Chapter 37

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[(Y/N)'s PoV]

"And I haven't seen the flower since." Asgore took a sip of his tea as Sans leaned on my wheelchair. "wow, are you sure? we actually saw that flower... recently i should say."

"Really? He seems like a threat." Asgore straightened himself up in his chair. "that's because he is! he's threatened to destroy the entire underground more than once, asgore!" I heard Toriel humming form the kitchen as there was a slight silence among the three of us. "we need to do something about it and we can't find him! since you know a bit about timelines yourself, we need some recommendations."

"Well," Asgore put his bright yellow cup on the dining table next to him. "I hope that you know that I don't exactly know about the other timelines. I just know that there are many and different or the same outcomes have occurred in them. I can't really examine them like this 'Error Sans' you two have told me about..." Asgore rubbed his chin. "But, I'll try to help as much as I can." He smiled. "Thanks, Asgore." I said. "I hope you didn't mind us coming over here to ask."

"Not a problem at all, (Y/N)! You can come visit any time." Sans grabbed the handles on the wheel chair as I waved bye to Asgore. "Bye, Asgore!"

"Goodbye, (Y/N)." Asgore said. "GOODBYE, (Y/N)!" Toriel shouted from the kitchen. "BYE TORIEL." I screamed back. "okay okay, we have places to go." Sans chuckled and rolled me out. "And then I fell! And ended up in a flower pile! That's how I ended up here!" Frisk said and the other Sanses clapped silently. Bradley shoved his hand in his mouth and tried to chew it. "Ew, no. You don't eat your own hands, sorry Brad-Brad." Frisk grabbed Bradley's hand and moved it away from his mouth.

"okay, guys," Sans started. "asgore doesn't know where flowey is, but he'll try to help as much as he can."

"asgore? the person papyrus keeps talking about?" Underswap Sans asked. "not your asgore, ours. asgore is the king here." Regular Sans stated. "oh. sorry." Underswap Sans chuckled nervously. "well, i gotta go take a whizz." Gaster Sans said. "oi, me too. can't we go pee in some trees or shrubs down here?"

"You guys are skeletons." Frisk said. "so? we still want to pee." Underfell Sans said. "Ugh, fine. Go. Be quick." I said. "thanks." They both left.

[Underfell Sans' PoV]

"so, how about (y/n), huh?" Gaster Sans asked once we were a far enough distance from the group. "a bit bossy, could be a bit nicer. she's a great person though."

"awww, you love her even though she's married." Gaster Sans made kissing noises. "hey, no. i just said she has a great personality. you can shut up." I waited for him to finish peeing in a nearby shrub. I sat down and sighed. "Hee hee hee, he hates you."

"oh my shit the flower the flower's over here!" I screamed. "what?! really?! while i'm taking a piss?!" Gaster Sans screamed. I jumped onto the flower and grabbed it. "i got it! i got the flower!"

"oh really? nice. can I take it back to (y/n)?" Gaster Sans asked while zipping up his pants and stepping in front of me. I pulled it out of the ground and it grunted, and I gave it to Gaster Sans. "now then, we can just-"

"hey guys!" Underswap Sans screamed. "i came back to check on your because i was forced too and (y/n) and frisk wanted to make sure you guys were okay! hey, is that flowey? can i hold him!?"

"what?! no!" Underswap Sans tried to grab Flowey, which ended up in a tug of war situation. "Y-You i-idiots! U-Unhand m-me or I'll m-make you let g-go!" They kept fighting and Flowey screamed. After wriggling, Flowey said something and he disappeared, and shocked Underswap Sans and Gaster Sans.

Seriously, they were shocked with electricity for some reason. "g-guys..?" I went near Gaster Sans and slapped his face lightly. "c-c'mon man, stop joking! i-i know how much you like to joke a-around!" I started trying to laugh and wake him up.

He turned into dust.

I screamed and turned to Underswap Sans. "no no no, not you too! you're supposed to be the innocent one!" He had also turned into dust. "fucking shit, underswap!" I screamed and picked up some dust. "i-it's okay! it's not my fault, i could just put him back together!" I made a pile with the dust and patted it making sure it stayed. Nothing happened. "f-f-fuck... not now..." I slowly stood up. There was nothing else to do except tell the others.

[Error Sans' PoV]

"WHAT?! I THOUGHT WE AGREED ON ELIMINATING GASTER AND UNDERFELL! NOT UNDERSWAP, YOU FUCKTARD!!" I screamed at Flowey. "S-Sorry, he was g-grabbing me an-and-"

"Enough." I held up my hand and rubbed my forehead stressfully. "Just... at least tell me that they're dead completely." I waved my other hand and pulled up a screen, showing lots of dust and a black jacket and a blue cape. "Excellent. At least you killed off two." Flowey laughed nervously and sighed. "What about the useless ones though? Undernovela, Underfresh..." I cringed.

"I like Undernovela, it's my favourite to visit, but I guess a glitch is a glitch. And yes, DEFINITELY UNDERFRESH. I want Underfresh gone though. It scares me." Flowey nodded. "I'll try." And he disappeared. "He better do it right this time, or he's gonna be the next one gone."

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