Leave Me Alone

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Yoongi parks his car in the garage back at the house. He sits there in the silence thinking things over before going in. He regrets the way he's been treating you but he feared for your safety and felt he had to make you leave him, even if it hurt, in order to spare your life.

He knew you wouldn't go unless he forced you too "UGHH!" he slams both hand on the steering wheel. 

'That's exactly what I did, can she ever forgive me?' Both hands still on the steering wheel he rests his head on them.

 'If I had known then who was sending the threats, I never would have told her to get out. But I couldn't take the chance. I love her too damn much to risk her life.'

While sitting in the car he calls his lawyer and explains what is going on. He lets Yoongi know he will take care of everything concerning the DNA test.

His lawyer asks, "Do you want me to inform the company's lawyers?"

"No, not now that I know who is doing it. There is something else going on and I have to figure out what. If for no other reason than to make sure the little boy is safe."

"I can have a couple of detective buddies of mine check things out for you if you want to keep the company out of this for now."

"Thank you, that would great."

"But I have to tell you, depending on what we find out, I may have no choice but to get the authorities and the company involved."

"I understand. Thank you for your help."

"No problem it's what you pay me the big bucks for."

With a sigh Yoongi gets out of his car and puts his cell phone in his pants pocket. He enters the house and Jin calls out to him. "Yoongs, dinner will be ready in 20 minuets."

Yoongi keeps walking, he passes the Maknae line and they move away from him like he has a deadly disease and don't speak. 'Fine, I don't care if they are mad at me.'

He enters his room and notices most of your things are gone. He checked your dresser draws and the closet, all of your clothes are gone.

'I should have known you wouldn't be here when I got back. Why couldn't you have been your stubborn self and waited to confront me. You never stepped back from confronting me when you knew I was wrong. It's one of the things I love about you.'   

"Ughh, enough of this!"

He looks around the room a deep frown on his face. He sees the desk is gone too. He notices a pile of papers and things from the desk on his computer table. He thinks of the desk and all the memories of hiding things for you there, especially the engagement ring.

Yoongi looks around the room. He knows what he is looking for but prays he doesn't find it. To his hearts disappointment there it is, your engagement ring on the night stand on his side of the bed.

In a state of numbness he goes to the bathroom to take a shower, wiping his eyes as he goes.

Later that evening Jimin is knocking on the bedroom door. "Hyung dinner is ready. Jin sent me to let you know."

There is no answer. Yoongi did hear him but just didn't feel like eating.

Jimin softly knocks at the door again then slowly opens it, "Hyung?"

He peeks around the door. The room is dim except for the bathroom light. He sees Yoongi lying on his side with his hands tucked between his knees.

He quietly walks to him and leans close, "Jin says for you to come eat."

"I heard you the first time." He mumbles but doesn't even open his eyes. "Just leave me alone, just like Jinah."

"That's not fair. She didn't leave you. You forced her out." Jimin hears a deep sigh from Yoongi as he rolls over and faces him.

"Jimin, just leave me alone ok?" Jimin can tell by his puffy eyes that his hyung has been crying.

Jimin's voice filled with concern says, "But you need to eat."

"I don't need any thing or any one except Jinah." Having said that, Yoongi rolls back over away from Jimin.

Jimin leans over him and gives him a kiss on top of the head. "I know you are hurting but why did you make her leave?"

A low rumble of agitation comes from Yoongi before he softly says, "Just leave me the hell alone ok?"

Jimin leaves softly closing the door behind him.

In the semi-dark room Yoongi thinks to himself, 'I should have just taken this to the company. I thought I could take care of it myself. What a fool I am, now Jinah is gone and the little boy may be at risk.' 

Reaching for his cell phone he opens the gallery to your photo and falls asleep missing you beside him.

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