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Norah tried to get her foot to stop shaking, but she couldn't. She was in the courtroom watching as the prosecutor was digging into her life, telling the jury how it could be that she did this, that she should be charged for murder. She wanted to look behind her to look at Karen but she couldn't so she was sandwiched in between Foggy and Matt. Every now and then Foggy would put his hand on top of her hand when he noticed she was gripping her dress too hard, Norah closed her eyes before letting a breath out.

"Your honor, you talk about their marriage that it was so nice and shiny and one day Norah just snapped when that's not the truth." Matt stood up once that judge said it was his turn. "You see, my client was abused, not physically but mentally." Norah was about to open her mouth to object when she remembered what Karen said to her. "Norah doesn't believe this though before you say that's motive enough, she would tell us that she deserved how he treated her because Hugh was so manipulative. She was even threatened with deportation not just by Hugh but by the officers that brought her in." Matt had walked in between the tables.

She flinched when the prosecutor jumped up and slammed his hand on the table. "Objection, Mrs. Bao-Warner is on trial here, not the officers." Matt smiled before looking at the judge who waved his hand. "Sustained." The judge crossed his arms so Matt continued. "Hugh broke her down so much that she do anything, did you know that he told her it would be best for her not to go to her mother's funeral, why would someone say that? She listened because she didn't know that could say no. After all, if she did it might've gotten physical and if it did Norah might not be alive. Sure you have her prints on the gun but I bet you he didn't tell you that Hugh also had gunshot residue on his hands." Matt nodded towards Foggy who stood up and walked two papers to the prosecutor and judge. "That along with Norah being handcuffed to Hugh when the police arrived is weird but the fact that she called the police is weirder because if she killed wouldn't she want to not only put as much space between her and the body as possible but wouldn't want to get rid of it before they arrived? That's all your honor." Matt walked back over to where Foggy and Norah were sitting, Norah tensed as he sat back down but forced herself to relax.

"Closing statements, the prosecution will go first." The judge nodded to the man sitting at the other table. "I just have one, and that's to Norah. If you were being abused why didn't you say anything?" Norah gulped and kept her focus on the ground. "Defense." The judge looked at Matt who nodded and scooted his chair back so he can stand up. "I had a feeling you were going to say that, most people don't believe it when people say they're being abused, physically no less mentally. They say it's due to a bad day, or they blame it on the victim. Don't let that be Norah, she was the victim in this and she will have to see the fact that Hugh shot himself every moment of her life when she did nothing."

Matt sat back down and Norah pressed her lips together, everything started to fade into the background she didn't bring herself back to reality until she felt Foggy touch her shoulder lightly. "Sorry, what happened?" Norah looked up at Foggy who was standing beside her. "They called for the jury to deliberate on the verdict so they'll call us back when they've figured out." Norah nods and slides her chair back and follows Foggy and Matt out of the courtroom, Norah lets out a sigh of relief when she meets Karen's eyes. "You did good in there, I know that it was hard for you to listen to that but it was important." Karen put her hands on Norah's arms before pulling her into a hug. Norah didn't say anything but she melted into the hug, they pulled back when Matt started to pull her arm. "They've finished talking." Norah's eyes widen in surprise. "That was really quick, is that good or bad?" Foggy lets out a sigh as leads them into the courtroom. "It could be both," Foggy answered honestly before standing up when the judge walked in.

"The jury has come to a decision?" The judge looks at the jury. "We have." Instead of replying the judge nods for them to proceed. "We find the defendant, not guilty of all counts of murder." Norah felt the breath leave from her lungs, she didn't know if it was from relief or just the fact that it was all over now. "Congratulations," Foggy said wrapping his arms around Norah hugging her before Matt did the same, but Norah just stayed frozen in shock.

She didn't know how much time had passed but when she opened her eyes she was outside, she could hear the shouts of people wanting to interview her but Norah didn't want to talk to anyone. "I can't, I'm sorry," Norah says apologetically to Karen who nods before she walks Norah towards the back and helps her get into her car. "I should be quick, you have your phone call me if you need me." Karen smiled before leaving Norah alone, for the first time in a while.

Norah pulled her knees to her chest before heaving out a breath, she didn't notice she was crying until a tear fell on her hand, she moved her hand looking at the tear that felt intently. The trial was over and for all intents and purposes Norah could forget about Hugh, and she wanted nothing more than to do that but because they showed the photos of his brains splattered across the wall, his grin as was getting ready played over and over in Norah's brain, she would give anything to forget.


Part one of Even In Death has been completed! Just like the trial, but this is not the last you've seen of Hugh I'm sorry.

Part Two will come when either another part has finished or I've completed a story :)
For now, I hope you enjoyed it.

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