A Year in Review

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2016-17 School Year

Where to start? It's kind of a big topic. This year was my Freshman year in high school, and to summarize, it wasn't anything I had hoped it would be. 

My biggest hope for high school was to find friends who liked what I liked. That was an exceedingly naive hope. All I was met with was disappointment. Rather than expanding my social circle, it's only gotten smaller, even if by only a little bit. Additionally, while before I had so much hope for other people, people who I hadn't known for nine years, now I'm only left with even less faith.

When I got in middle school, I had just gotten friends for the first time in a few years, and I kicked into this mode where instead of working hard on school work I focused more on fun activities, specifically talking to friends on Skype. This year, I've done the same thing. Except, this time the distraction isn't my friends but fandom. Honestly thought fandoms would have ended me by now but they're taking their time.

What are the positives of high school? My personal favorite thing this year was playing tennis on the JV team. It was really fun to play with my friend and compete! I also really enjoyed be able to use my phone during the school day (my middle school wouldn't even let you use them during lunch!) And I can go where ever I want during lunch. It's no longer talk with friends or stare at the grass. 

For those of you in high school, what do you think of it? Fantastic? Terrible?
Those of you not in high school, are you looking forward to it, or dreading it?

Have a good day! 

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