Chapter 39

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[(Y/N)'s PoV]

"well damn." Underfell Sans said, feeling my forehead with the back of his hand. "you could cook a whole meal with her forehead. are you sure you're okay, (y/n)?"

"I-I'm fine, just a little sick." I said sitting up in the bed then sneezing. "EW, NO! TISSUE." Frisk screamed throwing a box at me. "NOW."

"Okay, good god." I blew my nose with a tissue and put it in a trashcan that was near my bed. "okay," Regular Sans opened the room door. "Undernovela and Underfresh agreed to go get some ingredients from Alphys to make you some soup."

"Now wh-why the f-fuck would y-you send them out th-there after Unders-swap and Gaster Sans d-died?" I asked, crossing my arms. "we need them the least." Regular Sans chuckled. "okay guys, tomorrow will be the fourth day, so she'll be able to walk the day after tomorrow since we've let her have enough rest. also, i'm trying to find a quick way to make you feel better."

"Th-Thanks." I said. I was a bit shaky and cold, too. Regular Sans looked at me and took off his jacket, giving it to me. I grabbed his jacket and put it on me and I instantly felt warmer.

"better?" He looked at me hopefully. "Better." I said sighing, then someone kicked the room door open. "SANS, HOLY FUCK." Papyrus screamed which made me jump. "THERE ARE TWO SKELETONS WHO LOOK LIKE YOU AND ONE IS SPANISH AND THE OTHER ONE IS LIKE ALL RADICAL, BRIGHT AND SWAGGY AND SHIT AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON." Papyrus looked at Underfell Sans then Scientist Sans. "p-papyrus?" Underfell Sans cringed, his iconic thing to do and Scientist Sans just waved. "OH MY GOD. AM I TRIPPING? I NEED TO STOP THE SPAGHETTI..." He walked out.

"wow. okay. rude." Regular Sans said, crossing his arms. "not liking me and my bros." He shook his head and went up to me, feeling my forehead. "yep, you should sleep."

"But sleep is for fucking weaklings." Frisk said. "watch your fucking language around the fucking god damn baby." Sans growled and looked at Frisk who was holding Bradley who cooed. "Okay, sheesh. Hypocrite." Frisk muttered under their breath.

[Dave's PoV]

"Okay, we made it~" Osaki bounced around the hole. "We just need to jump in and get (Y/N)!" Jack said, peeking into it. "Alright, I have a ladder so that we can get back up. I just- Oh fuck." (Y/N)'s dad said. "What?" Jeremy asked.

"Lost the ladder." (Y/N)'s Dad replied. "Oh god... oh no..." Jack said. "We won't be able to rescue her, she's gonna be stuck down there forever! SHE'S PROBABLY DEAD ALREADY WHAT DO WE DO, DAVE." Jack grabbed my by the shoulders and shook me. "SHE'S GONE AND IT'S OUR FAULT AND WE COULDN'T DO ANYTHING TO SAVE HER, WE'RE DISGRACES! WE CAN'T DO ANYTHING RI-"

I slapped his cheek. "Oww. Mean." He rubbed his face. Shannon stood close to the hole. "How are we gonna get down?" She asked. "I did it~" Osaki sang. "I knitted a whole ladder~"

"Okay, first with the Ramen, now with a ladder. What the hell?" I crossed my arms. "Who's gonna go down first?" Jeremy asked. "Easy~" Osaki picked up Shannon. "WHAT THE FUCK OSAKI?!" She threw Shannon down. We were all silent.

"Or we could've made her use the ladder?" (Y/N)'s mom raised an eyebrow. "Eh, my idea was better." She took out stakes and a hammer and nailed the ladder down. "Will it break?" Jack asked. "I used soooo much yarn and wool, it won't break!" Osaki started climbing down. "I-I don't like th-this..." Jeremy stuttered.

"Calm down, potato boy. Just climb." I kissed his forehead and followed Osaki down.

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