Chapter 7

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Narrator's POV

Little did Minho and Kristen notice, Hyunjin was observing everything between them. The uncomfortable feeling has come back to Hyunjin.

He knew that something's way off when it comes to Minho and Kristen together. Even though Minho's his best friend, Hyunjin still feels uneasy. He wished he could get that lead role instead of Minho.

"Are you okay, Hyunjin Hyung?" Jeongin asked him.

Hyunjin snapped out of his thoughts and looked over at Jeongin.

He didn't say anything yet glanced back at Minho and Kristen. Jeongin looked at them as well.

Jeongin now realized what was wrong.

"It's because of her, is it?" Jeongin asked, only wanting to be sure he's right.

Hyunjin deeply sighed out and nodded. "I just...still can't stand seeing them smiling and giggling together."

He then looked at Jeongin, feeling slightly dejected. "You think she'll like Lee Know over me?"

"Of course not. I mean, I see they're just being good friends to each other, but I doubt she would like him over you. Besides, it's just going to be an act. Nothing wrong with that. So I'm sure everything will be just fine." Jeongin reassured Hyunjin.

"You're right," Hyunjin responded after taking a breath, "I guess I'm getting a little too worried about the idea of that."

Meanwhile, Felix just finished helping his friends out to work on the finishing touches before filming starts. As he started looking around on the rooftop, he realized something. This is the same place where he spent his lunch hour with Eva...and their first meeting yesterday.

Just remembering it made him think about Eva this time. He was sure she's in art class this time so he wondered what she was drawing now. Bet it would look beautiful when she finishes, he thought.

He somewhat felt pity that Eva couldn't come to see the filming project happening now. Yet he was sure he would tell her about it the next day.

"Places everyone!" Bang Chan informed his friends as they got ready to start filming.

Hyunjin, Kristen, and Minho went to their positions: Hyunjin got the camera in his hands, Chan held the mic up, Felix got the clapperboard in his hand just to indicate to start filming and others were just going to watch the filming project.

Chan scanned around the filming site, making sure if everything's ready. When it's all good, he calls Felix, "Ok mate, we're ready."

Felix nodded and held the clapperboard with the filmsticks open, in front of the camera Hyunjin is holding. Everyone stood quiet and everything seemed ready to film. He nodded and clapped the filmsticks shut.

And Hyunjin starts recording with the camera.

What he sees on camera, Minho was looking at Kristen...lovingly. Now Hyunjin was feeling more uneasy this time and hoped that Minho better not touch her hand...not even her face.

Hyunjin made the camera focus on the hands and slowly approached the two. Minho's hand slowly brought up to Kristen, seemingly about to take Kristen's hand. He can't let Minho take her away from him.

And that's when Hyunjin lowered his camera and held Kristen's hand, stopping Minho from holding hers.

This move from Hyunjin really puzzled everyone, including Minho and Kristen.

"Hyunjin?" Minho called, still looking puzzled.

Hyunjin stood silent, facing down and his hand holding Kristen's.

Jeongin, also puzzled but disappointed that he had to do such a thing. "Hyunjin, are you serious? It's just an act, let her hand go." He insisted on Hyunjin.

"Hyunjin, what's wrong with you?" Felix asked Hyunjin in a confused tone.

While everyone started murmuring about Hyunjin's move on Kristen, Hyunjin stood quiet. He still cannot stand it. He knows himself being in love with Kristen, but also has jealousy on Minho, when he tries to take Kristen's hand.

Hyunjin's eyes slowly looked up, still unsure what to do next.

He lets go of her hand, composes himself and then says, "I'm sorry everyone. Let's film that again."

They all went back to their places as Hyunjin did his best to control his jealousy.

Eva's POV

Like yesterday, Jackson, Changbin, Chaeyoung and I were in the art class. We were just continuing to work on our drawings. I am still with the drawing of the black swan and white swan together. At least I drew the outline of the swans yesterday and partially the texture of their bodies.

Since I already know making it realistic is optional, yet I can give it a try. I used a normal pencil to draw on the facial features on the two swans. I know it might take time to draw those, yet I know it will look almost realistic as it is.

Yet I heard Chaeyoung asking me softly, "How did it go?"

I looked at her in front of me. I was puzzled at first of what she meant by that, but then realized that she was asking me how was my lunchtime with Felix at the rooftop.

So I answered casually and said with a smile, "It went hunky-dory. We have some good talk together."


I just nodded and much to her apparent surprise as I thought...I wasn't blushing. Nor I don't feel my face burning up. Maybe I was pretending that everything's normal between me and Felix.

I just went back to work on my drawing. But I'm actually glad that my cheeks didn't bloom in front of her. I really don't like getting teased by my friends most of the time; it kinda makes me go shirty.

I looked at the glassy swans in front of me, taking a moment to stare at it. Looking at those two swans--a flashback came into my head about my chat with Felix about this class.

Felix and I were standing together, our backs leaning against the railing of the rooftop's edge. Us staring up at the sky. It was after we ate our own lunches.

"So what were you drawing?" He asked.

I turned my head, glancing at him. I was unsure if I could say this out loud. Yet...I thought of keeping my drawing in progress as a secret. My lips then curled into a smirk and told him, "I can't tell you now."

"Why?" He asked as he slightly tilted his head, crossing his arms.

I shook my head and told him, "Wait till I finish it complete."

Yet maybe...I can give him a little spoiler. "But...I can give you a hint. It's black and white."

"Black and white..." Felix repeated and thought about it for a moment. "Maybe some sort like an animal or something?" He guessed.

I shrugged, pretending that I might not know if he said it right. "Sort of. Keep that answer to yourself."

Felix chuckled, "I will. I'm just curious this time to know honestly."

And we chuckled together.

While still looking at the object...a smile slightly curved into my lips, knowing that I will show my drawing to Felix once it's done. And I kept back onto drawing once again.

Minho's POV

School ended for the day, which also meant the guys and I went to the field so we can have soccer practice. What surprises me is that Eva is joining us to play some soccer. Well, she told me that she just plays soccer for fun so I get it. Kristen was asked to keep score.

Ever since film class, Hyunjin wouldn't stop looking at me any time I'm even standing next to Kristen. Even if I wasn't possibly liking her, too, we were just filming and holding hands. It's not like we're dating.

We took our positions on the field, with Hyunjin being the goalie. At least I don't have to worry about something similar happening if he played next to me.

But I could not stop thinking about Hyunjin's growing attachment towards her. Like right now, she just waved to him, and he's smiling.

Hopefully practice will go smooth. The coach blew the whistle, and I did the kick off to my practice team.

Now that Kristen was around, he couldn't screw anything up. Although it was just practice, he wouldn't do it.

Not in front of her anyway. And he wasn't gonna let her attention go to Hyunjin just yet.

Minho glanced towards Kristen, smiling a little. Now that Kristen was around, that gave him a bit of confidence for the practice. He really hoped that it would go well.

The ball went to Chan and he started dribbling before he passed to Felix. Felix started dribbling as well, yet he found out that Seungmin's behind him, he turned around and passed the ball to Eva.

Eva got the ball yet she sensed that Jisung was about to steal it, but she managed to keep up and get to the goal. However, just as she kicked the ball, Hyunjin catched it, causing his team to cheer.

"Good catch, mate." Eva congratulated Hyunjin.

Hyunjin smiled and thanked Eva. He was still holding the ball, then kicked it flying towards Jeongin.

Kristen was smiling as she pulled a strand of her hair back and looked down at the clipboard.

Then I saw Hyunjin looking in her direction with a silly grin on his face. I swear he's a lovesick fool! And he just had to like the same girl I'm beginning to like.

"Back to your positions!" our coach said, and we took our places on the field and did the kick off again.

Jeongin got the ball under his foot, waiting for the whistle to start playing. The coach blew the whistle, and Jeongin started running with the ball. While he was running with the ball, Changbin was chasing him behind.

While Jeongin tried to manage the run, he nearly stumbled, resulting in Changbin getting the ball this time.

Changbin ran with the ball then passed to me. I got the ball but Chan was in front of me, yet I pushed the ball backward with my foot, turned around and ran with the ball towards the goal.

Hyunjin was prepared to catch the ball from getting in the goal net. I kicked the ball towards the goal, Hyunjin leaped to the direction the ball was going, but missed it by the fingers. Hyunjin fell on the ground and the ball went into the goal net.

My team cheered as we huddled together. I could notice Hyunjin not being so thrilled about it, and Kristen writing it down, giving me a thumbs up. I smiled and walked away from Hyunjin, satisfied to impress Kristen.

Hyunjin's POV not really my day. Today seems so unfair to me. I feel like all my energy just went down to drain. Then I sensed a hand outstretched towards me, giving me a helping hand to get up.

"Need some help?" It was Jeongin who asked me.

I grabbed his hand as he pulled me up, and he slightly gave me a hug to make me feel a bit better.

"Thank you Jeongin," I said, rubbing my hair to get the grass off, "I guess I'm feeling a little off today."

"Is the idea of Lee Know and Kristen together really getting to you that much today, Hyung? Because I got concerned during film class when you grabbed her hand like that all of a sudden." He expressed his worries to me.

"I guess I felt protective since the International Trinity ganged up on her in the restroom before our singing class. I promised that I would be there for her, but I wasn't." I informed him.

"Could you tell the coach that I'm not feeling too well today? I'm going home." I let him know and he nodded.

As Jeongin went to our coach, I grabbed my things and started the lonely journey home.

Reaching the gates, I stopped when I heard a voice say, "Hyunjin, wait!" Turning around, I noticed it was Kristen calling for me.

"Are you okay? Coach said you were leaving because you weren't feeling good!" She asked out of concern.

Maybe she does care about me more than even I thought she did.

"I've just been having an off day, that's all. It's nothing to worry about, really." I said, hoping to ease her mind so she doesn't worry about me.

"Here, let me at least take you home so you don't hurt yourself." Kristen insisted, and grabbed my arm so she could help me.

I couldn't help but smile at how serious she is about making sure I'm okay. In fact, I'm beginning to feel better about the situation a little more.

"That would be nice. Thank you Kristen." I thanked her for her act of kindness.

She smiled back as we both went to my house together. Reaching my house, I bid farewell to Kristen. Then, she made the journey back to her place.

After coming home, I was upstairs in my room reading the story we're learning about in literature class. But the whole time, I couldn't get all the events that occurred today out of my head. My head was not on straight at all.

Thinking back to film class when I grabbed her hand, I realized that I really am falling in love with Kristen. Why couldn't it be me to act with her?

I pulled out my pocket watch to calm myself down as I started thinking about Tokki. Looking at it made me realize something. What happened today with Kristen and the International Trinity actually reminded me of when I stood up to three boys that were bullying her at the park because of her hair.

It was the beginning of fall, and our mothers took us to the park since they let us off for fall break.

Tokki and I were playing on the slide, on the swings, and then playing tag with each other. After all the playing, our mothers came by to tell us it's time for lunch, and we ate the food they made for us. Eomma took me to the restroom after I got done eating and drinking.

When I finished I went to our spot, and Tokki's mother said she was playing with some friends.

As I went to find her, I heard some rude comments about Tokki being said.

"Hey sheephead, where's your herd? Did you get lost?" One of the little boys teased her, making the other two laugh along.

When I got a better look, I saw Tokki in tears. What they told her really hurt her feelings. And it made me feel angry that they had the nerve to tell her something like that.

"Please stop picking on me! This is just the way my hair looks!" Tokki tried to stand up for herself.

This only caused one of the boys to push her down and grab her pigtail. She was screaming in pain because he pulled her hair.

He then said, "It's supposed to look like the ear of a sheep? Yeah right. You were probably raised by them, but they kicked you out because of how ugly your wool looked!"

As they laughed, I managed to let his hand go off Tokki's hair, and pushed him off of her.

"The only thing that's ugly are your attitudes! You should be ashamed of yourselves! Picking on a cute, innocent girl just because she has unique hair!" I said, helping Tokki stand back up.

"Oh really? Then why are you not a farmer? You must have lost that sheep you supposed to be taking care of!" Another boy talked back as he pointed at Tokki.

They continued laughing, but I pushed one of them to the ground, and slapped him hard across the face. The others were scared.

"You're probably wanting to go tell your mommies about what I did, huh?" I challenged them. "But you're probably too scared to do so because they might find out you picked on a girl that didn't do anything wrong to you, huh? And that they'll punish you? Well if she's a sheep, I guess that makes you three chickens!"

I huffed at them, and they ran away, screaming.

I turned to her, hugged her and asked, "Are you ok?"

"I'm okay Jinnie." Tokki said as she wiped her tears, then she hugged me. "Thank you for saving me! You're my hero!"

I smiled, hugged her back, and said, "You're welcome."

She looks up at me and asks, "You don't think I look like a sheep, too, do you?"

Those rotten boys must've made her feel insecure because of what they said about her hair.

I shook my head and told her, "You're a precious little lamb since I'm nicknamed as llama. And I love your hair. I love everything about you Tokki, my little lamb!" all while I made the biggest smile on my face.

This caused her to show me that beautiful smile I love to see on her as she said, "Thank you Jinnie! You make me the happiest person ever!"

With that, she pecked my lips as a way of saying thank you. My face was heating up. She gave me my first kiss. And I liked it. No, I loved it!

"Let's go back to our Eommas. They're waiting for us." I said to break the silence.

"You're right Jinnie. Let's go!" Tokki said as she grabbed my arm and we ran together to meet back up with our mothers.

A tear fell from my eye by just remembering it. My heart has been full of pain and jealousy. Why can't I protect her this time? I feel...more than awful.

But feeling my lips, I smiled. I still remember that kiss she gave me when I made her feel better. And she called me her hero when I did protect her. She really is a cute, little lamb. I miss her so much!

Something else hits me though. Remembering Tokki's hair made me think about Kristen's beautiful curly hair. Tokki kinda looks like Kristen as I thought.

"Hyunjin! Dinner is ready!" Eomma yells from downstairs.

"Coming Eomma!" I informed her.

I marked the page in my textbook, and grabbed my pocket watch before heading downstairs.

Eomma had the table set, and I took a seat as she was getting cups for our drinks. I looked at my pocket watch again as Eomma brought my cup over.

"You're looking at your pocket watch again, dear? Is something wrong with my dear son today?" My mother asked me.

I glanced at her, still feeling insecure of what to say.

"'s just that...I've had a rough day in school today." I admitted with a slight sad tone.

"What happened?" She asked as she placed the cup of apple juice in front of me.

I deeply sighed out and spoke my worries to her, "Kristen got bullied by three girls in the girls' bathroom. At least some of my friends scared them away, but I didn't know what was going on. I was upset to myself that I didn't protect her."

"And in film class, Minho and Kristen had the lead roles and I got stuck with the camera I was recording. I know it was just an act but when he was about to hold her hand, I stopped recording and held her hand instead. And in soccer, I was the goalie but I missed the ball and he scored it. He seems to be satisfied with impressing Kristen. I thought she liked Minho over me unless she cared about me and took me home. Yet..."

I let out a sad sigh and faced down, "I still feel awful."

"It's okay, son. At least you were able to reassure her and make sure she's okay. And if she helped you out after practice to make sure you're okay, then that means she does care about you as much as you do for her." Eomma reminded me, then she rubs my hand that's on the pocket watch.

"You know. She sounds similar to Tokki. It's no wonder why you're protective of her." She adds on.

"She definitely reminded me of her. I remember when she got teased by those three boys because of her hair. And I stood up for her." I recalled the memory back in the park when we were kids.

"Do you remember when I got your pocket watch for you, too, Hyunjin?" Appa asked me.

"It was a gift you bought for my fourth birthday. You got this because I wanted a pocket watch and locket, but you managed to find a two in one just for me that came with a key." I answered my father.

"Then you gave your mother the key first before we moved to Las Vegas." Appa reminded me.

"But I gave it back to you because you really wanted to give Tokki something before she had her surgery, and before we left Las Vegas." Eomma also reminded me of this.

"That's why I treasure this pocket watch deeply. Because it's the only thing that connects me and Tokki. And she's the reason why I started dancing, too." I told my parents as I set my pocket watch down to eat some of my food.

"Tokki may have the key to the pocket watch, but it seems like Kristen has the key to your heart." Eomma said as she smiled at me.

I smiled just thinking that Kristen got the key to my heart. If she got the key...she can open my heart to her. Maybe I should tell her about Tokki when the time is right.

"Maybe before you go to the park and movies with her, you should probably invite Kristen over for breakfast. We'd love to meet her!" Eomma suggested.

"She'd probably like that, a lot. That would take her mind off of everything that happened so far." I told my mother.

I finished dinner with my parents. Then, I got ready for bed. Laying in my bed, I gathered up the courage to text Kristen about this weekend. I waited for her reply after I sent the message.

I saw that she read the message and started typing. Then her reply says, "Sure! I would love to come to your house! I'm eager to meet your parents! 😊"

Now my day has gotten better! I'm smiling from ear to ear because of her message! She wants to meet my parents and visit me! I started hugging my phone as I kicked my legs in excitement.

"She actually said 'yes'! This is amazing!" I happily exclaimed.

I am so in love. There's no denying it. I put my phone away after setting the alarm, and lie in my bed so I could get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a better day!

The next day...

Narrator's POV

The next day, about 7 in the morning, Eva was the only one sitting in the homeroom. She had arrived about five minutes earlier. She was reading the story from the literature textbook assigned from yesterday.

Yeah, she read it but determined to keep reading now, just to save some time and be slightly ahead.

Moments after she read the third page complete of the story from the literature textbook, she marked the page with the bookmark designed as a UK flag. She then closed the book and took it to her locker.

As she walked out towards her locker which is near the homeroom, she heard a familiar Aussie accented voice ask her, "What're you doing here so early, Eva?"

She turned around to notice Felix right behind her.

She smiled, "Oh hello, Felix. I'm used to coming here early sometimes. Besides, I was saving some time of reading a bit more for the literature class."

She then managed to unlock the locker, and opened the door. She put the book in the locker and closed it. She deeply sighed, turned to Felix and asked in a joking tone, "I wonder why you came here early as well."

Felix laughed softly, shrugging a little. Well, since he woke up pretty early this morning, he just decided to get to school early. But he just didn't expect Eva to be here.

"Well, I had time to do everything this morning so I got here early, if I could say something like that. I was gonna go to my first class early to do my work, but I didn't expect you here." He stated, shrugging once more.

They ended up chuckling together and arrived back into the homeroom.

"Feeling a little bit better than yesterday, Eva?" He asked.

Eva had some allergic reaction towards pollen, after soccer practice yesterday after school. Runny nose and slight sneezing. It wasn't that bad, but fortunately she took two allergy relief pills last night and this morning before coming here.

She nodded, "Yeah. Thanks for asking me, by the way. I just took some cetirizine a while ago to relieve my allergies."

"Sorry if I made you a bit worried that day." She apologized to him.

Felix smiled softly. Of course he was worried for her , although it was just allergies from pollen and all. But he was still worried for her at the time.

"Don't worry about it. Are you alright now? The allergies didn't look that bad, but I still got worried." He said to her, frowning slightly.

Now that he chatted with Eva often, he worried about her wellbeing most of the time. Even though it didn't look too bad.

She nodded, then something came into her mind. She wondered how yesterday's filming went for him.

"Oh, how did the filming go yesterday?" She asked Felix.

"The filming went ok. But good thing you asked that, because something happened during the filming." He told them.

"What happened?"

"Hyunjin was recording with the camera as he was assigned to. Minho and Kristen were the lead roles. While he was recording them, Minho was about to hold Kristen's hand and he stopped Minho, grabbing her hand instead." He told her about the moment that happened yesterday in the filming project.

That puzzled Eva as she spoke, "If it's just an act, why did he do that?"

"I guess he's still not used to the idea of Minho and Kristen being that close, even if they're acting." Felix guessed, still confused about Hyunjin's actions.

"That's weird." She mumbled. "I know the fact that Hyunjin really likes Kristen but I hate to admit that...he's kinda crazy."

"Crazy in love, I should add." He pointed out.

"Exactly." She agreed and they giggled together.

"Anyways, despite that, we ended the filming well. Some of them are going to do some editing for the short film today." He told her.

"That's great. Hope it will turn out great." She smiled.

"Hope so too." He let out a nervous chuckle.

"Oh, I know it will. At least they will edit out Hyunjin stopping Minho from holding Kristen's hand." She reassured him.

Felix just nodded.

"Anyways, I heard that Changbin is making a song to confess his feelings towards Tzuyu." Felix told her.

Eva smiled and nodded, "He told me about it yesterday. He was uncertain how he was going to work on it, but I told him that he should take his time. He said he's gonna spend time more with her."

"Did you tell someone else about it?" He asked her.

"I told Jackson about it too, and he knew someone who can compose it." She told him, her smile began to fade, knowing who's the exact boy who shamelessly picked on her on the first day of school.

"Is something wrong?" He asked her, with a hint of concern.

She deeply sighed, "I'm not sure if I should say this but...Kristen and I got picked on by the same boy who composes music."

"He's a bloody shameless flirt. He even asked us if we got our boyfriends." She scowled just remembering it, crossing her arms. "He's such a plonker, who does he think he is?"

That really irritated Felix of just imagining it. He was sure to himself that he can protect Eva from that shameless flirt, even if she dares to protect herself.

"Ugh... I'mma hate that guy for that, who was he?" Felix asked, sounding a bit annoyed.

"But hey...I already know how to deal with it. Especially when it comes to bullies, even though I've never been bullied." She told him.

"I heard from Hyunjin about yesterday when you gave the International Trinity a piece of your mind!" Felix said as he started chuckling.

Eva stifled a laugh, surprised that Felix knew it too. "What?! He told you about that?!"

"Yeah. He only told me because he's been beating himself up about not being able to protect her like he promised. That was probably one of the reasons why Hyunjin acted on impulse during film class. And not just out of jealousy." He explained.

"Not just of jealousy, but also..." Eva realized. "...out of love?"

"I guess he wanted to be there for her more since he was unable to during yesterday's incident." Felix wondered.

"I kinda feel gutted for him honestly, but at least I did my job for him." She shrugged, ending up with a chuckle.

"I'm sure he'll try to protect Kristen, as he promised." He smiled and she nodded.

They heard a sound of clearing the throat, turned around out of curiosity and it was Jeongin standing by the door. He seemed to not know that they were here already, so he was unsure if he could come in or wait.

"Sorry it ok if I can come in?" Jeongin asked them.

"Sure, Jeongin." Eva smiled.

Jeongin smiled and walked into the classroom. He then placed his backpack on his seat behind Eva's, and gave her a hug.

"Aww." Eva cooed as she hugged him back, and ruffled gently his hair, making the youngest giggle.

"Are you ok, Eva?" Jeongin asked, since he also knew that Eva was feeling unwell after the soccer practice yesterday.

"I'm fine, Jeongin. It was just some allergies, so don't worry." Eva reassured him.

"Glad that you're better." Jeongin smiled.

Eva nodded and Jeongin then sat behind her.

"He's such a baby when it comes to you." Felix softly chuckled.

"That's because she cares for me like anyone else. Well...since I'm the youngest in the school." Jeongin told him and smiled, showing his dimples.

Changbin's POV

I was writing some ideas for my song I'm making for Tzuyu in my notepad. Although I know how I truly feel about her, I don't exactly know what to say. Hopefully she won't dislike the song, and/or reject me.

Just as I took off my headphones to find a song to listen to, I noticed one of the guys in the same year as me. It was Jisung, the same guy Jackson told me about.

"Hey Changbin." He greeted me with a smile. "You're here quite early for school."

"I just wanted some peace and quiet to work on a private project." I explained.

"So that's what you were telling me about on the first day. I'd love to listen to it when you're finished." Jisung tells me.

"Actually," I nervously said, closing my book and bringing him over so the conversation could be more private, "I'm glad I bumped into you, because I'm going to need some help with it. And I heard how great you are with making music and writing lyrics."

"You sure you want me to help?" He asked, just to make sure, and I nodded. "Okay, I'll help you, but I'm curious as to what the song is about."

I started fiddling with my pencil, then I explained, "Well, you see. There's this girl a year above us, and I kind of have been liking her ever since I met her during middle school. I'm writing this song as a way to confess my feelings to her."

He smiled and slightly chuckled, "That's sweet! Maybe my friend and I can help you out. Then once we're done writing it, we can compose the song together if you like."

"That would be great! Thank you so much! Maybe Tzuyu will like the song when she hears it." I said as my face began to feel hot.

"Aww, are you blushing? So cute!" He jokingly teased me, knowing that I was blushing in front of him.

He then poked my cheek gently but I shooed him away and whined, "Stop, don't do that!"

"You remind me so much of JB Hyung from what he told me about his friends teasing him about his crush during first year! But it's normal to be shy with crushes. I bet Tzuyu would find you cute if she saw how shy you were." He added on.

" think so?" I chuckled shyly, gently scratching my nape. "I think I'm gonna look like a cherry when she finds me cute for being shy."

"It's ok. Everything will be fine, Changbin." Jisung smiled as he gave me a pat on the shoulder and I just smiled.

He sat next to me and said, "Here. Let's take a look at what you have so far."

I smiled as he and I were reviewing the ideas I have so far. I think I made a new friend today!

Mina's POV

Even though it's early, I got to school an hour early to do some ballet dancing before school starts. I often dance when I'm feeling stressed out or I have a lot on my mind.

Being alone in the room, letting nothing but the rhythm take over, that's what makes me feel better.

Then, I made a jeté, leaping from one foot to another. I spun around about twice, about to make another jeté again. As I did it again, I almost slipped my landing as I was about to fall on ground.

Until I felt arms catching me from the ground.

"Are you alright?" I heard someone say.

Knowing the voice, I looked up to see Mark. My face started heating up again and his face started to blush as well.

"Yeah, I'm alright. I was just practicing my ballet moves before school starts." I reassured him.

"Umm..." I still felt his arms around me.

"Sorry about that." Mark shyly tells me, letting me go. At least I was standing on my two feet now so I'm fine.

"So what're you doing here so early?" I asked him out of curiosity.

"Well...I came here just for the dance class, but I just saw you practicing ballet so I just stayed here for a moment." Mark told me.

"Oh. Anyways, I was just wanting to work on some dances for class." I told him.

He then looked at me. Mark looked at me like he could tell something is wrong. Of course with him being my friend since last school year, and how close we've gotten despite my crush on him, he would know if something is wrong with me.

"Don't you usually dance alone when you're feeling bothered by something though?" He questioned me.

I deeply sighed out, determined to speak out of my concern.

" see, Mark...I'm really worried about Kristen. She got bullied by International Trinity again yesterday in the restroom. At least Eva, Chaeyoung, Dahyun and I stood up for Kristen."

I continued, "But...I'm just worried what will happen to Kristen during the course of this year. It's been three days and she already got bullied."

"Is it because of her being friends with Minho and Hyunjin?" He asked me, trying to fully understand the situation.

With everyone knowing about Gae-nyun's crushes on them in middle school, and her and her group's reputation, it's no surprise he would even guess the reason.

"Yes. And the thing is they both seem to deeply care for her, and she's been growing fond of Hyunjin lately." I continued to express my worries since Kristen is like a little sister to me.

"When I first transferred here as a freshman, one of my friends told me that his sister that's a year below us was the target of Gae-nyun's bullying in middle school just because she briefly dated Hyunjin. After that, they broke up only after two weeks of dating because she was terrified for her life after she got beaten up in her own home." Mark filled me in on this information.

"I know that the International Trinity are just jealous of Kristen. I didn't care for those three, but...I fear that they might be plotting something against Kristen." I spoke in a slight sad yet worried tone of my voice.

He hugged me, mainly to provide some comfort, and told me, "Everything will be fine. By now, everyone who knows the International Trinity is already aware of the situation. This includes former victims. Pretty much the whole school is aware of their bad behavior."

"Hopefully they are and can handle that situation going on." I hoped.

Just then, we heard the bell ring, indicating school was about to start. I switched my ballet shoes with my sneakers I wear for school. As I was about to head to my homeroom, Mark grabbed my hand.

"Let me take you. I don't want something bad to happen to you on your way to class." Mark insisted.

My heart was pounding so hard like a hammer. The same boy I have a crush on is very concerned about my well being and wants to make sure I'm okay.

Now walking together in the hallways, I looked around, making sure that no one from International Trinity was coming from behind.

Later, we arrived at my homeroom. I walked in and turned around as he was standing by the door.

"Thanks for taking me by...even though I didn't expect it honestly." I thanked him with a shy smile on my face.

"You're welcome." Mark smiled and hugged me as I hugged him back. "Take care."

"You too." And I walked into my homeroom.

Kristen's POV

After my language and dance classes were over, it was time for me to go to English class. Before that, Eva texted me that she's planning onto something during the transition to the second hour class. Wonder what she's up to.

Good thing that International Trinity is not around this time, so I arrived at the English classroom without worry. I saw Eva on her desk, facing down as if she was secretly plotting something as I thought.

I approached Eva and sat next to her. "Hey Eva." I greeted her.

Eva looked at me and smiled, before looking back down, "Hi there."

"What are you planning to do?" I asked her out of curiosity.

"I'm planning to make a prank at Jisung as revenge, that tosser who chirpsed with us on the first day of school." Eva whispered, a smirk creeping into her lips.

"Oh, now I see! Could I possibly join in on this?" I asked her since I love pranks.

Eva nodded, "Absolutely."

She then brought out a red plastic cup, with a piece of cardboard on top. "I got a red cup with a piece of cardboard with me. I'm trying to scare Jisung off but...I guess I don't have anything to scare him off." She told me and shrugged.

"I think I got a good one. Good thing I brought something because I was about to bring something scary for him as well." I told her as I took out a fake black spider out from my pocket.

Eva gasped and flinched a bit; she then chuckled as if she was relieved that it was just a fake spider. "Blimey, you gave me a good scare for that."

"My brother gave this to me after we pranked our mother for April Fool's Day when I was ten." I explained, fiddling the fake spider.

"Oh my goodness, and did your mother blow a fuse after that?" Eva asked, looking a bit concerned this time.

"She did it to my brother, but not me because she thought he was the only one who planned it." I recalled that memory and ended up chuckling.

Eva just giggled along, "Poor thing."

"He taught me a lot of funny pranks as we grew up together. And he helped my mother take care of me when Dad was busy." I said with a slight chuckle.

"I see. Where are they at now? Your dad and...your brother?" Eva asked me about them.

"Oppa is in the military. He went to college in New York to become a English teacher. But he moved to Seoul last year because he knew my parents and I were getting ready for that, so he's doing his mandatory service right now." I explained.

"My mother is a businesswoman, and my father is a consultant, which was why we lived in different parts of the United States. We moved here to settle down since I'm their last child in high school. They know I'll have a good chance at following my dreams and improving my studies if we live in Seoul. Plus, we'll get to see Eomma's family more."

"I'm glad to hear that. My cousin from my dad's side is currently studying and working in Konkuk University. What's nice is that he's also an English major." Eva told me.

"Maybe he and my brother could meet each other when he comes to visit during a break from his military service." I said happily and Eva just chuckled and nodded.

We then heard Jisung enter the classroom, and I turned to Eva and whispered to her, "Let's go! Let's go!"

Eva quickly snatched the fake spider and hid it inside in her pocket. She then whispered to me, "Get the cup and the cardboard."

I grabbed the cup and the cardboard and hid it under the chair.

We heard him, earphones on, and making a rap about some girl. Judging by the lyrics we heard, my guess is it's about a girl.

"He better not be rapping about some random girl like me." I heard Eva muttering, sounding a bit annoyed.

"I don't think it's that, Eva." I shook my head slightly, judging the lyrics that it's not about some random girl.

We kept on listening to his rapping. Until then, I realized something. I think he's helping someone rap the same lyrics he is right now.

Pretty smile

Pretty eyes

These feelings for you

I can't deny

You make my heart beat

Your voice so sweet

I knew you'd make my heart complete

"I just realized something now." I heard Eva speaking in a quiet tone. "He's the one who's helping Changbin, making a song for Tzuyu."

"I just don't have a good feeling about this, however. I'm still salty towards him." Eva admitted with a slight frown.

Jisung then takes a seat, still listening to his music as he is reading his English textbook. We nod at each other, using this chance to prank him.

Eva took out the fake spider and put it in the plastic cup I'm holding right now. Then I covered the cup with a piece of cardboard. We then smirked at each other as we tried not to giggle.

I took the cup and walked out from my desk. Little does the squirrel boy know, is that I placed the cup in front of him on the corner of his desk.

I looked at Eva and motioned her to come along. She walked out from her seat and we walked out from the class together; just pretending that we might be 'going back' for a moment.

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