Chapter 43

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Narrator's POV

Outside at the schoolyard–Chris, Minho, Dahyun, Changbin, Sally, Hyunjin, Han, Seungmin, Jeongin, Ines, Sera and Yugyeom and Chaeyoung were sitting together at the table–eating the lunches together. Chaeyoung and Changbin noticed that someone was still missing from their table.

"Hmm. I don't know about y'all but...Eva should be here right now. I don't know what's taking long for her." Chaeyoung was puzzled before taking a bite of her anago sushi.

"Same. Besides, Felix is not here either. Where is that kid now?" Changbin agreed with Chaeyoung in his confusion.

"You called?" Everyone in the table heard a familiar deep male voice and turned to see Felix and Eva in the middle of the stairs, holding hands and carrying their lunches together with smiles on their faces.

The pair stepped down the rest of the stairs and headed towards their friends at the table. Not to mention that from everyone's perspective, they seemed to be lovey-dovey to each other. Maybe something had just happened wherever they were all by themselves, as their friends thought.

As they stood in front center of their friends' table, they all smiled as Changbin stifled a chuckle and assumed,

"I guess you two got something to say!"

Felix and Eva, their grins still plastered on their faces, glanced at each other before he took the lead to say the announcement.

With an exhale, he announced and hugged his girlfriend by the waist, "Today...we confessed our feelings to each other, so... we're finally an official couple from now on."

Jeongin ran up to hug them as he said happily,

"It's about time! I'm so happy for you Hyung and Noona!"

Eva and Felix just giggled at Jeongin's happy reaction and hugged him back.

"It's about damn time, I know that's right Innie!" Jisung chuckled, agreeing with the maknae.

"Now we have a new couple today!" Seungmin exclaimed and everyone in the table cheered for Felix and Eva.

Chris couldn't help but smile at his little Aussie brother, so he got out from the table and hugged Felix.

"I'm so happy for you, little bro." He said and it made Felix grin happily.

"Thanks, Chris Hyung." Felix thanked him, regarding the advice Chris gave last night.

A smiling Ines got out from the table and hugged Eva, "I'm so happy for you, cheri."

"Merci, Ines." Eva smiled.

"We're so happy to hear the news!" Sera happily said as she hugged Eva.

"Everything is getting better than before now. Not just with yours and Kristen's recovery Eva, but also new couples forming lately." Chris said, and it made the new couple smile because of his words.

"Well, aren't you and Jinhee one of the newly formed couples recently?" Felix somewhat teased Chris, making him widen his eyes and blush.

Eva turned to Felix and asked in surprise, "What, really?! She just got here recently?!"

"Yeah. I suggested to him to go out with Jinhee for a moment because she recently moved here to audition for our school. She stayed over that night with him. My assumption was they might end up confessing to each other when they returned home. And I was right when they just kissed. I just sprinkle some fake rose petals I found in the closet to give out a romantic K-drama vibe. Not to mention I played Adele when they began to slow dance." Felix explained with a chuckle.

"You go, Cupid." Eva playfully encouraged her boyfriend, gently nudging him with a giggle.

"So, our Hyung got a girlfriend now, huh?" Jisung teased Chris, who's still blushing right now.

Everyone let out teasing clamors at the poor boy, then burst into laughter together.

"Spill the tea, what did you two do the night she stayed over? Hmm?" Hyunjin teasingly asked Chris.

"Did you get caught making out without knowing it?" Seungmin added fuel to the fire.

They all burst into laughter again, while Chris rolled his eyes with a frown and told them off with an annoyed tone–trying to dodge himself from answering those questions, "This has nothing to do with newly formed couples."

"Are you the same person asking us once if each one of us has some makeout sessions with our girlfriends–thinking we're brave enough to spill the tea?!" Jisung told him off.

"That same fight that led to the pillow fight in my room!" Jeongin angrily reminded them of that night. "You're still grounded for that!"

"ALL OF THIS TIME?!" Jisung asked in disbelief.

"Exactly!" Jeongin snapped.

Hyunjin, Seungmin, Jisung, Chris and Felix groaned in annoyance at Jeongin's scolding.

"Well, sounds like the maknae on top served you right." Eva joked with a giggle.

Later, fifteen minutes were left for the class to resume. In the middle of the school hallways, Eva and Felix were running and giggling together like little kids. It was almost a reminiscence for them, when they had their first and last playdate together that day in Sydney. Now grown up, they're able to relive their childhood memory again. It may confuse some students passing by, but the pair didn't care at all.

They're in love with each other.

They spotted an elevator ahead of them, so they headed there. Eva pressed the up button just to open the elevator doors for them to get in. As they heard a ding sounding off, the elevator's doors opened, and they rushed in there as Felix pressed any floor to close the doors.

While the elevator was going up to the top floor, they stood there...side by side. After having a playful moment by running around the school and holding hands together...silence lingered around the elevator. They could only observe the numbers fading in and out on a small black screen near the corner, one by one. As it got up to the top floor, the door opened but none of them walked out.

Waiting for the doors to close, they glanced longingly to each other from the corner of their eyes. Their hearts could tell each other what they want now.

As the doors slid closed...

Felix scooted close next to Eva and his fingers slowly laced into hers. She observed how pretty they look when their fingers are intertwined together. They looked up right into each other's eyes, silently contemplating each other's facial features.

Eva brought her fingers up to trace his beautiful freckles on his face. It made his heart thump loudly by just feeling her index finger stroking gently on his face. Unable to resist their urges, they turned to face each other. He tucked locks of her brown hair behind her ear, cupping her face and leaned to press his lips onto hers softly.

She kissed him back immediately and her hands rested on his waist gently. And his hands rested on her shoulders. Their lips began to linger–gently sliding against each other. Slowly melting into this beautiful, soft kiss.

Meanwhile, Hyunjin and Jeongin were walking and chatting together in the hallways.

Then Hyunjin told him, "After school's over, I'm going to leave with Kristen's father at the hospital after Kristen's discharge. But before that, I'm going to the flower shop to buy a sunflower as a welcome back gift for her."

"That sounds like a great idea, Hyung. Kristen Noona would be touched for sure." Jeongin said, still happy that his big sister figure is getting discharged from the hospital.

"Since she is getting discharged, and we still have time before we have to be at my grandparents' house, I'm taking her to an art museum. But I didn't tell her because I wanted to surprise her." Hyunjin added on.

When they headed to the elevator, Hyunjin pressed the down button and they stood in front to wait for the doors. Jeongin looked around while Hyunjin was checking on his phone. Seconds later, the doors opened but before Hyunjin could even step in...

He saw Felix and Eva kissing in the elevator. His arms around her waist and her arm around his neck while her other hand gently cupping his cheek.

It caused Hyunjin's eyes to widen in shock. Turning to look at Jeongin and the maknae was luckily unaware of it. Protecting his innocence, Hyunjin covered Jeongin's eyes much to his confusion.

"Hyung! What are you doing, what's going on?!" Jeongin whined.

Hyunjin cleared his throat so loud that it caught Felix and Eva's attention. And yes, they got caught off guard, quickly backed away from each other and ended up being embarrassed.

Hyunjin shook his head looking annoyed and his arms crossed, then covered it up for the maknae, "No need to know, Innie. Come on, let's go."

Hyunjin and Jeongin stepped into the elevator, before Hyunijn pushed the down button to get down on the first floor. The two boys are in the middle, while Felix was on Hyunjin's side and Eva on Jeongin's. Jeongin then looked at the pair...noticing the pink blush creeping into their cheeks.

"What happened? Why are your faces and ears red? What were you guys doing in the elevator?" Jeongin asked Felix and Eva in curiosity and confusion.

And the pair, still embarrassed, tended not to answer, for the sake of the youngest's innocence.

Hyunjin sighed in annoyance, shaking his head in disappointment.

'These two should have known their surroundings better.' He thought.

Changbin's POV

After school ended, Tzuyu, Yangyang, and I were waiting with our other friends for the recommendation audition to end. Yangyang was excited to know if Amelie passed her audition. Then we're going to hang out with Michaela and Seungmin and their older cousins that go to another high school after this.

That was when I noticed Samuel, Eva's half Korean half Mexican cousin she told me about earlier today, entering the school with two other guys, one of whom also looked like he was mixed. The other guy, who happens to be fully Korean, looks similar to Seungmin in a way. He looks up and asks,

"Are the auditions still going on?"

"They started auditions not too long ago, Joshua. But thankfully Michaela is doing hers first since she finished the school year at her previous school early." Seungmin told the Joshua guy.

"I hope she isn't nervous about the audition. But I am happy that she will move here if she passes." The older looking half Korean boy said in response.

"You and I both, Vernon. I missed her so much after living in LA with Joshua for a short period of time." Seungmin said, and Joshua responded with,

"It's a good thing my family lives next door to Michaela's family then, younger cousin. Vernon became very protective of Michaela when you two began dating."

"I just wanted to make sure my dear cousin was fine. We may be friends Joshua, but I want my family to be okay, too." Vernon stated.

"You're the cousins Seungmin talked about that are from America?" I asked both Vernon and Joshua.

They looked at me and answered simultaneously, "Well I–"

Joshua and Vernon glanced at each other in confusion and awkward silence lingered around for a pause.

I don't wanna laugh, but it's too funny how they responded and paused at the same time.

Then Vernon answered first, "I'm Michaela's cousin."

"And I'm Seungmin's cousin." Joshua answered along.

"These two were the first members of our families to find out we began dating back in middle school." Seungmin further explained, and I remembered,

"Oh right, and you talked about how embarrassed you were when you told the rest of your families and Vernon was against it at first."

"Told you that you overreacted Vernon." Joshua jokingly scolded Vernon.

"Shut up Josh, don't remind me." Vernon scoffed. "I already know I acted immature that time."

Joshua giggled at Vernon's annoyed response and nudged his elbow to ease Vernon up.

Then we noticed Michaela exiting the room the auditions were in, still sweaty from the dance she did for the teachers judging her performance. We were told since this was a transfer audition, they're gonna get results right away. And I could tell from her smile that her audition went well.

"Did you pass?!" Vernon asked eagerly.

"Why do you think I'm smiling?! Of course I passed!" Michaela happily exclaimed as she rushed to hug Seungmin.

"We get to go to school together in the fall! I'm so proud of you my dear Minnie Mouse!" Seungmin exclaimed as he kissed Michaela's cheek.

" think we're gonna forget what your sister exposed what you two did that night?" I teased Seungmin and Michaela, referring to their makeout session in Seungmin's bedroom.

"Seo Changbin, SHUT YOUR DWAEKKI FACE UP!" The two lovebirds scolded me as I flinched, making Vernon ask,

"What makeout session?"

I was about to spill the tea until Seungmin growled,

"Unless you want to become dwaekki flavored samgyeopsal, I recommend that you keep your trap shut!"

With my mouth closed tight, I glanced at Joshua and Vernon, already curious to know what 'makeout session' I referred to. Thinking for a bit, something suddenly crossed my head. Maybe it would work.

"If you excuse me, I'm gonna take them somewhere else. No need to worry, we'll be back." I 'casually' told them, resting my arms around Vernon and Joshua's shoulders, before heading outside.

Thinking it would fool Seungmin and Michaela...

"Not on my watch or I'll take your pants off, badakokiri!"


"Badakokiri? YAH!" I angrily shouted as I tried to get near Seungmin who bursted laughing, but Joshua and Vernon (who tried not to laugh but failed; it's understandable) stopped me by holding me back. "DIDN'T I TELL YOU I STARTED BOXING THESE DAYS?!"

"Hey, hey, hey calm down bro! You don't wanna get into trouble by boxing his ass!" Joshua called me out.

"Exactly, you started it all, dwaekki!" Seungmin told him off as Michaela held him back.

"Shut your mouth boy!" I said, but before I could continue, but was interrupted by Samuel saying,

"Calm down everybody! We're inside the school. Unless you want to get in trouble I suggest you all calm down."

"Way to resolve conflict, my sweetheart." We heard a girl say, and turned around to see her with a guy that looks like her beside her.

Not only do they look alike, but they look like Kristen.

"Hey babe," Samuel said as he went to the girl and pecked her lips, "so you and Hyunmin are here to get your uniform measurements for next year, too, Yujin?"

"Of course. I wanted to do it today so we can walk from here to your new house." The girl named Yujin said as she hugged Samuel, whom I assume is his girlfriend based on that and the way they're talking to one another.

"I heard some yelling over there! And if I hear y'all bickering one more damn time, I got my backscratcher to teach you a lesson!"

Yep. That was the maknae. He heard us real close and well since he warned us right now.

"Don't worry Jeongin. Samuel resolved the conflict right before Yujin and I arrived." That Hyunmin boy said, then shook hands with Jeongin. "Thank you for agreeing to hangout with me today."

"No problem, Hyunmin. I can hang out with you more, but I gotta be watching these two little gnomes anyway, since I got that little doggo-gnome grounded once. And that dwaekki gnome barely spared himself just in time." Jeongin said as he pointed his backscratcher at me and Seungmin.

"We got plans with our girlfriends, baby fox. We don't need a chaperone." I rolled my eyes at Jeongin.

"I ain't chaperoning you. I'm warning you to shut your pretty little mouths from bickering again or you're grounded otherwise." Jeongin told him off, waving his backscratcher in front of Seungmin's face.

"Speaking of which, we should be leaving soon since Amelie went after me in the auditions. By now, she should either be finishing up or getting the results." Michaela stated, reminding us of our plans to go on a group date to the tower to place our love locks there.

"You're right, Minnie." Seungmin agreed. "We should go and see if she's done in a moment."

But before we did that, Amelie came out of the room herself. She was also smiling when she did.

"Does this mean you passed your audition, baobei?!" Yangyang asked his girlfriend, and she responded with,

"I sure did Liebling!"

This made Yangyang hug Amelie and repeatedly kiss her cheek as a way to congratulate her.

"We definitely have a lot to celebrate when we have dinner after placing our love locks at Namsan tower!" I said, feeling happy for Michaela and Amelie.

And Amelie responded, "For sure! Should we head out now?"

"Yeah so that way we could find a good time to take the cable car. We'd probably have to ride in one car and meet up at the tower." Tzuyu said as she linked her arm around mine.

"Of course. I'm sure we'll have the best celebration ever. So, come on everybody!" I smiled and we cheered before exiting the school to go out.

We got onto a bus so we could get to the cable car station that will take us to the tower.

Kristen's POV

My parents were at the front desk filling out my discharge papers while I got ready. They gave me permission to go on the date Hyunjin planned since his maternal grandparents live in the countryside near Seoul. My maternal grandparents also live in the same area, so I'll get to see them briefly.

Thankfully spending the night there would be healing.

I put my outfit on before putting on my back brace that's helping me recover from injuries I sustained from the kidnapping for a couple of days.

My outfit consists of a white halter top, a pair of ripped jeans, brown sandals, brown and orange sunglasses, and a Native American necklace Dad bought for me in New Mexico last summer. Also, I have the white and brown plaid mini backpack my paternal grandparents bought me for my 15th birthday.

(A/N: This 👆 is Kristen's outfit.)

Once I'm dressed, I applied some light makeup, put an eagle barrette in my hair Eomma styled for me (which has two space buns with some loose hairs coming out), and some dreamcatcher earrings I bought when I went to the mall with Chaeyoung.

Then I checked my entire appearance in the mirror. I was satisfied with this and made sure no unwanted loose hairs were peeking out.

After that, we left the hospital. In the backseat of Dad's car was Hyunjin in the backseat holding a single flower in his hand-- a sunflower. That just so happens to be my Zodiac flower, and I was told it symbolized positivity, strength, loyalty, and admiration. How did I end up with such a thoughtful boyfriend like Hyunjin in my life?

"You're the sweetest, Jinnie." I said as I hugged Hyunjin.

"Nothing's too much for my Tokki." He said as I buckled up and noticed my parents looking at us and "awing" us.

"Our baby is growing up." Dad said, and he began getting emotional as I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Dad, I'm not a little girl anymore. How embarrassing." I chuckled as I noticed Eomma patting Dad's shoulder and said to me,

"You know your father loves you, Haneul. He just wishes that time slowed down is all. Plus it reminds us of when we began dating when he took me to a picnic he sat up at his house."

"I know Eomma. That was the day after Dad confessed his love for you after a dance, and he came in a taxi the next day to surprise you with a sunflower and dahlia bouquet, and took you to his house to the picnic set up in his backyard." I said as I leaned my head on my boyfriend's shoulder.

Hyunjin giggled and asked,

"You remember that story?"

"Eomma told me that when I was little after I asked how they fell in love, then Dad began talking about it every time I mentioned a boy or when I began dating in middle school." I explained to him as I smelled the sunflower he gifted me.

"I'm sure when we get married and have kids, I'm going to tell them our love story as many times as they'll remember it." Hyunjin happily declared as he talked about his dream to marry me, and of course Dad has to respond with,

"Now don't get ahead of yourself by talking about marrying my daughter and having children with her at such a young age, Hyunjin. You may have met her at age five, but you've only dated for almost a month."

I rolled my eyes–pretty much in embarrassment and a hint of annoyance– and told him, "Come on Dad. Hyunjin isn't rushing anything. He's talking about the future, not now. We really love each other so I'm holding onto that hope for the future."

"Kristen has a point, honey. Besides, you know our daughter isn't going to do anything bad. She may be your baby girl, but she's still a young woman. And she knows what she wants for her future." Eomma reminded Dad as she patted his shoulder, and he said,

"It's just crazy seeing my sweet little girl all grown up. Why can't she stay small?"

I facepalmed and shook my head side to side, wondering when Dad would stop embarrassing me already.

"Don't mind your Dad, dear. He's a bit too...overreacting if I should say." Eomma reassured me with a chuckle.

"But does he have to do this in front Hyunjin, my loving boyfriend, of all people?" I groaned and hid my face in Hyunjin's shoulder.

He chuckled, kissed my forehead, and said sweetly to me,

"Don't worry, princess. I know your father means well. Besides, my Mom would embarrass me far worse than this. And to get your mind off of things, we're gonna make a stop somewhere before going to the countryside. It's a surprise, so you won't know what it is until we get there, okay?"

I chuckled and pecked his lips, feeling a little better since he reassured me. Also, I'm feeling excited about where we are going. But I notice Hyunjin pulling a blindfold out of his bag. He gave me a reassuring smile and said,

"Put it on for me sweetie. I don't want you to know the place we're taking you yet since it is a surprise."

"You sure you're not gonna scare me Jinnie?" I asked my loving boyfriend, and he chuckled,

"Just trust me, Tokki. I would not ask you to do something that would scare or hurt you. I'm right here with you."

I smiled and allowed him to put the blindfold on my eyes. Then he carefully got me out of the car so he could take me inside the place he's taking me to.

Hyunjin's POV

When we arrived at the art gallery, I checked to see if the blindfold was still on Kristen's eyes. Since it is, I carefully got her out of the car and escorted her inside. Her parents were behind us as her extra support.

As we entered the main lobby of the gallery, I carefully sat her down on a nearby bench while her parents paid for our visit.

"I'm going to remove your blindfold, but no peeking until I say it's okay, you understand, sweetie?"

"Of course, Oppa." She agreed to it as I began to take the blindfold off of her eyes, then told her,

"You can remove the blindfold now, baby."

Kristen carefully opened her eyes, and was in awe of the scenery around her. She wanted to get up, but I held a soft and firm grip on her shoulder to make sure she didn't get up and hurt herself. As she looked around, she happily told me,

"Wow Hyunjin, this is so beautiful! I've always wanted to come here, but never had the time! This was what I needed after being released from the hospital. I love you so much my Jinnie!"

She hugged me in happiness, and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder so I wouldn't hurt her.

"I love you too, my Tokki. I know you wanted to come here one day. I decided to take you here, however, as our first date after your discharge." I said with a smile.

"It's wonderful indeed. This place has many vibrant colors and a warm atmosphere!" Kristen said happily as she kept looking around.

I helped her stand up, making sure her arm was locked with mine, and told her,

"Why don't we see more of the pretty sights in here then, babe? Just make sure your arm is linked with mine so you're not hurting yourself, alright?"

"Of course, bae. I'm going to be careful. Sometimes you're just as protective as my dad. Except you don't cry like he does when it comes to me." She said as she chuckled while talking about her father.

"At least." I chuckled in response.

As we walked around, we noticed the walls painted like a night sky as we noticed beautiful art pieces on some of the walls. What made it amazing was there were paintings on the ceilings that look like planets. The lighting and style of the paintings made the stars look like they were sparkling.

"It's like I'm walking in a galaxy! What an out of this world experience!" Kristen happily said as she looked up.

I chuckled at her adorable reaction–it makes me fall in love with her even more.

"It's impossible to live in a literal galaxy, but I'm living in a different kind of galaxy. When I'm with you." I sweetly spoke to her.

"Did you learn how to be extra flirty while I was in the hospital, or are you just being extra friendly to get a kiss, Jinnie my baby?" She teasingly asked me.

"I said it from the depths of my heart, my sweet Tokki." I admitted with a smile. "You know a kiss doesn't sound bad though, cutie pie."

We smiled before leaning each other for a sweet kiss on our lips. Fluttering my eyes closed, having her lips on mine made me see a different burst of stars.

After a bit, I noticed Dahlia taking pictures of us while comforting Jeremiah as he's hugging her from behind with his head on her shoulder.

"There now, dear." Dahlia comforted her husband.

"You can stop crying now Dad. This is just a date, not my wedding." Kristen groaned as her arms were still around my neck.

"Let's just ignore him, Tokki. That way he'll stop embarrassing us." I told her with a chuckle.

"Just hope by the time we do get married, you're not that emotional with our kids." She said as we went to the French village exhibit that's next to us.

The exhibit reminds me of the village Belle lived in in Beauty and the Beast. There are even little houses resembling the ones in the movie. It looked incredible how artists took their dedication and time to create a wonder like this. Also, there are some older movie posters from the 1946 film of Beauty and the Beast, especially the 1991 Disney animated film. And the 2014 French movie we watched after the camping trip.

Some scenes from those three films of Beauty and the Beast were projected on the walls surrounding us. It feels like we're literally living in these movies!

"Look Jinnie. The rose from the Disney version of Beauty and the Beast." Kristen said happily as she kissed my cheek.

"It reminds me of giving you the rose after you woke up from unconsciousness in the hospital." I grinned happily, giving her a kiss on her temple.

"Sounds like the dance we're doing for the trimester final that's based on your dream." Kristen reminded me. "By the way, after one of my physical therapy sessions earlier today, I did some dancing to try to get inspiration for my ballet class and came up with some ideas for the part where I wake up."

"Really? Can you show me a little bit? If that's fine with you." I asked her, yet not wanting her to hurt her back more.

(A/N: Play this 👆 while you continue reading.)

Surprisingly, a French song starts playing on the overhead speakers. I held her hands gently as a support for her balance and her being careful with her back.

"M'accordez-vous cette danse, m'a amour?" I asked her in French if she wants to dance with me after I learned some from Inès.

"Bien sûr ma chérie." She agreed in French.

I took hold of one of her hands with one of mine, and placed my other hand on her waist. Her free hand was on my shoulder and she moved in closer to me. Then we started to slow dance, swaying our bodies in a light movement.

We pulled away from each other while still holding hands, then we got close together again before repeating the same thing on the opposite side. Then Hyunjin and I did some forward and backward steps across the floor, obviously being careful of the artifacts around us.

Then we heard a familiar female voice, singing along with the singer in French. And I got the chance to glimpse who was singing while dancing with him...

It was Ines, standing at the corner–watching us dancing together.

I smiled briefly at her before I made my leg a short kick behind me. We then held hands and walked by facing the same direction and stepping forward.

After I made her do a twirl, I picked her up and did a spin in a way that wouldn't hurt her back.

Placing her on the ground, we began to do more tango steps across the floor. She even did some hip movements during some parts of the song. By the end of the dance, I got closer to Kristen's face and she wrapped one of her legs around mine.

"Merveilleuse! That was wonderful! I'm proud of you guys!" We heard Ines say as she and San walked up to us, holding hands.

We smiled at them and Kristen thanked her happily, "Merci, Ines! And you sang that song so beautifully while we were dancing!"

"Why thank you. In fact, I sang that for an assignment after school started. It got me a good grade!" Ines happily said as she wrapped her arm around San's arm.

"So what're you and San doing here?" I asked her, and she responded with,

"We're here for a date. I wanted some macarons and San wanted to hear some French songs so he could learn more French."

"So I can assume you're official too, huh?" I asked with a chuckle, since I noticed their arms already linked together.

"We began dating this week after we picked up her little sister from school. Jackie was encouraging me to ask Ines out on a date." San chuckled, making Ines somewhat embarrassed.

"Kudos to your little sister, Ines. She's very smart at knowing what's between you two." Kristen told her, ending up with a giggle.

"I guess you're right about that, Kristen." Ines admitted with a shy chuckle. "Kids are honestly smart."

Then she suggested to us, "Why don't you join us to eat macarons together? More likely a double date."

"Actually this was just a pitstop for our date. After we get our macarons, we're going to spend time at my grandparents' house in the countryside as a little retreat for Kristen. Plus they're going to make her some dishes to help with her recovery." I explained briefly as I held Kristen's hand, and then heard Dahlia say,

"Hey kiddos, we just bought a couple boxes of macarons. We'll be out in the car waiting for you."

"We'll be there, Eomma." Kristen said as we noticed her parents walking towards the direction of the exit.

"Well, that's a surprise from your mom buying them on time. Have fun together at your grandparents' house." San said to us with a grin on his face.

"See you later then." We said goodbye to our friends, heading towards the exit.

Outside, I helped Kristen into the car before I got in on the other side. Since my grandparents live close to Kristen's, Dahlia told me not to worry about giving her and Jeremiah directions. Then we headed off for the countryside to enjoy ourselves.

Eva's POV

After a good day today in school, Felix offered to take me home, so I complied. Now, we're heading to my home, with our hands interlocked together. Chatting about random topics and giggling over small jokes.

Then I said, "Oh, I forgot to tell you something! My cousin is expecting to be a father. He told me the news while I was staying in the hospital. So he just moved yesterday to live with his fiancé."

"Really? I'm happy for him!" He chirped. "I wonder what the baby would be."

"That's what I was gonna say. He can't tell me, however, so I guess it might be a surprise." I assumed.

"I see. So who's filling in your cousin's room by the way?"

"My other cousin Sammy. He's half Korean and half Mexican." I mentioned.

"For real?!"

I chuckled and nodded while explaining it further, "His father is Mexican American just like mine, but his mother is Korean. He just moved here from LA last year for his final year in middle school. He and his girlfriend auditioned for our school and passed, so they will be enrolling next year."

"That's ace, Eva! It would be nice to meet Sammy someday." He commented.

I responded, "I'm sure he would also like to meet you since I told him a little bit about you."

He let out a chuckle and I chuckled along.

Then I took a small glance at the resin bracelet around my wrist. I wondered if he actually made that all by himself.

"Felix...did you make this bracelet?" I asked him in curiosity.

Felix nodded and explained with a smile, "Yeah. At first, I thought of making a cherry blossom bracelet. This was after Minho gave it to me and explained its meaning as the reason why he gave it to me. Since you like colorful and meaningful blends, I took time to search and choose some specific flowers to blend with cherry blossoms. I'm sure you've seen these flowers before, so you already know all those meanings into one."

"I do." I softly giggled, while staring at the resin flower bracelet in my hand. "It looks so beautiful and sweet of you to take time to choose these flowers."

"Thanks, Eva. I borrowed a resin bracelet mold from Noona before moving here. Good thing I brought it here in case I'm in the mood of making resin bracelets." Felix smiled.

"I'm kinda curious, does your older sister have a speciality towards resin art? Because I thought she made some since she let you borrow her resin bracelet mold."

"Yeah, she makes resin jewelry. She loves doing it as if it was her hobby and passion." He answered.

I let out a chuckle, "I can see that."

And he chuckled along.

Glancing at the resin flower bracelet once idea popped into my head. Regarding the accessories I would make for the dance performance's costumes.



"Jeongin showed me his sketches for the costumes, and I added some accessories as ideas for them. Now that you gave me the flower bracelet...more ideas came crossing into my thoughts." I told him with a smile growing in my face.

"What is it?" He asked me, curious about my idea I'm about to reveal.

Then I talked to him about my idea, "Maybe I could do some flower crowns. For us as the flower fairies, and for Hyunjin and Kristen when they're 'transformed' in his dream. Not only that, with the symbolism of the flowers– it would fit much better for our dance project!"

He gasped and exclaimed happily, "Eva, that's smart!"

"Since I'm going to play the role of floral Cupid, my flower crown would be roses since it's associated with him." He added.

Then I told him, "Lily of The Valley is associated with Psyche, so I gotta make my own crown too. I wonder if I should use real flowers for the crowns or the fake ones. I honestly prefer the fake flowers because I don't want the real ones to wilt."

"If you want, I could help you out since we worked the floral decor together for Kristen and Hyunjin in the festival's after party." He offered and I replied,

"Of course. I'm just going to look for some ideas on my phone and plan it out. You can do the same for your rose crown if you like to."

He nodded with a smile, "Sounds good to me."

Moments later, we arrived at my home and turned to face each other–with smiles on our faces.

"Thanks for walking me home, Felix." I thanked him.

He responded, "You're welcome Eva. I don't know about you, but I want to do this from now on."

"Yeah? In fact, I want this too. I also want us to go out again soon."

"Same." He let out a soft chuckle.

I glanced at our hands being locked together one more time before I entered my house. As I looked back up at him, I softly cooed with a soft grin still plastered in my face,

"I love you, Lixie."

I noticed his lips growing into a wide grin and a blush crept into his freckled face, causing him to touch his cheek with his hand. We giggled together because of his shy reaction; I found it so adorable from him! Not to mention that I'm blushing too.

"I love you too, Eva." He smiled.

Then he leaned to me and softly pressed his lips into mine, before I kissed back in immediate response. I remember the sweet taste of his lips when we kissed on the rooftop, not just from when we were at the festival, but also when we confessed our love for each other. It was brief, but I love it– no matter if it's short and sweet or long and passionate. It was the best day of our lives to start our relationship.

After breaking our brief kiss apart, we gently pressed our foreheads together for a moment.

"See you on Monday."

I responded with a smile, "See you."

And I headed up the stairs to enter my home. Closing the door behind me, I stood still for a moment to recap the good day we had today. Letting out an exhale, I feel light as if a heavy burden weighing on my shoulders has lifted. I can't even explain how I am feeling right now after confessing to Felix and our kiss but...

Love never felt so good.

Sam's POV

Yujin and I were in the living room watching a movie with the twins when we got back from the school to get our uniform sizes for the next school year. Thankfully because she's staying the night, we'll still have more time for ourselves. Plus she's happy to spend time with them since they just met her in person.

"Arredondo. Guess what!" Samuel said as he looked up at me, making me curious.

"Hermano mayor came by to visit us to bring some presents he bought for us with Esmeralda after their appointment to check on their baby. And he said when Eva gets back home, he's gonna video call us to tell us something wonderful he found out!" He happily informed me.

My eyes lit up and I chirped, "Really?! Oh my gosh, I can't wait! Eva should be here now."

Then we heard footsteps coming from upstairs and there's Eva walking in the living room. She seemed to be happy since I noticed a genuine smile on her face.

"Hey primos." She greeted us. "Hey Yujin."

"Hi Eva." Yujin greeted her with a smile. "My boyfriend was talking a little bit about you. He told me you have some amazing drawings to show me."

Eva replied, "Of course. I–"

"Prima!" Samuel ran towards her and hugged her legs, making her giggle.

"Hola, pequeñin." She greeted and kissed his head.

"You're just in time, prima!" We heard Sara rushing to Eva to hug her as well.

Eva asked after kissing Sara's head, "Just in time for what?"

"Hermano mayor wants us to talk to him as soon as you get home from school! He wants to tell us something!" Sara happily cheered as she pulled up the tablet she has for video calling.

"Is it more about the baby?" Eva hinted as a grin grew into her lips.

"It sure is! He's gonna surprise us. Let's call him!" Sara stated as I paused the movie while she called Gael, placing the tablet on the table in front of us before sitting with us.

After a couple of seconds, we noticed Gael sitting beside Esmeralda, who has a growing baby bump.

Eva greeted him happily, "Hi primo! I just got back from school!"

"Madre mía, her belly's grown already!" She added in surprise.

"The funny thing is I'm only three months pregnant. Not to worry though, the doctor told me everything is fine, and that sometimes baby bumps will grow big early on in pregnancies." Esmeralda reassured us.

"I see. So Gael, what's the news about the baby?" Eva asked.

"Glad you asked." Gael said. "It actually has to do with why Esme's bump is bigger than a normal pregnancy at three months."

"What is it, hermano mayor?!" The twins asked their older brother, to which he said,

"Before I say what it is, I need Eva to grab the gift box that's on top of the fridge. It will give a clue to something important regarding the baby."

Eva did as Gael said and went to grab the gift box that's sitting on the top part of the refrigerator. When she brought it in the living room, she received the go ahead to open the box. After opening it, we noticed a crafted fiesta lantern inside the box.

"A lantern?" I asked in slight confusion

"It looks cute, but...what does it have to do with the baby?" Eva asked in confusion as she took the lantern out from the box.

"Look at the picture on the lantern." Gael instructed us, and we did just that.

The picture showed a silhouette of the three musketeers.

"Three musketeers?" Eva guessed.

In a beat...we just realized what this gift meant right now. Our eyes widened in shock and our jaws literally dropped.

"Is that what I think it is?! Oh my God!" I exclaimed in joyful surprise.

"You're having trillizos?!" Eva hinted in exclamation if our older cousin is having triplets.

"You guessed it right!" Esmeralda chuckled.

After that confirmation, Eva and I bursted in squeals of joy, while our twin cousins ran around the living room screaming out of happiness. Yujin chuckled at the twins' but was still happy for all of us.

I can't believe we're getting three second cousins in the family! This is the happiest news we ever received!

Then I heard Eva calling the twins while laughing, "¡Niños! Calm down! I have to say something to Gael!"

The twins giggled and ran back to see Gael and Esmeralda in the video call on tablet.

"Oh my God, this is wonderful news, primo! I feel so happier than ever!" Eva happily exclaimed with a laugh.

"When's the due date?" I asked them eagerly.

"In September, but it's possible in late August if they want to come out early." Esmeralda replied with a soft giggle.

"We want to know their names! Do you have names?!" The twins happily asked their brother, and he told them,

"Not yet. We have to find out their genders before we decide on names."

"After the gender reveal, we should make a baby shower to celebrate!" Eva suggested happily.

"Yes, yes, yes! We want to do it!" The twins happily agreed, eager for the about-to-be planned baby shower for them.

Gael chuckled and told them, "You gotta wait for a couple of months. Mama already knows this since I told her before so she would be glad to plan it out then."

"That's great! I bet Eva would do some decorating since she's good at it." I grinned, making my cousin chuckle.

"Gael, I need to tell you something." Eva said as she picked the tablet from the table and excused us, "I'll be back."

I nodded, "Sure."

And she headed upstairs to her room with the tablet.

Narrator's POV

Eva entered her bedroom and closed the door to talk with her older cousin via video chat. She sat on the bed as Gael asked her,

"What is it you want to tell me, prima?"

She thought to herself how to start off, but at the same time–she can't help but smile even more. That beautiful moment earlier today on the rooftop was all she could remember.

"Gael...we're official now." She told him and ended up chuckling. "We confessed our feelings to each other."

"You finally told Felix how you feel about him?!" Gael asked her in surprise, and she nodded in response to his question.

Right after nodding happily in response, she suddenly felt heat blooming into her cheeks. That caused her to laugh and jokingly whine; her hand covering half of her face,

"Ah why?! Why am I blushing right now?!"

"It's alright Eva. That's part of love. It makes everyone flustered." Gael reassured his cousin.

She nodded while fanning her own face a bit, "I know. Not only do I feel happy...I feel free. Free flying up the sky."

"You did what you had to do before confessing to him, right?"

"I did."

He smiled and told, "I'm so happy for you, prima."

"Thanks primo. I'm happy for you too." She responded with a genuine smile.

"Well, we gotta get going so we can make dinner. I'm making a lot since Esme is eating for three." Gael said, causing Esme to chuckle and respond with,

"Wish I could argue that, but I can't when it comes to food. Especially when you're making a lot for me and the trillizos, cariño."

"As long as you and your babies are alright, that's all that matters Esmeralda." I said with a smile. "I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, see you later prima." Gael told Eva before he hung up the call.

She smiled, feeling better about telling Gael about her and Felix dating officially. Then she remembered to call Felix as they promised. So she placed the tablet on the drawer and picked her smartphone from her uniform jacket. She dialed Felix to do a video call since she wanted to see his face again.

About after four rings sounding off, Felix answered the call. He seemed to be almost arriving at Chris' home.

"Hey Lixie." She greeted him sweetly.

"How are you, Eva?" He kindly asked her.

"Good. Blimey, you're not going to believe this! My older cousin just video called me moments ago with his fiance. He left a box here and it was a crafted fiesta lantern he made from the university. On that, there was a silhouette of the three musketeers. And guess what it meant!" I started telling what happened earlier and ended up laughing with joy.

"What is it?!" He let out a chuckle.

She happily told him, "They're having triplets!"

"Really?! Three babies?! I'm so happy for them! I can't wait to find out their names!" Her boyfriend said with excitement in his voice, obviously happy about her cousin and his fiance having three babies.

"They're gonna have a gender reveal party since she's almost four months along. My aunt is planning the party as a fiesta theme since Gael is Mexican American, and Esmeralda is half Korean half Argentinean. I'm gonna help decorate it, too!" She told Felix, excited about the gender reveal, and he suggested,

"Maybe we could do some decorating together when I get done making the vines and flowers for the set of the semester final performance. We should probably have some leftover paper for it when we get done."

"Yeah, good idea. Speaking of the semester final performance project, I'm about to search ideas for the flower crowns and just sketch it out in my sketchbook. I'm planning to buy some fake flowers, wires and floral tape to make a crown– probably next week." She told him.

"I heard Michaela made a flower crown for her date with Seungmin. They're going to a wedding of her friend's mom tomorrow." He said, arriving in front of Chan's house and sitting on a step in front of the door.

She replied, "I would like to see that after their date! I bet it will look so pretty on her."

"Which reminds me, after the wedding ends, we're gonna stay the night at her place since she and Seungmin are having a sleepover with her friend and her friend's boyfriend. They're gonna let us do aerial yoga together since her mother is an aerial yoga instructor."

"Really? That's great! I'll let you know what time I'll come over tomorrow. Can't wait to try it out." She smiled.

He then responded with a soft grin, "Same. We're going to have fun over there."

"Listen, I gotta go now. I'm going to spend time with my cousin Sammy with his girlfriend since she's staying over tonight." She told him, approaching the door.

"Ok. Have fun. I love you."

"Love you too, Lixie."

They blew kisses before hanging up the video call.

She let out a soft giggle, "Kyeopta."

Before heading downstairs, she changed into her pajamas since she's not leaving the house tonight. Also, she grabbed her sketchbook since Yujin wants to look at her drawings. Sammy told her about her drawings so Eva's excited to show her.

Eva then headed out from the bedroom and walked downstairs with her sketchbook in her hand. Going to the living room, Yujin complimented her pajamas,

"Your pajamas look so cute, Eva!"

"Thanks, Yujin. It feels so comfy wearing it." Eva thanked her with a smile.

She then sat next to her cousin and his girlfriend on the sofa. The twins both sat in her lap while they all found another movie to watch together. The twins decided to watch Angry Birds 2 Movie since they found the Angry Birds...well, funny.

A little bit later, the twins sat on the floor watching the movie, unaware what their older cousins would be from behind.

Eva picked up her sketchbook and quietly told Sam and Yujin, "Ok, I'll show you some of my favorite drawings I did."

She opened her sketchbook, turning pages while searching for her favorite sketches. While turning the pages, she then found her drawing of the Big Ben with Britain's native flowers in front of the famous landmark.

"That looks beautiful, Eva!" Yujin complimented my drawing.

"Thanks. It really helped me get over my homesickness in the past few days."

"Is forget-me-not grown from England, too?!" Yujin asked Eva in surprise.

"Yeah. I had a lot of them in my backyard back in London." Eva responded smilingly before continuing to turn pages.

"They look so pretty."

There's the watercolor painting of myself and Isaac standing on the Westminster Bridge–I'm almost finished so hopefully by tonight, I will finish it.

"I will finish this tonight. This is gonna be a birthday gift for my little brother. I drew this at first and used watercolor paint to color it. I'm sure Isaac will love it when he and Mama come to visit us. It was our last moment together in London before I moved here with Gael–we were actually standing on the Westminster Bridge at that time. So I take this as a photographic memory for us." Eva explained.

"I wanted to go visit London someday." Yujin told her and Eva responded,

"Believe me, you're going to love it there. I hope that one day my friends, you two and I can all go to London someday."

She then turned the pages once again...showing the shell drawing and finally...the most meaningful drawing for Eva. The black swan and the white swan.

"Trust me, I love all of your drawings and paintings, but this drawing is my top favorite." Yujin smiled, referring to the two swans drawing.

"Really?" Eva asked, a shy smile grew on her face.

"This reminds me of us, princesa. I still remember the day we confessed our love to each other after we did our Halloween photoshoots together with you dressed up as Nina from Black Swan." Sammy sweetly told Yujin as he pecked her cheek.

"You looked so handsome in your Dracula costume that day yourself, jagiya. I love you so much." Yujin said before pecking his lips.

Eva couldn't help but smile at her cousin and his girlfriend's cuteness together. She told them to hold still and took a couple of photos of them. After she sent the photos to them, she decided to make one of the photos into a drawing for Sammy as a late welcome present.

It reminds her earlier today when she and Felix became official. Even when they walked together before she arrived home. Today was a happy beginning for them and she's certain to make wonderful memories with him from now on.

Her beloved white swan.

Seungmin's POV

Changbin, Tzuyu, Amelie, Yangyang, Michaela and I had arrived at the Namsan Cable Car station that will take us up to the tower. After buying the tickets, we headed inside and right into the entrance, there's the boarding area. We walked up the stairs about three stories, heading up to board the cable car.

(A/N: The outfits 👆 are: Pink for Changbin/Tzuyu, Beige for Seungmin/Michaela and Black for Yangyang/Amelie)

And as we finally arrived at the boarding area and gave our tickets, we entered the cable car together–ready for the takeoff, while another small group of people walked in.

A couple of seconds later, the cable car took off to head towards the other side. Meanwhile, we can see the beautiful views of Seoul. Even a blend of cities and nature has a lot to offer us amazing views like this; I wrapped my arm around my girlfriend's shoulder and pecked her cheek.

Minutes later, we arrived at Namsan and walked out from the cable car. We headed outside to take the stairs and walked up– passing by the Namsan Beacon Mounds and stopped at the octagonal Palgakjeong Pavilion.

After having a short walk around in the Pavilion, we went to the observatory park–and there's a breathtaking view of Seoul.

All of the buildings in the city, and the trees in the forests, looking at it from here makes me feel like I'm on top of the world!

But being here with the girl I'm in love with makes me feel like I'm in heaven.

I'm happy I could share this moment with Michaela since this is our first time here as a couple. Maybe after we buy the love lock for us, I could show her the lock I placed on the fence after I moved back to Seoul last year.

Then we headed up another set of stairs to the second floor, and we spotted lots of love locks hanging on the tower's fence.

The Love Padlocks.

As we arrived at the Love Locks area, we saw a pink love lock vending machine so we could buy our love locks, write or draw anything on and hang it on the fence. Right away, we spotted a Mickey and Minnie Mouse themed love lock. That's perfect for us since we are Mickey and Minnie.

"Let's buy this one, Minnie." I smiled, pointing at the love lock.

"Good choice, Mickey." She agreed with a soft chuckle. "This reminds me of the Locked In Love Mickey and Minnie Mouse short we watched in the cable car on the way up here."

"Yeah, except the lock is too small to lock our hands together and we don't have to worry about losing a key or getting hurt in the process of leaving our lock on the tower." I said with a chuckle, making Michaela laugh with me.

After buying the lock from the vending machine, we opened the packaging to pick out the marker to write on it. We then picked out the lock from the box and I gave her the marker to write it on first.

She opened the marker and started scribbling in Korean, which sparked curiosity in me about what she would write.

Seconds later, she wrote in Korean, saying:

Dangsingwa hamkke inneun gosi naega gajang joahaneun gosimnida.

"Together with you is my favorite place to be."

"You really think that about me, Minnie?" I sweetly asked my love, and she kissed my cheek and said,

"Of course, Mickey. Now and always. I may be in the same city as you, but being with you is amazing because you're my happy place."

I sweetly chuckled, pecked her lips, and began writing my message to her in the German that I learned from her and from teaching myself.

Du bringst Farbe in mein Leben und ein Funkeln in meine Augen.

"You bring color to my life and a sparkle to my eyes."

Then wrote "I love you" in English below the message along with our names.

"Aw. You're the sweetest ever, Liebling. I love you." Michaela told me affectionately and hugged me from behind.

"I love you, too, Jagiya. You're the light in my life that keeps me going." I said as we went over to the fence.

Amazingly, the spot we chose is only inches away from the lock I placed last year for Michaela. She looks at it and begins to read the message:

"My love Michaela. My Minnie Mouse. We may be apart for now because of the distance between us, but when we see each other again, I wish to lock our love here together in the future. You're always in my heart, and will always be the love of my life. You're the best thing that's happened to me. Thank you for being my girlfriend. Love your boyfriend, your Mickey Mouse, Seungmin."

"Oh Mickey, you wrote this message for me when you came back here to Seoul?" Michaela asked as her eyes were about to be teary, and I responded with,

"Of course, my Minnie. It felt awful to be away from you for so long. It may have been a year, but it felt like a lifetime. But I'm happy we're able to finally make my wish come true by locking our love together forever. All of my wishes are coming true since you're going to school with me again after summer vacation."

"I may be no genie, but I'm happy to make your wish come true, baby." My love said as she took pictures of the lock I placed there last year before we positioned our love locks.

She filmed our hands closing the locks on the fence together. As she kept filming, she showed our faces on the camera, and we nudged our noses together before pecking lips. After that, she stopped the recording and hugged me again.

"I'm going to post this on my Instagram after I announce my successful audition for the school. Our friends from LA are gonna be so happy seeing us together after a year!" She said in excitement.

"I'm sure about that, aegi." I smiled. "I hope your mom doesn't bug you after your post. Or my Noona."

"Lucky for us, Mama is busy teaching an aerial yoga class at the university. And she texted me before my audition that your sister is taking her class. So they'll be busy while I post it." She chuckled as she began posting some photos and videos.

"Well, I'm glad." I sighed in relief and chuckled. "Speaking of which, Minnie, I was wondering if Felix and Eva could learn some aerial yoga with us on the night of Amelie's mother's wedding? Eva's wanting to learn."

"Sure. I'll ask my mom if we can invite them to join our aerial yoga session. Since he's your friend and I knew Eva from my school trip to Paris, Mama could probably let them stay with us, Yangyang and Amelie after the wedding." She told me.

"Sounds good to me. I can text Felix to let him know." I agreed and picked my phone from my pants' pocket to text him.

As I did that, my stomach began growling. This made me and Michaela giggle.

"Well, guess you're hungry too." Michaela said through giggles.

Behind Michaela, I spotted Yangyang and Amelie hanging their love padlock near a streetlight.

I chuckled and nudged her as I told, "Look."

As she did, we see them leaning each other for a kiss right after hanging the love lock.

Then we heard Changbin calling them, "All right, lovebirds. Should we go somewhere to eat?"

And I told Changbin, "Let's go. We're hungry."

"There's a noodle restaurant inside the tower, we can go eat over there." Tzuyu suggested, linking her arm with his.

"Really? Inside the tower?" Amelie asked, already curious since she recently moved here in Seoul for our school next semester.

"Yeah. You'll be surprised when you go inside." Michaela smiled before the three pairs stepped together down to the first floor.

On the first floor, we entered various stores to head to a noodle restaurant called Cheiljemyunso. And then, we arrived there to enjoy eating the noodles.

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