4 Endlessly

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I detested balls.

It wasn't that I was antisocial, as Benthem has suggested, or even that I disliked the outright debauchery and bastardization of wealth these inbred elitists foisted upon each other. It was the society, the expectations, the manners. I had far too much to do and far greater a mind than to debase myself with spending time wondering whether so and so would take offense should I not spare a dance for his eldest daughter.

That was another thing I detested. Dancing.

But I'd been born and raised knowing my place and, unfortunately, that was to be featured prominently at such balls.

The Harringtons, more specifically the Countess, had gone to great lengths to plan this charade for me so I may as well look the part of the dashing Duke they hoped to boast of hosting. I was trying out my false smiles when a knock came at my door and I bid my visitor enter, straightening my collar as I did. I heard the door open and shut behind me and looked in the mirror to see that Benthem had entered.

"They are starting to arrive," he told me and I nodded. At least, I wouldn't have to leave the estate to attend this party. The idea of adding a carriage ride to this mix made my nostrils flare in disgust. "Victor..."

"What?" I asked, turning at his tone. What was that there? Warning?

"The Countess," he said. "She can be... persistent. She'll want you in a receiving line to introduce you to everyone who enters. It's expected that you present yourself in such a way."

I refrained from rolling my eyes as I sorted out my sleeves.

"Is that all?" I asked.

He cleared his throat and I could tell that, in fact, was not all.

"Word has gotten out," Benthem started, averting his gaze, and I could tell that I was not going to like this. "Of an eligible bachelor with a lofty title staying with Earl Harrington in the midst of the season. The Countess reports the most responses she's ever gotten from invitations to her balls. And it seems quite a few of those who are coming are young women or the mothers of young women."

I closed my eyes and took a breath. I closed my eyes. I supposed this wasn't a surprise. Truly, it should have been expected. But that did not assist with my irritation.

"Well then," I spoke more formally as I passed Benthem to approach the door. "Let us go then."

"I will meet you there. I must escort my wife."

I looked back at him and raised a brow. Was he truly to leave me in the clutches of the Countess in a town that he knew well but I was a stranger to?

"Elijah will attend you," Benthem promised, resting a hand on my shoulder for encouragement. "You can trust him. I do."

Unconvinced, I made my way out of my room and down the stairs where Elijah was waiting for me. He had been speaking with an older gentleman whom I did not recognize but dismissed him when he saw me approach.

"Benthem has warned you about the receiving line?" Elijah asked with a smile as I joined him and we walked on through the hallway toward the ballroom.

"He has," I assured him, straightening my lapel.

"Excellent. Unfortunately, it is custom but I will be at your side and I'll do what I can to keep my mother from prying."

I nodded a thanks though I wasn't sure if Elijah was at all capable of quelling the Countess. No one seemed to be able to take on that challenge, least of all her husband, the Earl.

Servants opened the doors to the ballroom for us and we entered to a scattered crowd of the older elite, having arrived early to make a point of being there before retiring just before the party could truly begin. The Countess was waiting for us near the door and smiled broadly when we approached. She introduced us to the woman she had been speaking with, an older woman who had married into wealth long ago and dripped disdain for anyone she deemed beneath her newly elevated status. She alone had me wanting to flee this ballroom before the festivities could properly begin.

But I didn't. I maintained my smile and my polite affectation even as more guests began to arrive and I found myself having to abide by introduction after introduction. People who would remember me but I would never remember them. Men who bowed to my title, women who smirked at my wealth, and eligible girls who puffed out their cleavage and batted their eyelashes so fervently one would think they were suffering a stroke.

At one point, when one of them, a busty blonde who had taken the time to pencil in a mole upon her cheek for some reason, finally sauntered away, I heard Elijah snort and I couldn't help but smile as I looked up at him and saw him fighting to contain his laughter. I felt a bit of relief at that. Knowing that I wasn't the only one who felt how ridiculous all of this truly was.

I saw her about halfway through the receiving line. She was on the other end of the ballroom, simultaneously looking around for someone and ducking into corners so as not to be seen. It was curious behavior and indecisive to boot. But I couldn't help but smile in amusement as I watched her take a few steps forward only for her eyes to widen and she would rush away again. I scanned the crowd, trying to determine who she was hiding from, but no one seemed particularly ruthless. Still, watching her gave me some form of entertainment during the beginning of this dreary ball.

"You man," I said then, gesturing at one of the nearby servants. He hastened over immediately to obey and I lowered my voice to give the command so that only he could hear. "There is a box in my- Elijah's study. It contains a dozen or so chocolates. See to it that it gets to the Lady Ella, won't you? Place it in her room or something."

He nodded in understanding and rushed off to do as I bid and I stood back up, smiling at the thought of her returning to her rooms to find a box of the chocolates she loved so dearly.

I caught Elijah watching me curiously from the corner of my eye so I cleared my throat and focused on greeting the next person in line. And then I did it again. And again. Endlessly.

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