Sharpshooter Of A Different Sort

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Caught in a standoff, tensions are high, and Yoongi and Mark are desperate to save Jinah.


Yoongi is filled with remorse as he sees this as all his fault. He never should have tried to work things out with Yuna, not knowing that Seok was behind it all. 'I can't live with myself if anything happens to her. I won't.'

Mark is fighting tears. He doesn't want to show weakness in front of his officers. He swiftly looks at Yoongi and then back at Jinah. 

He mumbles, "Come on, get the sharpshooter here, and why isn't Yuna here yet?!"

As if speaking her into existence, Officer Jackson peers around the door frame, catching Officer Lee's attention and giving him a slight nod.

"Sir, they're here," he says to Mark, who visibly seems less tense after receiving that information.

Jimin slips out of the room.

"Seok, Yuna is here now and  . . ." cut off by Seok, Mark remains quiet.

"Yuna, you stupid bitch get in here!" he shouts commandingly as if he has her still under his control. Little does he know . . .

Yoongi looks at Mark and then at the door, waiting for Yuna to enter. His eyes are already glaring, filled with hate.

Mark orders Officer Jackson, "Bring her in."

When she arrived with Agust, they were being led through the living room and Officer Jackson stopped her when Jimin approached. They spoke briefly and then he smiled, shacking  hands with little Agust. Still holding his little hand he lets her know he would look after him.

 Agust loved Mr. Jimin and said Sugar did, too, and with his mommy's nod of approval he happily let go of her hand to take Mr. Jimin's. Before heading outside she hands Jimin Agust's little backpack.

Yuna is led in by one arm and being held by Officer Jackson. Yuna glances at you and stops, shocked by the sight, but Officer Jackson pulls her further into the room toward Mark. Yuna looks at Yoongi, seeing the hatred in his eyes, and lowers her head in shame. 

'This is all my fault. I never wanted any of this. I only wanted to protect Agust. This is all my fault. I should just end it, end it now. End it, end it, end it...' 

Seok smiles with false sweetness as he speaks to Yuna. "Yuna, sweetheart, it's so good of you to join us. Do you see what you have done? Do you see what YOU have forced me to do?" His sweet demeanor quickly changes. "Now, where the hell is MY SON!?"

With a nod from Mark, Officer Jackson speaks up, "He is here, playing outside with Mr. Park."

"Well, get that brat in here!" sneers Seok.

Yuna yells at him, "No, he doesn't need to be caught up in your insanity. Leave him the hell alone!"

"He is my son, and I will do with him as I please. Now, sign over custody to me. I will get my inheritance back one way or the other! Between getting access to his trust fund and what Yoongi and Jinah will pay me, I will finally have everything! Tell these officers that YOU are giving ME sole custody of MY son! Tell THEM!"

Yuna lowers her head. Silence hangs in the room as if time is suspended.

"Yuna, you stupid bitch, you cost me everything, you and Yoongi!" spittle flies from his mouth as he pushes the knife deeper into your flesh over your heart. You can't take anymore and scream in pain and fear.

Once again, the room is in slow motion. Yoongi, despite being held back, breaks free and runs toward you, crying out your name. Mark shouts out orders, angry that the sharpshooter hasn't arrived yet. Officer Lee and Min knew the steps that Yoongi and Mark were taking were preplanned if the opportunity arose for an attack to subdue Seok without hurting you. 

Yuna is let go as Officer Jackson advances with the others.  In the chaos, a dreadful scream is heard. 

"NO MORE! You won't hurt us anymore!" a single shot rings out. Time stops as all heads turn to Yuna, who is holding a pistol in her hand. Heads swivel back to you and Seok as he slumps over from a bullet between the eyes.

Yoongi grabs you away from Seok as Mark pulls him to the floor. He checks for a pulse, knowing he won't find one, but stunningly, he does.

Officer Min grabs the gun loosely held now in Yuna's hands as she crumples to the floor. Officer Min, having secured the gun, stands by her as Officer Lee cuffs her hands. She is incoherent, sobbing silently as they handcuff her. 

Yuna starts rocking back and forth, crying, "I had to save Agust and Jinah, I had to save Agust and Jinah, I had to save . . ." she becomes quiet as Officer Lee and Min pull her up to lead her out to a waiting police car.

They reach the bedroom door, and she asks, "Please, in Agust's backpack is a envelope. Please make sure it's given to Yoongi." 

"Let's get you in the car first, then we will talk about what you want to give Mr. Min Yoongi." Yuna silently nods and peacefully lets the officers lead her out. 

Other officers usher in the ambulance crew, directing them to Jinah. The second crew went to Seok, also stunned he was still alive.

Outside was utters chaos of officers and ambulance crew rushing into Jinah's home. Little Agust was safe with Jimin resting under a tree in the shade. He held him and Sugar in his arms, singing to him to block out some of the chaos going on at the house. Jimin tries to distract Agust and keep their little place under the tree safe. They sit on the side of the tree that faces away from the front of Jinah's house, playing with Sugar and talking.

 A scream, rapidly preceded the sound of his mom shouting, startled Agust, followed by the sound of a gun shot, which startled Jimin.

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