Chapter 2

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Hyunjin's POV

Kristen asked me if I could walk home with her after school and I said yes. I think that would be the perfect time for us to get to know each other more.

So then, I went back to taking notes down. Yet I expect that this day would go smoothly as I thought.

Since English is honestly my second language, I think I should be fine with this class. Maybe since she's a native English speaker, she and I could even have conversations in English whenever we can. Her voice must sound lovely when she speaks English!

After a while, the bell rang and I went to my next class; math. Kristen said she had to head to her ballet class down the hall.

One of my group mates from hip hop class, Felix, was my seatmate in this class. He and I became friends from the get go. I remember him saying something about being pen pals with Kristen. They're even taking French lessons twice a week for extra credit.

Right now, I was telling him about the note she gave me in English class.

"She asked me to walk home with her after school. And...I said yes. But the only problem is...I really don't know what to talk about, Felix. My mind has gone all over the place." I told him about what happened earlier.

I even showed him the note.

"I saw you also gave her a note during homeroom class this morning. She was telling me about it on our way to dance class. Kristen seemed very happy gaining a new friend during her first day at a Korean school." Felix said.

"Yeah. I'm glad to hear that honestly." I smiled.

" would I start chatting with her while walking home with her after school? I mean, I can't stay quiet the whole time." I asked, wanting Felix to give me some advice.

"If you ask me, the first step is to start by talking about something you both commonly interest in. Like dance for instance. Then as you start talking more, just be yourself. She seems to appreciate you as you are already." Felix explained.

Dancing. That's one of the interests we have in common. Maybe we should talk about it and that would make me feel comfortable. After all, there are things I am curious about regarding her dancing. She moves so gracefully even doing hip hop dance. Not to mention how passionate she is about it, and how beautiful she looks doing it.

"I just hope I don't mess anything up while I'm talking to her." I hoped.

"Hold on, let me guess. Do you like Kristen?" Felix guessed with a slight smirk on his face.

I swear I'm going to--never mind. Maybe I nearly overreacted. Basically, I just don't want to admit it.

Instead, I stifled a laugh and asked as I crossed my arms, "Me? Liking her? I don't know what you mean by that."

Well, at least I pretended I didn't understand what Felix asked me.

"Oh really, then why do I see her come by our classroom door just now waving at you?" He asked me, the smirk still plastering on his face.

I got underneath the desk, asking, "I'm not ready. I don't know what to say!"

He laughed while pulling me up, saying, "Just kidding, it was the janitor," and continued laughing.

I jokingly rolled my eyes at him and shook my head. Jeez, Felix has such a good sense of humor, especially when he jokes around like this time.

"My guess is you're over the moon, and under the desk, for her!" Felix once again says while laughing.

"Oh all right, I admit it!" I completely gave up, from pretending not to answer it directly to Felix.

"Yes, I do like her. End of story." I blurted out and crossed my arms again.

"Oh no it's not," he said, "I also saw the way Lee Know looked at you and Kristen during hip hop class. And a girl learning the same part as me was looking at her like she was angry. After class, she and two other girls gathered around and were talking badly about Kristen."

The thought of Lee Know liking Kristen as well made me feel a bit uneasy. Why would my best friend from middle school admire the same person I do? But something else doesn't put me at ease.

Three girls? I remember them. The International Trinity. Gae-Nyun attended the same middle school as me and Lee Know, and Jinyoung Hyung told me she formed a small group with two transfer students last year.

They were bad news. Dahyun was manipulated by them to join their group and they bullied some of their fellow classmates. And Eva, before class ended, told me briefly about them trying to bully Kristen earlier.

"I swear if those girls dare to talk one more damn nasty thing against Kristen...I swear to God that I'm going to throw hands." I muttered, sounding a bit mad by just imagining it.

"Is something wrong, Hyunjin?" Felix asked.

I glanced at him and shook my head, "Nah, I was just telling myself. But listen, do me a favor and make sure you let me know if you find those girls around Kristen, whether or not they're together, while she is alone. Alright?"

"No worries, mate. I got you." Felix agreed to do it.

I smiled at him as a thanks to him.

Our teacher came in and we started our first lesson.

While I was writing down notes for the lesson, I couldn't help but think about what Felix said about Lee Know glancing at Kristen. Would that mean that he likes her too? No. I won't believe it. That would be just fine for me if Lee Know decided to be friends with her. Yeah, I'm okay with that. Yet I hope he knows the boundaries.

I know from middle school Gae-Nyun liked both me and Lee Know. But we didn't like how she was being hostile towards our friends and classmates, even though she's a year above us. She even mistreated the girls that liked either me or Lee Know as well.

I even know while we went to visit Dahyun last year for her birthday, we noticed her hanging out with Gae-Nyun, who introduced us to her friends Sera and Hailey. It wasn't until Christmas that we finally convinced Dahyun she was in the wrong crowd.

Luckily the bell rang so we could put our things away and go to lunch. Since it's her first day at a Korean school in Korea, I wanted to show Kristen some hospitality.

After I got my lunch my mother packed, I hurried and went to the canteen to buy two chocolate milks in plastic triangle shaped cartons. I like this milk a lot. Maybe recommending something to her would be a good start to bonding with her.

I hurried to the lunchroom so I could meet up with her and our friends.

On the way, I bumped into Lee Know at the end of the staircase. I guess he and I got the same idea, because he had two cartons of white milk in his hands.

Do we have some kind of...telepathy? Or is he also trying to spend time with Kristen?

Mina's POV

It was lunch at this hour and I got my lunch prepared for myself. I walked out from the doors of the school building; this area seemed to be like a backyard from our school. It looked very nice and worthy to stay outside for a while. I heard the door opening behind me and it was Kristen stepping out from the doors carrying her lunch.

"Hey Kristen!" I happily greeted her.

"Hi Sharon!" She greeted me with a smile on her face.

We then walked down the stairs to find a picnic table for us to eat. While walking, I asked Kristen, "How's your first day of school going so far?"

"It went okay. Well...until before entering English class."

"What happened?" I was slightly puzzled.

"I was about to enter the class until those three girls stopped me from coming in. They were trying to say I was stealing two guys they like. One of them yelled at me while speaking English in a German accent." Kristen explained.

I let out a scoff, referring to those three girls. In fact I remember Hailey as part of International Trinity very well and...I didn't like her at all. "Why would they think like that?"

"But anyways..." I shrugged and looked at Kristen. "I don't blame you. Seems like you're an eye candy for those two guys."

"One of those girls, didn't you say you remember her attending middle school in Japan with you? That you used to be friends until you two had a fall out over a part in a ballet show?" Kristen asked me out of curiosity.

I frowned when I remembered that moment and nodded, "Yeah."

"Hailey and I were close when we went to the same ballet studio. Because Hailey transferred from New Zealand during our first year of middle school, I helped her fit right in. But Hailey wanted the lead role in a ballet show she and I asked to audition for. The result is that I got the role and she resented me ever since. When we found out we were transferring to the same school here, Hailey joined Gae-nyun's group so she can one up with me." I told the whole backstory to Kristen about Hailey and I.

"And, Sera, the girl with the German accent, she was in our hip hop class. Isn't she in your group for the Taki Taki assignment?" She asked yet again.

I nodded, the frown still plastering on my face. "I don't like her as well."

"I heard that Sera got bullied when she transferred because she only knew basic Korea after transferring from Germany, and Gae-Nyun manipulated her to join so she won't be victimized anymore." I told her about Sera.

Kristen looked down at her lunch, a little worried about the International Trinity. I decided to change the subject.

"Anyways, I wonder why Hyunjin and Lee Know wanted to get close to you, Kristen." I spoke.

"I bumped into them, well Hyunjin, this morning before school. And they're in my homeroom classmates. I'm sure they're wanting to make sure I'm not alone. Hyunjin was the first to ask to be my friend. So I asked if he wants to walk home with me. He of course said yes." She said, blushing a little on that last part.

That got me wondering about Hyunjin. Considering I saw the two of them were close in hip hop class.

We heard the doors opening, spotted Chaeyoung, Sally, Changbin, Jeongin, Chris and Felix step out from the school, carrying their lunches along. Seeming that they were chatting together, until Changbin started rapping and let out the "YOOOOOO!" sound, making everyone laugh out loud at him.

We let out some snickers, thinking that Changbin sounded hilarious when he made that funny sound.

Then I see Lee Know and Hyunjin rush in with two cartons of two different milks in their hands. They came up to Kristen, both simultaneously saying, "I bought milks for us to share. I would like for you to have one, please!"

"Yep. Exactly what I was wondering why." I spoke.

Kristen looked indecisive at the moment.

"We're sorry." Lee Know said sadly.

"I guess we both should've waited and asked you." Hyunjin, also feeling somewhat sad.

They were about to walk away with the milks.

Looking up, Kristen reassured them, "No no. It's okay. I really appreciate you both doing this for me. I'll take both of them."

She grabs one of Lee Know's milks, and one of Hyunjin's milks. Each of them have straws placed inside them.

Lee Know hesitantly walked away, leaving Hyunjin confused.

"Seems like he's embarrassed." I muttered and shrugged my shoulders.

"I honestly don't know what's happening with Lee Know." Hyunjin was a bit puzzled.

"You don't have to walk away like some stranger, Lee Know. Come sit down with us." Kristen said, wanting to make sure he feels included.

I saw Lee Know stopped walking, then turned around. He looked hesitant still, but he approached back to us.

He then gave us a resting smile.

Hyunjin and Lee Know sat together on a table with us. Yet I heard Chaeyoung calling Kristen; I turned and saw motioning her to come to her table.

So we four decided to move into Chaeyoung's table. We stood up from our table and walked over to Chaeyoung's table. She was with Eva's friend, Christopher, and some of his friends.

"It's great to finally see you again, Chaeyoung Eonni!" Kristen says.

"Thanks! Good to see new faces...well, if I haven't met any of you guys here honestly." Chaeyoung smiled.

"These two just so happen to be your dear cousin's first new friends in school." I said to Chaeyoung.

"Actually, I have one more who I know very well. Felix has been my pen pal since middle school. We just met through our fathers when my father was on a business trip in Sydney." Kristen mentioned.

"There's plenty of opportunities for new friends, as well though, little cousin." Chaeyoung says.

"I know. I'm just mentioning the ones who I already know before coming here." Kristen spoke as she nodded.

"Anyways, I brought some new friends here. Kristen, this is Changbin, Sally, and Jeongin. Sally is in the second year; Changbin and Jeongin are with us as first year." Chris introduced the three to Kristen.

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you," Kristen bowed politely to them, "I hope we can become great friends."

"Absolutely!" Sally beamed.

Narrator's POV

"I'm Yang Jeongin, the youngest here." He introduced himself.

"By the way, you look pretty, Kristen." He complimented Kristen.

Kristen chuckled and smiled, "Thanks Jeongin."

Jeongin smiled, but he felt both of his shoulders being slapped. "Ow!"

He looked side to side, realizing that he was between Hyunjin and Minho, glaring at him.

"What?!" Jeongin whined.

"I was about to say that to her first!" Hyunjin and Lee Know said it simultaneously, leading into an awkward silence.

"Who will I be after you two leave?!" Jeongin complained, breaking the awkward silence.

"An idiot, that's who." Minho chimed in.

Jeongin then grabbed Minho by the collar, and hissed at Minho like an angry cat.

That made everyone crack up at Jeongin's hilarious reaction towards Minho. Although poor Minho got a bit scared of Jeongin's feisty attitude.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Jeongin, veg out!" Chris then gently shoved Jeongin and Minho apart.

Kristen giggled and told them, "Okay, relax boys. Jeongin was just being nice. And I'm very flattered that you and Lee Know thought I was pretty as well, Hyunjin."

This caused Minho to smile and Hyunjin to blush. Then Jeongin grabbed Hyunjin's milk and took a drink out of it.

"You have a fever Hyunjin?" Felix asked.

"No. Why would you think that?" Hyunjin said quickly, not wanting to look suspicious.

Felix leaned over and whispered, "Because your face is red. You're probably feverish because you're love sick!" and he started chuckling at his own joke.

Hyunjin gently punched his shoulder in defense.

"Oi!" Felix exclaimed as he rubbed his shoulder from being punched by Hyunjin.

"Be quiet before she hears you!" Hyunjin gripped as he snatched his milk back from Jeongin, "You're lucky it was your shoulder."

Felix just jokingly scoffed at Hyunjin, like it was nothing.

"Unlike you, I don't have to worry about being a nervous wreck when it comes to girls. Not even..." Felix argued back, but was cut off when he noticed Eva at a distance, walking towards the school's balcony, admiring the view nature had to offer.

Eva then rested her hands on the top railing of the balcony, still contemplating the nature around her.

Felix couldn't help but stare, admiring how she looked as if she belonged in heaven. The way the breeze went through her dark hair lightly made her look even more like an angel. An angel without wings.

His heart began to pound hard step by step. It was the first time he fell in love at first sight.

Chris noticed Felix's silence; also, the way he looked at. When he turned what Felix was looking at, he found out that it's her. His first friend in high school.

"Ah, yeah. That's Eva. I met her this morning. She may seem pretty shy at first, but can be outgoing as well. I heard that she's Pom." Chris told Felix.

Hyunjin looks back and forth between Eva and Felix. He notices the way Felix was looking at her. And the way Felix's blushing makes it increasingly obvious.

"Who's love sick now, Lee Felix?!" Hyunjin teased Felix as a way of getting even.

"Shh, quiet! Let him focus." Chris shushed Hyunjin.

Silence lingered around the area.

Eva turned suddenly and looked right at Felix. Felix got caught staring but didn't look away. She does but then...her eyes darted back at if something from him attracts her.

Not to mention that their hearts began to flutter at that moment.

Their eyes meet across the wide space between where they're at this time. It's like they're in two different worlds, yet would they have the same fate?

When Felix saw her stare back at him, that was when his heart skipped at least five beats at once, he was sure of it. He felt a sudden, strong connection between both of them, even if he had only seen her just for a few minutes.

He felt like something forcefully pulled them together to meet, and he wasn't complaining. In fact, he was thanking fate he even came across a beautiful person like her.

Jeongin teasingly waved his fingers in front of Felix's face, but Chris gently smacked his hand down and mouthed at him as a scolding, "No."

Eva couldn't take her eyes off Felix, neither Felix's from Eva.

It's like they're the only two here gazing at each other on this planet...until Eva heard the door opening behind her.

She turned around and it was Jackson. Seemed like he was looking for Eva.

"Hey Eva! Your homeroom teacher wants to have a chat with you." Jackson called.

Eva didn't quite expect it, yet she understood that it might be important.

"Does she need me?" She asked, pointing herself.

Jackson motioned her to come along, so Eva walked back into the door, disappearing from Felix's sight.

Meanwhile Felix looked slightly saddened to see Eva going away, Jeongin asked,

"Hey Kristen, what class do you have after lunch?"

"I have singing class. What about yours?" Kristen told him.

"Me too! We're going to be in that class with Hyunjin." Jeongin happily said as he wrapped his arm around Hyunjin's shoulder.

"I can't wait to be in class with you two, then!" She said with a smile, drinking from her milks.

Jeongin looked at Hyunjin and noticed he was still blushing and thinking about being in another class with her.

"Poor boy, his face is getting red." Jeongin giggled and poked gently on Hyunjin's reddened cheek.

Hyunjin shoved Jeongin in defense, but karma got him back when Jeongin hissed at him again and clawed him by the collar.

Angry cat Jeongin back again!

Kristen hurried and got in between the two boys, giggled, and said, "Alright, that's enough. You may be boys, but we're all friends! Let's get along."

"Okay Noona." Jeongin replies in response to Kristen's words.

"Aww..." Kristen then patted Jeongin's head gently, making the younger one giggle, "you're like an adorable younger brother to me now, Jeongin!"

Hearing this made Minho and Hyunjin sigh in relief, feeling better that she sees Jeongin as a younger sibling.

Chris smiled of seeing it, yet he still noticed Felix's rare silence. He turned to look at Felix, and Felix seemed to be lost in his own world. Facing down at the table.

Chris wondered how, so he called, "Hey mate, you alright?"

Surprisingly, Felix didn't get startled by Chris' sudden call. Felix's eyes looked up at Chris and shrugged without saying a word.

"You seemed pretty quiet this time. Is something wrong?" Chris asked Felix.

"Oh it's... nothing. Nothing at all." Felix muttered softly, slightly shaking his head.

He was clearly not okay and actually needed to see that girl again. The connection he felt with her was a connection that he never felt with anyone else in his life, and actually sent him shivers. He needed to feel that connection again.

Chris understood what kind of feeling Felix was having right now after he saw Eva for the first time. He thought himself talking to Felix minutes before the lunch hour finished. Or maybe during when the teacher's not around.

Jinyoung's POV

It was time for music class to start, and now I'm helping the teacher before the students come in. I thought it would be a while since no one had arrived yet this time.

Suddenly, I heard a pair of footsteps behind me while helping the teacher. I turned around and recognized Hyunjin, who just arrived here.

"Hello Jinyoung Hyung!" I heard Hyunjin happily say to me.

Hearing his tone makes me wonder what made him feel so happy. From what Jaebum told me, Hyunjin was the same way in dance class. Now that I think about it, I can guess what it is.

"Hi, Hyunjin. I can hear you being happy now. Is it about the new girl here?" I guessed with a smirk.

Suddenly, his face and ears started turning red. Guess I was right after all. Poor boy got flustered when I brought it up.

I chuckled knowing that I was right all the time, "I knew it."

"I guess everyone knows I'm taking an interest in Kristen now, huh?" Hyunjin asked, feeling embarrassed, "It's not like I expected it to happen, it just did!"

"'s normal to feel that way, Hyunjin. People sometimes do crazy things when they're in love." I assured him with a smile still plastered on my face.

"The only crazy thing I did was crawl under a desk in math class today. And pass her a note in homeroom class," Hyunjin said in response.

"Is that a crazy thing for you?" I asked him as I let him just to think about what he did earlier.

"I just thought I could actually introduce myself since I couldn't before school," he started explaining, "and in English, she gave me a note asking if she could walk home with me after school. Of course I said yes, but I haven't the slightest idea of what I'll do or say when we go home. When I went to Felix about it, he was teasing me every now and then in math class."

"Aish, that Aussie kid..." I chuckled as I shook my head.

"Well, friends do that to each other. It felt annoying at first, isn't it?" I told him.

"We used to do that to Jaebum, and he would get angry at us about it, but look at him now." I let Hyunjin know. He and I started chuckling as we remembered when I was a first year student with my friends.

"How is he now?" Hyunjin was breathless from laughing with me as he asked me.

"JB is...pretty chill these days. And he just laughs when we tease him. Seemed he doesn't have a problem with that anymore. Although BamBam and Gyeomie are still a bit cheeky towards JB in a joking way." I continued.

"Speaking of having crushes..." I paused to flashback in a second; when I remember JB being such an idiot to himself when he had a crush on some girl.

Just remembering it makes me laugh.

"JB was such a nervous wreck around his crush in his first year." I 'exposed' JB's cute shy boy side.

"Didn't you say she was the reason behind him becoming who he is today?" Hyunjin asked, chuckling about remembering JB.

"I'm certain she was." I nodded and shrugged my shoulders.

As we continued talking, we noticed Kristen come in talking with Jeongin. I guess Kristen is the girl Hyunjin took interest in.

"So that's her." I muttered as I completely understood the scenario going on.

"Why don't you sit next to Kristen, Hyunjin?" I whispered to him.

Hyunjin turned and looked at me; that look of his could tell me if I'm crazy or what.

"What are you trying me to do, I--" Hyunjin then shook his head as if he doesn't know what to do right now.

Then I pushed him over to where Kristen was at. He looked at me like I was crazy, but I mouthed "Go for it!" so he can finally talk to her.

I witnessed him talking to her, and asking if he could sit next to her. Fortunately she said yes, and I smiled at Hyunjin, happy that he gets to sit with his crush.

Just as they were sitting in their seats talking, I saw three girls enter the classroom. It was the International Trinity. I knew something happened because of what I heard in regards to them and Kristen.

It also made me dislike those three girls by the way. Since they might not know that I was observing them every second and every move towards Hyunjin and Kristen...

I am.

Hyunjin's POV

Thanks to Jinyoung, I ended up sitting directly next to Kristen for this class. Why is it that everyone is always trying to put me with her when they find out I like her?! And when they know it gives me butterflies in my stomach, which won't go away when I'm around her.

Luckily, as Kristen and I started chatting, everything seemed fine. I surprisingly sounded fine as well. And she even laughed when I mentioned something funny. Her laughs were almost as angelic as her voice itself.

Suddenly I heard more footsteps coming. I guess the class is about to start.

As the students took their seats, I began feeling a negative aura behind me.

To be sure I knew, I acted like I was writing something and "accidentally" dropped my pencil.

When I bent down to get it, I noticed a bag with buttons that resemble flags from South Korea, Germany, and New Zealand, the countries that the International Trinity were born in. And the bag in particular belonged to Sera since it had an "S" keychain attached to the side.

There was no doubt she and her friends were behind us. Now I have a feeling that something bad will happen. I don't know whether to get mad or act up into a fight, or anything.

With class about to start, I simply decided to stay calm and do my best to protect Kristen the best I can.

Moments later, the class had started as the teacher had arrived.

As the teacher began to write the lesson on board, I started to write down some notes on my notebook. I was completely focused until my ears perked up when I heard a pencil falling down on the floor. I turned and looked down, realizing that it was Kristen's pencil fallen on the floor.

Kristen was about to pick it up but I reached down to pick the pencil for her. And that was the moment when our hands touched each other. Just as the skin of our hands touched, I could feel my heart pounding a bit quicker again. I wanted to hold her soft hand and gently kiss it but I think I should control my lovestruck self. Guess she just made me an idiot for a good reason.

"I'm sorry Kristen." I whispered apologetically as I tried to control my ears and face from turning red.

"Oh no, it's fine," Kristen reassured me, "I should've been more careful. Thank you very much, Hyunjin."

She gives me a smile, letting me know everything is okay. As I saw this, I thought I was imagining things when I noticed a tint on her cheeks. Nonetheless I smiled back and we resumed taking notes on the lesson. I have a good feeling about my new friendship with Kristen now.

Gae-nyun's POV

The first day of school was halfway done, and already I can tell I have a new enemy to deal with. I knew there was something up the moment Sera told me about Kristen and we saw her with Minho in the hallway. First our Minho, and now she's already trying to steal Hyunjin from us!

"What does that zimtzicke think she's doing with the handsome Prince Hyunjin of the Seoul International High School of Arts in front of us like that?" Sera angrily scoffs while whispering.

I can tell she's just as angry as me, because when Sera's angry, she lets German words and phrases slip.

"She won't get away from this after class." I angrily muttered against my breath.

"I highly doubt she can handle the jandal she's in now. She has no right to steal Minho or Hyunjin from us." Hailey whispered.

Seeing Hyunjin smiling and being too comfy to the new girl really sickens me from the inside. He's mine and she better get away from him.

Jeongin's POV

Oh, that International Trinity thinks that I don't hear them plotting against Kristen...but I am. And they're right behind me. Every nasty word I heard towards Kristen makes my blood boil, now determined to protect my older sister.

Sometimes I just want to throw hands on them.

I slowly clenched my hand, while still eavesdropping those mean girls. I clenched my jaw without realizing it. I felt the urge to fight back at them, but I knew with the teacher and other students in the room, it would only cause more trouble.

But I did know that I have to let Hyunjin know about this so we can do something to protect Kristen.

Still not realizing I was slowly getting tensed up with anger, I started having a bit of trouble breathing normally. Maybe that would be a good excuse for me to use the restroom, instead of creating such a scandalous scenario here in the classroom.

So I stood up from my seat, approached and excused the teacher to give permission to use the restroom. After giving the 'reason' why I have to go urgently, I finally could go. And I walked out of the room.

Hyunjin's POV

I was confused about what was going on with Jeongin, since he just left the classroom. Was he feeling a bit anxious? Or stressed out? I noticed that he had some trouble breathing. Maybe I should check on him. My worry towards Jeongin began to grow little by little.

Then I heard Kristen calling me softly; I turned my head around to look at her and answered quietly, "Yeah?"

"What's wrong with Jeongin?" She asked out of concern, keeping her voice low.

"I don't know, but I'm going to check on him." I let Kristen know. As I went by Jinyoung Hyung, I mouthed to him to keep an eye on Kristen, and he nodded.

I approached the teacher and asked to check on Jeongin because I noticed he didn't look too well.

She let me use the restroom, and I went into the bathroom to find Jeongin washing his face at the sink. Jeongin might not realize that I just got here. As he used the paper towel to dry up his face, an empty, long cardboard paper roll fell out on the sink counter.

As he finished drying his face off, he then looked down at the empty roll as he picked it up.

What is he going to do with it? As I looked at the reflection on his face...he doesn't look like he's anxious at all.

Seemed like he's up to something. I can sense that it's gonna be a fight. Who made him this angry?

His hand gripped hard on the roll; his jaw clenched once again. Just as he was near to hit the air with the roll on his hand... he now spotted me behind him. Jeongin shouted in startle and fear at the same time; it seemed like he just found out that I was behind them since I got here to check on him what's going on.

"Hyung! Aish, you just scared me!" Jeongin complained.

"I didn't mean to. I came by to see how you were. Now I can clearly tell something made you angry." I informed him.

The confusion crossed Jeongin's face; yep, exactly what I thought that he had no idea. "What do you mean, I wasn't--" He tried to cover his true emotions up but no, there's no excuse why he has to hide like that.

"I can see the bent paper towel roll in your hand. You wouldn't have done that unless you're angry. Now what happened?" I explained to him, clearly letting him know I know what's wrong, and he can't lie to me about it.

Jeongin seemed to give up as he sighed deeply and faced down. He faced up again and told, "International Trinity are plotting something against Kristen because they think that she's gonna steal you and Minho away from them."

"That's why I came here with this damn roll I got because I was ready to hit and fight those three. I wanted to. But I can't. What do they think?" Jeongin angered a bit.

"Do they think they can get away by bullying my older sister? HA! I don't think so! They won't get away from me until the end." He angrily whispered.

"Calm down Jeongin. Take it easy okay?" I asked him, and he started to slowly breathe in and out to calm him.

I knew I had a bad feeling when I noticed them behind us. What exactly could those three be planning to do to Kristen? It's a good thing I agreed to walk home with Kristen. Otherwise, disaster would be waiting for her, and the International Trinity would be after her.

"This does not sound good at all though. We have to do something before they hurt Kristen." I explained.

"You're right, it doesn't sound good at all. I just can't stand it! That's why I got this roll to beat them up." Jeongin showed the empty paper roll in front of my face.

I carefully took the bent roll from him and threw it away, saying, "We'll talk more after school, but for now, we need to get back to class to protect Kristen."

He then nods in agreement, with a reluctant look on his face. I know Jeongin doesn't feel that way, yet he must learn and distinguish what's right and wrong. And we hurried back to class.

When we arrived, we went to our seats and learned that we're going to learn to sing a traditional Korean song tomorrow. Since I was gone, Kristen filled me in on what was happening. I copied down the name of the song and the small side notes she got on it.

"Are you okay by the way?" I asked her as I finished writing the notes down in my notebook. I wanted to make sure nothing happened to her while I was gone.

"Of course I'm fine." Kristen smiled.

Thank goodness she's okay this time; I just hope that after this class, we can get away from International Trinity as soon as possible.

The bell rang and we went to our next classes after getting our things from the lockers. Next class was film class. Kristen and I have that with Lee Know, Chris, Felix, Jeongin, Seungmin, and Jisung.

I looked around, checking if International Trinity was around. Good thing they're not this time.

But wait...Jeongin's not with us. I whipped my head from side to side, still no sign of him.

"Jeongin? Jeongin!" I called, sounding a bit desperate but no answer.

He must have been lost, the poor child.

Or maybe, he.... He wouldn't be doing what I think he's doing, would he? Oh no! He's probably gonna confront the International Trinity!

"Is everything okay?" Kristen asks me.

"Jeongin's not here. He better not do something stupid before I find him." I muttered, kind of a bit angry.

I looked at her and placed my hand on her shoulder, telling her, "Find Felix and he'll go with you with our next class, ok?"

"Alright. I'll find Felix and go to class. Make sure you come to class on time so you and Jeongin are not late," she lets me know, "I don't want something bad to happen to you."

She sounds as concerned about me as I am about her.

I nodded and vowed, "I promise."

I then turned and rushed away to find Jeongin. I rushed straight ahead to the hallway and turned to the right. I looked around and still no sign of him.

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