Chapter 1: Walks like Rihanna

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Don't fear the enemy that attacks, but the fake friend that hugs you.


I looked in the mirror one last time before exiting my room to go to school.

Who looked back at me, or rather what looked back at me, didn't really phase me anymore.

The bleached blond hair, the blue contacts, the make-up, the clothes.

The clothes.

I'm wearing the tightest skinny jeans, a long sleeved crop top along with black high heels. Now I know this isn't that bad, but that's because it's winter and cold out so I can wear jeans instead of some short shorts and tight shirt without being de-crowned, if that's a thing.

I show so much skin it should be considered illegal.

After seeing myself in the mirror and feeling confident this is what the people at school expect me to wear, I walk out of my room and down the grand staircase before going in the kitchen to get some breakfast.

As I walk through the kitchen doors I make a beeline for the fridge and grab a yoghurt.

I know ugh, but I have to keep my body toned to perfection.

Once I turn around I notice my dad sitting at the kitchen island, in his hand-made expensive looking suit, eating his usual breakfast which contains of; coco puffs with some coffee, while reading the newspaper.

"Goodmorning dad," I greet while grabbing a spoon from the drawer.

"Morning pumpkin," he says glancing up from his paper with a smile before returning to the article he was reading.

I take the hint and wait, while in the meantime finishing my yoghurt, untill after he's done with the newspaper before asking, "How late do you get off work today?"

"I think I'll be home in time to make dinner." He stands up from his stool and grabs his keys, "but you know how it is, something can always come up last minute, so I'll text you when I know for sure," he kisses the top of my head and leaves.

"I love you, sweetheart," he yells from, what I'm assuming, is the foyer. I silently snort when he says 'sweetheart'.

If only you knew.

"Love you too, dad," I shout back. Seconds after that I hear the front door open and close

"Good talk dad," I mutter to myself while throwing the garbage away and placing everything in the dishwasher.

I grab my keys of the counter along with my bag and head for the frontdoor, towards my car.

In the gravel driveway stands My beautiful space grey Aston Martin DB11. I got it from my dad for my good grades. Which also means that if my grades slip, my car will slip through my fingers with them.

I get in and rev up the engine. The sound is like music to my ears.

Pulling out of my driveway through the gate and towards school I go.


Once arrived at school I park my beauty, but stay seated gazing out the window at my school and the students with a pained expression on your face.

Well here it goes. Just one more day untill winter break starts.

With that in mind I take a deep breath closing my eyes. When I reopen them my mask is on, which contains my usual 'evil' smirk, and get out my car slamming the door closed.

I walk towards the entrance, my heels clicking against the pavement and my hips swaying.

When I'm walking past, my fellow students grow quiet and I recieve their usaul stares. I see them giving me looks containing of lust, anger, envy and some of pity.

Once I reach the front steps of the school it's still quiet behind me except for the occasional car pulling into the parking lot.

I turn around with a bored expression plastered on, checking my nails.

"I know I'm a nice view but it's rude to stare."

They quickly turn around and go back to engaging in a coversation with their friends.

I internally roll my eyes and am about to turn back around when my two 'best friends' appear before me.

Oh joy.

They each give me a brief hug and smile their fake little smiles at me.

"Hey, Nathalie!" One of them says fake enthausiasm dripping of her words.

"Hi Brianna and Sascha!"

"O-M-G!" Sascha exclaims her fingers furiously typing away on her screen.

"What?" I say, internally cringing at the way she said 'oh my god'.

She looked up at me so fast I was afraid she'd get a whiplash. "Brandon and Julia just broke up." She squeals out with such a big smile on her face it's starting to get creepy.

That's kinda harsh, breaking up with someone and then having it going around the school like a wildfire.

"Who broke up with who?" Brianna asks, but not actually caring for the answer.

However Sascha is still full on excited and doesn't seem the notice the disintressed laced in Brianna's voice. I know why she's so overly excited though. She told me she liked Brandon a little while ago, maybe she thinks this is her chance to swoop in and get him. Then she'll probably move on to the next 'love of her life'.

Cue the eyeroll.

"He broke up with her, so you know what that means!" She's not even trying to contain her excitement. I mean, she's practically bouncing on her feet.

I bet Julia is heart broken. She seemed to really like Brandon, but everyone else already knew it wasn't going to last. He's a player, it's what they do.

He's a part of the football team. It kind of comes with the job description. I myself don't associate with those meatheads outside cheerleading. I do go to their parties to help my reputation, but other than that their just mindless baboons to me. Always disturbing class with their sexual referencess and stupid jokes. Of course not all of them are like this, but the once's that are actually normal don't say anything about their behavior. That just makes them a wuss in my eyes.

She looks at us expectantly but I just give her a blank expression. She furrows her eyebrows to show she's confused of how we aren't getting it and then explains, " It means, he probably didn't care about her and that makes it, like way easier to get him faster for me."

I silently thank god the bell rang, so I don't have to listen to Sascha going on and on about her plan to get Brandon, anymore.

I mean it's probably not that hard. If you offer yourself to him, chances are he's going to accept. Like I said, he's a player.

Then again, I wouldn't know how it is to put effort into getting someone. I can get anyone I want in a hard beat. I shudder at the thought. I don't want any of these people. The only thing I want from them is to leave me alone, and it's working out pretty good so far.

We walk up the steps and into the school. Me up front and them next to eachother one step behind. Students part ways for us, as per usual and we eventually seperate our ways to get to our own classes.

As I sit down and get my stuff out of my bag I think of how this day is going take way to long, but on the plus side we don't have cheerleading practice today, because I called it off with some lame excuse, to be free of this place sooner.

I sigh and sit up straight as the teacher enters the room.

Let's get this over with.


"Hi, I'm Nathalie it's nice to meet you!" I told the new student I hadn't seen before.

The whole cafetaria grew quiet as they watched the exchange.

"Uh, hi it's nice to meet you too?" He questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

"Oh? You haven't heard of me?" I heard Sascha and Brianna snicker behind me.

"No?" He said a little unsure.

"What's your name?"

"It's Ken."

I smirked, "Like from Barbie?"

Sascha and Brianna laughed. I folded my arms across my chest.

"Well, Ken could you be a doll-" some quiet snickers could be heard across the cafeteria. "-and leave. This is our table."

He looked at me eyebrows pulled together in confusion, but didn't make a move to actually get up and leave.

I raised my right eyebrow,"What are you waiting for? An invitation? Leave."

He looked shocked, frozen in place. I heaved an irritated sigh. I unfolded my arms and leaned forward with my hands on the table so my eyes were leveled with his, "Now."

He scurried to his feet grabbed his tray of food and left as fast as he could. I stood up straight, smirk on my face as I looked at the silent students watching my every move. I folded my arms across my chest again, raised my eyebrow and stopped smirking. "Can I help you?" I snarled.

They quickly looked away and resumed their conversations.

I smirked, "Girls, let's eat."

We all sat down with our food and Brianna handed me mine since I never carry my own lunch, I don't even know why one of them just always grabs it for some reason.

As they start talking about the latest gossip and the newest fashion trends while eating their food, I poked at my salad absentmindedly.

I don't like how I treat other students. In fact, I feel disgusted with myself, but it's for the best. I know I would never go to far, but I can't say the same about Sascha and Brianna. I keep them in check. That's my reason and it's a bad one, but it'll have to do.

"Hello ladies," a male voice brings me out of my trail of thoughts.

I glance up to see a boy from the football team with two of his friends. I give them a quick body scan and make it noticeable. They were cute, but like I said I don't do meatheads. After I'm done shamelessly checking them out, I look down at my food again with a bored expression and say loud and clear so they can hear me, "Not interested."

I heard them chuckle beside me, "Are you sure?"

I glance up again. I look the one upfront dead in the eyes and say, "Yes, now leave."

He gulps visibly and nods once before walking off with his friends, going back to their table.

I turn towards my 'friends'. They've resumed eating and talking. I join in on their conversation for the rest of lunchtime. Even though I couldn't have cared any less about the newest shoes and the latest bags, it's a tool to make time pass by faster.

After some time the bell rings and we walk back to our separate classes.


Thank god, school's over.

I'm walking towards my car. The rest of the day went by pretty uneventful. Probably because I wasn't having any of it and extra harsh on everyone. I was just so done. Winter break is well needed, I've had enough high school drama for a while and can't wait to get home.

I opened my car door and got in. Driving home in record time, I practically jumped out of the car and locked it before opening the front door of my home. I ran up the stairs, shed myself of my clothes, threw on some sweats and leaped on my bed.

My god, I love my bed so much.

After laying there for a while, cuddling a pillow I heard my phone buzz. I picked it up, eyes still closed.


"Hello, sweetheart." My dad's voice sounded through the speaker.

I already know what he's going to say.

"What's up?"

"I'm sorry sweety, I won't be able to make it home in time for diner."

"That's okay dad I'll just order some chinese or something."

It's not like I was actually expecting you to come home anyway.

"Great, thanks for understanding. I gotta go now but I'll see you tomorrow okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine. See you."

"I love you, honey."

"Love you too, dad."

Beep beep beep.

He hung up and I chucked my phone to the other side of the bed.

I guess it's just me again tonight.


Okay guys, this was the first chapter.

I'm naming my chapters after songs that are in my playlist on spotify and fit the best with this chapter so yeah...

What did you think?

This is my first time writing a story on wattpad, but I have written a storry on episode as well, it's called The Golden Werewolves if you were wondering, if you weren't it's still called The Golden Werewolves. 😉It isn't finished yet though but yeahh, back to the point.

Please don't forget to comment and maybe vote?😊❤️

I hope you enjoyed and to see you next time!❤️

(Hahaha 'N Sync. Classic.)

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