Chapter 27

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[(Y/N)'s PoV]

Five hours.

It's been five hours and I haven't decided. "you okay, (y/n)?" I looked at Sans. "you've been acting strange after you went to go change your clothes. anything happen?" Worry filled his voice, and I drank my tea. "No, it's all good. Man this tea is amazing, where'd you get it?"

"i uh, made it? you were standing besides me washing out a cup..."

"Right, you're right." I heard Frisk and Papyrus shout 'Thinking Bee' along with the movie, Bee Movie in the living room. I sighed, put my cup in the sink after I finished drinking it, and went into the living room as well.


"Thinking Bee!"


"Thinking Bee!" They kept shouting one at a time. It was currently at the plane scene where they had to land on the flower, and when they made it, they screamed of happiness. They hugged each other and went crazy. I walked up stairs, into Sans' room and shut the door.

I sat on the bed, holding the box, and the door opened. "(Y/N)? Are you in here?" Frisk's head poked from behind the door. "Oh, what's that?" They asked, shutting the door. "Oh nothing special-"

"Hello, (Y/N)! I see you have a friend?" Chara appeared from nowhere, looking at Frisk. "Cha-" Chara put their hand over Frisk's mouth, keeping them from screaming. "No no, we don't want to disturb the family now do we?" They brought Frisk to me, setting them on my lap. "Now, (Y/N), I assume you've made a choice?"

"Nope. I don't want to. I guess this was a misunderstanding and-" Chara shook their head. "No, you HAVE to choose, or I'll choose for you." They took out a list. "Let's see," They started. "Underfell, Underswap, Outertale-"

"Underswap?" I asked. "Underswap it is, then!" Chara took the reset button out of my hands and pressed it, and everything went white.

[Jeremy's PoV (WHAT A PLOT TWIST)]

"Oh my god, I can't believe this!" Shannon said, trying to fix her blonde hair. "Why does it have to rain all the time? Can't it ever be sunny out when I fix my hair up?"

"Hey, take it easy hair-lord, we're almost in poverty yet you're constantly worrying about yourself." Dave said, glaring at her. "It's just that my hair is special and it has to be perfect! Surely people will donate us money if they see how beautiful I am!"

"Or possibly think you're a hooker and ask if you want a ride." Dave snickered. "Aw, c'mon Jeremy, you usually laugh by now." I leaned on the brick wall. We were currently sitting on a sidewalk, waiting for (Y/N)'s parents to come back from the store to buy us food. "You sad that your little (Y/N) baby fell down a hole?"

"Stop calling her that! She's not a baby! She's a grown woman and she didn't fall, we pushed her down." I shot back at him. "D'awww, you love her~" Shannon said, still trying to brush her hair. "Guys, she's probably dead, we don't really know! How can you talk about her without worrying? She's too.... precious."

"AWWWWW!" They both said. Dave rubbed my head. "You love her, bro. You just want to hold her and as she strokes your black hair, she lightly kisses your cheek-"

"Stop it, Dave."

"'Oh, Jeremy!'" He did a bad impression of her. "'You truly ARE my soul mate! I guess I've fallen for you!'" Shannon chuckled. "I don't think we have the time for bad puns right now, Dave." The rain became more rough and we moved to inside of an abandoned apartment building, which was our home.

Welcome to Drell Hills, a place where it's supposed to be sunshine and rainbows, but instead it's gloom, doom, and rain. We're currently undergoing some kind of apocalypse too. Also a war.

Yay, sunshine and rainbows! Frolicking in the fields of friendship!

Thank god nobody checks abandoned buildings. Shannon looked at me and took out a bag. "Hold still, Jeremy..."

"Wait what? Why?"

"Your face could use some brightening up." She took out a brush and I flinched. "ARE YOU PLANNING TO PUT MAKE UP ON ME? NO, NO, NO YOU LITTLE NUGGET, I WILL THREE-SIXTY NOSCOPE YOU." I karate chopped the air around me and stopped. Dave stated laughing his ass off. "Little Nugget?!" He held onto the wall beside him. "Sh-Shannon, we're calling y-you Little Nugget from now on!" He tried to say, but stuttered because he laughed.

"It wasn't that funny!" Shannon crossed her arms and sighed. "Listen, Jeremy," She grabbed my shoulder. "I know you've been depressed since (Y/N)'s.. incident, but you need to lighten up and be more brave."

"But I'm not! I'm just a small, kind little bean that's trying to make my way through the world. I literally almost cried when I stepped on an ant. An ANT, Shannon." She looked at me and smiled. "I guess I'll just be patient and wait for you to be more courageous then."

"Hey, I'm brave!" Dave said, taking off his black jacket to reveal his bright orange shirt. "Brave enough to tell you both that the colour of Shannon's sweater is out of season." He chuckled as Shannon had the most insulted expression anyone could ever have. She looked at me, studying my tan, slightly freckled face and I nodded, allowing her to go off on Dave.

"I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW THAT LIGHT BLUE IS MY FAVOURITE COLOUR, AND IS IN SEASON, THANK YOU VERY MUCH." She basically screamed. "Well, how about Jeremy's jacket?"

"Aw, c'mon man. I like the colour green." I sighed as I zipped up my jacket. "Wait, shush." Dave silenced us. Someone was walking up the stairs to where we were. "Weapons." I grabbed my pan, Dave grabbed his gun, and Shannon grabbed her toy knife.

"I'll go down to see who it is." Dave said, walking down the stairs slowly. Shannon tied her red ribbon on her head. "Get ready to aim, Jeremy."

"I don't want to hurt anyone, though! Just the thought of it makes me want to cry..." Shannon sighed after my statement. "Well, I guess I'll do it then.

"Okay." I nodded.

[Aww, Jeremy is such a smol, innocent one. Anyways, I hope you guys like this chapter and I'm also hoping that you guys get attached to Jeremy, Shannon, and Dave! Also, new characters will be introduced as well. See you in the next update. ^^]

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