Chapter 14 ~ So Cold

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Even Death has a Heart

All rights reserved.

Copyright © RaddyMaddy 


Stephanie's POV. 

I slowly opened my eyes to see the sun light peeking out from the red currents. I turned my body to face the other side only to see a peaceful face, my beloved boyfriend, Thomas who was sleeping in my bed. His black hair was messed up covering half of his face, he was adorable. A smile grew on my face as I pushed the pieces of hair away from his face, then I gave him a kiss on the forehead, & crawled out of bed. I made my way down the stairs, walked into the kitchen to smell the wonderful scent of BACON! Sorry I just LOVE bacon ^////^ 

Anyway I walked into the kitchen to see Tarros cooking food over the stove; I walked over to the coffee pot, & poured myself some coffee. "Morning Tarros." I said. Tarros turned around surprised, smiled & said.

"Good morning my lady. Just making breakfast for you & the master." He turned back facing the already cooked bacon, he grabbed a plate, & set the bacon on the table with another plate in front of me. Taros placed bacon, pancakes, eggs, & toast with a side of orange juice.

"Thanks." I said, & began eating my breakfast. Tarros had been visiting the world of the living for quit some times. He only comes during the weekends when Thomas wasn't busy with his grim reaper duties. Can't blame them, if you're the servant of Death then you're ALWAYS busy, & if you're Death you never have a break, it's a non-stop job.

"Hey Tarros, can I ask you a question?" I said.

"Yes, Stephanie." Tarro said as he set himself down on a chair next to me.

"Okay. If you were Thomas, & I asked to sell my soul to him, what would you be your reaction?" I said gripping onto the coffee mug.  Tarros become very quiet, his expression turned into an unsettle form. He rubbed the back of his neck & said.

"Well... For starters why would you want to sell your soul in the first place? Secondly why now?" Tarros said. Lately I've been thinking of selling my soul so that I can stay with Thomas forever, I can't keeping going back & forth in 2 worlds, I'm tired of being stuck in both worlds. I need to belong in 1 world, & chose to be in the after life with Thomas so I can live in peace without having to worry about hurting anyone I care about or being hurt by other people. I can't... do this anyone... I just can't.

"You see Tarros. I've going back & forth in 2 worlds for the pass 3 months, & I'm getting tired of doing it. I don't want to live in both worlds without hurting the people I care the most or being hurt by people. I want feel belonged, & feel like I belong in the after life with Thomas so that I can rest in peace with him forever." I lift my eyes to him. "That's why I want to do."

*Sigh* "Are you sure about this, you can't change your mind after it's done." I gave him a long & hard stare, he knew that I was serious about my chose. He nodded, & said. "well if that's what you want, then so be it. I won't judge." He smiled, & I smiled, & enjoyed the rest of my morning.


I opened my eyes to find out that I fell asleep during class. I quickly lifted my head before the teacher could see me sleeping. It was finals week, & I was taking my math final, & boy was I tried from all the studying last night. 

After the bell rang I got up from my seat, gave my test to my teacher & headed out the door where I found Meg waiting for me with her new boyfriend, Micheal hanging his arms around her shoulder. Sometimes I feel like I'm the third wheel, but nah... I knew Micheal well, so it really didn't matter to me much. "Hey Steph. How was the math final?"

"Terrible, & tiring." I said yawn, stretching my arms up.

"However said finals were fun anyway? There's stupid, & just a big fat waste of time." Micheal said. We walked down the hallway to my last class; Meg & Micheal walked the other way into a supply closet to have their... delaying hugs & kisses -_-" 

Anyway I walked into mythology where I saw the most dashing, the most handsome man I have ever known & to love, Thomas. He still had his black hair slicked back, he wore a blood red vest with a black button-down shirt, the selves were pulled up. I looked around to see if anyone was in the room, but no so I was good as gold.

I came behind Thomas, placed my arms around him, & placed a kiss on his cheek. Thomas smiled, & said. "Morning love, are you ready for the big test?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I was thinking after school you & I can have a little RNR... alone at a motel close from here." I said petting his smooth face; Thomas grab my hand, brought my face close to his.

"Sounds nice, I could use a little relaxing time." Thomas said. Just after I gave him another kiss a student walked in so Thomas quickly went back writing something on the paper, & I took my place at the back of the class, preparing myself for the final exam.


Finally for seemed like ours the final bell rang & testing time was over. Everyone grabbed their stuff, gave their tst to the front desk. As soon as I made my way to the desk I gave Thomas a small note, & walked down the hallway to my locker. I saw Micheal waking down the hallway without Meg, so I walked up to him, & said.

"Hey Micheal. Where's Meg?"

"Oh she felt sick, & had to go home early."

"Okay, thanks." I said walking away from Micheal. I took out my iphone, & began texting her.

**Text Message** 

Me: Hey Meg, r u alright? Is there something wrong w/ ya?

Meg: Yes:)

Me: R u sure? :/

Meg: Come over to my house tonight & I'll explain everything

Me: ...Okay... I'll see ya tonight 

**End of Text Message**

"Something isn't right. It's not like Meg to skip school without telling me first. Strange." I thought to myself. Then a hand grabbed my shoulder, I turned around to see Peter Armstrong. Anger was boiling inside of me, I remember him humiliating me at the dance. I never forgave him, & I'll never will. "What do you want, Peter?" I hissed at him.

"Whoa hold there missy, I just wanna to apologize for what I did at the dance was wrong. Brittany & I broke-up after we heard you disappeared so I was wondering if you wanna, you know go out on a date, but for real this time." Peter said. His voice was some what real, but still why should I forgive a man like him who didn't even notice me all through the school yrs. , embarrassed me in front of the whole school, & called me a freak. I looked up at his face smiled; Peter smiled, but suddenly I punched him in the face.

Peter collapsed onto the tile floor holding his face, & yelling in pain. I knelt down beside him, & said it out loud. "Why would I go out with a jerk like you. After what you did to me, I'll never forgive you. Feel your sins." I said, got up, & began walking out of the door with a big grin on my face.

I drove myself to the nearest motel where Thomas was standing up the front desk in a black stip-up sweater, black pants, & black shoes. I smiled ran up to him, & hugged him tight; Thomas ask the front desk lady for a room for 2, so she gave us the key, & we walked up to our room.

The room was kind 60's old fashion, but I didn't care as long as I'm with Thomas the world seems a happier place. Thomas closed the door behind us, & locked it with a "Do Not Disturb" sign. We held each other for a moment, then Thomas began leaving butterfly kisses down my neck, & around my collar bone.

Suddenly I couldn't control myself I began removing my clothes till I was in my bra & panties, Thomas was in his black boxers with his thing balling out, my face light up pink & red, bit I didn't care, I didn't care at all. Thomas scooped me up, tossed me onto the bed, came on top of me, & began kissing. We all know what gonna happen next.


Thomas's POV. 

My eyes open to see the creaks on the ceiling; I turned my head to see the love of my lonely life, Stephanie with her head resting against my chest. A smile grew on my face, I leaned in close, & gave her a peck on the forehead. Stephanie opened her eyes, looked up & smiled at me. "Hey." She said.

"Hey." I said.

"What time is it?"

"About 5:31 pm." I said looked at the clock on the nightstand. Stephanie whinnied, but got up from the bed, & began dressing herself.

"I have to go. Can you drop me off at Meg's house?"

"Don't you need to go home first?" I said as I put back on my pants.

"Steve is out of town today, & won't be back tomorrow morning, & besides Meg needs me tonight. It's rather important." I stared at her for a moment, the little voice in my head was telling that it was not a good idea, but I'll do whatever Stephanie tells me to. If she wants to go to her friend's house, then so be it.

"Alright then." I said as I gave her another kiss.

We drove down the empty streets, the head lights light up the wet road making it all glittery like the stars in the sky. Finally we made it to Meg's house, Stephanie got out of the car, but before she got out, & rolled down the window, & said.

"Be careful, Stephanie. Bloody Camilla is still out on the lose, so I want you to be extra careful, & if you see her you run back to the house, get Tarros, & he'll teleport you back to the mansion, & wait for me to return. Camilla can't get to you if you're at the mansion." Stephanie stared at the ground, looked up, smiled, kissed my cheek, & said.

"I'll be fine, Thomas. And if that happens I'll do it." Stephanie said. She petted my cheek with her soft calm hands; I took her hand, & kissed it.

"I just don't want you getting hurt. I love you too much to see you hurt."

"I love you too, Thomas. As long as I'm with you I'm safe." Stephanie said, she gave my one last kiss, & walked toward Meg's house. I rolled up the window, & drove away.

Stephanie's POV. 

My mind was boggling with cautious thoughts; I was beginning to worry about Camilla, but she can't find me. She's in Rome, Italy. How on Earth is she suppose to find me when she doesn't even know what I look like or where I live? Oh well, but to be safe then sorry.

As soon as I walked up to the steps, just before I could knock on the door, the door suddenly opened. It scared me  a bit, but I was so stupid enough to walk inside the house. "Meg! I'm here?!" I yelled, but there were no answer. "Meg?!" I yelled, again no answer. 

"That's strange?" I said to myself. "She told me to come over tonight, & she's not here?" I walked up the stairs; turned on the light switch, but the lights weren't working. I was started to freak out; then I saw an orangish glow coming from Meg's room, I began tip toeing toward her room. The bedroom door was creaked open enough for me to peek though it, inside I saw one candle lite, & next to the candle was a shadowy figure sitting on the edge of the bed. It was the same hour glass figure, & the same hair length as Meg's.

I creak opening the door, walked inside & said. "Meg?..." Meg got up from the bed, turned around, & smiled. I let out a small sigh of relived. " *Sigh* Thank goodness it's just you. For a minuted there I thought there was a bugler in the house." I walked toward Meg, but stopped when I stepped into something squishy on the carpet. My eyes trailed down to my feet to see that I was standing in a pool of blood, I gasped & followed the trail of blood to the other side of the bed.

There was the motionless, lifeless of body of my best friend, Meg. She laid on the floor with blood covering her chest. My heart beating hard against my chest; my hands, & legs were shaking, & m body began shivering. I looked up to the person who looks like Meg, is smiling a wicked smile at me.

Then the person's body started to transform; pieces of blond hair fell out of her head. It began to rip off it's skin piece by piece, then began ripping off it's clothes. After it was done transforming I saw long black hair as a raven's wings, it's face was of a young woman's face with fair skin, her lips were painted red as blood. She wore an elegant dress that showed a lot of her cleavage. The woman smiled.

Just before I could react the woman threw black powder into my face; I tried rubbing it off, but it only made me feel drowsy. I tried staying awake, but my vision became blurry, everything started to turn black. I collapsed on the carpet floor; the last thing I saw was the woman walking up to me, & said.

"So this is Death's... love interest? Such a pity to destroy this... delicate flower, but this will help me get my revenge."

And then everything went black.


Hey guys RadyMaddy here,

Sorry it took so long again, the reason why it took long 2 write this chapter is becuz i had another writes block that was thankful the size of a pebble in my brain, also i had cousins that were visiting me from Ohio.

Just a heads up that the next chapter will be the last one, becuz i have othr stories that i wanna write so badly so i decided to hurry it up & end it, & basically i have no further into writing more becuz u finally Thomas & Stephanie r finally in love w/ each other & i don't expect 2 crush that love, secondly u finally got 2 meet Bloody Camila who is the villain in the plot.

Song: "So Cold" Artist: Breaking Benjamin

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