deepened the kiss. My arm snaked around her waist. My senses stung as my tongue started to venture into her mouth. I felt my emotions ascend and my instinct of love began to grow.

With my free arm, I pushed myself up and as we stood up to the knees--I placed my hand on her back supporting her without breaking the kiss.

My fingers roamed around her back and instinctively; I hooked the pajama cardigan and slipped it down, leaving her spaghetti-strapped top. I could feel the soft texture of her shoulders. She let me take the cardigan off for her, so I did. Without breaking the kiss still, I laid her down on the bed; now I'm on top of her.

I couldn't handle the urge, so I planted secret kisses on her jawline, neck and down to her collarbone. I could hear her quiet shivers and sighs; she then pulled me into another passionate kiss.

At this moment, I could feel fireworks and butterflies in my stomach. Her lips are soft and sweet, yet so captivating. How I wish this could go on forever, but the need for oxygen caused us to break apart briefly.

We passionately locked gazes with each other, not knowing what to say. The silence, not being awkward, allows me to admire every beautiful feature on her. She looks beautiful; she's a sweet dream I would never wake up from. While heavily breathing, our noses touched each other; I wanted to feel her lips on mine again.

As we're about to kiss again, I heard Kkami barking and at least expected--he jumped on the bed blocking me from kissing her more.

Well that was rude, cockblocker. I was just trying to get into the mood with her and you ruined it.

He then cuddled with Kristen; she giggled and played with his fur.

"Hi Kkami! Aww, you miss me?" Kristen cooed and Kkami briefly licked her chin.

Kristen giggled more, causing me to smile. I found this view so cute, but I don't want my pet dog being the third wheeler for this.

"All right, that's enough Kkami." I picked him away from Kristen.

And I told Kristen before walking out from the bedroom, "I'll take care of him. I'll be back."

I heard her, "Ok."

As I walked out from the bedroom carrying Kkami, I went to the kitchen to get his favorite snack and get his favorite toy.

Once I got his food in the bowl and his toy ready to go, I nagged Kkami, "Why did you have to try to steal my girl, Kkami? We were having a great time together until you interrupted."

He didn't pay attention because he was too busy eating. At least that distracted him for now.

"Well, at least you're busy eating right now. Good. Now don't interrupt us again." I told and left him eating his bowl of dog food in the kitchen.

I hurry back to my room so I can spend more time with Kristen. As I entered my room, I closed the door all the way behind me, so Kkami won't come in again this time.

"Sorry about ruining the moment like that. I guess Kkami missed you so much that he decided to also give you kisses." I said with a slight chuckle.

"It's okay Hyunjin. In fact the moment is anything but ruined." Kristen reassured me, causing me to give her a questioning look as she sways her way over towards me, wrapping her arms around my neck. "It was more magical than our first three kisses. I'm glad I initiated this one."

"I'm glad we both enjoyed it." I said, pressing my forehead against hers. "Now where were we?"

She grins and chuckles as we connect our lips yet again, getting completely lost in the moment. Without breaking the kiss, I picked her up and wrapped her legs around my hips. Then, I carefully walked back towards my bed and laid her back down carefully, her lips still against mine.

My lips began to slightly slide against her lips before back to kissing it again. Then I started planting kisses all over her face. Gosh, I feel so addicted when it comes to kisses. Every minute if my lips are not connected to hers, there's no way I would survive. It felt amazing like I'm on cloud nine right now.

This make-out session would be one of the memories we'll forever treasure.

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