Chapter 8 ~ Summertime Sadness

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Even Death has a Heart

All rights reserved.

Copyright © RaddyMaddy 


Stephanie's POV.

My head was filled with happy memories of Thomas & I when I was just a child. Those... happy memories that I will always treasure forever.

Then I slowly opened my eyes to see a creak of sun shine that was peeking out of the red currents. I grossly got out of bed, made my way to the currents, touched it's soft fabric, then opened then wide to see the world.

I gasped to see b clear blue sky, green grass, a huge lake, a beautiful garden to the right side of the house... Ahh, I have to see more of this beautiful land, that I opened the door knob to feel the summer breeze brushing against my skin. The fresh air that filled my lungs, the warmth of the sun that warmed my heart from the inside. I couldn't help myself, but smile.

Mountains that were the size of Mount Everest were sitting in the distance. Then I heard the door opening in the bedroom, I turned to see Thomas smiling back at me with his hands in his pocket.

"Do you like it?" He said as he walked to where I was standing.

"This is amazing. I thought that the after life of where the grim reaper lived was a dark place, but this..." I shook my because how breath taken this was. "But this is just breath taken."

Thomas was pleased to hear my say that. "Well I'm glad you like it, it used to be dark & depressing, but I change it... for you so you can feel more like home then feel emptiness that feel before I meet you."

I turned my head to Thomas who was gazing upon the beautiful view. "But that's another story for later my sweet."

"Okay." I said. Then my stomach interrupted us by growling loud. I covered it with my arms, & blushed a bit for I was embarrassed.

"Sounds like you're stomach is begging for food, come I'll have my servant make you something to eat."

"Sounds great." I was headed for the door, but then Thomas stopped me.

"But you have to get, you can' tog downstairs wearing my white button down long-sleeve shirt & no pants." Thomas said. I looked down to see that I was in another pair of clothes then my dress that I wore to the dance. My whole face turned bright red, I almost saw my purple laced panties; I pulled down the shirt to cover it.

"THOMAS!!!" I yelled. Thomas laughed turned toward the door, & said.

"Don't worry I didn't see anything... But your purple laced panties." Thomas said as he felt the room, leaving me blushing my entire face. I knew that it was as red as a rose.

"Screw you Thomas, you PERVERT!!!" Myself said. I turned around to see a freshly new pairs of clothes laying on the edge of the bed. I walked over to it, picked it up, & saw that it was a white sun dress with spaghetti cris-cross straps.

I states to undress myself, stepped into the dress. After I was done I walked into the big bathroom, put my hair up in a messy bun, found a small box tat had beautiful jewel. And I think that they were real gold, silver, diamonds, & other stones, so I put the blue jeweled ear-rings, a gold chain neck less.

After I was done I opened the door, peeked my head out to see that the hallways were empty, & dark... Very dark. Slowly, & carefully I walked down the empty arrow hallways. The walls were filled with painting that had different people young and old, also painting of landscapes.

What made me stop was the a painting of a young couple. They were hugging each other, they looked happy. Those people in the picture were my parents.

Tears were threading to come out, but I didn't let them. "Why would Thomas have a painting of my dead parents?" I said to myself. Then I heard a noise coming from downstairs; I made my way down the huge stairways, to 2 big wooden doors.

I pushed the doors open to see a huge dining room with a long wooden table with so many food that I have ever seen a table before. My stomach made a load growl saying that is WANTS to eat NOW.

I took a spot at the head of the table, grabbed a plate, & started piling food on it. Pancakes, eggs, saguaros, ham, orange juice, & an Apple. After I filled my entire plate of foods I started stuffing my face, a smile grew on my face as I tasted the food that melted on my tongue.

"Enjoying the food are ya?" Said a voice. I saw that Thomas was sitting on the other end of the table with no food on his plate yet.

"This is amazingly food. Did you make it?" I said. Thomas chuckled, & said.

"No my dear, Tarros, my servant made it. He was very pleased to make for someone else."

"You don't get a lot of guest here. Don't ya?" Thomas shook his head sadly.

"Not much, the only company we get is each other, & the souls that fly around here..." Thomas looked up at me with lonely eyes. "It gets very lonely around here, so that's why I wanted you to come here, & I'm glad that you're here with me."

My face flushed red as I turned my gaze away from him, staring at the stone floor. Then that it seems to get REALLY awkward the door from another room opened, & a medium size figure came out with a bottle of wine.

He seemed to be in his late 20's. He wore clothes from the 1920's. His hair was long that came down to his shoulders, the color was dirty blond, his eyes were a friendly look to them. He walked toward Thomas; Thomas lifted up his wine glass, & the man filled it with blood colored wine, & I thought it was actually blood.

"Stephanie, this is my faithful servant, Tarros. Tarros, this is Stephanie." The man who was Tarros looked over to me, smiled, & bowed his head.

"It's very nice to meet you Miss." Tarros said. He turned his head back to Thomas. "Is there anything you need sir?" Thomas held out his hand in a sign of "no". Tarros bowed & headed out of the room leaving us alone.

After I was done wolfing down my meal, I looked up to see Thomas standing next to me. "Come with me, I want to show you something before I leave."

"Where are you going?" I said. I took his pale hands; they were cold, but they also felt a little bit warm.

"I have to do my job, after all I AM Death."

"Oh... Of course. How could I forget?" I said while Thomas chuckled a bit. He lead me out of the dining room, walked down the hallway when I saw an old dusty door.

It looked kinda abandoned. "What's that door lead to?" I said. Thomas stared at the door long, & hard. His face expression told me that he doesn't like that door or that he didn't want me to go in there.

"Stephanie I have a few rule if you're gonna stay here for awhile. Rule #1 Don't' wonder off out of the mansion's boundary, & rule #2. Stay AWAY from that door, don't touch, don't go near it, & don't even look at it."

"Why" I asked.

"Let's just say there's bad memories in that room..." I kept staring at the door, wondering what was in there. Until Thomas held a hand under my chin, my eyes meet with his. "Please Stephanie, stay away from that door. Do I make myself clear?" I could tell that he was deadly serious. I nodded slowly, & he formed that handsome smile of his.

We walked passed the forbidden door, with Thomas still holding my hand, down toward another large wooden door. Just before he opened the door just a crack, he quickly shut it, & said.

"Before I could let you in you have to close your eyes." I looked at him with a suspicious look on my face. "It's a surprised." So I did what he asked , & closed my eyes.

I felt the coldness of his hands, grab mine, & leading me in blindly. I felt a cool breeze brushing the curls away from my face. I took baby-steps for I was cautious on what I step on, but I left my faith to Thomas showing me the way.

"Can I open them now?" I said. Thomas let go of my hands, felt the tips of his fingers brushing against my bare arm, traveling up my arm which sent chills down my spine. They went up my shoulders, up my neck, then stopped at my eyes. Then suddenly my whole body tensed up when I left his icy lips rubbing against my ear.

"Now you can open them." He whispered. He uncovered my eyes; I slowly opened them as I saw the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. *Gasp* Was all that came out of my mouth.

The room lead to the outside of the mansion which lead us to... the beach. I felt the sun shine warming my face, the smell of the ocean filled my lungs with fresh oxygen, & the soft sand between my toes makes me wanna melt by the soft touch.

I turned to Thomas who smiled at me, he knew that I was happy because it was my life long dream to go to the beach in the summer, & now... here I am, at the beach. 

I was so excited that I quickly took off my shoes, & ran toward the salty water. I scooped up the water in my palm, & threw it up in the sky; it sparkled when it hit the sun. So much happiness was inside of me that I couldn't stop smiling. I turned my head to Thomas, & ran toward him; grabbed his hand, & ran back into the water.

"What are you doing?" He said, but I couldn't form words for I was filled with joy. I walked into the water, started walking down the beach with Thomas's still holding onto mine.

"Walk with me for a little while. I want to enjoy this with you." I said. Thomas face turned pink a bit. I looked down at his black clothes, & said. "Aren't you hot in those clothes?"

Thomas looks down at his suite, clicked his fingers, & his clothes transformed into a black guy tank-top, & tan brown guy shorts. I smiled, & said.

"That's more like it." And kept walking down the beach having a wonderful time with each others company.


Thomas's POV.

The went on for what seemed like hours, we were siting next to each other, watching the sun set. I turned to Stephanie who had her face in her knee; she looked sad looking. I scooted next to her, & said. "What's wrong my dear?"

"Well there's something I wanna to ask you, but..."


"I-it's kinda hard to explain..." Stephanie said. I brought out my hand, placed 2 inches away from her's.

"It's okay, you can tell anything. I'm your best friend, you can tell me whatever is on your mind." I said. Stephanie face soften when she heard those words, & built up the courage to form words.

"Well, remember when we first meet in woods, I was alone, you are Death, you were capable to kill me right on the spot..." She paused, turned those beautiful eyes of her's to me. "So why didn't you take my soul when you had the chance?"

Suddenly my mouth became dry. "Why am I feeling like this? Death doesn't feel an emotion to be like this. What is going on with me?" I to myself. "It's because you're too scared to tell her the truth that you developed feelings for her, & that she'll reject you because you're Death. Also you're too scared to tell her that your the one who took both of her parents away at a young age, & abounded her for 10 yrs." Myself said.

"Thomas? Are you alright?" My eyes turned to her. "You look kinda pale." I shook my head, & said with a smile.

"I'm okay, my dear. I'm fine, probably this heat is making me go mad, maybe we should go I have work to do anyway."

"Oh..." Stephanie said a little disappointed. I took my hand, & rubbed her back.

"I'll tell you the truth when I return." I said. Stephanie smiled a bit, & we headed out of the room. As soon as we were out, Stephanie yawned, stretched her arms up, & said.

"Well I'm gonna take a little nap while your gone."

"Okay, Tarros prepared a room for you. It's upstairs, down the hall to your right. You can't miss it."

"Okay, I'll see ya then." I smiled turned my back to her, & headed down the dark hallway, disappeared in the shadows.


Stephanie's POV.

Slowly I walked up the grand stairways, turned right, found a white door with a golden handle; I turned the knob, & walked in. The room was HUGE!!! A glass door for me to step outside, white see through curtains blowing in the wind. A king size bed, the sheets was purple velvet, the pillows were made out of goose feathers. The walls was an old victories blue wallpaper, & the floor was white carpet, soft to the touch.

I jumped into the air, & landed softly on the bed, the sheets were so comfortable that I didn't even know that I close my eyes already. I drifted into an endless dream, but this time I dreamt of happy memories of Thomas & I growing up together.

I hope this dream could last forever.♥


Hello my fellow reader RaddyMaddy here,

Sorry it took so long for me to write this chapter, but at least I got it done sooooooooooooooooo STOP...BOTHERING...ME!!!!


*Deep breath in* *Deep breath out* Sorry about that I just had a rage freak out over there, so anyway thank u for keeping in out w/ me while I kept making this chapter.

I had a lot of homework/ school projects to do before Spring Break... I'm no in Spring break yet, but in 2 days I will so hang there for those who don't have their Spring Break yet.

Song: "Summertime Sadness" By: Lana Del Rey

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