December Meeting

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(Narrator POV)

(Unknown Location, Dimension-Y, Unknown Time- Night)

   Somewhere on the unknown place of wooden forest in night time, a mysterious dark hood man with military armor inside and gun magazines rig vest carrier, ski mask, ballistic goggle and armed with guns. Finally, on his chest a dog tag was revealed around his necklace and his tactical vest said:


   He stand outside the gate of the now abandoned military facility. He begin to walk slowly and take caution examining the surround area for a minute then he check his AK-74N ammunition before continued walking



   He stop the entrance of tall building ahead and open the door entrance.....

   Everything is a mess like this place been abandoned for many decades....the man waste no time begin to walk inside as he pass many room of first floor where the moss and bush take over the wall and some window are shattered & broken by bullet, on the floor many of empty ammunition shell laying with other items not to mention gun and other furniture been damaged even the celling on top been fall apart or have a hole....



Victor-2: ?

He stop and quickly raise his AK and take an aim at where the sound coming from behind two big door to hallway, he caution walk to that door without made any sound and slowly open the door.........

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

It was bunch of rat made that sound then those rats see him they suddenly running away from surprise how pack of rat can made that loud noises....he shrugged and continue his destination. Inside hallway, there are three paths leading to other different areas like storage room on left, office rooms on right but the sign also said prison...must be under basement. And the other in front of him is the two old unfixable elevator that stop working next to the blue door to the stairway lead to next floor

   With all that said....he waste no time open the blue door and have to walk up to the end of stairway. Too be caution, he with his trusty AK-74N Tactical take a carefully peaking around corner or sometime behind him to make sure there no sign of threaten behind his back even in he have reach the end of stairway and so this is his final destination the red-color pain door that said *Fourth Floor*. He stop and use his left-hand to reach out for the door-key in his pocket and unlock it



   He aim his rifle and use his left-hand open it very slow and check the surrounding due to there was no light on fourth floor and thank to flashlight installed on the AK barrel he see everything. After that, he closed the door behind him and walk to where the extraction located as he pass many room on left side where also damaged by moss also bug even live there while on right side near to window the light from the crescent moon begin to shine the whole floor. He check each already-opened room and window to make sure SHE don't know where he is.....



   But importantly, you people asked who is those bastards that made our man been stressful alerted & in his charm Vietcong stealth mode? Well take a look at left side near the window glass you will see a woman figure stranger danger as fuck hid in the darkness outside the building and they look direct to our mysterious man like some evil forces as he right now also look the left side of window to check surrounding area right in the moment we are speaking but now return to our lone soldier when he realizes he's fucked.......



(Victor-2 POV)

   After I done checking those room....all empty but still it quiet too quiet here....I remember it was filled with the sound of owl, insect then some animal I saw wandering around this abandoned military base but why it is so quiet right now. Something isn't right, I guess I gonna check the window on left side to make sur-

Victor-2: !!!

   I swear on this day I will never forget how I saw it the horrific of sickness filled with madness and insanity.....that fucking thing is why I run through so many fucking obstacles to get out of here and that is IT the coward hide in shadow with that growing bloody red ice and creepy smile feel like intense of killing as it stood there staring directly at me......

Victor-2: NAHH....SCREW THIS!



[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


I waste no time switching the safety off and use my AK-74N shooting her down as the two shot already broke window glass then later come many round of shot been fired at her as the gun barrel muzzle release a small blast with smoke popping up, I stop firing then look outside again...

And found out she disappeared in very fast way by quickly change her cover she even dodging all my bullet

Victor-2: What the? Shit! WHERE IS SHE?!




   Suddenly a loud strong female voice coming from very deep below the fourth floor echoing...


   With the insanity laugh and rushing running on the floor then sound of footstep on metallic stairway our man he know SHE here

Victor-2 (Thought): FUCK she here!

   I avoid fighting and keep running to the door in front of me that lead to helipad rooftop. I know it coward but the important task is to collected & protected intels and worse of all I have to avoid fighting in forcefully meaning no engaging no single bullet been shot since I arrive this shitty world dimension and I am currently run passing through 20 rooms very near to the red door lead to helipad as you know I run away from that THING FOR 7 STRAIGHT HOURS!!! Now I am a freeman!

Nikolai (Comms): Victor-2! Victor-2 can you read me over this is Nikolai we have reach to extract destination we don't see you show up comrade

Victor-2 (Comms): Victor-2 here Nikolai hold tight I'm at behind the exist door. Coming fast right now!

Nikolai (Comms): Громко и ясно, товарищ (Loud and clear, comrade) we wait for you

I ran to the end of last room seeing the exist door paint in red I quickly grab the doorknob and open it but no fucking lock!

Victor-2: It is lock then I fucking KICK IT!



   The door was open outside I saw the old helipad and a NH90 slowly land at helipad I bet the pilots see me now

Co-pilot Mosquito: Boss I see him he at the exist door

Nikolai: I see him now. Mosquito prepare to take off I'm going to open the heli door!

Co-pilot Mosquito: On it boss!

   Finally I gonna go home now get out this shit hole and enjoy a fine hủ tiếu khô with rice wine but unfortunately I have a important long-talk meeting with my partners but it doesn't matter, I will go home as I begin to step outside.....


Victor-2: SHIT!

   I dodge back to inside again seeing lot of scrap, object like small furniture with wooden box hitting the door then later they become a pile of trash blocking the door way

Victor-2: FUCK! I should have bring some grenade on me

???: Ahahahahahaha try to leave so soon honey? Why don't you play with me forever~ her Alpha the Sliver Wolf fucking mercenary who hunt me across the entire multiverse you wanna know why she hunt me down badly or why she call me honey and our first met? I tell you later but first....why did I feel this is a boss fight?

Victor-2: Alpha you insane bitch this isn't a game we can fight later IF YOU FUCKING WON'T BLOCKING THE EXIST

Alpha: Awww~ I sorry did I just fucking made your mad you little puny man why don't you fight me? If you won I let's you leave but I won *Evil smile* you will FUCKING BE MY HUSBAND~


Alpha: Awwww~ you scare? That okay I will be gentle honey I won't harm a fly~

Alpha: huh? What did you sa-

Victor-2: FUCK YOU! *CLICK*


   Thank to his fast motion he quickly raise his gun and shoot madly at her but...she smirk and dodging all bullet and crash herself to the barrack room on the right


   The gun went out of ammo he quickly take a fresh magazine and replace the empty mag, he take the empty one to the gun magazines carrier he cock the bolt and still raise his gun at that barrack room

Nikolai (Comms): Victor-2 are you alright! We hear gunshot what the hell happen there!?

Victor-2 (Comms): Victor-2 here I'm fine...Nikolai she here can you figure out how to find a way out?

Nikolai (Comms): I try kid just hold on give me 10 minute I will figure something soon

Victor-2 (Comms): Rog, I am trusting you Nikolai

   The Comms....hope Nikolai doing aright now where that fucking Sliver Wolf if she want a fight to death then fine she can earned a fucking 30 round of my AK-74 and I hate it when some motherfucker from different dimensions dodge it in the end I kill them but she? Different than other she a high skill mercenary a deadly one enough with just one punch she can easily wipe hundred man even entire heavily armed soldier into a fucking meat paste trust me it's a fucking massacre....

Victor-2 (Thought): Thank god I trap her by shooting her then she will take cover at the barrack room waiting for me to run inside shoot her again *Smirk*

   I take out my molotov I use my steel lighter to lit it washcloth on fire and throw it inside the room then come the second I throw it too. The whole room was on fire I then madly spraying 30 round until it empty  hoping that is enough to kill her



   The fire went out as I reloading my gun now the second mag I hope she is done for but to make sure. I slowly went inside the room and check each corner and check the bed too but everything is burnout except......

Victor-2: No fucking way.....

   A large hole appear on the wall when I ran to it I saw in front of me is lot of room have a hole meaning she use her strength to walk through these wall holy shit

Victor-2 Where the hell is she don't tell me sh-


Victor-2: FUCK!

She was right behind me and I just raise my gun AK to where she stand at the entrance of barrack room wait a minute what does Buddha sh- OH LORD SHE FUCKING RAN AT ME SHE GONNA CRUSH THE SHIT OUT OF ME



Alpha: Hehehe got you now- What?

   Thank god I dodging and she crashed and destroy another damn wall

Alpha: You think you can keep DODGING AGAIN?! Ya better running or I will crush your pelvis~

Victor-2: Make me you insane bitch!

   I grabs my and run through these hole and shoot her back and she chase me madly as I run & gun hoping she won't catch me or fall to her trap again. I was running like through 10 rooms 10 hole she was made I kept shooting her back and kept reloading another third mag I'm not gonna waste another fourth then the filth magazines I got an idea....I running at the last room then I turn right hitting the entrance door and use my improved smoke grenade but can release a string chemical can paralyze whole nerve system I handmade four hour ago....worth a shot to test it

Alpha: GOT YOU NOW! Better stand still little man let's mama take care of you~

Victor-2: Wanna be with me THEN TAKE THIS!

I quickly take off the pins and throw my handmade smoke grenade at Alpha and hurry get out this area before it release

Alpha: huh?


  The grenade shell blasted and released a yellow-color smoke popping out around the whole room glad I quickly ran back before inhale these me these smoke enough to paralyze a T-Rex in Dino-verse

Victor-2: It's take a while for that smoke to disappear....doesn't matter let's just hope she ain't coming back for another round again....

   I walk to the now blocked exist door it's already 8 minute Nikolai better think to pull those obstacles out or destroy it with cannon, or I will jump out this fucking building than being trap in this shit hole along with that damn woman!

Victor-2 (Comms): Nikolai this is Victor-2 I'm still trapped inside what your status over



No Respond

Victor-2 (Comms): Nikolai come in this is Victor-2 can you read me over?


Victor-2 (Comms): Nikolai I repeat what your status over?! Please respond god dammit!


Victor-2: *Turn around in surprise* OH SHI-


   Is seem the paralyze smoke didn't work on Alpha as she wait for chance and when the smoke was clear she silently walking then run very fast charging at Victor-2 and he was too late to dodging. In the end, he was being pin down by Alpha who now on top his body as his rifle being yank away from him

Alpha: Got ya now little man how it feel being pinned downed by a woman?

Victor-2: What's you gonna do? Killed me and take the intels?

Alpha: not about intels or your head for money but FOR THIS!

Victor-2: NO WAIT!

Too late she forcefully grab my ballistic goggle and ski-mask and she just ripped off so easy and she just....revealing my face

Alpha: Awwwwww~ Now that a face I want to see why bother hide your face General Divison Lam~


Alpha: What the matter? Oh I know! Let's mama take good care for you~

Lam: You want it so badly? You better use protection next time because head up!

Alpha: Huh?

   She look up to the obstacles on exist door but why there is a weird beeping &  mechanic sound from the other side....

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]





Alpha: Oh shi-


   The explosion destroyed the scrap obstacles & the exist door and threw her to other side, I get up look back the now destroyed exist door seeing Nikolai and his crew inside helicopter, I pick up my AK74 and I look at Alpha who have difficulty to stand up

Nikolai (Comms): Victor-2 this is Nikolai we have blew up the door! What are you waiting for! Hurry get on the chopper before she got a chance!

Lam (Comms): Roger that Nikolai I'm moving now!

   I run out and went fast to helicopter and one of the crew who operating M2 Browning on side door, he help me get in

Co-pilot Mosquito: Boss we got him now we need to take to take off

Nikolai: Will do

Nikolai (Comms): This is Nikolai to HQ we have received our men prepare for extraction stage 2! I repeat we received our men prepare for stage 2!

HQ (Comms): This is HQ we read you Nikolai we begin for stage 2. Let's your mens outta of here!

Nikolai (Comms): Copy that HQ we coming home!

Lam: Are we finally fucking go home now Niko?

Nikolai: Da (Yes) HQ have granted it comrade! Hold tight everyones we almost there

Nikolai start engines. The rotor blade and tail rotor begin to circling then second later the helicopter lift off the helipad. As we taking off then......

Alpha: OOIIIII LITTE MAN! You think you can get outta there? THEN TASTE THIS!!!



Nikolai: CYKA BLYAT!

Nikolai he forcefully use control-stick try to turn the NH90 on right. He successful evade the metal and many obstacles Alpha threw at us

Alpha: COME ON IS THAT ALL YOU GOT! I got some more of it!

Nikolai: She keep throwing those scrap! Mosquito gun down that obstacles don't let them hit the heli!

Mosquito: On it boss!

Lam: Let's me help too!

Mosquito cocking the M2HB and he begin shooting unleash .50 cal to everything she throw at, I use my last mag to shot down some obstacles

Nikolai: Okay comrade! We are good to go now!

Niko accelerating and fly straight get us out from this damn place as I can hear Alpha pissed off she may curse everything included us


Nikolai: Mosquito you can shut the heli door now

Co-pilot: Yes boss

Yep that's her alway cursing everything when ever she failed to get me but all matter is task complete I've got intels all safe and now get go back to our verse

HQ (Comms): Nikolai this HQ we see you on the map head to Northeast near you. We will send coordinate on your GPS just head there we already prepare for stage 2

Nikolai (Comms): Roger that's we're on the way now!

The heli change the way and turn left a bit we fly for 5 minute. Later on, the helicopter fly slowly but keep it altitude and just like that we saw a green beam from the sky that's the key to return our verse. Nikolai hold the heli steady and slowly as we feel the helicopter fly into the green beam and stop the whole NH90 body being connected by green beam

HQ (Comms): This is HQ we see you now stage 2 is already carried out prepare of verse-teleportation.....hang tight and steady everyone this is gonna shaking a lot usually we hope to see you guys soon good luck

Nikolai (Comms): This is Nikolai and us here we hope to see you too HQ...

*Communication cut*

The whole body of helicopter shaking with sound of metal I still alway....alway hear the beauty sound of verse-teleport it's may sound weird but it fascinating and wonder image like traveling space as I close my eye and count down to five







[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*30 minute later*

(Narrator POV)

(Presidential Palace-Yellow House, Hà Nội, State of Vietnam, SFR. Indochina, T3D20S VERSE, December 24th, 19:00- Night)

On the upcoming Christmas Holiday the Presidential Palace was just like other building being decorated with Christmas tree, light bulb, wreath and many other thing that symbol for happy Christmas Day. For Lam, after landing at secret military airbase he said goodbye to Nikolai and his Co-pilot and make a fast ride to Hanoi via President escort team take him to the meeting at Presidential Palace with the intels on his hand. Now he here in front of big entrance the Guardsman see Lam and open the entrance of him one of President secretary greet him

Secretary Eavee: Hello Mr. Lam welcome to the Yellow House as alway our President have wait for you for meeting, please follow me I will guide you to meeting room

Lam: *Nod*

President Secretary Eavee take the lead and our man Lam follow her. Both of them walk to stair to second floor they make it into big hallway and take special elevator guarded by two military police (MP). They saw Eavee and Lam they open the elevator door and salutes. Now, Eavee and Lam inside the elevator

Eavee: *Get called in phone* Sir he here.....hmm....we're in elevator.....yes sir.....will do sir


Lam: Comrade Eavee what's does Mr. President said?

Eavee: The President is expected for you and of course...he asked me about series of report

Lam:....I guess you guy are busy one day before Christmas came heh?

Eavee: *Short chuckle* Yeah we got lot of thing to do even our President had to locked himself for paper work and staff meeting for 6 hours.....said Mr. Lam you don't change your uniform since you get here?

Lam: *Nod* I'm sorry about that but I don't wanna late the meeting or keep them waiting for me so sorry about that Ms. Eavee

Eavee: Is alright Mr. Lam I'm glad you come at right time before the meeting started


   The elevator have now take them down to a classified level beneath the Presidential Palace and now open for them to walk outside

Eavee: It's look like we already here...follow me Mr. Lam

Lam: *Nod*

(Lam POV)

   I take a nod and following, when we goes outside we went into a small security checkpoint and behind them is big entrance to special room. One of the guard recognized us and open the entrance door for us as they take other staff who line up for a protocol security check. We was inside one of the most protect, secret and high secured room we called them.....The Big Mole

The reason why we called the Big Mole because it is a special secret underground strategy base that was built inside Presidential Palace during 1940s to use it as shelter for resistance. After Hanoi was liberated and first National Government settle here it was use for military intelligence to planning and predicting enemy movement, possible future threat and discussing a new strategy tactic. Now in present it still use and operated by Military - Indochina Federal Intelligence Bureau and other share agency bureau but it completely owned by our President and other previous President


Eavee: Amazing isn't it?

Lam: Yeah....never thought it have change a lot since my previous meeting last year

Eavee: It's all thank to President and other Military Generals the Big Mole saw a massive updated and improved a lot better than 17 year ago

Lam: Yeah no wonder it look so different....

Eavee: Anyway we almost to the meeting so let's go shall we?

Lam: Lead the way comrade

   We continue our walking to the meeting but is more like a walking tour. We take stairway to downstairs where I see lot of staff working with modern machine and a big hologram screen of our world maps, multiple planet earth from different dimensions and even different planets I never see from space...guess we taking a very big military operation in our world then expand to multiverse & space that'll cost a lot of whole manpower, money and resources. Anyway, we take a right turn to hallway where many offices - department room with staff working in many departments. After 5 minute of walking, we arrive at the entrance to the meeting site where two IFIB agents guard the entrance with their M16A4. The two agents saw us they step aside to open the big wooden door for us and salute us

IFIB agent: *Salute* Sir and Ma'am

Lam: *Salute back and NOD*

   I and Ms. Eavee now currently inside the meeting side where a few military commanders with the high-rank agents from multiple agency bureau discussing as they sit down in the round table behind them is a bigger world map

Eavee: Alright Mr. Lam we're finally here, please sit over there

Lam: *Nod* How about you comrade? You aren't participate in the meeting?

Eavee: No I'm not beside I got a task to do and also the President is coming soon he is on his way with Mr. Bảo so see you later I take my leave now

Lam: Yeah see you later comrade, take care

Eavee: Good luck to you too Mr. Lam

She take her leave and left back to her daily work. I guess this night gonna be a busiest night everyone is preparing for Christmas and also New Year ahead....guess I gonna wait the rest of them before this meeting started

Operation Staff: *Rushed in* Gentleman and Ma'am the President is on his way! Please fix your clothes and ready to salute!

Everyone in the room preparing to fix their uniform and all stand up. Suddenly I hear lot of footstep behind that red door in front of me across the table...the rest of them and my friend is coming as he open the door

Everyone (unison): *Saluting* Mr. President/ Mr. President sir!

Coming first is the President also my friend and the second behind him is Generals and many high-ranked staff that working for him on behalf of Indochinese Federal Government but...I don't see comrade Colonel Bảo....

Mr. President: Everyone please sit down I hope I don't late for the show...

Everyone: *Short chuckle*

Lam: Mr. President sir

Mr. President: Ahhh Division General Lam my friend glad to see you how your last mission with Nikolai?

Lam: Like a hammered shit sir we almost got fucked by a multiverse bounty hunter

Mr. President: Sorry for giving Colonel Bảo task to you comrade. Due to his broken limb from previous Joint UN-UMAC operation he has to stayed in military hospital for a month.....

Lam: It's alright sir...thank to Colonel for his protection since Operation Dark Knight I had to repay him sir....but sir where is Colonel Bảo? Isn't he alway attend in December meeting with us?

Bảo: Right behind you....

   Colonel Bảo the one I alway have debt for....he the reason why I complete most of his task for two month given by President. Remember back our military operation in Halloween? After Halloween the 467th Specialist Team went ape shit they discover about my fake wound, Lieutenant Bảo have to take the Commander role and lead all other UN forces help UMAC fight against rouge team and other unknown hostile force that help them. In the end, the UN-UMAC successfully repelled those rogue bastards take back all FOB & local towns but Bảo he end up being bone-break by one of the 467th member after that he went to special treatment care under serious condition....and now his limb seem to heal and start to function as he from Lieutenant being promoted to Colonel by President

Lam: Bảo you sneaky bastard!

Bảo: Hahaha come here ya Southwest Cowboy son of a bitch

Lam: Good to see you Bảo how your left-arm?

Bảo: It's healing....a little bit sting but soon it will back better

Lam: That's good to hear comrade

Mr. President: Alright comrades save that chitchat for we got lot of important matter to discuss

(Narrator POV)

   Now the casual December Meeting is started as everyone return to their sit in round table and the exist door is shut by heavily armed agents & security who guarded the room & VIP in a process of meeting

Mr. President: Comrades...I as the current President of Socialist Federal Republic of Indochina on behalf of our previous leader and members of Big Mole the 80th December Annual Meeting is now started



Mr. President: Today in this meeting we got lot of very important matter to discuss about our national security as well our verse security to make sure we can know the possible threat from future threatening our world and we better got a strategy plan to counter and eliminate any threat....*Look at Kala* General Kala

General Kala the Ministry of Defence nodding and stand up with series of report on her hand

Ms. Kala: In this meeting we got 8 important matters and 4 news we gonna discuss tonight so everyone listen carefully because all of these very important

Ms. Kala begin to read those list from the report paper as she start to speak about the 8 matters first


_1: The United Earth Coalition President Sir Wilson issuing about peacekeeping plan on 4 planets that required intergalactic aid to solar system Alpha-10 that's suffering from conflict & civil war for 30 year

_2: United Nation planning to completely all erases out nuclear waste on multiple location that affected by radiation from Nuclear Factories meltdown incident and helping Republic of China wipe out nuclear wasted in their five least affected provinces

_3: Brigadier General. Louis Walker of the 521th Indochina Brigade Expedition (IBE) that stationed from 6 other multiverses sending an urgent telegram requesting more supplies and teleport devices due to bad logistical transportation systems and lack of medicinal supplies

_4: Our Representative Offices the Indochina Federal Cooperation Office (IFCO) had been completely installation on multiple NPX Headquarters & UMAC Headquarters as well other inter-verse organizations but they also require send more our Marine Corp, SOF and IFIB agents to boost security

_5: Captain Lê Văn Nghĩa and Lieutenant Balaca Franco who in charge one of our intelligence cell had help us a lot by provide us series of informations, datas and shield our allied by many espionage with sabotage operation during Terra Invicta war. He have send us a very important resources....thank to him & his cell we got lot of defectors from Communist Alliance, Initiative's Corporate, Humanity First in their world are now in our rank and thank to precious intelligence from UN Allies and Invader we also get our hand in their new advance technology so we really need lot of investment & resources to propose a new project in future

_6: The Indochina People's Aerospace Force with the help from United Earth Coalition, Asia Continental Defend Coalition, North America Union we have successfully launched our newly three spacecrafts that can instant jump to 10 millions per hour of light-year as the three spacecrafts already land in Camp Nova in Mars, Camp Dragon in Alyxia and Camp Echo in Xula but during travel, both spacecraft experience unknown damage in both fuel-power booster so we need immediately send the newly booster components to three other camp before two week return to earth.

_7: Our scientists Vice Director Cheng and Minister of Science and Technology Mr. Ca, both of them have found one of the world same like us but from different dimensions code world name: Earth A75-1 that secretly obtain a portal machine know as Project GATE a prototype one but in first stage we need to destroy it and erase everything related to project GATE or capture any useful intel due to the intense hostility and use it for colonize purpose

_8: Thank the intels Mr. Lam has send us from last mission, we have knowing many abandons outpost & military base from multiple dimension that's still function and many lot amount of valuable resources can still be useful but we need to immediate send 5 or 7 our Battalion size to reclaim fast before the Invader or Quantum Alliance forces capture it

   And that's the end of 8 list of matters....Lam on other hand is groaning a little how much work they need to discuss and founding each solution for each matters but they will solve that later right now next is list of the 4 news...

*4 NEWS*

_1: The Initiative's Prototype Aircraft Carrier that we acquire from The Academy all thank to Ms. Zheng after our force helping UN & NPX fight against the greedy corporations. Is now in our hand and with our datas, tech intels and highly experts that use to work for Initiative's is helping the Prototype to final stage when it's complete finish we will be the first nation owning a Space Aircraft Carrier that operated on sea - air - space

_2: A very sad new is our trust ally Colonel Nadia Aminah Amel leader of Humanity First have unexpectedly passed away in Operation Shadow Citadel the final fortress of Honkai force despite victory but with such huge losses....the other high ranked officers of Humanity First held three day of mourning brave leader Colonel Amel that fighting in the name of Humanity....Sir Kevin Lee, Mr. Ezra, Ms. Zheng with other faction leader have send their condolences

_3: All Representative Leaders from Monster Government Entente (MGE) represent all monster kind have sign a Peace & Cooperation Treaty with UEC, UN & SFR. Indochina. The Treaty have ratified and be effective tonight as we expected there will be thousand immigrants want to live and settle here in our world this will be the first in history humankind can peacefully coexistence with monster & alien race

_4: Sir Kevin Lee of NPX and many pro-human faction under banner of United Solaris System Republic (USSR) have took down DPRK and Communist Alliance but is seem they have successfully beat down half of Invader forces and clean up the Category 6 Corrupted Object and Qliphoth Game preventing them spreading the globes. To help The Academy we have propose a Peacekeeping & Disarmament to disarm any rebel against them as our volunteer force to their world world have reach to 15.000 ready to deploy after Christmas end

General Kala: With that list said....we need to wisely careful propose or choose better solution before we act so discus it comrades

After reading a whole list, the room was filled with talking and mumbling non-stop about news and matter everyone was thinking hard and indeed exhausted because of list to do, list to solve. President was the one who stress the most....many staff and high-ranked officers or General propose many solution idea but all end up in the waiting-line wait for President signature or permission but for now.......

Mr. President: Everyone due to the rule we only have two hour of discussion we have to end here, but from my perspective from this meeting I see everyone have creative mind and propose many solutions and again due to limited time, we will discuss it in my President Office and we may have better solution tomorrow morning before you can leave now

The meeting have officially end everyones leave and go home but they still thinking about solutions and counter-plan as Lam ready to leave....

Mr. President: Lam wait I wanna talk to you something

Lam: What it is Mr. President? Another task to under go now?

Mr. President: No I want to give you an R&R permission for 7 day so tomorrow you can rest & enjoy your whole Christmas Holiday

Lam: Thank you Mr. President but what about Colonel Bảo and my units?

Mr. President: He will be work with everyone in my office but don't worry I and Colonel already plan about it so you and other rest of your unit deserve to rest Divisional General Lam consider an reward for helping Bảo finish his task

Lam: thank you sir please send my thank to Bảo and Happy Christmas Mr. President

Mr. President: Thank Happy Christmas Holiday to you too comrade Lam

They shake their hand and salute and Lam leave as he enjoy the Christmas Holiday R&R vacation awaiting him......

(Hồ Chí Minh City- Saigon, State of Vietnam, December 25th, Night)

   After a exhausted flight, Lam had arrived at his homeland Hồ Chí Minh City in middle of celebrating Christmas before he come home he decided to drive around Saigon as everyone hangout and many street with building decorated with lot of Christmas trees and many furnitures, he driving one of his favorite Willy Jeep and turn on Jingle Bell while drive to the famous Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica of Saigon & Independence Palace on central street of Saigon

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Lam: *Smile* Seem like Christmas is finally here...guess tonight gonna be crowded welp time to go back home now

(At Lam Apartment)

He finally went back home...but in drunken state because of celebrating Christmas with his friends.

Lam: Best...hic....Christmas...hic ever~! Hic......MOTHER FATHER I'M HOOOOMMMNNNNEEEE!


Lam: Ohhhhhhh....wait they have went to vacation trip at Laos.....hic well I guess...hic I celebrate alone...hic hic

???: Not anymore Lam~

Lam: *Surprise Grasp* It's SANTA CLAUSE!...

He turn on his apartment light and hope that is Santa Claus giving his gift that he wish for Christmas! was

Kirin/ Alpha: Surprise!~

Lam: WHAT THE HELL! It is you Alpha?!

Alpha: Yes it's me Alpha~


Kirin: The name is Kirin the Krampus dear~

Lam: And what are you two doing in Christmas?! How the heck did you guys get here!

Alpha: Well...the truth is we tracked you all way down because I put a chip behind your back

Lam: Wait wat?

Kirin: better prepared to get HO HO HO on naughty list tonight~

Alpha: You were running away from me now it's time to be a father my little man~

Lam: W-Wait s-step back...w-what are you two doing! Somebody help me!

Alpha/ Kirin: No one can hear you darling time for snu snu~


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

With the loud song of "All I want for Christmas is you" and extend to many hour from someone apartment....Lam and Alpha with Kirin celebrating Christmas in heavily moaning and fapping as the two screaming his name as they played until morning sleeping blissful along with their man


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