Chapter 45

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[Scientist Sans' PoV]

I sat on the bed, staring at Underfell Sans who was playing with a toy model train I made earlier. "i'm bored as fuck." Underfell Sans huffed. "why did you have to make us stay? we could've went on an adventure or something cool."

"underfell," I moved to sit next to him. "we have to stay here and watch the house."

"yeah yeah, important information is stored here and the flower could get it and end this world." He waved his hand. "we could've had fun instead of staying here, four-eyes." He poked my glasses. "i guess you're just too chicken."

"ch-chicken?!" I crossed my arms. "you know what? we could play truth or dare."

"while we're researching?" He questioned me. Before the group left to go to Asgore, they told us to try and find Flowey. Research different areas with out phones. It was important, but I don't want to seem like a chicken. "will is at least prove that i'm not chicken?"

"alright, i dare you to-"

"no leaving the room." I crossed my arms. "dammit..." He muttered. "fine, truth or dare?" His smile turned into a smirk. "truth." I looked away. "ba-kawk! ba ba, ba-kawk!" He mocked a chicken, folding his arms to look like wings and moved them. "ugh, fine. dare."

"i dare you to jump out of the window."

"i change to truth."

"you can't do that."

"do what?"

"you can't change to dare, fucking dum-dum." He hit my forehead. "i'm not jumping out the window, it's not adult-like." I said in a stern voice. "listen, if you're saying it's immature it's completely mature to jump out a window." He stood up and crossed his arms. "no it's not, but i wish it was so that i could get away from you."

"well, fuck you too then! if you wanted to die why didn't you say so earlier?!" His right eye glowed red and he launched himself at me, grabbing my neck. I started punching the top of his head and he left out tiny 'oofs' every time my fist met the top of his head. "a-according to my calculations..." I said, choking as he held my throat. "us sk-skeletons shouldn't need nutsack-ks...."

"what?" His eye stopped glowing for a brief second and I kneed him in the spot where his balls should be. His eye glowed blood red as he scrunched up, falling over. "f-fuck you..."

"with pleasure. i'm the only one with high enough standards to fuck me." I winked. "i meant it as an i-insult..." He took a deep breath in. "ooh how am i gonna make babies now..."

"You don't need any~" A small voice sang. "oh my ever loving fuck, he's here..." I said silently. Vines were spread across the window. I tugged Underfell Sans to the door. Before I could try to open it, spiky vines started wrapping around the doorknob, keeping me from touching it. "c-come on flowey, you already killed frisk... what more do you need?" I stepped back. "That was Chara, not me!" Flowey laughed. The room turned black and white and Flowey appeared. "You guys think you're smart hanging out in here, don'tcha? Heeheehee... You guys are such IDIOTS!"

Underfell Sans got hit by several pellets. His health depleted, and he started to cry from the pain. Finally, the last pellet hit him and he turned to dust. "uhm, flowey, i need him to come back?" I laughed nervously. "Don't worry, you get to see him in the AFTERLIFE!" Flowey laughed and started hitting me with the same pellets. "i don't think you get it." I laughed. I started dodging them. "you know how to bring them back, so do i." He raised an eyebrow and started sending thorn bullets after me. I kept dodging.

"you want me to die so that i can't bring them back when i get enough power." A thorn scraped me and I was damaged by 50. "even if i die, i have faith in them. i know that they're going to stop you three and get a happy ending." Flowey growled. "You're insane." Flowey said, hitting me with a thorn. My health was gone.

"n-not as insane as you." My vision started getting blurry. A black figure appeared. "Still holding on?" It said, a chuckle following the statement. It snapped and I saw blue ropes. They wrapped around me and tightened.

"Who's going to be the smart one now?" The figure laughed. What were my  final words you ask?

"fuck you guys..."

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