Confession No. 38: The Evil Queen's Character Design

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Shout out for midnight confessions! #NightOwls

Thank you, EverAfterHighFan112 for commenting your input from last chapter! :)
As of right now, 75 is the maximum number of confessions before I create another book. Of course that could change, so up until Wednesday, May 4th at 11:59pm, you guys will be able to tell me whether or not I should complete the book at 75 confessions or 100 confessions.

If I don't get enough votes or if it ends up being a tie, I will decide for myself.

Confession Description: the evil queen has wwaaaaaaaaayyyy to many prints and stuff going on. She's such a mess to look at. She has a horrible design

Rebelliously_Yours' Take: Honestly, I think I bit my lip back in order to not say anything negative about TEQ because we have all waited so long to see her. first impression of her wasn't a nice one. She was a hot mess to look at. The patterns and fabrics and materials used for her outfit were overkill, and don't get me started on her ridiculous "hairdo" (whatever after it was).

I think that if they (meaning the designers at Mattel) only toned down on the outfit and made her facial features pop (TEQ has a very defined facial structure), she would have looked prettier. Even Raven as the Evil Queen (for SDCC 2015) went over the top with those ridiculous feathers.

Is it trademarked for Evil Queens in the world of Ever After to dress so dramatically? Maybe Mattel intended for TEQ to dress like that. I dunno.

And it's not like I'm saying that the whole outfit needs burning, because she is a really fashionable mother and queen. There are some really wicked awesome pieces and accessories she has, but still.

Take this example: Maddie's the daughter of a mercury-poisoned, tea loving, crazy times infinity father, and she still manages to dress nice and organized. Do you guys get what I'm trying to say?

In the books, it says that just a look at her would make you wanna cry (or something like that). I wanted to as well, but for the not-so-right reasons.


Coming Tomorrow: Confession No. 39: Raven's DG High Pony

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