Maddie in Chief

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Midnight and Lizzie had just left Theatre class together it was one of the few classes the future villains had together. "I think that teacher was being a little over dramatic" Lizzie said angry looking at a detention slip causing Midnight to giggle. "Lizzie you said you'd make them eat their words after their stomach started to growl" Midnight said smiling. "My mother use to do the same to me because they were nutritious and actually quite tasty" Lizzie said. "Yeah but in Ever after telling someone your going to make them eat their words is a threat I should know I've heard my mom say it a whole bunch of times" Midnight said.

Just then Briar came over to them holding posters."hey guys just wanted to remind you royal student elections are coming up" she said handing them to posters with Apple on the front. "Really Briar" Midnight said looking un amused at Sleeping Beauty's Daughter. "Oh right sorry Midnight" Briar said before speed walking away.

"I can't believe it's that time of year again" Midnight said throwing the poster of apple into the trash can. "Why aren't you happy" Lizzie asked. "I ran against Apple last year remember no one voted for me expect for Raven and Maddie" Midnight said stopping at his locker to pick up his dance shoes."Oh right" Lizzie said. The two began to continue their walk to their next classes. "I just wish someone would finally beat Apple for a change she's been president long enough" Midnight said crossing his arms. "No ones ever beaten her" Lizzie asked. "she's the next fairest of them all very few people have ever willingly gone up against her" Midnight sighed.

At that moment Maddie came up to them with Raven. "Hey guys" Raven said. "Hey" Midnight said to the girls. "guess what" Maddie said with her usual smile. "What" both Midnight and Lizzie asked. "I am going to run against Apple for President" Maddie said. "Are you serious" Midnight asked. "As serious as I am about a good cup of tea" Maddie asked drinking from a cup of tea.

Midnight smirked at what the future mad hatteress said. "Ok you've already got my vote and with my help you'll have all the votes of my fellow future villains" Midnight said smiling, "YAY" Maddie said before hugging Midnight. "How are you going to be able to do that" Raven asked. "Oh yee of little faith Raven" Midnight said smirking. "All you two have to do is get publicity around Maddie campaign and I'll talk with my future villains right after school" he said before turning into a swan and flying away to his next class with his dance shoes in his beak.


After School Midnight stopped into the local arcade where most of Ever After Highs future villains went after school. "Hey Guys" he smirked making his presence known to the others. They all turned around and went pale. "What do you want" a ogre asked. "Simple you guys are going to be voting for the royal student counsel elections right. "Why are you running again" a witch asked before cackling."no not me but a friend is Madeline Hatter" Midnight said leaning against one of the machines."why should we vote for some blunderland brat"

"Very simple think about it with Maddie in charge things could get more crazy, more chaotic in other words more mad" Midnight smirked. he saw that they were all liking what they were hearing. "So can I count on you all to vote for Maddie" he asked smirking all the future villains nodded. "Hexcellent oh and you better do it otherwise bad things could happen" he smirked before walking out.

later that day Blondie Locks Daughter of Goldilocks came up with Dexter while Filming her mirror cast show Just Right "here we have Midnight Black who ran up against Apple last year who sadly lost due to having only two votes" Blondie said holding up two fingers to the camera. Midnight rolled his eyes. He didn't mind Blondie but sometimes her search for a story could be annoying."Midnight is it true that your helping Madeline Hatter run against Apple white" Blondie asked holding the microphone to his face.

Midnight simply smiled. "Yes I am since Maddie is one of my friends and I feel like the royal student council could use some of Maddies unique wonderland madness after all since Apple is the next Queen of Ever After it's not like it's unfair" Midnight said before leaving the blonde girl.

He saw Dexter gripping his chest. He turned and saw Maddie and Raven handing out filers and pins. "Ok I've been able to secure Maddies favouritism with the future villains of this school and just did a interview with Blondie on why people should vote for Maddie" Midnight said to the girls "that's hat-tastic" Maddie said before hugging Midnight. "This does explain why so many ogres and witches and trolls are wearing Maddies pins" Raven said pointing to a ogre wearing a vote for Maddie pin.

"Now all we have to worry about is the debate especially since debating isn't exactly Maddies strong point" Midnight said to them. "This is true" Maddie said. "Don't worry Maddie all you have to do is be your adorable tea loving self" Midnight said. "He's right just be you" Raven said to her. "You guys are the most tearific friends a girl could ask for" Maddie said smiling at them.


Later that day it was the ever after high debate between Apple and Maddie. Midnight was sitting next to kitty as the debate took off. " so here we go fellow fairytales" Blondie said who was the moderator "the Ever After High royal student council debate" Blonide said. "WOOOO GO MADDIE" Midnight shouted causing many students to glare at him. "my first question goes to Apple White why would anyone Not vote for you" Blonide asked. "let me just say i will preside over this school like i will my future kingdom perfectly" Apple said. All the royals began to cheer for apple Midnight and the rebels did not cheer in the slightest.

"and Maddie my question for you is why would you run against Apple are you Mad" Blondie said giggling. "why yes and thank you for noticing if the squirrel eats acorns but never a steak how much will fill up the lake" Maddie said speaking in riddilish. This time Midnight and the Rebels cheered while the royals didn't. "Excuse me" Ashlynn said standing up. "you heard us" cedar said standing up. "Apples been president long enough" Hunter Huntsman said joining in. "its time for a new change of management" Midnight said standing up. "but maddies MAD" Dexter said joining in. "says the guy whos brother cant stand looking away from a mirror" Midnight said. pointing at Daring who was busy staring at his reflection.

then a fight broke out over the two sides. "QUIET" Maddie shouted into the microphone. Everyone turned to the mad hatters daughter. "I Have a tea-riffic idea" Maddie said with her pet door mouse poking out of her tea pot.


the next day at the Royal student council meeting. Tiny was talking to the council. "it would be oh so swell if the council could have the castle doors widened for the not so tiny of us" he said. "i think we can make that happen but i need to check with my co president and vice president" Apple said pointing to Midnight and Maddie. "for the cave of the bear is only opened soo wide would you really change the pull of the tide" Maddie said in riddlish. "uhh i think that,s a yes" Midnight said with Maddie nodding while giggling

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