Call Yoongi!

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At the 7th Precinct where Mark works, he overhears some fellow officers talking urgently, so he steps out to see what is happening. He almost runs into them as they are about to open his door.

"Mark, someone's broken into your sisters! We already have officers on their way there. The caller said they could hear her screaming."

With panic in his eyes, he grabs his car keys off his desk and runs out of the precinct, followed by his two friends, Officers Lee and Min. He shouts, "We go in silent! Got it!?" They nod, and Officer Min relays that to dispatch to be communicated to all involved.

Lee gets in the car with Mark, while the other officer jumps in his car with another officer. Tires are heard squealing, and smoke rises from the rear tires as Mark punches the gas pedal, speeding out of the precinct's private parking lot.

His hands grip the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles turn white. He knows he has to reign in his emotions. He never takes his eyes off the road or his hands off the wheel. "Lee, call her, see if she answers. Then call Yoongi!"

"Sir, the call went straight to her voicemail." He closes that screen and opens the screen for the keypad, his finger hovering over the numbers.

Mark quickly calls out Yoongi's number as they drift through a turn, entering the street where Jinah's house is.

"No answer, sir."

"Dammit!" shouts Mark as he hits the steering wheel. He slams the brakes, stopping right behind a large black van. 

Mark and Lee jump out of the car, running as the other officers pull up and come down the street. A small parade of police cars pulls up, blocking the street, only letting an ambulance speed past. All vehicles come in silently so as not to alert the intruders. One car comes from the opposite direction, slipping through the blockade that is being organized on that end of the street.


Yoongi, Jimin, and their bodyguard jump out of the car after bumping into the large black van, pushing it into Mark's car, and pinning the van in. Yoongi runs for the door when he sees Mark signaling for him to stop and putting a finger to his lips, letting Yoongi know to be silent. Jimin and their bodyguard stop as well, beside Yoongi.  

Mark points toward the front door, and they can see that the door is broken where the handle and lock used to be. Mark gives the other officers hand signals before bursting in.

Taken by complete surprise, as he was waiting for his turn with Jinah, the thug was sitting on the couch eating leftover pizza he had gotten out of the fridge and holding a can of draft beer. He dropped both and took off, running out the back. One officer called over his radio mic as he gave chase, "One coming out the back! Large male in all black. Can't miss him. He has pepperoni stuck on his shirt!"

Yoongi grabs a hold of Mark, "Where is she? It's too damn quiet in here!" They charge for your bedroom while the other officers search the rest of your house.

What Yoongi sees when he opens the bedroom door sends him into a blind rage. Seok on top of your limp body and your face bruised and lip bleeding.

"Get off her, you bastard!" shouts Yoongi as he rushes to grab Seok. He shifts his body enough that they can see the knife he has at your throat, and a small trickle of blood slowly rolls down your neck.

They stop in their tracks. He smiles, "It's good to see you again, Yoongs." he tilts his head, scrutinizing Yoongi's face. "aww, look at your poor nose. Did I break it? I hope I broke it." 

He smiles again, "Wow, Jinah's face is almost as bad as yours." He draws his elbow back and slams it into her nose. Smiling at his handy work, he says, "There, now that is better. You have matching faces."

"I kill you, Seok, I will kill you!" He lunges for him, but Mark grabs him. 

"Stop, Yoongi, stop!" 

Seeing Seok start to draw the knife across your throat, Yoongi stops. Tears are pouring down his face. More than a trickle of blood flows now. Yoongi is feeling sick to his stomach.

"So, Yoongs, I see you brought friends. How rude. We could have had so much fun with Jinah. She has a sweet, lush body. I was just about to go for a ride." He licks his lips. "How rude of you to interrupt."

Yoongi is staining against Marks's hold; another officer comes to help Mark.

"Yoongi, stop. We don't want him to hurt her any more than he already has. If we rush him, he could easily kill her."

"I, I can't just stand by and watch him hurt her." 

Jimin cries and holds onto Yoongi, "He's right, hyung. She is his sister. Do you think this is any easier for him?" 

Yoongi turns his tear stained face toward Jimin and shakes his head. "No, I don't."

Yoongi glares at Seok, pulling away from Mark and Jimin. He takes a step forward. Mark and Jimin both go to grab him again when Yoongi puts his hands up, standing still.

"Seok, what do you want? I will give it to you. Just leave her alone. If you want to fight, then fight me, you bastard!"

"Oh, Yoongs, you are so pathetic. Are you going to beg? Yes, why don't you beg me?"

"Please, Seok. Leave Jinah alone, move away from her. Please."

"I don't think so Yoongs, but good try."

Everyone in the room starts to hear soft whimpers and notice movement as you slowly regain consciousness. Seok flips holding you on his lap, one arm tightly around your waist the other holding the knife against your already bleeding throat.

He coos, "Did you have a good nap princess? Looks who's here." He laughs as you open your eyes and see Yoongi, your brother and Jimin. You whimper louder, starting to cry but you face hurts so bad.

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