Chapter 41

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Jeongin's POV

I was writing my feelings down so I could come up with a way to confess to Chaeryeong. Honestly, I have no idea when I'm going to do it, but I know I want to do it very soon. I remember how her sister, Chaeyeon reacted when she heard we slow danced at the festival after she passed her audition.

Yes, she finds us so cute slow dancing together. She somewhat embarrasses us, however, but Chaeyreong told me not to mind too much of it.

I remember when after I walked her home, she gave me a kiss on the cheek as a thank you. That moment made my heart move up and down in the walls of my chest. Not to mention that I ended up blushing all the way back to Seungmin's home.

And I also remembered when I was in deep distress that night, she and I walked together in the streets to take me home. We shared random conversations to ease my emotions while heading towards my home. And to pay her back, I kissed her on the cheek before I entered my home. But not before she gave me the sweetest smile ever.

Oh, how I longed to kiss her on the lips one day! If only there's a simple yet romantic way for me to confess my feelings to Chaeryeong...

While writing my feelings down in the notebook, an idea came into my mind that made me search for a blank sheet of paper in the drawer of my desk.

As I opened the drawer, I picked the sheet and placed it on the desk. I picked my pen and started scribbling a short message that could give her a hint of my confession.

Chaeryeong, if only there's a way I could express my feelings to you with words but time would fail me. Meet me anytime tomorrow or the day after. I've been waiting to do this forever.

As I finished writing the message, I picked the paper and was going to put it into my backpack below the open window...

Until I spotted a familiar girl walking on the other side of the sidewalk. Seeing it closely...

It's Chaeryeong.

Oh my gosh, I have to send this message to her right now before she passes by! I gotta do something!

Thinking a paper airplane will do the work, I folded the paper properly yet as quickly as possible. After folding into the paper airplane, I looked out the window and spotted Chaeryeong kneeling down tying her shoe.

Knowing that now's the chance, I threw the paper airplane out. And I immediately closed the window, so she won't know it's me who sent her the message.

Observing the paper airplane, it kept floating in the air. And just as I expected, the paper plane landed right in front of her feet. She noticed and picked it up in her hand before unfolding the sheet to see the message.

As she read the message, I anticipated her reaction while reading it. She was scanning the words in the letter. As she read each sentence, I saw a smile grow on her face. The smile was wider by the time she got to read the end of the letter. She then looked around, and folded it into a small paper to fit into her jeans pocket. Then she started rushing, probably heading towards her home.

That means she liked the message!

"Yes!" I cheered in a whispered tone and punched the air.

I let out a deep contented sigh, "I felt so relieved right now."

"Relieved of what, Hyung?"

I flinched in startle at the sudden voice of my younger brother. I noticed him standing in the doorway of my bedroom.

I lied while trying to sound casual, "Relieved that I just finished my homework."

"Aren't you supposed to be sleeping already, dongsaeng?" I asked him.

"I got hungry so I grabbed an apple from downstairs. I wasn't expecting you to be up, too, Hyung." My brother answered my question.

"Also, Eomma told me that she made some rainbow rice cakes for that middle school girl you're friends with. She wanted you to give them to her when you go to visit her since she's helping you design and put together costumes for your final exam."

What?! How does she know all of this?! Oh, I hate being embarrassed by my mother or my brothers for real! I hope they won't know what I'm about to do tomorrow or the day after.

And yes, Hyunjin showed me the drawings he did throughout the texts, and told me about the dance routine that's in the working process earlier today. So he told me that I'll be in charge of making the costumes.

Realizing how I stood quiet, I shook my thoughts and managed to pull a smile,

"Oh, that's nice of Eomma. I'm sure my friend will love those rainbow rice cakes very much."

Then I told him, "Well, you should go get some sleep now. You don't wanna be tired in the morning."

He nodded with a smile before walking away, "Ok. Good night Hyung."

"Good night."

As my younger brother left the room, I came up with an idea for my confession.

A confession that neither Chaeryeong and I will ever forget.

Narrator's POV

Eva took a quick shower, combed her hair, and got changed into a simple yet stylish outfit for her discharge. She wears a beige cardigan over her white shirt, blue jeans and white sneakers.

She started to pack her final necessities into her small luggage. And when she noticed the photo frame still standing on the table...

She picked it up from the surface and stared at the photo for a moment. It was a fun memory she and her friends had with the kids at Si-eon's birthday party. She was sure that she would cherish that memory for a long time. Her eyes trailed at every smiling face in the group photo, and there it was.

She and Felix are genuinely happy together, him hugging her by the shoulder.

"I promise when I get discharged from the hospital, I will find you." Her own voice echoed in her thoughts, when she recorded her voice before sending it to Felix on her phone two nights ago.

She also remembered when she told Sera after Sera promised that she could be one of Eva's trusted friends and won't forget her, "Don't make promises you can't keep."

"People tend to make promises and forget. They should've known that no promise should be made if one can't keep." She spoke to herself.

She then put the frame into the backpack, before finishing packing to return home.

Eva heard multiple footsteps approaching her hospital room. As she turned to look who's coming, it was her aunt, Gael, Samuel and Sara. That brought a smile to her face.

The younger twins ran towards Eva and gave her a cheerful hug. She chuckled at the joy of her twin cousins and hugged them together back.

"Me alegro de verte otra vez." Eva expressed her happiness to see her aunt's family again.

"¡Nosotros también, prima!" Samuel happily exclaimed.

"We're so glad that you're coming back!" Sara happily expressed.

"Feeling is mutual, Sara. I missed all of you like crazy." Eva told her younger cousin, gently ruffling their hair.

"We missed you like crazy as well, prima." Gael said as he hugged Eva, before he went to pick her duffel bag and backpack together.

Then they heard the nurse arriving at Eva's hospital room, "Well Eva, time to go home. This is your family right?"

"Yes. This is actually my aunt and her family. My older cousin lives here in Seoul and is studying as an English major in Konkuk University." Eva explained.

"Oh that's nice. My brother's also studying in Konkuk but is an International Studies Major. He will be teaching in Vietnam after he graduates." The nurse told Eva.

She continued with a chuckle, "Today's already hectic. Many people are getting discharged today. It's going up and down, back and's crazy to be honest."

Eva chuckled and heard the female doctor arriving in with her clipboard,

"Hello Eva. You're discharged already. Ready to go back home?"

"Sure am, doctor." Eva answered with a smile.

Eva was more than ready to leave the hospital.

"All right." The doctor started completing some discharge papers.

Meanwhile Eva asked the doctor, "Do you know when Kristen will be discharged too?"

"Possibly tomorrow. Just a couple exams later today and if she's all good, then she'll be free tomorrow." She replied.

Eva smiled at the doctor's positive response, happy to know the news. She wondered if she could visit Kristen before exiting the hospital.

"Would it be possible if I could visit Kristen before leaving?" Eva asked.

"Sure thing, dear. She just woke up." The female doctor answered before handing her an updated asthma action plan.

"Here's the updated asthma action plan. This should help you more to manage your asthma well. In two days, you'll have a follow-up appointment here-- just to check up to make sure you're not at risk of having another asthma attack. Try to rest as much as possible today and drink plenty of fluids." The female doctor informed her. "Have a nice day today."

"Thank you, doctor." Eva thanked her.

After getting the new asthma plan, Eva made a quick trip to Kristen's hospital room.

As Eva arrived, she noticed Kristen laying on the hospital bed, checking on her phone. When Kristen looked up to see who's at the doorway, she smiled at Eva.

"Hi Eva."

"Hi Kristen." Eva greeted her in response while approaching her to give her hug.

After hugging Kristen, Eva asked,

"How are you doing?"

"I'm doing fine, thanks."

Kristen noticed the stylish outfit Eva's wearing and hinted,

"You got discharged?"

Eva nodded with a smile and explained, "I'm all good to go, but I'm going to rest as much as possible today. And I got some news from my cousin Gael."

"What's the news?" Kristen asked Eva, and she answered,

"Gael informed me yesterday that he proposed to his girlfriend because they're having a baby."

"Oh my gosh, really?! Congrats to your cousin! My brother is having another baby himself. This time, a boy that he named Levi." Kristen informed her friend about her unborn nephew.

Eva happily expressed, "Aww, that's wonderful! It definitely brought me lots of joy knowing that I'm going to have a second cousin for the first time. I bet your niece is already happy having a baby brother."

"Ella is excited. And because she considers Hyunjin to be her uncle, we all consider him to be Levi's uncle, too."

"Yeah." Eva chuckled as she said, "I remember I got excited about having my baby brother when I was little."

"You have a brother in London?"

"Yeah. His name is Isaac. He's six now and he's already playing in a kids' rugby team." Eva told her. "His birthday is in two weeks and he's gonna visit here with my mom. So I'm making a surprise gift for him. It's a watercolor painting of us in Westminster Bridge with Big Ben in the background." Eva told her.

"That's nice. Speaking of paintings, Hyunjin showed me his four paintings last night. It was like a Sleeping Beauty story of his dream, except a curse that didn't hurt me. I was pricked by a thorn and it brought me into a deep sleep. The last drawing he did was of us transformed into flower angels after he kissed me to wake me up." Kristen recalled what Hyunjin told her about the dream.

"That was so beautiful. He must've felt happy when he gave you the paintings." Eva said in response to the story of the dream.

Kristen nodded and spoke, "He sure is. And he told me that he and the dance teachers are starting to work on a dance routine based on his dream as our final project. I will be part of it once I'm all good and fully recovered."

"Hyunjin and I talked about it last night. And we thought you and Felix could be part of the dance routine as well." Kristen convinced Eva to cooperate with the project.

"The reason why we want you to be part of the dance because you and Felix did those beautiful floral decorations for us to slow dance during the after party of the festival. And the next day during our camping trip, we became officially a couple. The roles of the two fairies giving us flower crowns during the transformation are perfect for you two."

"Kristen. I don't know what to say. You and Hyunjin are wonderful for thinking of me and Felix that way." Eva was thankful for Kristen's kind words to her. "In fact, I would love to join that project. I bet it will turn out beautiful."

"I knew I could count on you, Eva." Kristen answered her with a smile.

Eva let out a soft chuckle, already happy and excited to work on the dance project. Yet Kristen mentioned Felix, she felt a sudden urge to inform Kristen about her and Felix.

"Speaking of Felix...I'm ready to confess my love to him tomorrow." Eva told Kristen.

"You're ready for it now?" Kristen asked Eva.

"Yeah. I know what and how to confess to him, but...I'm still nervous. It's my first time doing it." She admitted. "So...since you and Hyunjin are already a couple...can you gimme some advice?"

"In a way, we unknowingly became a couple when we watched The Notebook together. But when it became official, I made sure of my feelings before I told Hyunjin 'I love you' for the first time. And I did so with a dance we did together." Kristen reminisced when Hyunjin became her boyfriend.

"So...all that I could tell you is make sure of your feelings. Reflect your actions, and what you two are telling each other. Just follow the spark of your heart." Kristen advised her with a smile. "I believe you can do it."

Eva nodded with a smile growing in her face, believing herself to take the step without hesitation.

"Thanks Kristen."

Kristen responded with a smile, "You're welcome. Hope everything goes well with you two."

Eva heard the footsteps approaching and turned to notice her family waiting for her.

She then gave Kristen a gentle hug once again and wished, "Get well soon."

"Thank you, Eva."

She then left Kristen's hospital room, not before waving at her goodbye. And she joined her family to leave the hospital.

As Eva exited the hospital with a happy smile on her face, she noticed her cousin putting her backpack and duffel bag on the back of his van. And before she could even get into the car...

She noticed a white feather on the ground.

But it's not just any feather.

Looking's a white swan feather.

Capturing her attention, she crouches down to pick it up but then...

(A/N: Play this 👆 as you continue reading.)

The feather started rolling by the gentle gusts of the wind. And when the breeze kept pushing the light feather, it then lifted from the ground and started floating away from Eva.

Sensing that the feather is up to something, she began her pursuit towards it.

Gael, Sara, Samuel and their mom were confused while witnessing Eva chasing at such a small light object.

"Why is she chasing a feather?" Samuel asked in puzzlement.

"Right, is she hallucinating?" Sara agreed.

"I don't think she's hallucinating, Sara. I think that feather is leading her where she promised to go." Gael told her.

And Gael was right.

The white swan feather was guiding her to the destination she promised to arrive.

Eva's POV

Even though I completely forgot my family was behind me, I didn't care anyway. I kept following the flying feather while running at a normal pace. Wherever the feather goes into four directions, I will follow it.

No matter if it's left, right, straight ahead or across. Not caring about my surroundings, my eyes could never take off from that feather. It was almost as if I was chasing a plane flying high in the sky.

Seeing that white swan feather reminds me of someone really special. And it makes my heart beat just by thinking about it.

Someone who I deeply love.

Someone who made my heart fly on cloud nine.

Someone who is written by the stars to be with me.

Someone who makes my life even better.

Much to my near dismay, I noticed a red light on the other side of the street... and the feather keeps on flying away. Yet, it almost seemed like a miracle when that red light turned into green.

A smile of relief crossed my face and I ran across the sidewalk.

The hem of the cardigan flowed behind me as if it was a cape; my long hair bounced up and down.

As I made it to the other side, the feather started flying in circles. And my eyes trailed at the feather, spinning around. The cardigan billowed below me; it reminded me when I spun my black swan inspired dress in the festival's after party. Seems as if I was dancing improv contemporary right now.

I feel free.

It felt like I'm living in my own drama, when my surroundings were in a busy movement...I got lost in sight of seeing that feather. Everything was in slow motion for me.

Once the feather flew straight ahead, I followed its direction and ran towards it. I may not know where I was going because I was too focused on the feather. I didn't even realize where the feather is leading me to.

In my perspective, however, I was trying to catch the feather in my hand.

I leaped, finally caught the white swan feather in my hand and stopped running. A wide, satisfied grin plastered on my face.

Scanning at the beautifully fringed white plumes, I stroked its soft, fluffy texture with my fingers.

And when I looked up...the school's building was right in front of me.

I had no idea how I got here...until I realized that the feather was not flying by chance. It actually guided me to where I promised to visit my friends, right after I got discharged.

I then kept the feather into my cardigan's pocket, before entering the school.

I stepped up the stairs and stood in front of the main entrance's doors. Taking deep breaths and mentally preparing myself to surprise my friends. Especially Felix. In fact, I want to find him first. I want to let him know that I'm back. I want to make his day better than the previous days.

So I opened the door and entered the school. Arriving in the was empty and quiet. Not even one person wandering around the hallways. Wondering where everyone was, I started calling to break the silence.

"Felix? Felix!" I walked into the corridor, hoping for a response.

No response, however. It kinda worries me and I'm getting desperate to know where he is. Where could he be right now?

I whispered while quickly walking back to the lobby, "Felix."

Suddenly, I heard footsteps running to where I'm at right now. Much to my curiosity, I followed the sound but stopped, when I noticed someone coming from a hallway ahead of me. Its back facing me, heightening my curiosity even more.

And when that person turned around...

It was Jeongin.

A genuine smile grew into my lips, replacing the worried look on my face. Not a hidden dash of anger or resentment. Just pure joy. Jeongin seemed to be surprised that I apparently forgot what had happened in the hospital, regarding the confrontation he had with Sera. I still remember, but it doesn't stop me from caring about Jeongin.

Well, a mother could love her child unconditionally, no matter the mistakes they commit.

"Hi Jeongin. I'm back." I greeted him with a smile.

And at least expected, I could notice tears forming around his eyes. He slightly pressed his lips into a thin line, using all of his efforts not to cry. In my perspective, I could see pain in his eyes. I thought his hesitation was regret and sorrow, and it made me feel pity to see him this way.

"Oh Jeongin, I'm so sorry."

It was just enough for him to gradually smile, despite tears already streaming down on his face.

Crying with joy and relief that I finally forgave him, he rushed towards me. He then threw his arms around me, giving me a tight hug for all his worth. I held him tight in my arms, slightly swaying from side to side to comfort his tears.

Ah, it feels so good to be back.

Quiet sniffles he let out and I rubbed his back with my bandaged hand gently.

I gently shushed and kissed his head, "It's ok, Innie. I'm here."

I ruffled his hair before breaking our embrace apart.

"I'm so sorry, Eva Noona. I acted like an idiot that night for not listening to you." He quietly wept.

"Innie, it's ok. I forgive you. It has already passed. Did you forgive Sera?"

He nodded as he wiped his tears with his hands, "I just felt so relieved right now. I feel free. The truth had finally set me free."

I smiled and patted his head gently, "I'm glad you finally opened your eyes, Innie."

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Oh, they're at the cafeteria, so if you want to greet them, that would be great!" He answered, the happy grin still plastered on his face.

We began walking together to head to the cafeteria.

"How are you feeling, Noona? Did you get discharged?" He asked me.

"Yeah. My symptoms are under control now, thankfully. But I have to be here for a brief time since I have to go home and recover today."

"Are you sure when you're gonna go back to school?"

"I don't know. Haven't thought about it yet. Hopefully tomorrow."

"We already miss you so much." He pouted.

I chuckled in response and ruffled his hair once again, "I know you all do. I miss everyone like crazy."

As we arrived at the cafeteria, I saw it as always. Students chatting at their tables, others eating or playing simple games. Everything seemed already back to normal. As soon as I spotted my friends sitting and eating together, my smile grew even wider. It felt like forever to meet my friends again.

We approached to our friends' table; I greeted them happily,

"Hey guys."

When they heard me, they turned around with big grins on their faces.

"Eva! You're back!" Sera happily exclaimed and hugged me.

"Welcome back, Eva!" Chris smiled.

"We're so glad to have you again!" Tzuyu chirped.

"Thanks everyone. I'm so happy to see you again. It feels good to be back. I just got discharged today, but my visit here will be brief because I have to rest today." I told them with a smile. "You know I don't make promises if I can't keep."

"How's your hand doing?" Minho asked me, regarding my hand that was once badly bruised.

"My hand's doing fine right now. I can move it, but I gotta be careful not to hit the affected area despite its fast healing." I told him and when I looked at his bandaged arm, I asked,

"How's your arm doing?"

"It's getting better. Soon, the cast will come off so I can wear a brace while doing physical therapy. And how about your wrist and asthma?" He answered, and was wondering about my condition.

"It's doing fine, too. I have a new plan to get my asthma under control from the doctor. Everything is going to be okay after all." I reassured him.

"I'm glad you're ok." Dahyun replied with a smile.

"Are you going back to school tomorrow, Eva?" Changbin asked me.

"Hopefully yes. I just can't wait to be honest." I chuckled in response.

"How's Kristen doing in the hospital?" Inès asked me.

"She's doing well overall. She will get discharged tomorrow if she passes all the exams later today." I answered.

"That's great. I'm sure Hyunjin will be so happy to hear that." Dahyun smiled.

I nodded with a smile, happy and relieved to see some of my friends again. I'm sure I will meet more tomorrow. But...

I feel like someone's missing here. I looked around and he's not even in the cafeteria.

"Is something wrong, Eva?" I heard Chris asking me.

"Where's Felix?"

Narrator's POV

There is Felix.

Standing alone by the railing of the rooftop edge. Still saddened by Eva's absence. He doesn't feel like being with his friends today--instead, he wanted to be alone here. Seemingly staring at the view around the school, but Eva was in his mind.

He only could remember the day he met her as children in Sydney...the day he met her again here in Seoul when he actually fell in love at sight...their first interaction...first accidental kiss...first date...first dance...first real kiss on the rooftop... and their best moments in the field trip.

Then he also remembered their last moment before she was taken to the X-ray room.

"I'll be waiting for you."

"I know you will. And stay strong while you're waiting."

He promised to wait for her, even if it's just days. Perhaps he already knew she wouldn't come. He looked at the photo of him and Eva smiling happily together at the field trip on his phone. Those were the last good moments before the worst nightmare happened.

He can't help...but be filled with regret. If only he could confess his feelings towards Eva before everything else happened...he wouldn't be this depressed.

Yet...he almost had an epiphany that it happened for a reason. What was the reason for everyone going through this difficult time?

The sky doesn't seem too dark...but in his own world...nothing but darkness. He wanted to end that perpetual darkness and see Eva's bright and beautiful smile again.

"Eva...I'm still waiting on you." Felix whispered.

Little did he know...tears already trickled down on his face. He can't handle the aching emptiness in his heart, still feeling the absence of Eva.

Even though he has the black swan necklace and thinks about her during this's not enough. He wants her back in his arms to make more beautiful memories with her.

Oh, when she will be back, time feels painfully slow, he thought. He stared down at the streets below, overcome by a sense of utter despair.

For a brief moment, he wants to do nothing more than rushing to the hospital to see Eva again.

Much less he knew...

Eva rushed out from the door, arriving at the rooftop. She looked at Felix with his back facing her, standing by the railing of the rooftop edge.

Judging by his standing position, she could almost feel his pain over her absence. But this time, even if it's just for seconds...she is going to reunite with him.

Her heart beats rapidly, highly anticipating their emotional reunion while she approaches him from behind...step by step.

She swallowed hard, trying her best not to tear up, even if a knot already started to tie in her throat.

She let out a deep breath and called him,


That was enough for his ears to perk up. He hoped he wasn't hallucinating. Nor even dreaming.

Could it be really Eva calling his name?

His heart raced quickly, desperate to know if it was her.

Would now be the time for him to finally have her in his arms once again?

Emotions might have gotten the chance to overwhelm him, but he tried his best not to let them do so. His hopes began to heighten as he slowly turned around...

And he saw her.

The emptiness was still trapped inside him but gradually started to escape as his eyes began to lighten up.

He is really seeing her presence. She can see how much he suffered going through her absence.

Felix stared at her a beat and more tears began to spill from his eyes. He hesitantly walked towards her. She gently embraced him and he wrapped his arms around her tightly.

She's really my arms, he thought.

Felix and Eva holding each other as afternoon sunlight washes over them.

He closed his eyes shut and more tears streaked down on his face. He had no idea how he is feeling right now, but he's actually in a mix of emotions. Quiet sobs and sniffles he let out, and she shedded tears along with him. She rubbed his back gently with her hand to give him comfort.

"Eva...I'm so sorry. I couldn't stay strong that night while you were examined." Felix quietly wept.

Hearing that from him really broke her heart. Her lips pressed gently against his cheek, catching his small tears streaking down.

She still remembered Chris texted her about Felix falling unconscious from emotional distress that night.

That night was a horror that no one would ever look back on again.

As they broke apart, she wiped his tears with her hand, before wiping hers with her other hand.

Eva sighed and spoke through tears, "Oh's ok. I don't blame you for that. On the contrary, it pained me knowing what happened to you that night. At least nothing serious happened to you, so I'm just glad you're ok now."

"Yeah. I miss you so much, Eva. You don't know the ache I've been hiding in these days." He admitted, managed to control his shaky voice while wiping his tears away.

She smiled faintly and answered, "I miss you too, Felix. I was gonna text you last night that I would come here after discharge. Instead, I decided to visit here by surprise. I just wanna make you feel happy."

"You already made me feel happy since we first met." He responded with a smile growing on his lips.

His words warmed Eva's heart and she couldn't be even more happier to see him again.

Then he asked her, "How's Kristen doing?"

"She's doing well today. She's gonna have some exams later today and if she passes, she'll get discharged tomorrow." She notified him with a grin on her face. "I'm just so happy that everything's going back to normal like before."

"Same. So, are you just visiting here?"

"Yeah. I have to go in a few moments since I had to rest today. Hopefully I'll come here tomorrow." Eva told him.

She placed her hand on the cheek she kissed, causing him to hold it against his cheek just a little longer to feel her warmth. His heart has never felt so complete until now.

How he wished to feel it even longer, but he knows that he'll have plenty of opportunities to come.

It's only the beginning.

Felix unclasped the black swan necklace from his neck, and gave it to Eva. As she picked it up, she wore it around her neck once again.

"I kept my promise as you told me to. Tomorrow I have to tell you I promised to." He told her.

She nodded with a smile and said, "See you tomorrow then."

"Take care Eva."


She leaned to kiss him on the cheek once again and went back inside to exit the building, not after giving him a sweet grin.

After she left, Felix let out a sigh of content and relief.

Now he has finally seen light at the end of the tunnel. His world had now become bright once again. He never thought he would suddenly feel light like a floating feather today, but yeah, she really made his day.

Now the only thing left for him was he and Eva to confess their love for each other. And he's certain it'll be tomorrow. His heart can't help but jump in thrill by just thinking about it.

Tomorrow will be a great day, he thought.

Meanwhile, Eva was walking through the hallways to exit the school again. She's now in a good mood to see some of her friends again, especially Felix, after three days. Three days felt like a month for her, but it was worth the wait.

She then spotted Jisung walking with Seungmin from the other side and greeted them, "Hey guys."

"Hey Eva! It's good to see you again!" Jisung happily greeted her back.

"Did you get discharged today?" Seungmin asked.

"Yeah, but I have to rest today. Hopefully I'll return to school tomorrow like before." She responded.

"Yeah, we miss you." Seungmin admitted.

"I miss everyone, too." Eva chuckled then said before walking away, "I gotta go now. See you tomorrow!"

And Jisung called, "Take care, Eva!"

Eva gave him a wave as a response of thanks and goodbye, before entering the lobby to exit.

As she walked out from the school building, she noticed his cousin's van in front of her. She stepped down the stairs and strutted towards the van. She opened the door, got into the car as she sat next on the passenger's seat next to Gael holding the steering wheel, who's in the driver's seat now. Sara and Samuel were in the backseat.

She then fastened her seat belt and laid back in her seat, letting out a delighted sigh.

"Satisfied?" Gael asked with a grin on his face.

"Yep. Satisfied that I kept my promise."

"Glad that you are. Now let's go somewhere to eat."

Gael started the engine and they headed to a restaurant to eat together.

Seungmin's POV

Since the incident from a few days ago happened after we got done at the amusement park, we're going to hold the big performance for the finals and the after party there. We were put in charge of decorating, so we decided to make a vine garden forest theme with the decorations.

The amusement park even has leftover special effects from their Halloween event and haunted house. The haunted house will be based on the fight scene from Hyunjin's dream where the vines and Cerberus come to life. Because we'll get to wear costumes for the after party, it will feel like Halloween came early.

The performance isn't until a few weeks from now, and the school is paying for decorations from donations we got from the police after the incident. So Felix and I are using those proceeds for the decorations we're using for the background and props.

I noticed Felix is still happy because of Eva visiting after her discharge.

"Seems like she made your day today, huh?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Guess you can say that." Felix nodded and smiled.

I nodded and said, "I'm glad she got discharged today. I saw her during lunch hour before she left. Besides, I saw that she kissed your cheek on the rooftop."

That made Felix turn to jokingly glare at me and ask, "Were you spying at us, Seungmin?"

"I just so happened to be there so I could talk on the phone with Michaela. Her friend Amelie's mother's wedding is next week. So we're going shopping after I get done here to find wedding outfits. Then I'm going to play some tunes for her on my guitar I got for Christmas after we go out to eat."

Felix grinned, "Really? That's awesome to hear! So...will it be your first date after being apart for a long time?"

"Technically yes. And we'll spend time together at her place after the wedding." I explained.

"Bet you're gonna have some fifteen minutes with her again like last time, hmm?" Felix teased, with a smirk tugging his face.

"Luckily she's an only child. The only nosy person we have to worry about is her mother. Thankfully she and her father have a date night themselves after the wedding." I explained and smirked in satisfaction, knowing that there won't be any nosy people on my next date.

Felix jokingly scoffed and muttered, "Lucky you this time. I'm surprised her father doesn't scare you since he's a soldier."

"He's a retired soldier, but he became a trainer for newly recruited soldiers. Besides, Maverick is a nice guy." I reassured him I wasn't afraid of my girlfriend's father.

"I see. Well, too bad we won't have some tea to spill later on." Felix jokingly frowned.

"Sadly we won't really be alone. Amelie and Yangyang are joining us since they also didn't have plans. And Amelie doesn't have to babysit her younger step brother since he's staying at a friend's house while their parents go to Busan for their honeymoon. It would more or less be a double date sleepover. But we will also get the chance to use the equipment Michaela's mother Sage uses for teaching aerial yoga. So Michaela will teach us some aerial yoga after the wedding." I explained further.

"That sounds so much fun! I've always wanted to try that, and so does Eva. In fact when she gets better, she wants to try it. I've been looking up instructors, but you helped me out a lot by mentioning your girlfriend's mother." He thanked me for bringing up Sage's side job.

"Glad I mentioned that to you now. Now that I did, Sage is actually doing a session at Konkuk University for her students as after school hours. Sometimes Michaela and Amelie join her in her sessions, so you and Eva would be more than welcomed to join." I told him about the class Sage will soon teach.

"Eva's cousin is a student at that university. So we should give that a try." Felix seems intrigued by the class.

"Believe me, it would be fun. I'm sure you two will enjoy it very much. That's how Michaela and I actually first met in LA." I told him, especially when I actually first met Michaela.

"Really?! I thought you met Michaela when you went to her school in LA." He said with a chuckle.

"When I first went to school there, I got an invitation from Kristen after school that Michaela was holding an aerial yoga session in her backyard on the beach in LA. I got curious about what it was about, so I went there to give it a try. Not gonna lie, I was somewhat clumsy in that session. I ended up losing balance while struggling to get the right pose. That was when Michaela came over to help me, and I began falling in love with her after nearly falling on my face." I explained with a chuckle, as I remembered that day when I was in that session with Michaela and Kristen.

"So cute of you." Felix giggled.

"Oh shush, I was totally embarrassed at that time." I shook my head.

"Believe it or not...well, you might already know from the film shown that night. I met Eva when I was four in Sydney. When I saw her...I was...drawn into her. More like having a soft spot towards her. We played some games in the park and while we were playing hide and seek, I was making a bracelet made of chorizema. She was curious about what I was doing and I showed it to her. I wore it around her wrist and she said it fits the color of her shirt. She loved the gift." He explained the true story of how he actually met Eva.

He let out a chuckle and continued, "I asked her to give me a kiss because my mom didn't give me one right away. She was busy setting up the picnic. Eva was a bit shy since she said she never kissed someone outside her family before, but then...she kissed me on the cheek. She made me feel happy. And we waved each other goodbye, but I never knew it would be the last...until the day after. I thought I would never find her...until I did. I found her here in Seoul. But...I didn't recognize her but fell in love with her at first sight. I didn't know her name as a child, but now I do. That film finally made me recognize who she really is. It's all coming together now."

"Even more reason why you should confess your love to her and make her your girlfriend." I informed him, hoping he and Eva would get together.

"Tomorrow I will. It's a promise I should keep. I don't make any promises I can't keep." He decided.

I smiled and before I could say anything else,

We heard my phone ringing on my desk and when I picked it up to was Jeongin. I immediately answered the call while putting the speaker on,


"Yeah, did you guys come up with some ideas for the decorations?" He asked us.

"We're in charge of decorating the vine forest theme in the haunted house. We have some ideas, but we also need a bit of help here." I told him.

"If you want, I can help you guys out. I'm outside but I'll be there in a few moments. I came up with costume ideas for the fairies." Jeongin replied.

"Ok, we'll wait for you. Thanks Innie."


I hung up and told Felix, "He has some costume ideas for the fairies."

"Yeah? Speaking of fairies, I wonder who might have the roles of them." Felix asked, and I told him,

"Hyunjin told me that he and Kristen came up with ideas for you and Eva for the dance."

"Really? About what?" He asked in curiosity.

"They told me you two would take the roles as two fairies placing the flower crowns on their heads. I'm certain those roles are a perfect fit for you." I explained it to him.

That made Felix smile and he said, "I could just picture ourselves as fairies right now. I'm glad she and I have those roles together."

"Yeah. You two kinda reminded me of Cupid and Psyche together." I told him and chuckled.

"It does make sense after Eva and I decorated the school garden for a romantic setting the day before Hyunjin and Kristen became an official couple." He agreed with a chuckle.

"Wish I could have said it's a coincidence, but I guess it already is."

Hyunjin's POV

School ended finally, and I made a stop by the flower shop so I could buy some red camellias for Kristen. Her parents told me that she's getting tests done when I left the school building. So she should be done by the time I get to the hospital.

Tomorrow, if she's discharged, my grandparents are getting everything prepared so Kristen and I could sleepover there.

I remember seeing Eva at school after she got discharged. Kristen mentioned that Eva stopped by her room immediately after her discharge. Maybe today will be the day they say Kristen will get discharged soon.

I arrived at the front desk of the hospital, and I was just informed that Kristen is done with testing, but she's not in the room. That nearly made me panic until I heard she's in the hospital garden.

Looking outside, I noticed her admiring the pretty flowers. Among the flowers in that garden, she's the most beautiful of all. After glancing down at the bouquet of camellias in my hand, I approached her and called,


She turned to notice me and I gave her the bouquet, with a sweet smile on my face.

"For our love, devotion, affection and admiration to each other. Just like the camellias symbolize."

Taking the bouquet, Kristen smiled softly and sniffed them. Then she looks at me and responds with,

"They're beautiful, Jinnie. I'm happy to see you again."

"Not as happy as I am, my sweet Tokki." I said with a smile, then grabbed her hand. "Let's take a seat here so we can talk. Besides, I don't want you hurting yourself more than you already have been."

I took her to a bench in the center of the garden. As we sat together on the bench, I asked her,

"How are you feeling today? How did the tests go?"

"It went well, thankfully. And I hope your grandparents have groceries for tomorrow, because I'm getting discharged, baby!" Kristen gleefully told me.

My eyes and smile widened at the news she told me. She's really getting discharged. I get to hold my baby in my arms again!

"Princess, this is the best day of my life! Thank you for telling me this wonderful news!" I gleamed and hugged the love of my life.

"I know! I can't wait for tomorrow." She giggled.

"Anyways, I've always waited to do one thing for a long time. You still have the rabbit key necklace with you?" I asked her while grabbing my pocket watch.

"I always wear it, my Jinnie." Kristen smiled and took the necklace out of her pajama shirt.

"Let's unlock it together." I spoke.

She nodded with a happy smile and held the hand my pocket watch was in, after taking off her necklace. I held my watch while she carefully placed the key in it and turned it.

After many years of being apart, the pocket watch is opened again. And inside is something I will always treasure....

The picture of us during the school play in Kindergarten.

I'm sure Kristen still remembers that kindergarten play she was in.

"I knew you had this picture in here." She smiled as she gazed into my eyes.

I looked at her curiously, and noticed she was pulling out something from her purse. That was when I noticed the exact same picture.

"You had it with you, too?!" I asked in surprise.

"All this time I did." She happily answered.

"And every time I thought of you, I would look at this photo as a sign of hope. I knew someday we would be reunited. Even better, we reunited as a couple. You did keep your promise to always love me."

"I am always going to love you no matter who you are, my sweet Tokki. I love you for being who you, and loving me for who I am. You are the reason why I keep moving forward. I love you." I said as I pressed my forehead onto hers, hoping for a kiss.

"I love you, too, my Jinnie." Kristen told me, leaning forward to press soft kisses on my lips.

I smiled and gave her a kiss that lasted a little longer than the ones she gave me. They were loving and were as sweet as honey. I hope my love helps her throughout her recovery.

Even after discharge, I'm going to keep her in my thoughts. She's part of my life now, and I'm part of hers. That's how I want it to be throughout the rest of our lives.

Every time I feel her lips on mine, my heart beats rapidly; the soft and comforting passion brings warmth into my body. It was like a sip of a hot chocolate and it blooms warmth inside from the cold winter.

Tomorrow I'll be finally reunited with my Tokki.

At last.

Eva's POV

After eating with my cousins in the restaurant and getting a good nap, I fluttered my eyes open and picked my phone to check what time it was now. And it's already five in the afternoon to be exact. I sat up and stretched my arms before getting out of my bed. Looking at myself in the mirror, I fixed and tied my long hair into a ponytail.

Gael told me earlier that there's gonna be a special guest living in his old room. So I wonder who it might be. Maybe someone from either of my parents' side.

As I walked out from my bedroom, I heard some chatting downstairs, peaking my curiosity. Maybe that special guest just came here. While I carefully stepped down the stairs towards the living room, I heard Sara asking,

"So you're gonna stay here with us, Arredondo?"


Who's that?

"Yeah! Later on, I'mma show photos of what I did in Los Angeles before moving here." An unknown male voice answered.

And when I finally entered the living room, just one step down from the stairs...

I noticed Gael, Sara and Samuel sitting on two separate couches and...

Oh no. It's Sam. Or Sammy like I often call him at. Samuel Kim-Arredondo. The Korean-Mexican boy I used to have a crush on when I was younger.

That was until I found out that he was my cousin.

I remember when I was attracted to him for the first time, because of how cute he looks. I used to give him lots of kisses on the cheek and put heart stickers on his cheeks. And I got clingy to him often. That made my classmates assume that I apparently had a crush on him. When I found out about that because my dad told me so, I was terribly embarrassed and never wanted to get close to him ever again.

Now...Sammy is here. All grown up and handsome. Luckily, I have feelings for Felix now. Things should be less awkward for me now.

When he turned to notice me, he immediately recognized me and smiled, "Hey Eva."


Oh gosh, not me sounding sheepish now. I hate this awkward atmosphere already. I gotta chat with Sam alone, otherwise I would be even more embarrassed.

So I excused Gael, "Primo, can I take Sam upstairs? It's because I want to talk to him for a bit."

"Sure, no problem." He complied with a nod.

I gently took Sammy's hand and led him upstairs to my bedroom. As we entered here, I closed the door and heard Sammy,

"Wow. Your bedroom looks nice."

"Thanks. Me da mucha brega de organizar y mover todo hasta mi cama." I spoke and he answered with a chuckle,

"Ya veo."

"You can sit on my bed then we can talk." I told him and he nodded before sitting there.

I sat next to him, still having that awkward feeling since Sammy's here with me now.

"Are you ok? Or... are you still embarrassed knowing that we're cousins?" He asked me.

I let out a sigh and nodded while admitting, "It's because I just want to say that...I'm really sorry for my childish actions towards you back in that time. I know we were innocent back then, but now thinking back about's embarrassing."

"It's ok. You know, we were clingy to each other back then as well. Yeah, however, it's kinda uncomfortable thinking about it when we grow up. But you are always innocent. I'm sorry too, by the way." Sammy eased me.

That made me feel a bit better and I'm glad I made this decision to talk it out with him alone. Now I can move on and get over it without any discomfort.

"Thanks, Sammy."

"I know this is kind of a dumb question to ask you you have a crush on someone? Or a boyfriend?" He then asked me.

I immediately nodded and responded, "Yeah. I do have a crush on a boy, but tomorrow he'll be my boyfriend."

"Really now? You're going to confess to him tomorrow?" Sammy asked me, and I answered,

"Yes I am. What about you? Any crush or a girlfriend?"

"Actually, I do have a girlfriend. We became a couple after I transferred here for my last year of middle school. We became friends through our jobs as models, and she was in some commercials with me when I was a child. So we often wrote letters to each other."

I grinned, "That's so cute! Do you have some photos of her? I'm curious to know what she looks like."

"Oh yeah." He nodded as he took out his phone from his pants pocket, searching for a perfect photo of his girlfriend. "She's half Korean like I am, and told me that she's related to your classmate that's in the hospital."

I widened my eyes slightly and guessed, "Kristen? Really?"

"Yeah, I think that's her." He said, then showed me a picture of his girlfriend.

His girlfriend wears a cute bun in her head with two curly strands on the sides of her face. She was wearing a casual comfy outfit and was standing in a nice-looking backyard. And her skin is definitely like Kristen's!

"Blimey, she's so pretty! You must have been really lucky." I was complimented with a chuckle.

"I am lucky indeed. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me." Sammy admitted to me.

I smiled looking at the photo of his girlfriend before giving his phone back to him. Then I pulled my own phone out so I could show Sammy the photo of me and Felix at the festival. As he looked at the photo on my phone, I went to grab the photo Si-eon gave me at the hospital. As I picked the frame, I went back to sit next to him as he asked,

"That's him, right?"


"Why were you two dressed at that time? Were you at a party or...?" Sammy asked, but I was quick to answer,

"Since I go to a performing arts school, I was doing a performance for a school festival. Felix and I were doing a duet."

"A duet dance?"

"Yeah. It was more likely an improvised contemporary dance and we were dressed as black and white swans. I was called 'Black Swan' back in my days in London. So...I'm the black swan and he's the white swan." I explained it further to him while remembering those events in the festival...

Especially the kiss Felix and I shared on the rooftop.

It still makes my heart flutter every time I think about it.

"Wow. You two look pretty together." He smiled.


"Where is he from?" He asked.

As he gave me my phone back, I responded to him while handing him the frame Si-eon gave me as a get well gift,

"He was born in Sydney, but moved here recently. Well, last year I should say."

I also began searching for the photo I sent to Felix after receiving the flowers he gave me in the hospital.

"Oh, so he's Aussie?" He asked me while staring at the photo frame.


"That's so cool!" He chirped then chuckled, "Not gonna lie, we will soon have three different accents in our family. American, British and Australian!"

I gawked and stifled a laugh along with his chuckle, "I realized that just now!"

"Oh and while I was in the hospital, Felix sent me flowers that reminded me of my home. I was homesick at that time so his gift made me feel better. And he gave me a card with the meaning of the flowers." I told him, showing him a selca of myself smiling with eyes closed, leaning on the flowers.

He smiled, "So sweet of him. He definitely took his time to look for those flowers that commonly grow in London."

I nodded with a smile, "He did. I felt so touched reading the card he gave me."

I wasn't aware of this now, but I'm already feeling comfortable with Sammy. We moved on from what happened in our childhood and now, we're happily chatting with each other like best cousins ever. I'm glad to see my cousin once again.

"Eva! Sammy! Hora de cena!" We heard our aunt calling us for dinner and I called back,

"¡Ya vamos, tía!"

"I'm gonna miss Gael, but hopefully we'll video chat with him or visit him when we can." I spoke to Sammy with a smile.

He nodded and reassured me, "Yeah. I'm sure he'll visit us when he can as well."

And I nodded in agreement, before we walked out from my bedroom to go downstairs for dinner.

Kristen's POV

After Hyunjin and I spent time in the garden, he escorted me to my hospital room. I linked my arms with his so I could feel his warmth a little longer before he had to leave. Once we got there, I noticed Eomma, Dad, and Chaeyoung with somebody in my room.

To my surprise, it's Yujin, my third cousin on my dad's side.

"Hi Kristen." She greeted me with a smile.

"Yujin has been busy with shooting a commercial and doing photo shoots for the past couple of days, but she's been wanting to see you for a while." Dad informed me, then looked at Hyunjin.

"By the way Yujin, this is Kristen's boyfriend Hyunjin. And Hyunjin, this is my cousin's daughter Yujin."

"Nice to meet you, Hyunjin." Yujin smiled after giving him a slight bow.

"Nice to meet you too, Yujin." Hyunjin responded back with a soft grin.

"The doctor told us about your discharge tomorrow, honey. We're happy you're going to be back home." Eomma told me.

"Thanks Eomma. I'm already excited to go back home." I smiled happily. "But I was hoping I could spend time with Hyunjin and his grandparents in the countryside. Halmeoni and Harabeoji live in the same town as them."

"As long as you're careful to yourself this time, it won't be a problem." Dad told me.

"I will be Dad. And thank you so much! You're the best Dad ever!" I said as I hugged my father.

I felt him carefully hug me since my back still hurts.

"Anything for my little girl. Plus your grandparents are wanting to see you." Dad explains, and Eomma added on,

"They've been worried about you sweetheart. And I heard they're preparing your favorite foods with Hyunjin's grandparents. I could help you get ready for tomorrow before we sign your papers to discharge you."

"Could I wear some of the items we got from our trip to New Mexico? Dad picked out so many great accessories for me." I asked my mother.

"Anything you want, baby girl. I want to help make you happy. You're going to have plenty of surprises coming your way when you get out of here." Eomma reassured me as she joined mine and Dad's hug.

"Hyunjin gave me a huge surprise with the food he brought over. I honestly wonder how it could get better!" I said with excitement.

"Speaking of which, we brought the items you told us to bring for–" Dad told me as he pulled out the small gift box, but I interrupted him in a whisper.

"Not now Dad. I want to show Hyunjin tomorrow."

"Oh, all right. Sure." He nodded as a reassurement.

"Maybe the day after tomorrow when you get ready to leave, I could stop by. I've been wanting to try your grandparents' dumplings." Yujin told me.

"They should have some extra. I asked them to get dumplings prepared so we can eat them tomorrow at Hyunjin's grandparents' place." I said as I went next to Hyunjin again. "Too bad I can't make the dumplings with them, this time."

"That was your grandparents' recipe?" Hyunjin asked me, recalling that I made the dumplings for his mother's dumpling soup. "That's amazing! Now I'm excited for our date tomorrow!"

"Since you said there should be extra dumplings, is it alright if I bring my boyfriend over to try some? He's always wanted to see the Korean countryside." Yujin asked me, to which I answered,

"Of course. Sam is more than welcomed to come over."

"Sam?" Hyunjin asked.

"I know your English name is also Sam, Oppa, but I was actually talking about Yujin's boyfriend from LA, Samuel Kim-Arredondo. He's half Korean and half Mexican. My dad did a car commercial for his dad, and he was born in Dad's hometown of LA. He and Yujin did their auditions for our school during festival week and passed. They couldn't come to the festival because they were doing a photoshoot together." I explained it to my curious boyfriend.

"Ahh, I get it now. Well, I'm happy to hear you two passed the auditions. I would be glad to meet your boyfriend, Yujin." He smiled.

"I forgot to mention, Sam is also Eva's paternal cousin. She texted me not too long ago that he's moving into her family's house since Gael is moving out. Gael is becoming a father, so he's letting Sam use his old room while he lives with his fiance." I added and Hyunjin responded with a chuckle,

"That's great to hear! I'm happy to know that Eva's going to have a second cousin!"

"I'm actually going to their house tomorrow since Eva and Sam's aunt allowed me to stay the night there." Yujin told us.

When you get there, tell Eva I said hello." I told Yujin, and she responded with,

"No problem, Kristen."

"I'm going to head home so I can get ready for dinner and find a nice outfit for tomorrow." Hyunjin told me, and pecked my lips. "I'll see you then."

"See you tomorrow my love." I told Hyunjin.

"Hyunjin, Dahlia and I could take you home, if you want. We want you to preserve your energy for tomorrow." Dad suggested it to him.

"Absolutely. Thank you so much." Hyunjin complied with a smile.

"You should go to bed early tonight so you can get some rest for tomorrow, sweetheart. I'm going to bring you some clean clothes for tomorrow. And make sure you tell your grandparents that your father and I said 'hello' when you get there, alright?" Eomma asked me, to which I answered,

"Of course I will Eomma. I'll try to bring some leftovers from Hyunjin's grandparents if I get some."

"That's very nice, dear. I'm sure they'll make you more dishes that will help with your recovery. When you do get over there, promise me you'll rest whenever you can so you don't strain yourself. I don't want my baby's injuries to worsen." Eomma wanted to make sure I'll take care of myself.

I nodded and Eomma told Yujin, "Come with us, Yujin. We'll take you home as well."

Yujin stood up from her seat and waved at me goodbye with a smile, not before giving me a hug,

"Rest easy, cousin."

"Thanks, Yujin. See you soon." I thanked her and waved her back before she left the room with Hyunjin and my parents.

And I laid myself on the bed, ready to get some rest. Hopefully I will sleep right, because I seriously can't wait for tomorrow!

I will be finally in Hyunjin's arms again.

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