Chapter 47

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[(Y/N)'s PoV]

"here's the judgment hall." Sans entered the door first. A long hallway with pillars was going to the right. "the place with flowey should be at the barrier i think." Sans waved at us to follow him. We walked down the hallway and I looked at the windows with the Delta Rune on them. "This is pretty." Shannon said, stroking a pillar as she walked by. "Who decorates here?"

"not sure." Sans said with a chuckle. "so you have a thing for fashion?"

"And fandoms~" Osaki sang. Shannon giggled and playfully hit her shoulder. "Stop it!" Shannon and Osaki laughed. "Okay, so uh, is Flowey going to be hard to beat?" Jack raised an eyebrow. "possibly." Sans answered. "Wh-What if we die?" Jeremy stuttered. "Jere-bear, c'mon." Dave kissed Jeremy's hand that was holding the pan. "We won't die. We're important heroes to a plot of some sort! Heroes always win!" Dave chuckled. "That's true." Rosa smiled. They continued to talk.

"(y/n)? are you okay? you haven't been talking much after the elevator." Sans held my left hand. "it'll be okay."

"No, it's not going to be okay." I sighed. "We're risking our lives because of a flower. A fucking FLOWER, Sans! A flower that could kill us! Not to mention an insane, psychotic child and a glitch killer!" I screamed and the others shut up. "We shouldn't be doing this! I know I thought it was a good idea at first but now I'm just concerned and scared. I think we should go back."

"too late, we're here." Sans pushed me through the doorway, making me stumble into the throne room. "c'mon, the next room is the room before the barrier." Sans dragged me through the flowers, leaving a trail of flat flowers. We entered a small grey room.

It was a bit dark, but we continued to the next room. "this is the barrier. it keeps us monsters from exiting the underground." Sans said once we entered the Barrier Room. "Woah, cool!" Osaki squealed. I looked at the Barrier. It was changing from white, to grey, to black, then back to white. It kept doing that.

"Okay, I don't like this idea." I said. I've never seen the Barrier before, so it kind of scared me. "(y/n), we just have to wait for flowey and-"

"DON'T '(Y/N) WE HAVE TO WAIT FOR FLOWEY' ME!" I screamed at Sans, standing up from laying on the ground. "I WANT TO GO HOME. WE CAN DO THIS SOME OTHER DAY."

"Awwhhh, I wanted to have fun torturing you guys!" I heard a kid's voice from the entrance. "IT'S THE DEMON CHILD!" Jeremy screamed with a high pitched wail at the end of his sentence. He hid behind Dave. "I thought you were going to be determination, (Y/N)!" Chara sighed. "What a shame..."

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?!" I screamed, pointing to Chara. "Listen, Chara! You know we're waiting for someone else and not you!" I crossed my arms. "Ahh, yes I know that." Chara giggled. "But Flowey isn't here anymore. If you want him," Chara took something out of their pocket. "Here he is." They threw a flower at me. It had no petals or even a face. "Did you kill him...?"

"Yes. Error Sans as well. But not for all of your sakes. I wanted to battle you myself since I know I can kill you." Chara wiped their knife on their shirt, some dust falling off of it and onto the ground. "They were just a minor set back. Now I can have a big advantage in my plan." Chara walked towards us, their locket glowing blood red. They snapped their fingers and Dave's chest flickered orange and he went into battle. "DAVE NO!" Jeremy screamed. "Oh shit, bro. I'm probably gonna die." Chara snapped their fingers and we were paralyzed. "You guys can take turns while fighting me~" Chara sent bullets after Dave's soul. Dave was dodging amazingly. When he tried to punch Chara though, he missed.

"Red bullets! Can't forget about those!" Chara smiled. "Wh-What do those do?" Dave stuttered. "They kill you instantly!" Chara sent out red bullets. "H-HEY! THEY'RE ALL RED!" Shannon screamed. "I know!" Chara's giggles turned into loud, insane laughter. Finally, a bullet hit him. His soul broke and shattered as Dave fell to the floor. Chara sent more bullets to make sure he was actually dead.

DAVE 0/20 HP.

"DAVE?!" Jeremy screamed the loudest out of all of us. "NO. NO ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?!" Jeremy started to cry. His chest flickered as well, and a green heart popped out. He was teleported into the square. Rosa's flickered purple and she was sent in the square as well. They were both next to each other. "Two people at once? That's insane!" Jack whispered. "I could make it three! or even five! Watch!" Chara snapped their fingers once more. Jack, Shannon, and Osaki's chest glowed and their souls appeared in the box too.

"Oh shit." Shannon said while shaking from fear. All Jeremy did was cry. He couldn't even see where the bullets were.


Jack tried to shoot Chara, but he had no bullets. He wasn't a very good dodger.

JACK 0/20 HP.

Osaki kicked Chara, but missed and kicked Shannon instead. Which I have to admit, was kind of funny but sad. Osaki got hit by bullets.



Rosa tried blocking the bullets with her book but they actually damaged her.

ROSA 0/20 HP

"Who's turn should it be now?" Chara looked at me and Sans, pointing with their knife. "Eeny, meeny, minyyyy...."

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