Hexciding Yet Nervous Beginnings

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Hi there I'm Hazel Hare, the Daughter of the March Here and today was my first day in Ever After High.

You see the dad and I can go in and out of Wonderland despite the Wonderland Curse, and he wanted me to come here because of the Curse and also I didn't have many friends in Wonderland High, and my dad works there!
Though it was quite lonely for me and since Courtly Jester because Vice Principal it got a lot more worst, everyone was scared and that's why I am now going to EVER AFTER HIGH. I'm So HEXCIDED ABOUT THIS... and it's kinda nerv-racking thinking how three of my old friends came here. Maddie Hatter, Kitty Cheshire, and Lizzy Hearts.
I'm so scared about them changing because if the Stright Forwards world.

At the moment I was walking towards the school shacking in my shoes nervous of how everyone will treat me or if I'll get new friends "No Hazel, today is a new day, YOU CAN DO THIS" I said to myself determined and started to hop my way to school. I was at 'Village of Book End' and I saw a giant "HAT" I yelled and ran towards it and saw the sign "Wonderland Haberdashery & Tea Shoppe, this is where Mr. Hatter works" I said gleaming and walking in to see the Mad Hatter himself.

"Hi Mr. Hatter" I said waving and hand and walking towards him "Why ME oh MY why if It ISN'T Hazel Hare, HOW'S it going?" he asked pouring me a cup a tea "It's going quite hat-tastic" I said taking a sip of the tea "Well you better get to school, MADDIE SHALL BE VERY EXCITED to see you my dear" he said sending me off to school.

Ones I got to the school I look at how high it looked and around to see all the students talking or going an activity. So I started to walk in and stopped to take in the scenery "Curiouser and Curiuoser" I said walking in gripping into my bags since I was going to get a room mate. As I kept walking I saw Maddie so I started to run towards her and yelled out her name before tackling her to the ground in a hug.
"Hahaha  hoHoHO HAZEL, it's so good to see you" she said laughing get getting up "So so so so so, what r U doing here?" she asked mimicking the catipiler "Well I'm attending school" I said showing my bag and her jaw dropped "REALLY, oh boy oh boy oh boy come on I want to introduse you to a few of my friends" she said pushing me towards somewhere, and that somewhere lead me to some place where a girl with black and purple hair was to be seen. "Hi Maddie who's the girl with the long rabbit ears?" she asked looking at me "There actually hare ears but I see how you can get confused" I said. "She's my old friends from Wonderland and her name is Hazel Hare the Daughter of the March Here" Maddie said hexcided, so she held out her hand so I took it and shock it "Nice to meet you I'm Raven Queen" she said "You're the Daughter if the Evil QUEEN... that's cool, I bet everyone LOVES YOU" I said and then crys of fear said her name and they ran for it.
I laughed nervously and she said "Don't worry I just wish they could see I don't want to be like my mother" she said down and then Maddie's my clock stricked "TEA TIME" I cryed out happily and Maddie already had the table out and we enjoyed the tea.

Later at Lunch

I was at Lunch with a tray of food and was looking for a place to sit and say Maddie and Raven wave at me so I hopped to them "Hazel I want you to meet a few of my friends" Raven said letting them introduced themselfs.

"I'm Apple White Daugher of Snow White it's nice to meet you" she said "Be careful she might pressed you to fallow your Story's Destiny" Raven said and I nodded "I'm Cerise Hood my mom is Red Riding Hood" "I'm Cedar Wood, my dad is Pinocchio and that is not a lye" "Ashlenn Ella Daughter of Cinderella" after they all introduced themselfs I finally said "I-it's nice to meet you all, I'm- I'm Hazel Hare Daughter of the March Here" I bowed a little dramaticly and sat down with them.

"So Hazel what do you think about Legacy Day, when you sign your name in the Story Book of Legends and confirm how you promise you'll fallow your Story" she said happily "I don't know I don't want to be like my dad he's kinda tone deaf to the world's and a little rude to people and I don't want to be like that, but I still love my dad" I said smiling a little touching to top of tea and spinning it. Apple was a little silent and ate an apple.
Then someone came running in "Hi guys sorry I'm late I *yawn* fell asleep again" she said sitting down "I'm Briar Beauty and if you need a party I'm your girl" she said happy before falling asleep. "She's the Daughter of Sleeping Beauty don't worry" Raven said.

'I think I'm going to like it here'

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