8 The Hunt

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I had thought to decline Elijah Harrington's invitation to join him on their hunt. Given what had occurred between myself and the man's sister the day before, I thought I might be expecting an unfortunate hunting accident in the woods and a bullet right between the eyes. Not that the man would be unreasonable in taking his revenge. After all, I had been caught staring unabashedly at the girl's surprisingly ample bust.

Fortunately, though, Elijah said not a word on the subject and I was left to assume the girl hadn't told him. That seemed to be a good sign. She hadn't been entirely disgusted with my barbaric stare. Perhaps she should have been. I was relatively disgusted with myself. Such baser instincts had never been an issue for me before. At least, not where the daughters of nobility had been concerned. Sure, I had bedded my fair share of harlots but had never been driven to stare down the corset of a proper Lady. And I especially had never before been caught.

I should be mortified by my behavior but all I could do was smile. Her reaction alone had been worth the threat to my reputation. Jumping out of his eye line, face turning bright red. It endeared her to me only that much more and I questioned my sanity for it doing so. But honestly, had the girl not known what she was doing when she'd leaned so perfectly against her brother's desk right in front of me? Arching her back and shooting me that glare which to any other man should have served as a warning.

"Victor!" Someone was shouting and I snapped out of my reverie long enough to notice Benthem up ahead, waving me back to the horses.

Our hunt had been successful. Plenty of pheasant and venison to reimburse the Harrington family for their generous hospitality. I hastened to join my companions, swinging myself onto the back of my horse as Benthem and Elijah did the same. As we headed off for the Harrington estate, I tried to focus my mind upon other subjects but only settled upon one tangentially related.

"What do you know of Sir Thomas Abney?" I asked suddenly and Elijah looked up at my question. Benthem shot me a sidelong glance which I ignored to focus on Mr. Harrington. After a moment, Elijah shrugged.

"That he has asked me for my permission to court my youngest sister three times now," Elijah answered and I noticed the tightening of his jaw. "He's wealthy enough and with the land holdings to satisfy her should he suit her."

"Should he suit her?"

Elijah looked up, realizing his mistake.

"My sister's happiness is important to me," he answered. "We are close. We always have been. Thomas has a fine reputation. Though..."

"Though?" I encouraged. Elijah glanced over and cleared his throat, shifting a bit in his saddle.

"There are rumors about the man," Elijah told them. "And, well, there are certain matters in a marriage... certain issues I would rather my sister not have to suffer."

I raised a brow and looked to Benthem.

"Let's just say his soldier no longer stands at attention," Benthem spat.

"Benthem!" Elijah cried, positively scandalized. My eyes widened at the admission.

"I see," I said slowly. "Well, that is, er, not something a woman should have to... suffer."

"Especially not when she's tasked with providing heirs to the man," Benthem added. "I mean, honestly, how would she even-"

"That's enough, Benthem," Elijah snapped again but I could see his lower lip quivering in threat to let loose his hilarity.

"They've always said he was a rather shy man but I didn't think every part of him-"

Before Benthem could finish, Elijah was cackling, wiping tears from his eyes. I smiled along and thought to partake in the fun as well.

"His pistol has no ammo, as it were," I said and the two men riding beside me burst into hysterics.

"What's so funny?" a feminine voice spoke and our laughter ceased in a moment when we saw Ella Harrington standing at the stables, arms crossed and eyebrow quirked up in suspicion of our merriment. I could not help but smile.

"Nothing, dear sister," Elijah answered as he swung himself from his horse and led it toward the stables. "Why are you out here?"

Her gaze went to me and I was pleased to meet it, giving her a wicked smile before leaping down from my mount myself. She straightened and shook her head as if she hadn't seen and continued to address her brother.

"Madison was looking for Benthem but didn't want to get her hem in the muck. I promised I would fetch him," Ella answered.

"You shouldn't be ruining your dresses either," Elijah admonished her and she simply rolled her eyes. I couldn't help but smile at the impertinent reaction. At least I wasn't the only one to endure her wrath.

"I'm perfectly capable of keeping a clean hem," Ella snapped.

"Certainly you are," Benthem interrupted the bickering, stooping to give Ella a quick peck on the cheek. She smiled up at him in a way that made my jaw tense. "My dear Madison is quite lazy, I'm afraid. Where is she waiting for me then?"

Ella licked her lips and glanced to her brother who was busy with the reins before she leaned in and whispered, "The bedroom."

Benthem pulled back, lips parted in surprise, but then smiled and gave her a pat on the shoulder before jogging off at a much quicker pace to meet his beloved. Ella bit her lip to keep from laughing and turned back to see me watching her with that ever present smirk. I had heard. And she knew it. But she simply turned on her heel and marched back to the house, having fulfilled her duty to her oldest friend and trying, I was sure, to ignore the burning sensation of my eyes upon her as she strode away.

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