I Wish I Never Met Her

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"Yoongi what do I have to do to prove my love for you is true?" you ask in tears.

Without emotion, he says, "Leave."

Startled by his unusual cold demeanor you stutter, "Why, what, what have I, have I done?'

He doesn't even look at you as he says in a deadpan voice, "I said leave."

 You don't understand what is going on. For the last several years you have learned his moods and this was something different. He has never been cold to you.

"Yoongi? I . . ." 

He suddenly shouts, interrupting you, "Just get the hell out!" 

You run from the room crying. As you go down the hall you run into Taehyung. He grabs hold of you to keep you from falling.

"Jinah what is it? Are you alright?" with concern in his eyes he questions you, "What's happened?"

You wrap your arms around Taehyung and he pulls you close as you sob on his shoulder. He lifts you as your legs start to give out on you.

Instead of taking you to the living room where the others are he takes you to his room.

"What's wrong baby girl, talk to me," he gently says while he wipes your tears. He sits with you on the edge of his bed as he keeps an arm around your shoulders.

"It's Yoongi, I don't know what to do. I haven't seen him this way before."

 Taehyung starts to speak but suddenly his bedroom door is slammed open and Yoongi is standing there hands clenched in fists by his side. 

"When I said leave, I meant get the hell out of our house! Not to run to one of the others!"

Taehyung stands up glaring at his hyung and snaps at him, "She didn't run to me, she ran into me! She couldn't see because of her tears! What did you say to her?"

Hands still clinched in tight fists Yoongi says, "I told her to get the hell out!"

You quickly stand prepared to run from the room, your heart in turmoil.

"Why?" asks Taehyung as he steps closer to you and places his hand on your shoulder keeping you in place. He knew you were about to run and he wanted you to stand your ground with Yoongi.

The others have come running to the room crowding the doorway behind Yoongi after hearing the shouting.

Jin looks at everyone in the room to see if someone is hurt. "What is going on?" he asks, "Is anyone hurt?"

J Hope asks, "What happened? Why the yelling and why is Jinah crying?"

Jungkook tries to step into the room but is blocked by a wall of hyungs. Frustrated he asks, "Is noona alright? Is she hurt?" Pushing against them he stands on tip-toe, trying to look around them catching your eye he asks, "Noona are you ok?"

Yoongi turns to them and shoves them out of the way as he storms off down the hall.

"Owe!" Jungkook cries out holding the back of his head.  Being on tiptoe, he fell backward hitting his head on the hallway wall after Yoongi shoved his way past.

J Hope helps him to stand up worried he is hurt, "You ok Maknae?" Jungkook nods and grimaces.

A few short minutes later they hear the front door slam shut.

They crowd into Tae's room as Jin asks, "What is going on?"

Jimin asks, "Why is Yoongi hyung so angry?"

They hear tires squealing down the driveway and though they can't see out the window they turn in the direction of the sound. 

Hearing you softly crying they gather around you trying to comfort you while pelting Taehyung with a million questions trying to find out what happened.

Meanwhile, Yoongi is very upset and trying to catch his breath tamping down his emotions. He gave her his heart and fears hers is about to be taken from him. So what better way than to break it off with her now and possibly save her life? 

He thinks to himself, 'Even if it hurts.'

He dodges in and out of traffic till he reaches the gated high-rise apartments. He enters the code he was given, drives in, and finds a place to park.

As tears are trying to fall from his eyes he hits his steering wheel, "Dammit NO! I won't cry!" he struggles to compose himself, "I hate her. I wish I never met her!"

He takes several deep breaths before getting out of the car. He goes to the third floor without being seen.

He knocks on the door checking up and down the hallway as he waits. As the door starts to open he pushes his way in.

"What do you want to leave her alone?"

She smiles at him and runs her hands down his chest to the belt of his jeans, "You."

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