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Norah knew she needed to tell Hugh about the call, it's been 3 days and Norah hasn't worked up the nerve yet. She's afraid that he will yell at her, she also knows that Hugh will somehow turn this back onto her, making it her fault that they apparently were two months behind on payments for the house. Norah was debating about asking Hugh now but he was watching his football games while nursing a beer, she held her breath as she grabbed another beer and walked it over to Hugh which he took with a smile.

Norah brushed her hair out of her face as she went back into the kitchen, she pulled out the barstool and sat down. She didn't know how long she was sitting there before she felt Hugh's rough hand go up her back. She flinched and scooted away from him before looking him in the eye. "I'm not in the mood." Norah gave Hugh a half-smile so he wouldn't be too mad at her. Hugh rolled his eyes and walked to the other side of the bar so he was facing her. "You're never in the mood lately, I'm a man. I got needs." Hugh laughed so Norah knew it was a joke but it still stung, but she fake laughed anyway.

"I need to talk to you about something?" Norah said looking up from where she was picking at her nails, Hugh stopped drinking his beer in midair he raised his eyebrow and placed it down on the counter. The noise it made rattled in Norah's brain, she was nervous. "Well, out with it." Norah sighed and looked down at the tile on the floor before looking up and meeting Hugh's face again.

"I got a call yesterday, while you were out." Hugh looked at Norah confused but nodded telling Norah to go on. "It was for you." Hugh's face changed into anger so Norah put her hands out in a placating way motioning for him to wait before he does anything rash. "I told them you weren't home, and I offered if I could give you a message so they did. They told me to tell you that you're gonna have to pay soon or we will lose the house." Norah sniffed back tears as she finished explaining.

Hugh never liked it when she cried, even though he was the cause for her tears most of the time, he always said she was an ugly crier which after watching herself cry in the mirror, Norah has to kind of agree with. "Well, I don't appreciate you taking my calls. You should not have answered the damn phone but thanks for telling me." Hugh huffs and takes a sip of his beer.

Norah wanted to argue but only one thing came out of her mouth. "Why didn't you tell me?" Hugh slammed his hand on the counter narrowly missing crushing the beer bottle, the sound made Norah jump she would've fallen over if not she didn't grab a hold of the corner counter. "Because you aren't smart enough to deal with money." Hugh took a step back from the bar and started to walk around it, towards Norah.

This was it she couldn't help but think, he has never put his hands on her but maybe this is it. Norah flinched when Hugh's arms wrapped around her and she was pulled into a hug. It wasn't a nice hug at all, Hugh squeezed a little too tight but Norah felt Hugh lay his head on top of Norah's in what was supposed to be a comforting manner, but it only brought Norah dread. "I love you, but you can't handle all of the stuff about money. I got it under control, we won't lose the house. We will be fine." Norah gulped but nodded in Hugh's chest, she had no reason not to trust him and he was right.

Norah didn't need to worry about the money aspect, she just needed to worry about being a good wife to Hugh, and keeping the house presentable before he came home from work. Just in case he brings a boss home from work one day. "You're right." Norah chuckled but she could feel it wasn't a real one but Hugh bought it because of course he did, he never bothered to figure out when Norah was faking. "Of course I am, now I'm out of beer so I'm gonna go sit back on the couch and start the game. Why don't you put the beers into the fridge so they can get cold?" Without waiting for a reply Hugh pat her on the shoulder like she was a stranger and they were bidding goodbye before he went and sat on the couch.

Norah looked at him and clenched her fists, she looked down and let out a soft swear before running over to the sink. She had pushed her nails so far into her skin that she drew blood, she dabbed away the blood with a wet napkin before drying them. Norah pushed her hair away from her face before going to the pantry and she grabs the beers that have been unpackaged.

She uses her body to hold the door open while she puts the beer into the fridge, she takes a quick look to see what else they're missing and realizes that they're missing some of the basics. She closes the door and sneaks a look into the living room to see that Hugh is focused on his football so Norah decides that was a conversation for another time. She presses her lips together and walks to their office while he was distracted. She closed the door slowly as to not alert Hugh that she was in the office but she had to see her Ba.

Her hands shook as she opened her laptop, she typed in Facebook before logging into her profile. Tears wept down her face as she saw the latest photo that he uploaded, oh what she would do if she could hug her Ba again.

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